ジェフリー・サックス: イランとの避けられない戦争、そしてバイデンによるトランプ妨害の試み タッカー・カールソン
Jeffrey Sachs: The Inevitable War With Iran, and Biden’s Attempts to Sabotage Trump
まず、ありがとうございます。この 2 週間で本当にたくさんのことがありました。ジェフ・サックスはどこにいるのだろうとずっと考えています。
それは何を意味するのでしょうか? それは30年にわたる取り組みの一部です。これは中東を作り変えるためのネタニヤフの戦争なのです。
9.11以降、イラク戦争が最初の戦争として本格的に動き始めました。クリーンブレイクとは、何を意味するのでしょうか? クリーンブレイクとは、中東から完全に決別することです。
私の見解では、これは米国と中東にとって完全な惨事です。実際、これは 1996 年以来のネタニヤフのやり方であり、彼はそれ以来半分以上の期間首相を務めてきました。そして米国は彼に代わって戦争に臨んでいます。
7 つの戦争のうち 6 つはすでに起こっています。起こっていないのはイランだけです。そして今毎日見ていると、主流メディアは米国とイランの戦争を推進しています。
ところで、それは大した価値のない大義だ。隣にパレスチナ国家があって平和が保たれていれば、過去 30 年間でおそらく 100 万人の命が救われただろうが、それはネタニヤフの狂気の野望ではない。それは…大イスラエルとは何なのか?
では、ナイル川からユーフラテス川までには、何が含まれるのでしょうか? 広い視野で見れば、レバノン、シリア、イラクの一部、エジプトの一部が含まれます。そして、これらの人々の中には、実際に聖書を引用して、「私たちはこれを実行するつもりだ」と言う人もいます。
それはイスラエル政府の文字通りの「大イスラエル」のビジョンです。文字通りの理念です。そこには 700 万人のパレスチナ人が住んでいます。
彼はどうやってそれをやるつもりだったのでしょうか? 結局、13年間にわたる大規模な戦争となり、30万人が死亡し、国が破壊されることになったのです。それが現実でした。
聞いたり読んだりするものが信用できない、ニュースソースはすべて中身がなく、歪曲されている、あるいは明らかにプロパガンダが嘘をついているように感じたことはありませんか? それは気のせいではありません。過去数年間で証明されたことがあるとすれば、それは、旧来のメディアは真実を歪曲し、あなたをコントロールし、実際に何が起きているのかを知らせるのではなく、一般大衆から情報を遮断するために存在しているということです。
これはミシガン州ヒルズデール大学のものです。Imprimis は、ワシントン ポストや NBC ニュースでは取り上げられない、本当に重要な問題について国内の優秀な専門家が語る、言論の自由に関するダイジェストです。何より素晴らしいのは、無料で、費用もかからず、何の制約もないことです。
彼らはそれをあなたに送るだけです。ヒルズデールは Imprimis をあなたの家まで無料で直接送ります。あなたがしなければならないのは、頼むことだけです。
TuckerForHillsdale.com にアクセスして、今すぐ無料で購読してください。それが TuckerForHillsdale.com です。国民が情報を得ることが、民主主義を維持する唯一の方法です。
何が起こっているのかを知らなければ、暴政と戦うことはできません。Imprimis が役立ちます。無料です。
では、28兆ドルの負債はどこから来るのでしょうか? たとえばブラウン大学の研究によると、合計するとおそらく7兆ドルを支払ったことになります。7兆ドルほどがこれに使われたのです。
まあ、これは、紀元前 7 世紀のような、国をどうしたいかというビジョンを持つ人物を私たちが擁護しているからです。先週のアサド政権打倒にアメリカ人は関与していたのでしょうか? もちろん関与していました。なぜなら、これは進行中の作戦だからです。
そして、これはシリアに対するシリア人の抗議活動だと言われました。CIA の政権転覆作戦はいつもこのように行われます。地元の反対勢力もあるかもしれませんが、CIA は武器を提供し、重火器を供給し、資金を提供し、訓練を提供し、キャンプを提供し、政治組織を提供します。
しかし、なぜアサドを憎まなければならないのでしょうか? トゥルシ・ガバードはアサドに会いに行ったのですが、それ以来ずっと攻撃を受けています。アメリカ人がアサドを憎まなければならない理由を説明した人はいますか?
ニューヨークタイムズのことを言うと笑ってもいいですか? なぜなら、彼らはいかなる紛争の歴史的背景も一切取り上げないからです。なぜなら、これらすべては安全保障国家、軍隊の自由な支配を目的としているからです。しかし、なぜニューヨークタイムズは安全保障国家の主張を真似するのでしょうか?
ニューヨークタイムズの記者に手紙を書いたんですか? ええ、私は何十年もこの人たちのことを知っています。 ええ。
それらはたいてい CIA や秘密組織によるものです。しかし、これは私たちの戦争です。私たちがその費用を負担しているのです。
では、Policy Genius という製品で、家族の将来と心の平和を守りましょう。Policy Genius の目標は、生命保険を簡単に見つけて購入できるようにすることです。そうすれば、あなたがいなくなったときに、愛する人たちが、予期せぬことが起こった場合に借金や費用を補うために使える保険を手に入れることができます。予期せぬことは起こるものですから。
Policy Genius なら、苦労してこれを行う必要はありません。年間 292 ドルから 100 万ドルの補償が受けられる生命保険を見つけることができます。オプションの中には 100% オンラインで提供されるものもあり、不要な健康診断を避けることができます。これは常に良いことです。
Policy Genius は、デジタル ツールと実際の資格を持つエージェントの専門知識を組み合わせています。アメリカのトップ保険会社からの見積もりを無料で比較でき、隠れた手数料は一切かかりません。資格を持つサポート チームが、必要なものを迅速に入手して、生活を続けられるようにお手伝いします。
Google と Trustpilot で 5 つ星の評価を得ている、Policy Genius の何千人もの満足した顧客に加わってください。家族の明日を確保して、今日は安心してください。簡単です。
policygenius.com slash Tucker にアクセスして、無料の生命保険見積もりを取得し、いくら節約できるかを確認してください。繰り返しますが、policygenius.com slash Tucker です。選挙から就任式までのこの数週間ほど不安を感じたことはありませんでした。実際、そうは思えないかもしれませんが、退任する政権が紛争を加速させ、新政権にさまざまな戦争、特にロシアとの戦争を任せようとしているのは事実です。
私たちは、2 人の人間や 2 つの政権のゲームをしているのではありません。私たちは今、おそらく世界が最大の危機に瀕しているときに生き残ろうとしています。ですから、この状況を見ているほとんどの専門家は、私たちはかつてないほど核戦争に近づいていると考えています。
さて、機密解除について少しお話ししましょう。過去 77 年間の歴史の中で、CIA を詳しく調べたのはたった一度だけです。1974 年です。
それは実際は 74 年か 75 年のことでした。来年は教会委員会の 50 周年になります。そうです。
それは、CIA が何をしていたのか、部分的にでも内部を覗かれた唯一の機会だった。彼らが明らかにしたのは、愚かさ、悪、惨事、そしてもちろん、信じられないほどの無責任さの巣窟だった。もちろん、彼らは数多くの暗殺計画を明らかにした。
彼らは、MKUltra と呼ばれる、非常にショッキングで恐ろしいプログラムを発見しました。これは、マインド コントロールを試みる大規模で歪んだプログラムで、タイムズ スクエアの路上から罪のない人々や浮浪者を連れ出し、麻薬を注射したり、睡眠不足で自殺に追い込んだり、想像もできないようなショッキングなことをすべて行いました。このことが、MKUltra を題材にした「ボーン シリーズ」のような素晴らしい映画シリーズを生み出しました。これは 1975 年のことでした。
アメリカ政府はそこで何をしていたのでしょうか? そうですね...
