内気なナードがジョックに変身?!恋の力は人を変える From Nerd to Jock: John's Transformation (Japanese,English)

アメリカ西海岸の高校に通うジョンは、学校では常にオタクと見なされていた。 彼は恥ずかしがり屋で内向的で、体力に欠けていた。 彼の趣味は、漫画を読むこと、アニメを見ること、ビデオ ゲームをすること、勉強することだった。彼は特に日本の漫画やアニメが好きだったが、彼の理解者は少なく、クラスで人気がなく、友達もほとんどいなかった。



















ジョンは毎日運動を始め、ウェイトを持ち上げたり有酸素運動をした。 彼は食生活を変え、ジャンクフードを減らし、より多くのタンパク質を摂取した。彼は学校のサッカーチームに参加し、毎日一緒に練習を始めた。 最初は、他のメンバーから笑われていた。しかし、毎日熱心に練習する姿勢に心をうたれた他のメンバーも、次第にジョンを認めるようになった。



時間が経つにつれて、ジョンは自分の体に変化が見られるようになった。 彼はより強く、より筋肉質になった。 彼はもはや、以前のような弱くて内向的なオタクではなかった。


















John, who attends high school on the West Coast of the United States, was always considered a nerd at school. He was shy, introverted, and lacking physical strength. His hobbies were reading manga, watching anime, playing his video games, and studying. He was particularly fond of Japanese manga and anime, but he was not well understood, unpopular in his class, and had few friends.

"Ah, I wonder what will happen to my life... I wonder if I'll continue to have few friends..."

One day, while John was studying in the classroom, he dropped his ballpoint pen. When he tried to take it himself, he was touched by a soft hand.

"Eh, what is it..."

When he looked up, a beautiful girl named Sarah took his pen.

"Here it is, John. You always study hard! I'm doing my best at cheerleading, but studying is also important! Next time, teach me math!"

John fell in love with Sarah immediately.

Sarah was gregarious and she was popular with everyone. Morning, noon and night, John thought of Sarah.

"Oh, how I wish I could be her boyfriend."

Sarah asked him to teach her math studies.

"Thank you! That's how you solved it! You are so smart. What college are you aiming for?"

"I'm aiming for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology!"

"Oh, that MIT, isn't it amazing?"

One day, he summons up her courage and asks Sarah to be his girlfriend, but she turns him down.

"I think people who can study are amazing. But, after all, my ideal is boy who can study and play sports at the same time. I'm sorry."

John was heartbroken. He felt a gaping hole in his heart.

"Oh, I'm just not the right man for Sarah...she likes guys who can balance baseball and American football with her studies..."

After many days of worrying and worrying, John made a decision.

"Okay, I'm going to do muscle training and become muscular. I'm going to try sports!"

John started exercising daily, lifting weights and doing cardio. He changed his diet, eating less junk food and eating more protein. He joined the school soccer team and started practicing together every day. At first he was laughed at by the other members. However, the other members who were impressed by the attitude of practicing hard every day gradually came to recognize John.

"In a scene like this, it's good to kick the ball like this."

He got advice from other members.

Over time, John began to see changes in his body. He got stronger and more muscular. He was no longer the weak, introverted nerd he used to be.

Sarah was surprised to see John's transformation. She couldn't believe that the shy, introverted man she had turned into became a confident athlete. She was beginning to see him in a new light.

"Sarah, there's a soccer match coming up. Please come and see it."

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll support you."

Sarah likes John's change and even goes to see him at soccer games.

"Go, shoot! You did it!"

The two were talking on the way home after the soccer match.

"Today's match, John, you were very cool. You played well."

John thought, "Now is the time."

"Thank you. Sarah, I want you to go out with me."

"Well... John, if you pass MIT, we'll go out together. There's a university I want to go to, too. Let's study together first. We'll work hard together toward our dreams. Let's meet later."

The two of them studied hard. But John, who got into sports, didn't do well.

"It's bad... At this rate, I might end up at MIT..."

In the actual test, John was not able to leave the result. He failed MIT and decided to enroll in a slippery private university.

"Sorry Sarah. I failed MIT. I didn't keep my promise."

"No, I know you worked hard in both sports and studies. I was disappointed at MIT, but I like you. Let's go out together."

John was heavenly happy...then they got married.

They built a happier home than any other couple.


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