Donald Trump 翻訳#6 (150-180 min) Oct 2024 The Joe Rogan podcast
Donald Trump 翻訳#6 (150-180 min) Oct 2024 The Joe Rogan podcast
The Joe Rogan Experience PodCast
(150 -180 分)
私が理解できないのは、知らない場所から人が我が国に入ってくるのを誰が望むのかということです。時々、戦闘機について、知らない場所から来ると言う人がいますよね? ヘイスタック・スケルトン Haystack Skelton を思い出してください。知らない場所から来た、最も古い、あれは最も古いものです、あなたよりも前のことですが、我が国に人が殺到してくるのを誰が望むのでしょうか。私たちはそれについて何も知りません。
彼らはただ安い労働力が欲しいだけだと思いますか? どういうことですか? どういう考えですか?
選挙と選挙詐欺の潜在的な脆弱性についてお話ししましょう。その 1 つは郵送投票です。もう 1 つは、誰かが投票機に侵入したり、投票機をハッキングしたりできるかどうかです。
非常に洗練されています。しかし、紙の投票用紙を見ると、コストは 8 パーセントです。そして、夜の 9 時までに完了します。
ねえ、知ってる? 彼らに電話するでしょ。この号では彼らが電話するの。
さて、不正行為をしたいという人が慈悲深い理由は何でしょうか? しかし、それが唯一意味を成す理由でしょう。
男子が女子スポーツに参加できるようにしたいと望む人に誰が投票するでしょうか? 大統領、男子が女子スポーツに参加できるように何かしなければなりません、と私のところにやって来た人は今まで一人もいません。あなたは今までにそんなことをしたことがありますか?
しかし、誰がそれを望んでいるのでしょうか? 選挙で不正をしない限り、それを得ることは決してないでしょう。誰もそれを望んでいません。
しかし、ほとんど古いもののように思われますが、それはインターネットです。しかし、誰がこれらのものを持ちたいと思うでしょうか? 誰がこれを持ちたいと思うでしょうか?
聞いたことのない人です。10 通りのことが考えられます。彼らが投票者 ID を持たないことが、彼らを獲得する唯一の方法です。
誰がこれを望むでしょうか? 彼らの政策は良くないので、彼らは不正行為をするためにこれを望んでいます。彼らもその一部です。
言っておきますが、彼らはその点に関しては非常に賢いです。彼らは非常に賢いのですが、ある意味では政治的には賢くありません。なぜなら、国民が欲しがっているものを彼らが持っているでしょうか? 実際には持っていないのです。
ちなみに、マーティン・ルーサー・キングのファイルもあります。彼らはそれを見たいようです。ご存知かどうか分かりませんが、そういうファイルがあります。特に JFK についてです。
もうすぐそれをやります。これには多くの関心が寄せられています。ご存知のとおり、宇宙から来た人々に対する関心が非常に高いことの 1 つです。
それはすごいものでした。ご存知のとおり、非常に高速な飛行機である F-22 の 4 倍の速度で飛行していました。また、円形で、理論的には素晴らしい形状でした。
エイリアンが飛来したり、飛び回ったりしていると思いますか? どう思いますか? そう思わない理由はありません。
中東で起こっていることをどうやって止めるのですか? どうやってこれを止めますか?
私たちが使っている電子機器にも同じことが当てはまるでしょうか? 私が非常に不安に思うことの一つは、携帯電話がすべて海外で製造されており、さらに一部の携帯電話はチップ工場のような場所で製造されていることです。はい。
それに加えて、これらのチップ会社は、非常に裕福な会社です。彼らは盗みました。私たちのビジネスの 95 パーセントを盗んだのです。
そして、私はもうすぐ大きなスピーチをする予定です。そして、あなたと私はどれくらい話し合ってきたでしょうか? かなり長い間です。
(150-180 min)
Speaker 2
They're pressured. There's their community, their ideology. It's left is good, right is evil.
Speaker 1
I don't understand why, okay, you have a wall or you have a, you know, I built 570 miles of wall. Everyone said, I built a lot of wall, exactly the stuff. But you have a border.
What I don't understand is, who would want people to come into our country from places unknown, like sometimes they'll say about a fighter, from parts unknown, right? Remember Haystack Skeleton, from parts unknown, the oldest, those are the oldest, that's even before you, but who would want people to come in pouring into our country. We don't know anything about it.