そして、これは... JFK が苦い経験から学んだことだと思います。これは CIA のやり方であり、モサドのやり方であり、ディープ ステートのやり方です。つまり、平和を目指しているわけではないのです。
これはまったく別の話です。私たちはどこへ向かっているのでしょうか? すべてが完全に妄想なので、核による絶滅にどんどん近づいています。
核超大国の大統領を殺すなんて、誰が想像できるでしょうか? もちろん、それは最も驚くべき、間違った考えです。私はそれについて何も知りません。
ちなみに、1994 年にロバート マクニールがヘンリー キッシンジャーとジャック マトロックにインタビューした PBS NewsHour の驚くほど洞察力に富んだエピソードが再放送されました。この番組は 30 周年を迎えます。この番組は NATO 拡大に関するものでした。
彼らが国内で暗殺を行ってきたことは疑いようがないと思います。JFK は国内でその最初の明らかな事例だったと私は考えています。これは非常に長い話で、呆れた人もいるでしょうが、私は人生の大半をこれを読んで研究し、調べることに費やしてきました。
これがギャラップ社の最新の調査結果です。そして、その通りです。ですから、これは 1991 年の熱狂や傲慢さとは異なります。
雇用や住宅、近所の犯罪の減少、インフレの抑制はどうでしょうか? 借金がアメリカの財政を破綻させないようにできますか? 彼らはミッチ・マコーネルの優位性が続くことに興味はありません。
ありません。しかし、毎週、毎日、Fox News はイランによる暗殺未遂事件があると伝えています。イランは将来の攻撃に備えて我が国沖合の船舶からドローンを飛ばし、偵察を行っています。
ちなみに、これが情報戦のポイントの 1 つです。国民は JFK 暗殺に関する公式の説明を信じませんでした。国民は RFK 暗殺に関する公式の説明を信じませんでした。
それで、その命令は具体的にどのように発せられると思いますか? あなたを止める仕組みをご存知ですか? ある日突然、ジェフリー・サックスはもう出ないという通知が来るとか、どういう仕組みですか?
皆さんは、この件に関して善良で忠実な市民でなければなりません。ところで、軍産複合体と交わされる契約は数多くあります。ちなみに、これは年間 1 兆 5000 億ドル規模のビジネスであり、中小企業ではありません。
彼らは怖がっているか、話したくないか、あるいは RSX 社やノースロップ グラマン社、ジェネラル ダイナミクス社、ボーイング社など、だれかから金をもらっているかのどちらかです。だから質問さえしません。これが現実です。
結局、YouTube が私たちの番組を抑制していることがわかりました。わかっています。すべてがかかっている選挙の年に、Google が権力を握って、責任者が聞かせたくないことを一切聞かせないようにするというのは衝撃的です。
しかし、実際に起こっているのです。では、どうすればいいのでしょうか? まあ、文句を言うこともできますが。
それは時間の無駄です。私たちは Google を管理しているわけではありません。あるいは、それを回避する方法、つまり、実際に真実の情報を取得できる方法を見つけることもできます。
これは故意に欺くものではありません。YouTube でそれを実現するための方法は、私たちのチャンネルを購読することだと私たちは考えています。購読すれば、私たちの言うことを聞ける可能性がずっと高くなります。
[Speaker 2]
Well, first of all, thank you. So many things have happened in the last two weeks. I keep thinking, where's Jeff Sachs?
I want to know what this means. So, the most dramatic and, from my perspective, unexpected thing that happened was all of a sudden the government in Syria changed, there was regime change in Syria. Who did that?
[Speaker 1]
And what does it mean? Well, it's part of a 30-year effort. This is Netanyahu's war to remake the Middle East.
It's been a disaster. It continues to be a disaster. But, as Netanyahu himself said after Assad left, we have remade the Middle East.
And so it has to be understood as something that didn't just happen in a week, but has been an ongoing war throughout the Middle East. And maybe the right way to understand what's happened with Syria is to think back to a really remarkable occasion when Wesley Clark, the general who headed NATO, went to the Pentagon just after 9-11. And famously, he showed a piece of paper that said we're going to have seven wars in five years.
And he was completely dumbfounded. He said, what does this have to do with anything? And he was told that the neocons and the Israelis are going to remake the Middle East.
And the seven countries on the list are very telling. They were Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and then in Africa, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan. And seven countries, we've been at war in six of them now.
And I mean we, the United States, on behalf of Israel, including in Syria. And so what happened in Syria last week was the culmination of a long-term effort by Israel to reshape the Middle East in its image. That started with Netanyahu and his American advisors in 1996 in something called Clean Break, which was a political document that the Americans and Netanyahu made when Netanyahu became prime minister.
After 9-11, it went into full gear with the Iraq wars being the first of those wars. Clean Break, what does that refer to? Clean Break is we're going to make a clean break of the Middle East.
A break with the past. We're going to break with the past. We're not going to have land for peace, which is the idea that Israel would have a Palestinian state next door.
No, we're going to have greater Israel, and we're just going to bash anybody that doesn't like it. And we're going to do that by bringing down any government that supports the Palestinians. It's a rather shocking amount of hubris.
It has been, in my view, a complete disaster for the United States and for the Middle East. It has been Netanyahu's MO since 1996, actually, and he's been prime minister more than half the time since then. And the United States goes to war on his behalf.
And what happened in Syria is the culmination of that effort. So, seven wars in five years. Netanyahu came to the US in 2002, excuse me, after 9-11.
Actually, he came in September 20th, 2001, if I remember correctly, and gave a speech that said, there's terrorism, but you don't fight the terrorists, you fight the governments that back the terrorists. That's the idea. So, you go to war.
You don't just have a kind of an anti-terrorism effort, you go to war. And the first of those wars was Iraq, but Syria was supposed to be exactly the next war. And the timeline was this remarkable idea of seven wars in five years.
According to all of the understanding that we now have from lots of insiders, from documents from the archives, what happened was the US got bogged down in Iraq. There was the insurgency. We didn't move onward to the next war, which was to be Syria, which was to happen already 20 years ago.
But in 2011, what really brought Assad down last week started under Obama. And yes, and this is also interesting. It doesn't really matter who's president.
This is long-term, deep state policy. Obama ordered the CIA to overthrow Assad. So, that started in 2011.
But why would Obama want to overthrow Assad? Because Israel has run American foreign policy in the Middle East for 30 years. That's how it works.
We have an Israel lobby. We have this clean break strategy. We have a plan for seven wars in five years.
And what's interesting is they actually kind of carry out this madness. They don't explain any of it to the American people. They don't tell anybody, but you can watch step by step.
We've had six of those seven wars. The only one that hasn't happened is Iran. And if you watch every day now, the MSM, the mainstream media is pushing for US war with Iran.
Netanyahu's pushing for war with Iran. They're really trying to get this started to make seven out of seven. But Obama, you know, for no particular reason, by the way, but he launched two of these wars on the list of seven.
