小説ロマンシングサガ3-宿命を乗り越えて- 第13話 バンガード内部~2チーム編成へ
Thomas and his friends have infiltrated the Vanguard. It was dark and damp inside.
"It's a dark and disgusting place..."
Ellen said.
"Are you scared?"
Khalid said.
"It's not scary! I just thought it was a bit of a disgusting place."
"Haha, don't be so mad."
A monster appeared there. It was a monster like a big poisonous spider.
Khalid's technique hit and the monster died.
When I went inside, there was a switch.
"Do you want to try pushing it?"
When I pushed the switch, a staircase appeared, and I could see something like a cockpit in the back.
"It's finally here... um, another monster!"
"That monster is a troublesome monster that blows cold air."
"Thomas, do you know?"
"Ah, in the Bento family, you have to learn everything from monsters to business."
Katarina slashed at the bluish-white fiery monster with her sword.
"Kyaa, it's cold."
“Katarina! This is a freeze barrier!
Sarah shoots an arrow. However, the monster didn't seem to do much damage.
"Okay, it's a trick... THUNDER CLAP!"
Many balls of electricity flew out from Thomas' hand, and the cold monster disappeared.
"Amazing! Tom, you can use such a technique."
Sarah was amazed.
"It's not just about weapons, it's about training techniques."
Khalid seemed a little pissed off.
"Even my Demirun should have been able to defeat it."
"Well... anyway, let's go to the cockpit."
Ellen said. The group entered the cockpit.
"Wow... this machine-like thing... it's the first time I've seen it... I can't believe it's been around since the time of the Holy King..."
"I wonder what it takes to make this work... let's ask the mayor."
Thomas and the others returned to the mayor.
Then... the mayor was captured by the Forneus soldiers.
"If this guy's life is precious, I'd like him to give me the child of destiny..."
"Kuh, cowardly bastard..."
Then, from another place, a woman appears who, with lightning speed, pierces the Forneus soldier with a stiletto and frees the mayor.
"Those are the Lightning Earrings that I had an idea about before..."
“Monica-sama! Monica-sama is also in Vanguard?!”
"Katarina! Nice to meet you!"
Along with Monika, there were also Julian and Eclair.
"Hey, wait a minute. I don't understand what you're talking about. Julian, didn't you say you'd protect Monica-sama as a princess guard?"
Monica started talking.
"...that's right...a marriage of convenience...you certainly don't like that."
“But then, is Roane in a difficult situation now?”
Katarina was worried.
"I understand that... but... she doesn't want to end her life by marrying Zweig like this... Katarina, I want you to understand."
Katarina, too, was secretly in love with Michael...so she was painfully aware of Monica's feelings of wanting to marry someone she really liked.
"Um... by the way, what did the control room look like?"
The mayor who was released from the monster opened his mouth.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot about the captain."
"Don't forget me!"
The mayor showed me a picture from an old document.
"Oh... that doesn't seem right... there was no dolphin statue!"
When Ellen says...
"...Maybe some Vanguard citizen stole it...I don't want to think about it..."
"Then let's find out who has the dolphin statue."
“Ah, and is Princess Monica of Roane among them?”
Monica answered, albeit embarrassed.
“A letter has arrived from Marquis Michael of Roanne.”
Monica read her letter.
"Dear Monica, how are you? Don't worry about the marriage proposal with Lord Zweig. I'm not angry, but I'm worried about you. Why don't you come back to Roanne? I'm sure Julian will be with us, but I'm not angry with him at all.I just want to know how you feel."
It was written as above.
“Oniisama… Julian, what should we do?”
"Well... as expected, I think it would be bad if I didn't go home."
Thomas opened his mouth.
"Our party has too many people. Why don't we divide it into two teams?"
"That's right... I also want to see Michael for the first time in a while. I'm going to Roanne with Julian and Monica."
"I'm going to Roane too."
Khalid and Éclair decided to go to Roane with Monica and the others.
"I can't go back to Roanne until I get back the masquerade."
Katarina said that with her strong will.
"Then it's decided."
thomas team
Thomas, Ellen, Sarah, Catalina, Noramonika team
Monica, Julian, Khalid, Eclair
"Okay, we'll continue to investigate how to get to the Undersea Palace, so Monica-sama and the others, please return to Roane for the time being."
"Oh... Tom... you're the only guy. Isn't it nice to be surrounded by girls?"
"Oh, I didn't mean to!"
“Ellen, you said that to me too!”
Khalid was laughing out loud.