NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY793National Endowment for DemocracyResource Summary($ in thousands)

NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY 793 National Endowment for Democracy Resource Summary ($ in thousands) Appropriations FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Estimate FY 2013 Request Increase / Decrease Funds 117,764 117,764 104,000 (13,764) Program Description The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a non-profit organization created in 1983 to strengthen democratic institutions around the world. Through its worldwide grants program, NED assists those abroad who are working to build democratic institutions and spread democratic values. NED’s four affiliated core institutes – the American Center for International Labor Solidarity (ACILS), the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), the International Republican Institute (IRI), and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) – represent public American institutions that work abroad in sectors that are critical to the development of democracy. In addition, NED support helps develop and fund key initiatives of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) – consistent with its Statement of Principles and Objectives and subsequent strategic documents approved by its Board of Directors – that foster independent media, human rights, and other essential democratic institutions, values, and processes. NED does not administer programs directly, but rather provides funding for numerous private groups and organizations. NED has a distinctive grant-making philosophy which distinguishes it in the donor field. NED views its work as a support system for groups that are working to build up their credibility and effectiveness as democratizing forces in their own society, as a means to counter and offer an alternative to anti-democratic elements. A bi-partisan Board of Directors makes funding decisions based on established criteria. Currently, NED functions with 162 full-time and three part-time staff members who are responsible for program development and evaluation, grant management, financial oversight, research, and outreach. NED’s authorized staffing level has remained virtually constant over the past several years. From FY 2011 to FY 2012, NED proposed a net increase of one position. From FY 2012 Enacted level to FY 2013 request, NED anticipates no increase in positions. NED’s grants program, which makes approximately 1,200 grants per year in nearly 100 countries, is bolstered by the International Forum for Democratic Studies, a democracy research center that publishes the Journal of Democracy and administers the Reagan-Fascell Fellows Program, the World Movement for Democracy, a global hub for democracy networking and solidarity, and the Center for International Media Assistance, which studies and makes recommendations on strengthening media assistance abroad. NED’s Grants Program Areas: • Freedom of Information • Rule of Law • NGO Strengthening • Political Processes • Civic Education • Freedom of Association • Democratic Ideas and Values • Strengthening Political Institutions • Conflict Resolution • Human Rights • Accountability • Developing Market Economy NED’s program is guided by a strategy document which is revised every three to five years. NED’s current strategy document prioritizes five conceptual and operational categories incorporating the enormous regional, cultural, and political diversity of the nearly 100 countries where NED is working:
pening political space in authoritarian countries; aiding democrats and democratic processes in semiauthoritarian countries; helping new democracies succeed; building democracy after conflict; and aiding democracy in the Muslim world.

リソース概要 (千ドル単位)

予算年度実際見積もりリクエスト増加 / 減少FY 2011117,764117,764104,000(13,764)

プログラムの説明 全米民主主義基金(NED)は、1983年に設立された非営利組織で、世界中の民主主義機関を強化することを目的としています。NEDは、世界中の助成プログラムを通じて、民主主義機関を構築し、民主主義の価値を広めるために働く人々を支援しています。NEDの4つの関連コア機関 - アメリカ国際労働連帯センター(ACILS)、国際民間企業センター(CIPE)、国際共和研究所(IRI)、および国立民主主義研究所(NDI) - は、民主主義の発展に重要な分野で海外で活動するアメリカの公共機関を代表しています。さらに、NEDの支援は、独立メディア、人権、その他の重要な民主主義機関、価値、およびプロセスを促進する非政府組織(NGO)の主要なイニシアチブの開発と資金提供を支援します。

NEDはプログラムを直接管理するのではなく、多くの民間グループや組織に資金を提供します。NEDは、寄付者の分野で際立った助成哲学を持っています。NEDは、その活動を、民主化の力としての信頼性と効果を高めるために働くグループの支援システムと見なし、反民主主義的要素に対抗し、代替案を提供する手段としています。超党派の理事会が、確立された基準に基づいて資金提供の決定を行います。現在、NEDは162人のフルタイムスタッフと3人のパートタイムスタッフを擁しており、プログラム開発と評価、助成金管理、財務監督、研究、およびアウトリーチを担当しています。NEDの認可されたスタッフレベルは、過去数年間ほぼ一定のままです。FY 2011からFY 2012にかけて、NEDは1つのポジションの純増を提案しました。FY 2012の制定レベルからFY 2013のリクエストまで、NEDはポジションの増加を見込んでいません。