He launched the war to bring down the Libyan government, Muammar Gaddafi, in the fall of, or the war started in March 2011. And he and Hillary Clinton, his secretary of state, said Assad must go in the spring of 2011. I remember scratching my head at the time saying, oh, that's interesting.
How are they going to do that? Syria was a normal functioning country at the time, despite whatever you read, whatever propaganda is said, Syria was a normal functioning country. I recently dredged out a report by the International Monetary Fund on Syria in 2009 that praised the Syrian government for its reforms and its rapid economic growth and looked forward to continued years of economic development.
In other words, it was not this wasteland or this battlefield. It was an actual normal country. Was it a threat to the United States?
It was no threat to the United States whatsoever, but it was deemed to be, by Netanyahu, a threat to Israel because of a simple reason, which is that Netanyahu wants to control all of Palestine, wants to rule over the Palestinian people, does not want a Palestinian state, and that has led to militant opposition. That's led to Hamas, that's led to Hezbollah, that's led to other groups. Netanyahu's theory is, well, we're never going to allow a Palestinian state, so we have to bring down any government that supports those militant groups against us, because our core aim is greater Israel.
That's not much of a worthy cause, by the way. Having a Palestinian state next door and having peace could have saved probably a million lives by now over the last 30 years, but that's not Netanyahu's crazy ambition, which is... What is greater Israel?
Greater Israel means, depending on how crazy the people are, either that Israel controls not only its geographic territory, but that it essentially controls or annexes the West Bank, the Golan Heights, which they've just enlarged, Gaza... Golan Heights being part of Syria, historically. It was part of Syria.
It's claimed by Israel and now with an expanded territory, and East Jerusalem. So, everything that was captured in 1967, Netanyahu explicitly said, we're never giving that back. Now, there are two motivations for that.
One, Netanyahu says, not safe to give it back, because he doesn't want to negotiate any kind of peace or any state of Palestine. Then there are religious zealots, I would use even stronger terms, who use the book of Joshua, which is 2,700 years ago, that said, well, God gave us everything from the river in Egypt, meaning the Nile, to the Euphrates. And there are zealots in Israel, and they're in the government, who believe, yes, this is God's ordinance, we're going to take whatever we want.
So, the Nile to the Euphrates would include what? Well, if you take the greater view of this, it would include Lebanon, it would include Syria, it would include part of Iraq, it would include part of Egypt. And some of these people actually quote the Bible and say, we're going to do this.
And it's a little sad and absolutely terribly frightening. But I'd say the more narrow vision is what they call from the river to the sea, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean. That's taken as a pro-Palestinian chant, but it's exactly the opposite.
It is the greater Israel literal vision of the government of Israel. It's the literal idea. There happen to be 7 million Palestinians there.
That's a minor problem. Maybe they can be ethnically cleansed. Maybe they can be thrown out.
Maybe they can just be ruled in a military dominant way. Of course, probably well over 100,000 have been killed in the most recent war by Israel. Official count 45,000 of bodies claimed from the rubble, but we know that there are a lot more that have died since this war in Gaza began.
But all of this is to say, this greater Israel idea says we can't make peace with the Palestinians so anyone that supports the Palestinians is by definition a mortal threat to us. And when you have a mortal threat, you must destroy it. And so this is the opposite of diplomacy.
It's war. And as Netanyahu crowed last week, it's war to remake the Middle East. It's all spelled out, by the way, in very clear ways.
But you have to dig for them. You have to find them. You have to understand that this is longstanding.
You have to understand that each president has played part of that role. So when we come back to Obama, he started the war with Syria in 2011. I can remember actually vividly the call that Assad must go.
And yeah, I did scratch my head. I was actually, I think it was on Morning Joe when it was said, and I was asked by Joe Scarborough, what do you think? And I said, well, that's pretty odd.
How's he going to do that? It turned out it was going to be 13 years of mass war, 300,000 dead and destroying a country. That's what it turned out to be.
But Obama signed an order called Operation Timber Sycamore. People should look it up. You can find it online, but you can't find it in the mainstream media because it's not discussed.
But it was a so-called presidential finding that the CIA should work with Turkey, with Saudi Arabia, with others to overthrow the government of Syria. So that was the plan. We went to war.
We had- This is what led to Benghazi, correct? Benghazi is Libya. So Libya- I understand.
Yes. But it was the same time in 2011.
[Speaker 2]
But my understanding was the reason there were so many American intel assets there was because they were moving arms from Libya to- Oh, sorry.
[Speaker 1]
Yes. If you say it that way, one of the first things was to establish a rat line, so-called, from Libya to Syria. Absolutely.
And Seymour Hersh wrote a terrific piece explaining all of that.
[Speaker 2]
But that was never explained. I mean, I worked at a news organization at the time that made a lot of Benghazi and the death of a U.S. ambassador and what was the Obama administration thinking? They were so negligent.
But there was never any discussion about what they were doing there in the first place.
[Speaker 1]
No, none of this is explained. Of course, this is- It's none of the public's business. This is our business.
We're the war machine. You stay out of this. So none of this is explained.
Interestingly, the whole Syrian operation, I think I counted right that the New York Times mentioned Operation Timber Sycamore, I think, three times in the 2010s. So a war that cost billions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives, CIA operation, covert action, links with Libya, never explained, never discussed. And even when the government falls last week, no background given.
You know, we're supposed to have amnesia. We're not supposed to understand that what happens is the result of long-term plans that have been pretty disastrous. And by the way, as I've said, Israel has driven so many American wars and we say, absolutely, yes, that's our greatest ally.
These have been a huge cost to the United States, cost of trillions of dollars, cost geopolitically. But somehow we gave away our foreign policy to Israel years and years ago, and it's been absolutely devastating. And it's interesting to go back and watch Netanyahu speak to the American people.
Go look at a video clip of 2001, 2002. In 2002, in October, he comes and testifies in the Senate. And there's a nice clip of him promising how wonderful the war in Iraq is going to be because Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction.
He says, 100 percent certain, complete lies, by the way. And they knew that they were lies at the time. And it's going to be wonderful.
We're going to topple that dictator and then dictators are going to be toppled everywhere. And the young people of Iran are going to rise up. This is his idea, together with his U.S. political consultants, together with neocons in the U.S. government for the last 25 years. They have never apologized for dragging the United States into countless wars in the Middle East, spending trillions of dollars running up U.S. debt and doing what? Creating chaos. So just to go back to the seven countries, because it's worth remembering Lebanon, it barely exists as a functioning country right now.
Syria, it's going to be picked to pieces. Don't believe. Well, it's obvious in what we're seeing every day.
Territorial integrity. Yeah. Israel's just invaded from the southwest into a deeper Syria.
Turkey from the north. Russia has its area. The United States and the Kurds have their area.
This this place is just going to be a battlefield for years to come. Iraq. We know what happened with Iraq.
Trillions of dollars, a complete destabilization of the country. Look at the other three wars. The United States broke apart Sudan.
Why? Well, Sudan was an enemy of Israel. So we have to break apart Sudan.
So we supported the South Sudanese. Now we have the the real trifecta, massive civil war in Sudan and massive civil war in South Sudan. In other words, we broke apart the country and now there's civil war in both halves of the country.
Somalia basically doesn't exist as a country. Libya, it doesn't exist. It's a battlefield.
It's a war zone. So that's six out of six. And Netanyahu's crowing.
Now we go on to Iran.