Speaker 2
But that's, I want to ask you this, why do you think they're doing that? I think because. Do you think they're trying to buy votes?
Do you think they just want cheap labor? Like what is, what's the idea?
Speaker 1
There's a couple of theories. They hate our country. They're stupid or they want to buy votes.
It's one of those three things.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
They want it. Now, they are trying to get people registered who, you know, don't even know what the country is.
Speaker 2
And they're trying to give people amnesty.
Speaker 1
People that live here, they're trying to give them amnesty, they want to give them citizenship, and they want to, well, how about what happened.
Speaker 2
Think about the amount of money that they've given them when they've come here, the food stamps, the benefits that even our poor people aren't getting.
Speaker 1
Two hundred billion dollars, and that's a way low number. That's a way low. You know, it's interesting.
New York has always been like you know, sort of like always looking for money. They've spent a hundred billion dollars on this stuff. I don't know where they and they're not getting the money from the federal government.
It's crazy. And because the mayor came out and said, we can't live like this.
Speaker 2
They investigated him.
Speaker 1
He gets it. By the way, I called it. I said he just got himself indicted.
This group is stupid, but they're vicious. They're stupid people, but they're vicious people.
Speaker 2
The 2020 elections, you say you have all this evidence that it was rigged. Why haven't you put this evidence in a consumable form? And what?
Speaker 1
Oh, I did. I have I have books on it. And by the way, books have been written on it.
We have an author named Hemingway who is a great writer. She wrote a book on it, but many books have been written on it. There are books that are what's happened is judges don't want to touch it.
They would say you don't have standing. They didn't rule on the merits. They ruled the merits never got there.
The judges didn't have what it took to turn over an election.
Speaker 2
Let's talk about the potential vulnerabilities for elections and election fraud. One of them is mail in ballots. The other one is the if someone could break into voting machines, if someone can hack voting machines.
Those are two huge ones.
Speaker 1
So Elon Musk, Elon Musk, I think he said it publicly. I hope he did, because I wouldn't want to be the one. But he's a really smart guy and he's a very good guy with computers.
Right. You'd say he's one of the smartest people alive. Anybody that can land that 20 story building and perfect.
Speaker 2
And while he's doing Starlink, while he's talking to me, while he owns Twitter.
Speaker 1
And then he agrees to Starlink and tweets 100 times a day. He's an amazing guy. He said to me that unless you have paper ballots, it can never be an honest election.
That's a big statement. It's a big statement. We should go to paper ballots.
You know, France did. They went the mail in voting and it was all messed up. What can you know?
The amazing thing with the machines. So we have the machines. They cost 10 times what a paper ballot would cost.
Eight percent. And they make paper ballots. They're all watermarked and everything else.
Very sophisticated. But if you take a look, paper ballots, eight percent the cost. And you're done by nine o'clock in the evening.
Right now, we have these sophisticated machine that goes up to heaven. It goes all over the place and down and around. And they say we'll need two weeks to figure out who the hell won the election.
Speaker 2
Do you think that's by design?
Speaker 1
Yeah, I do. I think I think it's very crooked. That's my opinion.
Speaker 2
You're allowed to have an opinion. What could let's say you win in November. What can be done to mitigate these problems?
What could be done at a you know, at the level that the president has power?
Speaker 1
Well, if I win, that'll be this will be my last election. But I think I asked to the country. Yeah.
Yeah. But I think I owe it to the country. We have to have fair elections.
So how can you fix that? You know, Jimmy Carter was in charge of a commission, you know, that many years ago. And they put him and Scoop Jackson and various senators, you know, distinguished people that were retired.
And they came up with a report. And the report's primary finding was you cannot have mail in ballots because of it's a mail in ballot. You know, I went to the voting booth the last time, whatever it was.
And I walked in Palm Beach and I walk in and they know me. They said, Mr. President, could I see your identity? Yes.
Boom. Here's this. Here's that.
Everything. And then you sit and they watch you sign. And you really there's not a lot you can do.