  • 情報の自由

  • 法の支配

  • NGOの強化

  • 政治プロセス

  • 市民教育

  • 結社の自由

  • 民主主義の理念と価値

  • 政治機関の強化

  • 紛争解決

  • 人権

  • 責任

  • 市場経済の発展


  • 権威主義国家における政治的空間の開放

  • 半権威主義国家における民主主義者および民主主義プロセスの支援

  • 新しい民主主義国家の成功を支援

  • 紛争後の民主主義構築

  • イスラム世界における民主主義の支援

NED recognizes the critical role that evaluation plays in the strategy and policy formation of democracy assistance efforts and strives to embody the gold standard of evaluation in the area of democracy assistance grant-making. At the project level, NED regularly conducts extensive monitoring and evaluation which ensures that project objectives are being met, NED’s grant regulations are being followed, and that NED support is helping to build the organizational capacity of its grantees. NED customizes the monitoring, management, and evaluation of each grant to the grantee organization. NED’s program officers travel regularly to observe grantee activities and visit with grantees in their offices. From time to time, they are accompanied by other members of NED’s grant-making team who conduct capacity building trainings on various topics such as project design, evaluation, and grants management. Furthermore, NED commissions several independent evaluations each year that examine a sub-set of projects within one country or a theme across countries. Recent evaluations have focused on its Pakistan and Iraq grants programs. The Pakistan evaluation provided additional insight into the challenges faced by NED’s grantees due to the challenging and fluid political situation there. The evaluation of NED’s Iraq program praised NED efforts to foster the growth of think tanks in Iraq as a vehicle for policy analysis and development, as well as the indigenization of lessons from international experiences. The evaluator recommended that NED promote peer-to-peer networking among its grantees in Iraq. Further strengthening its evaluation practice, NED has commissioned a retrospective review of all of its independent evaluations to seek further insights and lessons learned, an effort to continue into FY 2013. NED utilizes its tailored evaluation tools to assess needs and opportunities, reports on results, and demonstrates the difference that NED’s grants are making in the challenging political environments where grantees operate. In addition to profiling the outcome and impact of individual grants, NED is continuously working to organize and disseminate its institutional body of knowledge, notably lessons learned, to the larger democracy assistance community. As the first step of a larger process, NED commissioned a retrospective study of the twenty-two external evaluations that were conducted between FY 1992 and FY 2010. NED will share the results of this evaluation in a workshop with the democracy assistance community in FY 2012


さらに、NEDは毎年いくつかの独立した評価を委託し、特定の国のプロジェクトのサブセットや国を超えたテーマを検討します。最近の評価は、パキスタンおよびイラクの助成プログラムに焦点を当てています。パキスタンの評価は、困難で流動的な政治状況に直面するNEDの受給者が直面する課題についての追加の洞察を提供しました。NEDのイラクプログラムの評価は、政策分析と開発の手段としてのシンクタンクの成長を促進するNEDの努力、および国際的な経験からの教訓の現地化を称賛しました。評価者は、NEDがイラクの受給者間のピアツーピアネットワーキングを促進することを推奨しました。評価実践をさらに強化するために、NEDはすべての独立評価の回顧的レビューを委託し、さらなる洞察と教訓を求める努力をFY 2013まで続けます。

NEDは、ニーズと機会を評価し、結果を報告し、受給者が活動する困難な政治環境でNEDの助成金がどのような違いをもたらしているかを示すために、カスタマイズされた評価ツールを利用しています。個々の助成金の成果と影響をプロファイリングすることに加えて、NEDはその機関の知識体系、特に学んだ教訓をより大きな民主主義支援コミュニティに組織化し、普及させるために継続的に取り組んでいます。より大きなプロセスの最初のステップとして、NEDはFY 1992からFY 2010の間に実施された22の外部評価の回顧的研究を委託しました。NEDは、この評価の結果をFY 2012に民主主義支援コミュニティとのワークショップで共有します。

Justification of Request
Justification of Request The total funding request of $104 million in FY 2013 is $13.8 million less than the FY 2012 Enacted level. This will allow NED to maintain many of its strong grant programs in priority regions, such as the Middle East and North Africa. The funding level in FY 2013 will be met by some reductions in the number of grants and grant levels. From the dramatic era of Africa’s second wave of independence in the early 1990’s through the difficult struggles of elections, coups, conflict, corruption, gradual opening, and countervailing repression, the steady rise of civil society, the emergence of free political competition, the rapid expansion of independent media and the internet, and the painstaking construction of institutions of governance and accountability have all advanced, sometimes haltingly, but inexorably. Substantial program activity will continue in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Zimbabwe, and Nigeria.