[Speaker 2]
Do you ever feel like you can't trust the things you hear or read, like every news source is hollow, distorted, or clearly just propaganda lying to you? Well, you're not imagining it. If the last few years have proven anything, it's that legacy media exists to distort the truth and to control you, to gatekeep information from the public instead of letting you know what's actually going on.
They don't want you to know. But there is, however, a publication that fights this, that is not propaganda, one that we read every month and have for many years. It's called Imprimis.
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[Speaker 1]
You have. I have. Of course.
This is, where does $28 trillion of debt come from? We've paid probably $7 trillion if you add it up according to Brown University studies, for example. Something like $7 trillion has gone into this.
Israel couldn't do this for one day. Israel, you know, Netanyahu, we are lions. Yeah, right, you are liars.
But we are the ones funding you, arming you, paying for all of this. That's the United States. And this is weird to me because we say yes to defend our ally.
No, no, no. We're doing their foreign policy, which makes no sense, which doesn't lead to any peace, which leads to basically a war zone across the Middle East. And we say this is good for us.
Why is this good for us? What's the United States getting out of any of this? We haven't gotten anything out of any of this except massive geopolitical isolation.
The most recent votes in the UN, for example, put the United States alone, alone with Israel. And I shouldn't exaggerate. We have Micronesia on our side.
We have Nauru on our side with its 12,000 people, maybe a couple of other countries. The whole rest of the world is saying, what is going on? Endless war in the Middle East.
Well, this is because we're defending someone with some 7th century B.C. vision of what they want their country to be. Were Americans involved in the overthrow of Assad last week? Of course they were, because this has been an ongoing operation.
Whether they were involved in the final days, I don't know. They were involved in the 13 years nonstop.
[Speaker 2]
I don't understand.
[Speaker 1]
Actually, let me tell you an interesting story, by the way. The war started in 2011. It was portrayed as always, as the CIA does, as a local uprising and the freedom fighters.
And it was said this was Syrians protesting against Syria. That's always how any CIA regime change operation works. There may also be local opposition, but the CIA provides the armaments, it provides the flow of heavy weapons, it provides the financing, it provides the training, it provides the camps, it provides the political organization.
So this started in 2011. In 2012, there was already a bloodbath underway and a lot of people dying and a lot of civilians dying in a lot of ancient historic sites because this is the fertile crescent, this is the birthplace of humanity itself, of civilization being destroyed. And so a very senior global diplomat that I knew very, very well was tasked with trying to find peace.
Peace, nice idea. Maybe we don't need the bloodbath. And I met him in the spring of 2012 and he said it failed and said, why did it fail?
He said, well, we had a full peace agreement, but it was blocked by one party alone. We had the different forces in Syria, we had the regional, but it was blocked by one. Who was it blocked by?
It was blocked by the United States government. Why? Well, because their condition was that Assad must go on the first day of the agreement, rather than a political process.
Everyone else agreed on a political process, but the United States said, no, no, this is regime change. Assad must go on the first day. And that was not possible.
So that was the end of the attempted peace. So we should understand this was an American operation.
[Speaker 2]
But what I didn't understand and still don't understand is why we're all required to hate Assad. Speaking for myself, I don't have strong feelings about Assad one way or the other. Apparently he's protected the Christians, so I'm grateful for that as a Christian.
But why am I required to hate Assad? Tulsi Gabbard went and met with Assad and she's been attacked ever since. Has anyone ever explained why Americans should hate Assad?
[Speaker 1]
Because every regime change operation we ever do, we have to make sure that the opponent is the worst villain since Hitler.
[Speaker 2]
Some ophthalmologist from London is a bloodthirsty dictator. I never, I didn't really...
[Speaker 1]
We have to say this and this is part of the psyops or the info war that goes along with regime change operations. This is completely typical. And we're told if we don't stop him now, it's only going to spread.
He'll be in Des Moines. Exactly. The Nicaraguans were going to be in Harlingen, Texas.
Remember, you know, this is standard fare. It's so pedestrian, such bad script writing that you can't believe it's still rolled out.
[Speaker 2]
But why doesn't someone at the New York Times just ask the obvious question, which is why am I supposed to hate Assad exactly? Why is it somehow a test of my loyalty to the United States where I think Bashar al-Assad? Like, who cares?
That's such a core question. I've never heard anyone ask that.
[Speaker 1]
Can I laugh when you mention New York Times? Because they won't cover any historical background of any conflict at all, because all of this is aimed at a free hand for the security state, a free hand for the military. But why would the New York Times be parroting the security state?
Well, I think that's a question that goes back decades, partly because it's staffed in part by probably people from the intelligence agencies. We've known that for years. Who work at the New York Times?
We know in the past that CIA just had reporters on the payroll. I mean, whether they do or not now, I have no idea. So I'm not making a current claim, but we know that that's a historic fact.
We know historically that with very rare exceptions, the New York Times has just followed the unnamed official sources, that this is the whole MO, this patriotic newspaper. It follows what it's told to do. And it doesn't ask questions.
It has not asked any questions about any of these wars in recent memory, not about Ukraine, not about the wars raging throughout the Middle East. As I said, I think there was one full page actually about Operation Timber Sycamore in 2016. You would think that something that got us into a war of 13 years where we spent billions of dollars, where hundreds of thousands of people died, even at this stage, there would be a kind of page or a box explaining the historical background to this, but it didn't exist.
I actually wrote, I have to say, I wrote to one of the reporters saying, couldn't you mention a little background? He said, oh, very interesting idea, Mr. Sachs. So I'm waiting.
You wrote to a New York Times reporter? Well, I know these people for decades. Yeah.
And by the way, not only do I know them and some I like very much, by the way, and some have been classmates of mine a long time ago, and they know things that they don't report. And that's also important to understand that what they will say in private is the opposite of what their newspaper says. And I mean, literally the opposite.
So that's very worrying to me because we operate foreign policy in secrecy. We do not have any kind of democratic oversight of foreign policy. There's no explanation of it.
There's no accountability for it. It's in very few hands. It's not in good or reliable hands.
It's not explained. We gave over Middle East foreign policy to Israel a long time ago, not to U.S. interests, but to Israel's interests. That is the Israel lobby.
And we don't hear questioning of this at all. Of course, not from the government, not from the Congress, not from oversight by any democratic institutions, nor does the mainstream media, which fewer and fewer people are interested in because they don't get any facts from it, look into these issues.
[Speaker 2]
What happens next in Syria?
[Speaker 1]
Well, there'll be continued war, and now the drumbeat is for war with Iran. Anything is possible. Netanyahu dearly wants the U.S. to go in and bomb Iran.
(30 min.)
[Speaker 1]
Probably some of President Trump's advisors will feel the same. The incoming administration is a mix of old-school hardliners and people with a very different perspective, so there will be an internal battle for the heart and soul of the new administration. But there will be some who say, yeah, now's time to carry on the war.
Hezbollah and Hamas have been weakened. Syria has fallen. The air defenses are gone.
Now we can fly and do in Iran. Of course, all of this is a profound delusion, and that's, I think, really important to understand. We've had six wars so far—Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya—six out of the seven that were on the list shown to Wesley Clark.
Not one of them has led to stability, to peace even, much less to geopolitical interests being solved. So it's not like we're finding solutions to anything. Yes, it has allowed, at unbelievable cost, Israel to hold on to the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and Gaza as if that's some kind of grand strategic aim of the United States or justifiable in the face of international law and nearly global opposition to such thinking.
