Fundamentals for Constructive Debates
Here's the English translation by ChatGPT.
The following text was written approximately two years ago.
The division in America seems to remain profound. On NHK's online news, there's an interview article featuring the American entertainer, Packun. He discusses how political discussions with his siblings quickly turn into arguments. It's reported that Republican supporters continue to assert the presidential election was fraudulent and the government was stolen. Indeed, under these circumstances, 'constructive debates' are unlikely to take place.
Many people commonly assert that the premise of democracy lies in dialogue and debate. How should we interpret the current situation where this isn't being upheld? Perhaps it's time to reflect on the essence of debates and encourage everyone to reconsider with a calm mind.
Debates, undoubtedly, should be about 'constructive discussion,' involving a productive exchange of views. This shouldn't be a platform for mutual condemnation. It should be a basic understanding, but surprisingly, many fail to uphold even these fundamentals.
In essence, a debate involves presenting one's opinions and collectively evaluating which holds merit.
For a 'constructive debate' to happen, several prerequisites exist. While seemingly obvious, it appears that many are currently neglecting these, hence, it's worth reiterating them here.
Firstly, it's necessary for individuals to hold humility regarding the possibility of their opinions being wrong or flawed. Assuming one's own opinion to be the absolute truth is a blockade to 'constructive debates.'
Secondly, within a debate, if one feels their opinion might be incorrect, it's important to openly acknowledge this. It might be emotionally challenging, but I believe this is the essence of democracy. Changing one's opinion isn't shameful; it's an opportunity for personal growth. However, in reality, there are far too many who adamantly refuse to yield, even if they are proven wrong. It's truly foolish, and it's often the fools who become most entrenched in their beliefs.
Thirdly, and perhaps most crucially, it's about confirming the facts. Each opinion in a debate should be rooted in facts. When debating, it's vital to ensure that these facts are accurate. With a little research, facts can usually be established. Many debates flounder due to a lack of common understanding or misinterpretation of facts. The failure to align on facts often leads to debates ending in stalemates or misunderstanding. In truth, when facts are agreed upon, differences in opinions diminish significantly.
These are the prerequisites for a 'constructive debate,' yet the reality is rife with discussions lacking these. Especially in political debates, truth-seeking and a collective pursuit of the best solution seem absent. Instead, they approach discussions without even bothering to thoroughly research fundamental facts, resulting in never-ending debates that go nowhere. It's because for them, debates are mere performances and opportunities for propaganda. Despite representing the citizens, they fail to engage in 'constructive debates.' Of course, this is just one example, but even from this, it's hard to deny that democracy is yet to firmly take root in our country.