FY 2013の総資金リクエストは1億400万ドルで、FY 2012の制定レベルよりも1,380万ドル少なくなっています。これにより、NEDは中東および北アフリカなどの優先地域で多くの強力な助成プログラムを維持することができます。FY 2013の資金レベルは、助成金の数と助成レベルの一部の削減によって達成されます。


In 2013, the Endowment will again concentrate resources in one or two critical countries in each subregion of Asia, while reexamining its programming in a handful of countries where democracy is losing ground. In East Asia, the Endowment will continue to focus primarily on grants for China, including Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang/East Turkistan, and North Korea. In Southeast Asia, NED will continue to maintain a large Burma program but will also increase support for democracy in Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines, where democratic institutions have been severely weakened. In South Asia, NED will continue to prioritize programming in Pakistan, where the turmoil that grips the country is not only a regional concern but a global one.

アジア 2013年、NEDはアジアの各サブリージョンで1つまたは2つの重要な国に資源を集中させる一方で、民主主義が後退しているいくつかの国のプログラムを再検討します。東アジアでは、NEDは中国(香港、チベット、新疆/東トルキスタン、北朝鮮を含む)への助成金に主に焦点を当て続けます。東南アジアでは、NEDはビルマ(ミャンマー)プログラムを大規模に維持しつつ、民主主義が著しく弱体化しているタイ、マレーシア、フィリピンでの民主主義支援を強化します。南アジアでは、NEDはパキスタンのプログラムを優先し続けます。この国を揺るがす混乱は地域的な問題だけでなく、世界的な問題でもあります。

NED will continue to support a broad spread of programs among different sectors in state of Russia & Eurasia on the assumption that they are inherently unstable and that specific opportunities could emerge quite suddenly. As the major power in the region, Russia remains the main priority country. The Endowment will consider expanding programs in Russia to respond and take advantage of possible new openings which have emerged in recent months as the result of elite disaffection with the existing regime and signs of a growing protest movement. In Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan presents the most important opportunity. Since its April 2010 revolution, it has undergone important constitutional reform and held a parliamentary election in accordance with democratic norms. In the Caucasus, the development of new programs in Georgia will be a priority in 2013.

ユーラシア NEDは、ロシアおよびユーラシアの異なるセクター間で広範なプログラムを引き続き支援します。これらの地域は本質的に不安定であり、特定の機会が突然出現する可能性があると仮定しています。この地域の主要な大国であるロシアは、引き続き主要な優先国です。NEDは、最近のエリートの現政権への不満や抗議運動の拡大の兆候により、新たな機会を活用するためにロシアでのプログラムを拡大することを検討します。中央アジアでは、キルギスが最も重要な機会を提供します。2010年4月の革命以来、キルギスは重要な憲法改革を行い、民主的な規範に従って議会選挙を実施しました。カフカスでは、2013年にジョージアでの新しいプログラムの開発が優先されます。

The objective of the Endowment in most of the countries where it is active in the Europe region is “helping new democracies to succeed.” For Eastern and Southeastern Europe, this goal is best met through these countries’ accession to the European Union and NATO. In 2013, two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union and fall of communism in Europe, the Endowment will continue to help advance and consolidate the region’s democratic transitions so that they meet the requirements of EuroAtlantic integration. With countries in the region at different stages of democratic development, the Endowment’s discretionary program will focus on several different approaches to these challenges. In the Europe Region, the 2013 priority countries will include Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Kosovo.