But it doesn't lead to any answers, and there's no way to, quote, defeat Iran. Even if we went in and bombed Iran, Iran has strong allies. Iran has Russia and China as allies.
Iran is part of the BRICS. Iran has a military relationship with Russia. Of course, we have even crazier people who think we're going to defeat Russia.
But Russia has 6,000 nuclear warheads, of which 1,600 are deployed. It has its new hypersonic Oreshnik ballistic missile, which travels at Mach 11. It has other hypersonic weapons.
So yes, we have people in the U.S. who, in their mental blindness, think about continued escalation all the way to nuclear Armageddon. They really do. They're very ignorant people, and they're around in high positions.
And so when you ask what comes next, what comes next is whether President Trump can change course. This is the most important question facing the United States. And there are several different factions in Washington right now that are fighting for ultimate say.
There's a piece by Mitch McConnell, our octogenarian, who is completely living in a delusional past, who has a lead article in Foreign Affairs magazine calling for America to commit to primacy. And he calls for a massive military buildup to get ready for every kind of eventuality with Russia and China. That's the old school, and it remains very powerful.
And it's got very powerful interests because it's the biggest business in Washington, about $1.5 trillion of annual spending for the military machine. And Mitch McConnell absolutely represents that. Then there are groups that say, you know, we don't really have any fundamental conflict with Russia, and Russia is no real threat to us, but China's the real threat.
So we should end the war in Ukraine, something I completely agree with. But we should do it so that we build up and get ready for the war with China. And this is kind of the middle ground, which is...
A war with China.
[Speaker 2]
Well... A country that manufactures all of our antibiotics.
[Speaker 1]
Everyone is talking about war with China in Washington by 2027. And it's so weird, as if we just are trying to rush headlong into complete destruction. But we have official documents, a Navy strategy saying we must prepare for war with China by 2027.
We had a major article in the New York Times, which I actually once upon a time read with interest. But in any event, it was a story about the Pentagon preparing for war with China. And I wrote the reporter, actually.
This is another... I know these people for decades. So I wrote the reporter and I said, thank you for writing that story.
I was happy to read it now, because there'll be no time to read it after the war. We'll all be dead. So I'm glad that we have the story now.
And the reporter wrote back to me right away, said, oh, Jeff, the editor... I had put in three times that the Pentagon doesn't want this war, but the editor took it out three times. And I don't really know why.
And I didn't notice that in the hurrying to finish the piece. Do you understand that? You're one of our world's great journalists, a person writing a front page story about war, and she's written three times the Pentagon doesn't want it.
And the editor takes that out all the time. And she didn't recognize that. That's the New York Times.
I don't know even what that means. Well, that's when you quit. I mean, you can't allow that.
This is so amazing. But yes, so there is a group gearing up for war with China. It's unbelievable.
Nuclear superpower with a much larger army on their shores. I mean, the whole thing is beyond belief. Then there is a group, there actually is a group that says, hey, we don't need war with anybody.
We're not threatened. The United States is more secure than at any time in history and any time that a country could be secure. We have two big oceans.
No one can attack us. We have every amount of deterrence. China does not threaten us and could not threaten us.
And so what are we talking about war this way? Why are we in war with Russia in Ukraine? And that is a U.S.-Russia war, as everybody should understand. Why are we at war all over the Middle East? And that is a U.S. war. We've got absolutely troops on the ground in the and we have troops on the ground, of course, but we have forces on the ground.
They're often CIA or or covert. But yes, this is our wars. We're paying for them.
We're financing them. We're arming them. We're the intelligence, if you can use that word.
Why do we need a war in with China? And so there are people who say, hey, why don't we make business, advanced technology, actually have some attention to our economic needs, not go bankrupt in the process. And that group is also part of the Trump incoming team.
And this is probably the most consequential question that a country could face is which of these different voices will prevail in this new administration.
[Speaker 2]
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Go to policygenius.com slash tucker to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save. Again, it's policygenius.com slash Tucker. I've never felt more uneasy than I have in the last few weeks during this period between the election and the inauguration and it does, what doesn't seem like it, is a fact that the outgoing administration is trying to accelerate conflict to leave the incoming administration in charge of a bunch of different wars, especially with Russia.
[Speaker 1]
I have to say, you know, my, I think the Biden administration has been the worst of our governments in modern history and that's saying a lot because I'm a complainer so I don't generally, I don't generally praise administrations. I like to think of myself as a responsible tough grader and I haven't given high marks to any administration from Clinton onward. I think they've all been failures but Biden's administration has been a complete shocking disaster which has brought us closer to nuclear war, brought us into more conflict, didn't have one iota of diplomacy.
I don't count diplomacy meaning you go talk to a junior ally. I mean diplomacy meaning you talk to someone on the other side to figure out how to escalate and we know, you know very well and you heard it recently from the Russian foreign minister that our secretary of state and the Russian foreign minister have not spoken at all for years. This is the most mind-bogglingly stupid approach to our security and survival imaginable and as far as we know and this is what Lavrov said in his interview with you, Biden and Putin have not spoken once since February 2022.
It's just unbelievable. To not even speak, to not try to understand each other's position, to not discuss, to not try to find a way out when now the most accurate assessment is that there are at least a million Ukrainians dead or severely wounded since February 2022 and the United States hasn't lifted a finger not even one time to try to talk to the other side. So yes, this has been a shockingly terrible government.
Biden, we don't know really, you may know, I don't know whether he's compass mentis. I don't know whether the guy thinks I'm told till four in the afternoon he can still function to some extent. I don't know if it's true but Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken, I regard as complete failures.
Sullivan's job is our security. He's not made us any more secure. He's made us profoundly insecure and we're getting closer and closer to nuclear war and the only way we avoid that realization is to laugh away every statement and President Putin said it again today, by the way, that we are absolutely mocking Russia's serious red lines.
Is that really for our security that we don't have a discussion about them even? And we're not and everything, yes, is escalating. We see little fires being set all over the neighborhoods of these war zones and it's not only throughout the Middle East and the drumbeat for war with Iran, it's not only Biden authorizing the use of long-distance strikes into Russia, which as President Putin has accurately said and has not been denied by the United States, are actually U.S. strikes on Russia. But this is incredible. How would we feel if Russia were attacking the United States? Would we say...
And trying to kill the president, we are trying to kill Putin right now. Would we say that's just fine? Don't worry if Americans are getting a little upset about that, but that's literally what Biden has approved.
And then we see hot spots around, you have to be, you know, really into this to be following them, but in the country of Georgia, in the South Caucasus region, there's a little typical regime change maneuver that's been underway in recent weeks. It will not succeed, but the aim was to destabilize that region. The hand of the U.S. is absolutely clear in that. We see in Romania another bizarre episode where a presidential election was in its second round and the lead candidate was saying we should end the war with Ukraine. And the Supreme Court of Romania annulled the election, claiming Russian interference. And so that candidate that was calling for peace could not win election.
We're seeing those kinds of events all over. What are we seeing in South Korea? In South Korea, of course, we saw something that we don't understand that's also mind-boggling, which was an attempted coup by the president of Korea, President Jung, who called out the military to surround and arrest the parliament.
And ultimately the coup failed and the president was thrown out of office. But why he made that coup is not absolutely clear. And the U.S. reaction was bizarre. The U.S. said we're watching with concern. That was all. It didn't say anything about restore the constitutional order or we're against the coup or anything else.
