インタビュー参加 Hoach5000
②イベント / ガザ危機に関して思うこと・考えること
2024.07.18 渋谷道玄坂らへんにて
Chat GPTによる翻訳は下記です!
We are all unique individuals, and as long as there are different nations to which we belong, conflicts will never cease. Just as we don’t always agree with our friends, family, partners, or even complete strangers online, conflicts—big or small—are constantly happening somewhere.
However, what I want to believe is that humans have language to coexist and to ensure the long survival of our species. Language exists for resolving conflicts, for discussions, and for compromises. It’s to prevent us from destroying ourselves and the planet we live on through mutual destruction. While conflicts may never disappear, the option of killing each other is something we must forget. None of us has the right to take away someone else’s belongings, clothes, hair, skin, money, home, life, or dignity.
My life is mine; it is not something that can be controlled by the state, authority, or violence. People will die someday, which is sad. But until that day comes, I hope every person has the right to live.
Now, everything I wrote above is my true feeling, but when asked what I think about the current situation in Gaza, it’s not just about using beautiful words to feel satisfied and then ending it there.
Someone as insignificant as me likely can’t stop this horror. However, I witness these abnormal scenes on the news every day. It is abnormal. I don’t want to get used to this abnormality. I will continue to believe that abnormal things are abnormal.
In this overwhelming situation, with my own small existence and the complexity of the problem, what can I do now? Thank you, Tiba, for shaking up my complacent days. This event is truly appreciated! I will keep moving my hands and my heart.
July 18, 2024, somewhere around Dogenzaka, Shibuya
④今年のベスト音楽 or フード or 本
音楽→bjorkの unison (私が妥協するなんて想像もしてなかった。今夜はuniteしましょう、争うのやめて、あなたをきつく抱きしめる。)