I mean, if you wanted to be dishonest, it's sort of, you know, right. If instead of that, I'm going to send them a ballot.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
It has to go through the postal services. It has to go through a lot of people. They mail you houses that, you know, the house was demolished and the people have left.
And it's so bad. The one thing with Jimmy Carter, he had a very strong commission. It was no mail in ballots.
And we're the only one that does elections this way anymore.
Speaker 2
They've gotten away from and this is a ticked up in a big way after covid. It used to be like soldiers serving overseas.
Speaker 1
They use covid to cheat.
Speaker 2
Yeah. Well, they use covid to certainly push this mail in ballot. Another thing.
Speaker 1
But that's it. But they use covid to cheat. But here's the last election was a little bit of a you couldn't even get security guys, big, strong guys to watch.
You know what? You'd call them. They call them in this issue.
They were afraid to go out. You know, we were in the middle of covid. We were in the middle of covid right smack in the middle and they didn't want to die.
You know, they didn't want to catch it. It was like in a way it was it was like a ghost town. And the whole thing, but mail in ballots are a bad thing.
Speaker 2
That certainly is a problem. Mail in ballots are a problem.
Speaker 1
But every other problem is voter ID. A voter ID.
Speaker 2
Voter ID is the most bizarre argument that I've never seen anybody articulate in a way that's convincing because they want to keep voter. Well, it doesn't make sense any other way. I've tried to strawman it or I try to steel man it rather.
I've tried to like look at it from a position like why would you not want people to have ID? And a lot of the ideas are just ridiculous. Yeah.
You have an ID to get a driver's license.
Speaker 1
But here's now the next step. Gavin Newsom, one of the worst governors in the world. And I used to frankly, I used to get along, but I don't get along with him because he's just too, you know, it's just a whole con job.
But Gavin Newsom the other day signed a bill that you are not allowed to ask a person, even ask them whether or not they have a voter ID.
Speaker 2
Now, what could be a charitable reason why anybody because they want to cheat? But that would be the only thing that makes sense.
Speaker 1
That's taken it to the next level. Right now, you know, you have ID. The Democrat National Convention, when they had it the last time I saw, they had a sign like a billboard on the name of the person, where they live, how they live, who the hell their boyfriends are.
Every single it was in a big picture. That's where they're they have an idea, a big idea. It was hanging like you were a prisoner.
They had these massive cards, everything. And yet when it comes to the vote, in theory, the most important thing we do, OK, when you go to a grocery store, you give ID. But for a vote, it's supposed to be a sacred thing.
And it should be a sacred thing. No voter ID because they want to cheat.
Speaker 2
Well, it doesn't make sense in any other way. I've tried to look at it no other way. There's no argument that anybody's presented that makes any sense.
Speaker 1
You know, the funny thing, Joe, the Democrats, the people, they all think you should have it. In other words, you should have.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
If you go to the people, Mrs. Schwartz, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Mrs. Jones. Sure. They say, of course.
Yeah. Democrats. They say, yes, it's the politicians that don't want it.
Like Schumer and these guys, they don't want it because they want to be able to cheat. Because you know what? If they didn't have it, OK, who is going to vote for somebody that wants open borders?
Who's going to vote for somebody that wants to have men playing in women's sports? You know, I have never had one person come up to me and say, President, you've got to do something to allow men to play in women's sports. Have you ever?
Just like I've never been called by a pollster. I told you my little theory on posters. OK, I'm getting myself in trouble with some of these things, but I don't really care.
Nobody's ever come up to me and said we want to have men playing women's sports. And, you know, I had a funny thing at a property I own in California. I have a woman who's a very good athlete and she works there as a manager.
And Brian Urlacher, the big Chicago Bears, great player, you know, 10 time also, I guess, Hall of Famer, great guy, big, strong guy. And she said, oh, he's one of my favorite athletes. Can I have a picture?
And I took a picture and I sent it. And I noticed she was the size of his leg. His leg was bigger than she was.
And I put it out. Should men play in women's sports? It was just so ridiculous.
Speaker 2
What's one of the most bizarre and polarizing ideas that's promoted by the left?
Speaker 1
But who wants it? Now, unless you're going to cheat in elections, you're never going to get it. Nobody wants it.
I don't think anybody wants it. I've never. I've been told everything.
You know, you can. Some people want this. I don't know of anybody that wants open borders.