And there was a glimmer of possible reason. I don't want to overstate any certainty on this because this is, of course, also not analyzed properly or made public. So we don't have the information.
But the week before the military action, the coup attempt, there was a visit by the Ukrainian defense minister for armaments from South Korea, something that the United States has been pushing very hard for. The United States has been trying to get South Korea to ship arms to Ukraine because the U.S. inventories are depleted. And South Korea under its law cannot do so because it cannot ship arms to belligerents that are engaged in war.
And the parliament opposed it. The parliament president does not have a majority in the parliament or the former president. And the opposition opposed the armaments.
So there's some possible relationship with this that when Yun declared martial law, he said that the opposition was siding with the North Koreans. That was his statement. And some read that as a way to clear the way for South Korea to enter the Ukraine war with massive arms shipments.
I don't know whether that's the case, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's the case. Maybe we'll find out. It happens that the acting president was my first PhD student at Harvard now.
So I go back with him 44 years, which is nice. Amazing. Yeah, just a coincidence.
[Speaker 2]
That's amazing. I meant to ask you, why did Russia stand aside as Assad fell?
[Speaker 1]
I think that it was a, first of all, a military choice because Russia is in the midst of a very tough war along a 1,200 kilometer front in Ukraine. And it did not want to divert any major military effort in that direction. Second, the proximate reason why Assad fell was that the main military backing of Assad was Hezbollah forces and the Iranian guard.
And they had both been, especially Hezbollah had been very badly mauled by Israel in the last month and a half and had pulled its reinforcements from Syria to reinforce Lebanese positions. And so Assad was left without the backing of Hezbollah forces, several thousand, which was the bulwark of his military. I think a third reason is that Russia doesn't think it's leaving Syria, that this isn't the end of the story.
And immediately, the supposed new force in Syria, the HTS, said that it wants Russia to stay and to keep its bases in Syria. Russia has a naval base and a small one and an airfield. And Russia has redeployed its forces from within Syria to both of those bases, but is probably not leaving.
So I think from probably a strategic calculus, Russia just regards this as a temporary step on a path to continued conflict and that this was not the time to get into another major front. And that would be my assessment.
[Speaker 2]
So we've got a little over a month between now and the inauguration. Clearly, as noted, the Biden administration is trying to make decisions that are evocable and deepen the war between the United States and Russia and then all these other things. If you were the Trump people right now, before the inauguration, what would you be doing?
[Speaker 1]
Well, I would first be clear. Under the Constitution, Biden is president until January 20th. I think it's right to say that Biden should not put America into further insecurity.
He's done enough damage. And so I think it's right for every political figure to say to Biden, you're at the end of your term, and the world is very dangerous. You do not have a mandate to increase the danger.
You should never have authorized the use of ATACMs and other U.S. missiles in deep strikes into Russia. Stop further provocations now. So I hope that politicians of both parties, and I think President Trump can also make this clear, it's not to take over the government until January 20th.
But Biden, absolutely, in my view, is without the legitimacy to further endanger us. And they should prevent any actions from abroad that threaten American security, of course, but I don't see those happening. I think the biggest risk right now is continued U.S. provocations of the kind that we've been discussing in Ukraine, in the Middle East, in the periphery of Russia, in the Far East. Stop any further provocations. The idea of somehow tying Trump's hands is completely illegitimate, constitutionally and politically. And it's a disastrous approach.
We're not playing a game of two people or a game of two administrations. We're trying to survive at a time of perhaps maximum global peril right now. So just to say, most experts that look at this think we're closer to nuclear war than we have ever been.
And I refer often to the doomsday clock of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, which is the graphic to demonstrate how close or how far we are from nuclear war. And that doomsday clock puts the clock at 90 seconds to midnight, which is the closest to nuclear Armageddon that it has ever been since the clock was first rolled out in 1947. So I think it behooves those people who are making the decisions in the Biden administration to stop imperiling Americans at this point, and to understand that their job right now is to keep things stable, to give power over to President Trump on January 20th, 2025.
[Speaker 2]
One of the promises of the new administration is massive declassification, pardons for...
[Speaker 1]
Please, if it could only be. This would change so much.
[Speaker 2]
So one of the things that I'm interested in learning about is 9-11, because I think it's important to understand why that happened. And I think my guess is that one of the reasons so many documents from 9-11 are still classified 23 years later, it's hard to imagine why, is because they tell a more detailed story about why Al-Qaeda struck the United States. And it seems clear it was a response to, and I'm not defending it, of course, obviously, but it was still cause and effect.
And the cause was American foreign policy, was response to that. A, do you think that's true? And B, if it is true, then how afraid should we be about future terror attacks, given what we've been doing?
[Speaker 1]
Well, let me say something about declassification. We had one and only one close look at the CIA in its entire history of the last 77 years. 1974.
And that was actually 74, 75. It'll be the 50th anniversary this coming year of the Church Committee. Yep.
It was the only time that there was even a partial look inside what the CIA had been doing. What they uncovered was a viper's nest of stupidity, evil, disaster, and, of course, unbelievable unaccountability. They uncovered, of course, numerous assassination plots.
They uncovered an absolutely shocking and awful program called MKUltra, which was a massive warped program for trying for mind control, where they took innocent people, vagrants, off the streets of Times Square and shot them up with drugs or drove them to suicide through sleep deprivation, every kind of shocking thing you can't even make up, and that made for great movie series like The Bourne Series, which is about MKUltra, in fact. Now, that was 1975.
We've gone 50 years of further secretive operations. I've mentioned one of them, the Timber Sycamore, but that's one of many. I've seen many myself by accident because I'm not in the security field.
I'm an economist, but I'm around lots of governments. I'm all over the world. I've seen coups with my own eyes.
I've seen the U.S. role in these coups. I've seen things that are absolutely disgusting, not because people are showing me secret documents. I don't even want to see those, by the way.
I see them because I happen to be told or shown or walked around the Maidan soon after a coup overthrew Yanukovych, and people explain things to me, which I found completely awful about American complicity in all of this. I had a president in the Western Hemisphere say to me, Jeff, they're going to take me out. And I said, no, no, no, no, everything's going to be fine.
And the CIA took him out in broad daylight. And so we have no review of any of this. We have gone to war repeatedly on false pretenses.
We have gone to war repeatedly in so-called covert operations. They're not covert to the people being affected. Well, that's right.
But we just hear denials. We hear stupidity from the New York Times, complete imbecility, childishness, that they don't want to ask any single question. What about the Maidan?
What was the U.S. government doing there? Well...
(60 min.)
[Speaker 1]
Israel hates the idea that there would be negotiations with Hamas. The idea is to remake the Middle East through war, not through a peaceful negotiation. Then Nasrullah in Hezbollah wanted to make peace with Israel.
What did they do? They killed him, of course. This is a basic point.
Kill the peacemakers. This is very important to understand. You assassinate the people that might want to negotiate.
And we, this is... This was something that JFK learned, I think, the hard way. Well, this is the modus operandi of the CIA, and it's the modus operandi of Mossad, and it's the modus operandi of this deep state, which is you're not aiming for peace.
You're aiming for primacy. You're aiming for dominance. You're aiming to remake the region in your image.
You're resisting any call for compromise. Yitzhak Rabin, when he wanted to make peace, he was assassinated. He killed the peacemakers.
But what we know is that this is state action. We know this in the United States, kill the peacemakers. We know it of Mossad, rise and kill.
