
Christmas Gift Story – The Gift of The Magi

One of the most beautiful Christmas Gift of all the time.

This is a short story of the famous American writer – O. Henry.The story was the first published on April 10, 1906 and was not only popular to Western readers at that time.

It was translated into many languages ​​all over the world.The story has a profound content that makes the readers extremely touched when thinking about the love life, sentiment of husband and wife.

Both of the characters in the story are people who have great love and always think for others.

Christmas Gift
Della and James are a young couple.However their life is still very hard, but they always want to give each other the best things, including sacrificing their own interest.The challenges they face when they secretly buy Christmas gift for each other are the attraction of the story.

Let's read, feel the love when we are together.

One dollar eighty seven cents .That's right .Everyday, she tries to spend less money when shopping. and embarrassed, helping her little family did put a smile on her face.

Tomorrow will be Christmas.Della really wants to give her husband a decent present but with all the money has been saving.How? She counted very little money left, slowly and carefully, exactly one dollar eighty seven cents.

“What am I going to do with this ?!” asked herself.

There can't be anything well enough to be called a Christmas gift with only 1.87 $.

Desperate and helpless.She sat down and cried.

In the shabby room, Della was sobbing.

Della lives in a poor little room with her husband- James Dillingham Young – in New York city.They have a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.

James is luckier than her because he has a job .However, it's not really a job that could help him earn a living .The rent covers most of his wage.

Della tried to find a job herself, but unfortunately Goddess of Lucky seem not recognize that effort.However, she was always happy when she still have her husband by her side.

Thinking of that time, Della stopped crying and wiped the tears on her face.Tomorrow is Noel, she really wants to give him a truly meaningful Christmas gift which could express all of her love for her husband.

Della suddenly turned and ran to the mirror hanging on the wall. Her eyes lit- up. Something has come up in her mind and she knows, this decision would be extremely risky but she was ready to take it.

Christmas Gift
James Dillingham Young family has only two most valuable things .The first one is Jame's gold watch.The watch was formerly owned by his grandfather and father.

It was a perfect pocket watch but at this time, not anymore.The chain of the watch is missing, James has traded it long ago, tried to find some money to help his family went through hard times.

The other is Della's wonderful hair.They said that her hair would even made the Queen of Sheba envy to dead and King Solomon would trade all of his treasure for it.

But Della know, to her, the most valuable treasure in the world is just simple her husband’s happiness.

Della quickly dropped her shiny long hair down her back . It was absolutely beautiful. She stood and whimpered for a moment. And finally head to the door and straight downstairs.

Della walked slowly through the stores along the side of the road and stopped in front of “Madame Eloise” sign. Next to her was a fat woman . She didn’t have any “Eloise”. Della asked :

– “Do you buy hair ?”

– “I specialize in buying hair” – she relied and said

“ Please take off to show me your hair “. The beautiful brown hair fell down.

– ‘Twenty dollars” – she valuaded . Her hand cradled Della’s hair

– “Cut it quickly and give me the money,” said Della.

The next two hours passed quickly.Despite the cold weather has cover all of her body and those tired feet are about to freeze. Della just keep wandering, hoping to find what she has been looking for.

Finally, this time, Goddess of Lucky has accepted her and gave her Christmas gift to Della.

Christmas Gift
Della found it at last. A perfect fob chain for Jame’s gold watch. Without hesitation, Della take the chain and come right to the owner asked to buy it.

“21 Dollars.” Said the owner.

This time no bargain was made. Della pull out her pocket and pay for it with all the money she got. She headed back home with a smile on her face and warm in her heart .

Arriving home, she stared at her new hair in the mirror and thought “what can I do with it”.

The next half hour passed. Della finally accept it

She looked at herself in the mirror. “I’m not even recognize myself anymore.” she told herself.

“ What will James thinks when he sees me like this?!”

At 7 p.m, the meal was ready and Della waited nervously .She hoped that in James’s eyes, this Della is still his beautiful wife no matter how she looks without her wonderful hair.

The door opened and James stepped in . He looks very skinny and needs a new coat. By the time James’s eyes pass by Della, he frozen as the weather just outside the door.

James stared at Della. Although she has prepared herself for this but Della still confused at James staring at her. No word has been spoken but she could understand what he was thinking.

But things do not seem at Della was imagined at all. She thought her husband would be angry, depressed or even don’t want to see her anymore. But James just stood there , looking at her with strange eyes.

Finally, Della ran to James and cried . “ Don’t look at me like that, honey . I sold my hair to buy a Christmas gift for you. My hair will grow back, I promise to you. Merry Christmas, my dear.”

James just stand there, after a while, he gently asked :

– “Have you cut your hair” – James asked

– “That’s right . I cut it and sold it. So, you don’t love me anymore? I am still me – Della said .

James looked around and asked again just to make sure he got it right.

“Did you say that you sold your hair ?”

“ Yes, I did that because I love you ! Please, can we just have dinner , James?” Suddenly, he hugged Della and pulled something out his pocket

“Della,No matter how your hair looks. I still love you” James said in his happy tear and passed a small box to the hand of his wife.

Christmas Gift
“Please open this box . And you will understand why I am so surprised.”

Della ripped out the wrapper and exclaimed happily then dropped a line of happiness tear.

Inside the box, lied there the combs for Della’s shiny hair. She dreamed of having it when she saw it for the first time through the glass window while they walked together through the market.

The combs are very beautiful and expensive . Now they belonged to her ,but her hair was long enough to clip. But Della still cherished with happiness.

“The time I bought this, I thought you would be very happy. I know that you have been wanting it for so long. But..but now, you don’t seem to need, at least right now.”

“My hair will grow back soon, James. No worry. Here, look at it, is it beautiful?” Della asked and take out the chain that she bought for James.

“ I searched many places for it. Now, You can always carry your watch with you. Hurry up, give your watch to me , James .Look at it with this new chain.”

But, James didn’t follow Della’s word.

He sat down and put his arm behind his head , smiled and said, “Let’s put them in the box. I sold that watch to buy these combs for you. Look at us right now. We are so silly, and lovely sweet couple. I love your present darling and I love you more than anything in the world.”

“Now, let just have our dinner, shall we?”

Through this story , we can see that the love and sacrifice for each other of Della and James . Happiness doesn’t come from the elevated things in life . Happiness can come from the simplest things .We wish you can earn the happiness in your life and in your love just by those simple things like Della and James in the story.

Speaking of which. Christmas is coming. Have you bought any Christmas gift for your family yet? What about Christmas T shirt ?

It will be a warm christmas when whole family wear Christmas T shirt .If you need , please go to https://theniceshirts.com/

Merry Christmas !

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