Nobody's ever come up to me and say, president, you've got to let the world come into our country. Right now, if they won. So they have 21 million.
I think it's much higher than that because you've got a ways, you know, got a ways where they just walk in. They were. And the other thing you have is human traffickers.
You have traffickers and they traffic in women and they're going wild. Now, we used to. You know, we have to look the trunk of cars.
Can you believe it? They put women in trunks. They'll put three women in a trunk.
These people are savages. They're horrible. The worst people that you and they're making the kind of money they make on drugs.
They're almost making on trafficking now. And the thing that's made it hot is the Internet. That's what you know.
But you think of it almost as an ancient thing, but it's the Internet. But who would want to have these things? Who would want to have this?
The transgender operations where they're allowed to take your child when he goes to school and turn him into a male to a female without parental consent. Who wants this? Does anybody want this?
I've never heard of anyone. And I can go into 10 different things. The only way they get them is by no voter ID.
You can't have voter ID. They don't want any. They want to cheat.
There's only one reason, because the voter ID is so basic. It's the most basic thing.
Speaker 2
It's very basic.
Speaker 1
Who would want this? They want it so they can cheat because their policies are no good. They're part.
I'll tell you, they're very smart when it comes to that. They're very smart, although they're not smart in terms of politics in a way, because what do they have that people want? They really don't have.
They give away a lot of health care, a lot of stuff. But for the most part, their policies are terrible. Their policy on military.
She's running on a tax hike. She's going to raise your taxes. You're going to hear this.
We are going to raise your taxes. And the people clap. But who is going to win with all my life?
I grew up with politicians lower taxes. She's she's politic in that we are going to raise your taxes.
Speaker 2
Well, they want to raise that. The idea is you want to raise the taxes to the highest earner. I know, but they really doesn't.
Millionaires and billionaires are not paying their fair share. But it doesn't work that way. Well, it's a narrative, right?
And it's a narrative that appeals to people that are not doing well. And like, yeah, our problems are these rich people are not paying taxes.
Speaker 1
Well, the problems are the rich people are going to leave and they're going to close up their companies. And then the other people aren't going to have jobs. You know, that's what happens.
Speaker 2
It does happen in other countries.
Speaker 1
But the whole because you brought it up. I'll tell you what we just doing a very good job in Virginia. Glenn Youngkin.
I don't know if you like him or not like. I don't know. But you know, I'm the governor of Virginia.
So we have a case where they found thousands of illegal ballots. A judge just ruled that they have to be able to vote. Just happened today, just before I walked in here.
I heard a judge just ruled that you have to keep those people and they're illegal. They're illegal votes. Now, I think they'll be overturned at the next court.
One thing I found, because I had a couple of things that they had overturned a little bit, you know, the system, because the system you have to hope that the appellate judges are honest. Otherwise, we don't have a country anymore. Very important.
But the whole thing with illegal ballots has got to be looked at. You've got to have you have to have voter I.D. And you have to have additional I.D. You have to have an I.D. that shows that you're a citizen of the country.
Speaker 2
I agree.
Speaker 1
They don't want that either.
Speaker 2
I agree. One of the things that I want to talk to you about is the JFK files. And one of the things that you said was that if they showed you what they showed me, this is your quote, you wouldn't want people to know it either.
Speaker 1
So I I opened them up partially. I was met with from good people. I mean, you know, look, I mean, good people, people that were well-meaning.
Mike Pompeo was one of them. He's a good person. They called me.
They said, sir, would rather have you not after. And I did open them. But I was asked by some people not to open them.
There's a Martin Luther King file, too, by the way, that they'd like to see. I don't know if you know, but there is that. But but JFK in particular.
So they called me a lot of good people, called me people that I you know, that you would find reasonable people. And they asked me not to do it. So I said, well, we'll close it for another time.
But if I win, I'm going to open them up. I'm just going to open enough.
Speaker 2
Why didn't you open it up the first time?
Speaker 1
Because a lot of times the hesitation addresses people that are still living. There are people that are affected. And there could be some national security reason that for you know, that I don't have to necessarily know about.
But some very good, talented people asked me not to do it. I opened it up and then they said, would it be possible for us to do that a different day? What did you read into?