And they've done it repeatedly in front of our eyes. So it's not the harshest enemy you try to kill. It's the one that threatens you, not with war, but with diplomacy.
That's what they dislike. They don't want peace. They want primacy.
This is really a different thing. Where is it getting us? Since the whole thing is completely delusional, it's getting us closer and closer to nuclear annihilation.
How could anyone think you'd kill the president of a nuclear superpower? Of course, it's the most mind-boggling, wrongheaded idea. I have no information about that.
What I do have information about is the ones that they actually kill. By the way, I also know through lots of discussions, and I can't go into all of them because I just have been lucky to have fascinating discussions. Iran has been asking for peace and for reaching out to the Biden administration for the last two years.
How do we take that? Oh, they must be vulnerable. Now we must kill them.
That's the idea. It's so weird. Iran is reaching out for peace now.
Iran has been for two years. I talked to an intermediary recently. I've talked to many diplomats in most recent months.
By the way, there's an astoundingly insightful episode that was reposted of PBS NewsHour with Robert McNeil interviewing Henry Kissinger and Jack Matlock in 1994. This is the 30th anniversary of this show. The show was on NATO enlargement.
Matlock, who was the US ambassador to the Soviet Union and a wonderful diplomat and a very, very smart, fine man, was saying in 1994, don't provoke. We have peace now. Don't expand NATO.
We've said we won't. We shouldn't. And if Russia ever becomes belligerent again, of course, we would reconsider and take action.
But right now, there's no belligerency. There's no reason to provoke. Kissinger is incoherent, actually, which is unusual.
But Robert McNeil kind of can't even fathom what Kissinger is saying until Kissinger finally stumbles out with the statement, and I won't get it exactly right, but he says something to the effect, if you can't provoke Russia when they're weak, how are we going to provoke them when they're strong? And it's just such a weird idea that there's no moment when you could actually try to make peace because if they're weak, definitely don't make peace because if you try not to provoke them then, well, then you won't be credible when they're strong. And so the idea is you always must be aggressive.
So Kissinger was saying in 1994, of course, we need to expand NATO. And yes, Russia won't like it, but they're weak now, so they can't resist. Later on, by the way, he came to understand that expanding NATO to Ukraine was just too far.
He actually did reach that understanding in 2015. But watching him in 2004 is very interesting because 2004 was the year that the decision was made. And this is also something very important to understand about our foreign policy.
It's not that a president comes in and then we have a new foreign policy and then another president, we have a new foreign policy. These things are very deeply set courses. These wars in the Middle East go back 30 years.
This war against Russia actually goes back to 1945 at the end of World War II, but in the current version goes back to 1991 and by plan to 1994 when Clinton laid out the NATO enlargement and then Brzezinski spelled it out for the public in 1997, but it was decisions already taken. So we can watch Kissinger in 1994 explaining, yeah, Russia's weak, take advantage of them. This is the time to take advantage of them.
This is what gets us into such unbelievable insecurity. We could be the safest people in the world in history. No one could conceivably attack us.
And yet we're 90 seconds to midnight. Do you have any expectation that will change? I'm counting on President Trump to change this.
I think his instinct is right. I think his sense is right. I think he doesn't like war.
I really do. He displayed that in the first term and he said that repeatedly now. This is the best thing we have going for us.
Now, in his first term, he hired a lot of very irresponsible people that like war or that like duplicity or that like the deep state or that like accountability, unaccountability like John Bolton, one of my least favorites among all of these. Fair. And Trump hired them.
So the question now is probably not his deep sense, which I think is absolutely right, but now his tactical sense inside the U.S. government. Please don't let the deep state continue on a path that it's been on and don't let the normal hardliners, because Washington is filled with people who have been on the payroll of the military industrial complex their whole careers. Don't let them dominate policy.
And the incoming administration is such a mix right now. And we see that the clarity of those who want to control this, how hard they're being, you know, how harshly they're being opposed, like Tulsi Gabbard or let me say Bobby Kennedy, though, his department is health, but he understands this peace side as well, very clearly. These are the ones that they're fighting because we have been for, I'd say again, 30 years at least and arguably basically 80 years since the end of World War Two on a particular jag, which at least Mitch McConnell does us the service of naming by its name, which is primacy.
And if we continue on that course, Trump will fail and the United States will be gravely endangered. And if he reverses that course, he stands to be a great and historic president.
[Speaker 2]
Because there's so much at stake, you sort of wonder what the people who oppose that kind of reform would do. I mean, the national security state has been willing, eager to use violence abroad again and again and again, murdering people, as I said, trying to murder Putin. Would they or are you concerned that they would be willing to use that domestically?
[Speaker 1]
I think there's no doubt that they've used assassinations at home. I'm of the view that JFK was the first clear case of that at home. This is a long, long story and some people roll their eyes at it, but I've spent much of my life reading, studying, examining this.
I think it's quite arguable for Bobby Kennedy the same way. And I don't think that there have been scruples inside about keeping prerogatives. At the same time, the situation is better now in one regard, 30 years of failure.
So it's not as if the course that we're on is giving us these great benefits. The United States needs to change course for our own security. We need to change course for our own finances.
We're not in good shape in this country. When 75% or so of Americans repeatedly say America's on the wrong track, they're correct at that. And they say that now.
That's the latest Gallup findings. And they're completely right. So this is not the exuberance and I would say the hubris of 1991.
And I was there then as an economic specialist and an advisor, unpaid and informal, but an advisor to President Gorbachev and an advisor to President Yeltsin and an advisor to Ukraine's President Kuchma on how to stabilize their desperately destabilized economies and how to move to market systems. And the United States was not interested in peace. We had this hubris that history had ended, we had won, and now America would run the show.
The difference today is that we're 33 years after the end of the Soviet Union. We tried the neocon approach for 30 years now. We have engaged in all of Netanyahu's wars.
We went to war in Ukraine. Everything that was predicted has been proved wrong. The neocons failed time and again.
They didn't remake Afghanistan. They didn't remake Iraq. They did not remake the Middle East.
They did not call Putin's bluff and enter Ukraine with NATO. They did not enter Georgia with NATO. They completely misjudged how we would push the rest of the world into unity, as I mentioned with Zbigniew Brzezinski saying Russia will never side with China on this.
Well, of course, he got wrong. The most fundamental diplomatic change of our age, the rise of China and the creation of a group that does not want US hegemony and a group that is increasingly integrated in production and military and security and diplomacy. So we are at a time where the failures are self-evident if people open their eyes, and the American people know it, in fact.
So it's not even convincing the American people, oh, it's worse than you think. No, they know. They want their own problem solved.
How about jobs, some housing, reduce crime in my neighborhood, keep the inflation down? Could you keep the debt from destroying American public finances? They're not interested in Mitch McConnell's primacy continuing.
He's an octogenarian. Go. Done.
You're done. It's time for something different. So in this sense, it's really possible for this administration, this incoming administration to change course because it doesn't require a massive public education.
It requires honesty. It requires seeing down the deep state internally. It requires making sure that the key appointments that want competence, honesty and security for America actually get the job.
And of course, it requires President Trump following through on his profound main insight, which is that there is no reason for war with Russia. There's no reason for war with China. And I want him really to know, really to know there's no reason for war with Iran.
[Speaker 2]
None. But every week, every day, Fox News tells me that there's some, you know, assassination attempt by Iran. They're sending drones from their ships offshore over our country to scope it out for future attacks.