ヨーロッパ NEDがヨーロッパ地域で活動しているほとんどの国における目的は、「新しい民主主義国家の成功を支援する」ことです。東ヨーロッパおよび南東ヨーロッパにおいて、この目標はこれらの国々が欧州連合(EU)および北大西洋条約機構(NATO)に加盟することによって最もよく達成されます。ソビエト連邦の崩壊とヨーロッパにおける共産主義の終焉から20年後の2013年、NEDは地域の民主的移行を進め、統合を強化するために引き続き支援を行います。地域の国々が異なる段階の民主的発展にあるため、NEDの裁量プログラムはこれらの課題に対するいくつかの異なるアプローチに焦点を当てます。ヨーロッパ地域では、2013年の優先国にはウクライナ、ベラルーシ、モルドバ、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ、セルビア、およびコソボが含まれます。

Latin America and the Caribbean
The mood in Latin America and about Latin America has taken a positive turn. While there is evident and measurable political, social, and economic progress in the region, much remains to be done. The relatively positive economic and political indicators do not reveal the significant internal differences that exist within the region. As the only dictatorship and closed society in the Western Hemisphere, Cuba lies at the core of NED’s attention. Haiti follows as the weakest society in terms of its current lack of basic institutions, processes, resources, and actors to engender democracy from within. NED will also focus attention on countries governed by personalistic rulers and political coalitions that are systematically undermining representative democracy from within, as in the cases of Venezuela and Nicaragua.


Middle East and North Africa
Successful uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt have broken decades of political stagnation in the Middle East and North Africa, raised citizens’ expectations, and brought about a new political dynamic. These two examples demonstrated that youth and citizen mobilization can overcome the power of entrenched dictators, and be effective in challenging empty reforms. Inspired by these two citizen uprisings, mass protests have swept through the region focused on ending emergency laws, fighting corruption, and restoring civic rights and dignity. NED is well positioned to provide timely and targeted support to key sectors in the region. NED has been active in the Middle East and North Africa since the mid 1990’s, and already possesses the relationships required for effectively working with political and civic forces in the region. All four core institutes have programs in these countries with substantial direct U.S. Government grants in addition to funding from NED, and the Endowment has a sizeable and dynamic small grants program in the region.


In FY 2013, NED Global program will continue to employ a multi-sectoral approach in its support of projects that connect together democrats from different regions of the world, addressing such key issues as human rights, independent media, democratic governance, worker rights, economic reform, and the strengthening of political institutions and processes. NED-supported projects will seek to build the capacity of local civil society partners as well as facilitate opportunities for networking, peer support, dialogue, and collective action. Other projects will focus on the development of tools and resources that will capture the experience and expertise of NED grantees and partners to enrich the knowledge base from which democracy advocates throughout the world will benefit. NED-supported programs will engage a broad range of groups, including women, youth, trade unions, entrepreneurs, journalists, parliamentarians, and grassroots activists.


Activities Democratic Activities includes activities funded directly by NED that are consistent with the Endowment’s purposes as set forth in the National Endowment for Democracy Act. These include the International Forum for Democratic Studies (including the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program, publication of the Journal of Democracy, and development of a library and database of information about democracy movements); the World Movement for Democracy, a global network of democratic activists, practitioners, and scholars for which NED serves as the secretariat; the Center for International Media Assistance, which studies and makes recommendations on strengthening media assistance abroad; the encouragement of cooperation for democracy promotion among the democracies; and periodic briefings that introduce key participants of democracy movements to decision makers and opinion leaders in Washington. Where possible, funds for these activities are raised from non-U.S. Government sources.


NED’s current provisional indirect cost rate, negotiated with the Department of State, is 16.91 percent. It increases from 14 percent in FY 2010 because of the need to increase investment in IT related hardware and software for which depreciation and amortization expenses are allowable indirect costs. The indirect cost rate covers NED expenses associated with, among other things, the Endowment's salaries and fringe benefits, travel, office space costs, communications costs, and other costs to administer its grants program. This includes the costs associated with selecting grantees, negotiating awards, processing payments to grantees, carefully monitoring the grantees' progress, assuring that program objectives are met and grant terms and conditions are observed, evaluating and auditing the programs, resolving any issues that arise, preparing financial reports, and ultimately closing out the awards.

NEDの現在の暫定間接費率は、国務省との交渉により16.91%です。これは、IT関連のハードウェアおよびソフトウェアへの投資を増やす必要があるため、FY 2010の14%から増加しています。間接費率は、NEDの給与および福利厚生、旅行、オフィススペースの費用、通信費用、および助成プログラムを管理するためのその他の費用に関連するNEDの費用をカバーします。これには、受給者の選定、賞の交渉、受給者への支払いの処理、受給者の進捗状況の慎重な監視、プログラム目標の達成と助成条件の遵守の確認、プログラムの評価と監査、発生する問題の解決、財務報告の作成、および最終的な賞の終了に関連する費用が含まれます。