I think it's going to be just fine to open it. Let me put it that way. I think it's fine.
It's going to be time. It's a cleansing. You know, it's really a cleansing.
So I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it immediately, almost immediately upon entering office.
Speaker 2
Well, the thing, when people look at it from the outside and you sort of imagine what could be a reason why they would not release those files, it would be there's people that were implicated in the assassination.
Speaker 1
Well, when there are living people, you generally tend not to want to do it when people are still living.
Speaker 2
Living people that formerly worked for the government.
Speaker 1
For the government and living people that were somehow involved in it. And you tend not to do that. But it's time to open them.
I can't tell you whether or not they're going to find anything of interest. And I did partially open. I think I've opened up 50 percent.
But I was asked not to do it. And I thought that was a reasonable ask. But now I'm going to do it.
I'm going to do it very soon. There's a lot of interest in it. One of the things that a lot of interest in the people coming from space, you know.
Yes. And I know you're interested.
Speaker 2
I'm very interested in that. How much they tell you about that? A lot.
Really? Yeah. What do they tell you?
How much can you tell? So I. How's that work?
Is it like super top secret?
Speaker 1
Tell me. Well, based on Hunter Biden, I can say whatever the hell I want.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
But now. But I interviewed a few people. It's never been my thing.
I have to be honest. I have never been a believer. I have people that Area 51 or whatever it is.
I think it's the number one tourist attraction in the whole country or something. Area 51 in Las Vegas. Do you know that?
Right. Sure. I know what it is.
So anyway. But it's a big tourist thing. So I interviewed jet pilots.
That say they saw something. If you saw them, you'd love to have them.
Speaker 2
I've had a couple in here. Commander David Fravor. I had him in who had that sighting in 2004.
Very, very compelling with visual visual video evidence. Radar evidence.
Speaker 1
I had Ryan Graves. I don't believe his name, but I interviewed jet pilots that were solid people. Perfect.
I mean, great pilots, great everything. And they said we saw things, sir, that. Would were very strange, like a round ball, but it wasn't a comet or a meteor.
It was something. And it was going four times faster than an F-22, which is a very fast plane, you know. And it was round, which is, in theory, a great shape.
Speaker 2
So when you were talking to these people, was was this something that you were compelled to have conversations about? Was this your personal interest?
Speaker 1
A little bit. It's not a great interest for me, but it's a little interest. I get that question as much as almost any question.
Do you think that we have aliens coming, you know, flying around or whatever? What do you think? There's no reason not to.
I mean, there's no reason not to think that Mars and all these planets don't have life, you know, because Mars, we've had probes there and rovers.
Speaker 2
And I don't think there's any life there.
Speaker 1
Or maybe it's life that we don't know.
Speaker 2
Well, maybe there was life there at one point in time. This is a speculation about Mars that Mars had an atmosphere at one point in time a long time ago that could support life. It also had large bodies of water.
But we've had no evidence of even bacterial life that exists on Mars. But it's not been a big thing for me.
Speaker 1
I mean, when I looked at what China did to this, they would have never done it with me, where they put the balloon up and a lot of people that and a lot of people thought for a little while that that was one of these things.
Speaker 2
So that's a lot of the speculation, too, that some of these drones that hover over battleships, that these are Chinese drones and that they're not UFOs. It could be also there's some super sophisticated.
Speaker 1
But I did interview, let's say, three or four guys that and without tremendous interest, if you had them, as I said, you'd love to have them as your children. Solid, beautiful people. They said, sir, there's something there.
You know, they there's something there. Yeah.
Speaker 2
Yeah. I've talked to quite a few conspiracy guys. Well, I mean, the just the commander David Fravor thing in 2004 off the coast of San Diego, they clocked that thing going from 50000 feet above sea level to 50 in a second.
They don't know what it is.
Speaker 1
It's tough to beat.
Speaker 2
Yeah. They saw something in the water. It was hovering over that something that was making a disturbance in the water.
They got video evidence of this thing. Two different fighter jets with pilots in them saw it. There's, you know, visual evidence, photographic evidence, video evidence, radar evidence, whatever the hell it is, it moves in a way that would turn a human being in a jello if they're inside of it.
The G-Force, no one would survive.
Speaker 1
Oh, so what is that?