I mean, Iran is presented in the U.S. media as the aggressor trying to kill Trump, for example.
[Speaker 1]
I don't know if those Fox reporters have the chance to speak with the Iranian senior officials or Middle East officials. I do. I do all the time.
I am able to ask questions, to check facts, to understand circumstances. I speak to lots of people engaged all over the Middle East on these questions, and it's simply not true. So the first thing one should do, period, in this world is talk to the other side.
And if Donald Trump has that, this would be the farthest reach, but if he has that impulse with Iran, too, he will be perhaps amazed, perhaps gratified, but he would do a huge service for the American people, huge service for the American people.
[Speaker 2]
My sense is that, you know, a war with Iran feels inevitable. I'm obviously opposed to it, but tell us how you think that would go if it happens.
[Speaker 1]
There's nothing inevitable till it happens. So thank you. This is extremely important.
A war with Iran will be World War III. So that's the point. Iran is not alone, and it will not remain alone.
And so if we go to war with Iran, we are expanding the war with Russia. With Russia, we are at a possibility of peace, but we're also at a possibility of nuclear war. They're both very close.
And if we go to war with Iran, we make the war, nuclear war, all the more likely.
[Speaker 2]
Do you think that the people pushing us toward war with Iran understand that?
[Speaker 1]
No. No, I think that they're following a plan, clean break, 1996, and a plan, 1991, seven wars in five years, that has been deep set, and that has been Netanyahu's baby all the time. Netanyahu, I regard as one of the most delusional and dangerous people on the planet.
And he has engaged the United States so far in six disastrous wars, and he's aiming to engage us in yet one more. But Netanyahu's track record is just about the worst of any person on the planet right now in terms of damage done. And we should be able to understand that.
And we have a lot of rhetoric in this country standing up for Israel. We're not standing up for Israel. We are engaging in war on Israel's behalf all over the Middle East.
That's a completely different thing. I believe in Israel's security alongside a state of Palestine, which I know completely to be possible and achievable and peaceful and ending this risk of World War III and could have prevented the million or so deaths that have come from Netanyahu's wars up until now. And the Arab states have been saying this repeatedly since 2002.
It's called the Arab Peace Initiative. Anybody can look it up. They repeat it basically nonstop in the last two years.
The Iranians want peace. I know that as well. And so the whole game is to make claims about the other side and to say, if you talk to the other side, oh, you're a traitor.
That's what they say about Tulsi Gabbard. She talked to Assad. Well, what about that?
[Speaker 2]
Isn't that amazing? Again, just to refer back to the core of it, I don't understand when Assad became our enemy and why and why should I go along with that?
[Speaker 1]
It was almost a flip because there were nice words said about him by Hillary Clinton one year and then the next year exactly the opposite. Because these are mind games that are played for reasons that are not said directly.
[Speaker 2]
And that have no bearing on American national security or aren't motivated by a desire to protect the United States. There's nothing to do with that.
[Speaker 1]
Of course not. Nothing that has happened in the Middle East has been for American national security. None of it.
Not one of these wars. These have been Netanyahu's wars. Watch him cheer.
[Speaker 2]
Why does I mean, it's just amazing how few Americans and many Americans love their country and willing to lay down their lives for it and but how few are willing to say what you've just said? Because they're told repeatedly the opposite.
[Speaker 1]
And you can be told anything can be sold. Not that people believe it, by the way, but they don't hear the correct story anywhere in the mainstream. They hear things that don't quite make sense to them.
And by the way, this is one of the points of info war. The public didn't believe the official narrative about JFK's assassination. The public didn't believe the official narrative about RFK's assassination.
The public didn't believe the official narrative about COVID. The public didn't believe the official narrative about Iraq. The public doesn't believe these things, but it doesn't hear the coherent explanation from the New York Times or MSNBC or CNN or anybody else.
No one actually tries to explain. And so what hangs out there is something completely unsatisfactory, but it doesn't have an alternative explanation. And if you don't have the clarity of the alternative, then this miserable, phony, info war approach, it fills the space.
And they're not interested in convincing us because we don't have any say in any of these issues. They're interested in doing what they want to do without being stopped. That's the difference.
[Speaker 2]
When was the last time you appeared or wrote for a mainstream publication or television channel here?
[Speaker 1]
It was the day that I was on Bloomberg and I said the U.S. blew up Nord Stream. That would, I remember that, and they cut you off. And they cut me off and then berated me for several minutes while I was watching on the screen, but cut off.
And that was the last moment.
[Speaker 2]
But the U.S. did blow up Nord Stream. Pardon me?
[Speaker 1]
You were telling the truth. Of course. And exactly who did it when is something that would be easy to find out in five minutes.
So that's not even hard to find out. But you haven't appeared on any... Not once, because that's not quite true.
You know, if it has nothing to do with foreign policy issues, it's just an economics question once in a while. But basically, the mainstream follows the security state line.
[Speaker 2]
But so, I mean, and they're acting as their own interest. This is not flattery, but it's just true. Whenever we do an interview with you, it gets millions of views and people love it and we make revenue off it.
And it's like, it's good business to have you on. I happen to agree with you and think you're wise, but it's not like people don't want to hear what you're saying. Lots of people do.
We've proven that. People want to hear some explanations. No, but you specifically.
So you were a fixture on different channels, NBC, for example. And so when they ban you from those channels, they're hurting themselves because viewers want to watch you. Well, it's just I know that because I have you on.
So how exactly does that order go out, do you think? Do you know the mechanics of keeping you off? Like one day there's just a bulletin, you know, no more Jeffrey Sachs or how does that work?
[Speaker 1]
I need to ask you, because the phrasing, the official lines, kind of the stupidities and sillinesses on almost any story of the kind that we're talking about get repeated across the mainstream space very, very quickly. And not only on the U.S. side, but generally in the British media as well. And so there's certainly some there's an official narrative, of course.
So this is part of the story that senior White House briefing Jake or somebody else briefs. And that becomes the meme that becomes what you have to defend. You have to defend your continued access.
You have to be good, loyal citizen of this. By the way, there are lots of contracts that go out with the military industrial complex. This is a trillion and a half dollar a year business, not a small business, by the way.
It's it's real business. It's lots of think tanks. It's lots of academic centers.
It's lots of people on hire. It's lots of contracts. It's lots of that all.
You don't get any. I mean, I don't want any of that, but you don't get any of that if you're standing outside that. None of it.
So people make decisions. I think one of the best lines of modern history is the line of Sinclair Lewis that you can't convince a person to believe something when their salary depends on believing the opposite. Yes.
And that's a real thing. People have jobs. They don't they just don't want to get out of line.
They don't necessarily believe, but they don't want to get out of line. And it's very worrisome. And we thought that checks and balances of the U.S. government would be a stabilizer and especially that we would have voices in Congress that would be able to ask real questions. And we have in the past. We had Frank Church. We had J.
William Fulbright, who was not only brilliant and a critic of American foreign policy, was chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Who do we have now? Well, we have Rand Paul, but and we had Tulsi in Congress, but basically almost nobody now.
They're scared or they don't want to talk or they're paid for by who knows, RSX or Northrop Grumman or or General Dynamics or Boeing or somebody. So they don't even ask questions. This is the reality.
[Speaker 2]
Jeffrey Sachs, thank you very much.
[Speaker 1]
Great to be with you as always. Great to be with you. Thank you.
[Speaker 2]
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