Speaker 2
And we don't it doesn't have a heat signature. They don't know what their propulsion system was.
Speaker 1
But when you fly in some of these jets, these pilots have to be in great shape.
Speaker 2
Oh, yeah.
Speaker 1
I flew with the Blue Angels once. Yeah. As an example, I guess those are older and those are older machines.
And they're crazy. When you when you fly in some of these things.
Speaker 2
Oh, my God.
Speaker 1
Amazing. Yeah, I can imagine. You got to be special.
Speaker 2
But these things that these people are encountering are far superior to what we know of.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Is it possible that there's some military or government program that you weren't that they didn't tell you about?
Speaker 1
I think I had a great relationship with the military, basically, but, you know, I didn't like certain people. I would have gotten them out if I thought if I were if the election was different, I would have fired, you know, all of them quickly. Most of them I did for Biden should have fired every military person involved with Afghanistan.
He should have had a lot of firings. You know, if you look at him, he told Israel not to do anything. At least Israel is not going to look at a bomb the way they would have been.
Think if they listened to Biden, they'd be waiting for a bomb to drop on their head right now. He's been wrong about so much, I guess you'd have to say that she's been wrong, too, because, you know, they she always said they made the decision together. But Israel didn't follow his advice.
And I think it was a very, you know, there it's a very the Middle East is rapidly changing. You know, there are prophets that say the world will come to an end in the Middle East. You know that, right?
And we have weapons today that are so scary. When you look, I rebuilt them all. And when you look at the weapons we have today, the biggest threat we have in the world today is nuclear weapons.
And we have other weapons, too, that are devastated. But the nuclear weapons, the biggest threat we have in the world today. And that's what you I was talking about de-escalation with both China and Russia.
I'm telling you, we were going to de-escalate. They were going to de-escalate. Got to be careful.
It's a little tricky playing with them because they say we're going to do it and they don't do it. Maybe. But they understood the curse, too.
It's a curse. It's China's way behind us, but they'll catch us within five years.
Speaker 2
So let's imagine, let's let's say you win in November. What do you do differently and how do you change this course that it seems we are on for World War Three? How do you get us out of Ukraine?
How do you stop what's going on in the Middle East? How do you put a stop to this?
Speaker 1
Well, it's it's a very to me, it's an easy question because I think I can do it easily, but it's a complex question in the sense that the times change. Every day changes who's winning, who's not winning. I mean, Russia is a war machine.
Whether you like it or not, it just grinds along, grinds along. You speak to people like Viktor Orban, he'll tell you it's just a big, fat war machine. And that's what's happening.
You look at what's happened to Ukraine. If I were there, it would have never happened. But what could you do now?
Speaker 2
If you get into office in January, what could you do now?
Speaker 1
Right now, you would get both of them. I know both very well. And again, I cannot, I do not want to tell you, you know, for the purpose of looking smart to five people that, you know, that say, oh, he was great, because if I told you exactly what I do, I could I could never make the deal.
All I can tell you is that I would meet with Putin and I would meet with him. And I know exactly what I'd say to each one of them. And I believe that as president elect, I would get that war stopped and stopped fast.
You know, we have tremendous power in the United States, if you know how to use the power. I stopped other wars just by the use of tariffs. I got Macron of France.
Good guys, like a friend of mine, but he's a wise guy. And he's a person that likes France. And he was going to tax our companies.
I say and I sent all the smartest guys. I sent Mnuchin. They all failed me.
And I said, I'll do it myself. And I called him. I said, Emmanuel, you're taxing American companies.
We're not going to allow you to do that. Oh, Donald, I cannot do it. Nothing I could do.
It's already been passed. I said, Emmanuel, if you do that, I'm going to put 100 percent tariff on your wines and champagnes are coming to the United States. And you're going to regret that you ever did it.
He said, please, that's not fair. Anyway, within about two minutes, he dropped the whole thing. And it was massive amounts of money against American companies.
I have to protect American. So why doesn't the Biden administration do that? Because they're incompetent.
They don't know how to talk. Look, they met in Alaska with the Chinese and the Chinese lectured them about how badly we treat people. Right.
OK. I mean, think of it. You remember that?
It was like they didn't talk to me that way. They never. They respected me.
They respected our country. They don't respect our country. They don't respect Biden.
They don't respect her. They're dreaming about her because she's incompetent. She's not a smart person.
Look, she can't put two sentences together. She talks. I watched her two nights.
I watched her last night, too, was the same thing. She's not a smart person. These guys are very smart and they're very streetwise and they're very tricky and evil and dangerous.
And if she becomes the president of the United States, which I can't believe can happen. I don't think this country is going to make it. I don't think we'll ever be.
I think I think just really bad things will happen to our country. And you know what? I look at the outside forces and I say they can all be handled because we have a pot of gold, but we're not going to have that pot of gold to play with anymore.
You know, it's a great negotiating thing. I told you I knocked out this massive car company going to take all of our car business from Detroit. I knocked it out just by my rhetoric.
Rhetorically, I said. They'll never sell a car in here. I'll put tariffs.
I don't care that 2000 percent. They're never going to build that plant.
Speaker 2
Is it possible to apply that same thing to the electronics that we use? One of the things that disturbs me greatly is that all of our phones are made overseas and then some of our phones are made in places like chips. Yes.
And the chips and some of our phones are made in places like Foxconn, where they have nets around the building to keep people from jumping off the roof because they have so many suicides. Like, wouldn't it be better to have an American made iPhone where, you know, people are paid good wages, they have health insurance, they're taken care of, they can live a good life where you're not buying a piece of electronics that's cheaper because someone has to suffer a horrible in a horrible way that's not even legal in the United States. It's not even legal to have them work that way in the United States.
So they get these people to build them overseas.
Speaker 1
You do it. But but let me just say that chip deal is so bad. We put up billions of dollars for rich companies to come in and borrow the money and build chip companies here.
And they're not going to give us the good companies anyway. All you had to do is charge them tariffs. If you were to put a tariff on the chips coming in, you would have been able to do just like the auto companies.
No different. More sophisticated, but no different. You know, Taiwan, they stole our chip business.
OK, they want us to protect and they want protection. They don't pay us money for the protection. You know, the mob makes you pay money.
Right. But with these countries that we protect, I got hundreds of billions of dollars from NATO countries that were never paying us. And my biggest fan is Stoltenberg, who just left as the, you know, director general as a secretary general.
Good guy. He said Bush came. He made a speech.
Obama came. He made a speech. Trump came.
He said, you guys aren't paying. You got to pay. And they said, will you protect us from Russia if we don't?
I said, no, you got to pay if you don't pay. Billions of dollars came in to NATO. When I see us paying a lot of money to have people build a chip, that's not the way you didn't have to put up 10 cents.
You could have done it with a series of tariffs. In other words, you tariff it so high that they will come and build their chip companies for nothing. In other words, Joe, you put a big tariff on the chips coming in.
I say you don't have to pay the tariff. All you have to do is build your plant in the United States. We didn't have to give them the money to build a plant.
Besides that, they're very rich companies, these chip companies. They stole. They stole 95 percent of our business.
It's in Taiwan right now. They do a great job. But that's only because we have stupid politicians.
We lost the chip business. And now we think we're going to pay. You can't build it that way.
You have to make them spend their money in the United States. And those plants would open up all over and they'll fund them. We don't have to put up 10 cents.
And I am in the process of making a huge speech in about a little while. And you and I, how long have we been talking? A long time.
Let's go like three hours. I got to make a speech. But we'll do it again.
I want to do it again with you. OK, or something. They said, I said, how long will this last?
Anywhere from an hour to three or four.
Speaker 2
How long we do, Jamie? Three hours.
Speaker 1
Good. Well, we'll do it again. I thought it was.
I think it's.
Speaker 2
I think it was great.
Speaker 1
You are a fascinating guy and you've done a great job.
Speaker 2
Thank you very much.
Speaker 1
And thank you very much. It's been an honor. And it's been an honor to make a great speech.
And I'm going to say and I'm a little off tonight. I'm going to blame you. I spoke to this guy for three hours.
Anyway, it's a great honor to be. Thank you, sir. Thank you.
Good luck to you. Thank you very much.
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Donald Trump 翻訳#6 (150-180 End) Oct 2024 The Joe Rogan podcast
The Joe Rogan Experience podcast