RFKジュニア:ジョージア州でのトランプ集会 - ターニングポイントアクション
RFK Jr.: Trump Rally in Georgia - Turning Point Action
2024/10/24 (英語自動生成文字起こしをAI翻訳)
今日、車でここへ来る途中、衝撃的な投稿をもう 1 つ見ました
2 つ
実際、1 つはオバマ大統領が、この国の分裂と分極化がどこから来ているのか理解していないと言っている投稿でした
そして、もう 1 つは、K ハリスが米国副大統領の公邸である海軍天文台の外に立って、私たちの国の大統領紋章の後ろに立ち、ドナルド トランプをヒトラーにたとえてファシストだと言っていた投稿でした
そして彼女は、この ACC のこの並外れた無責任な非難を、ある物語に基づいて行ったのですドナルド・トランプ政権下で国土安全保障省の長官を務め、元海兵隊大将で、ディープステートやこの国の諜報機関に深く関わっているジョン・F・キング、またはジョン・F・ケリー、すみません、ケリーは、ドナルド・トランプが大統領時代に経験した別の話をしました。ドナルド・トランプは、フォートフッドで殺害されたメキシコ系アメリカ人兵士がいて、国防総省が彼女の医療費と葬儀費用の支払いを拒否していることを知り、ドナルド・トランプは、彼らが支払わないなら自分で支払うと言って、自分のポケットマネーで彼女の費用を支払いました。そして、アメリカ大統領によるこの並外れた愛と寛大さの行為を信用できないものにするために、ジョン・ケリーは、会ったこともない兵士に対して、メキシコ人について無神経な発言をしたという話をでっち上げました。ケリーにとって残念なことに、そのとき部屋には3人の人物がいて、全員がケリーは嘘をついていると言ったが、それは完全な捏造だった。だからケリーがいつこの話をでっち上げたのか疑問に思う必要がある。ケリーは、トランプ大統領はヒトラーの将軍のような将軍を自分の周囲に置きたいと言ったが、もちろんそんなことは言っていない。ケリーが嘘つきであることは既にわかっている。[拍手]そしてケリーは大統領を中傷する他の話をでっち上げた。これらは、ドナルド・トランプが再び大統領職に就くのを望まない将軍や諜報員から聞こえてくる類の話であり、今や米国大統領選に出馬している副大統領が、こうした無責任な話を繰り返す。
約 1 か月前、私はチャーリー カークと一緒にいました。チャーリー カークに拍手を送りましょう。彼は私にこう言いました。ドナルド トランプはビル ゲイツのような億万長者を共和党から追い出した、そして今日昨日、カムラ ハリスがドナルド トランプが集めた 1 ドルにつき 2 ドルを集めたと発表されました。それはすべてビル ゲイツのような人々から来ているからです。彼らはすべてのお金を持っています。今、私たちはすべての[音楽]を持っています。K ハリスがこのような群衆を集めることができると思いますか。いいえ、絶対に私たちが圧勝することはありません。[拍手]
米国、私たちの憲法を守る米国大統領を望んでいませんか。ハリス大統領が今日彼女の演説で言ったことをもう 1 つ言います。彼は、トランプ大統領が米国軍を米国に敵対させるだろうと述べました。アメリカ国民を自分の政策を推進するために利用している。皆さんのうち、それが本当だと思う人はどれくらいいるだろうか。[拍手] 興味深いのは、バイデン・ハリス政権が2週間前にアメリカ史上かつてない行動をとったことだ。それは、まさに殺傷力のある武力を国防総省に送り、アメリカ国内でアメリカ国民に対して米軍が殺傷力のある武力を使用するのを合法化する法律改正を命じた。技術的には、この指令の下では、ホワイトハウスの政策に反対して政治的抗議活動を行うアメリカ人を米軍が射殺することが合法となる。これは私がでっち上げたものではない。皆さんは調べることができる。これは民主的な取り組みであり、トランプ政権下では行われなかった。これはドナルド・トランプからではなく、民主党から行われた。だから私は民主党を離れた。合衆国大統領、憲法を守る人、外国との永遠の戦争を終わらせる大統領、言論の自由を擁護する大統領、権利章典を擁護する大統領、あらゆる点で合衆国憲法を擁護する大統領、CIAに立ち向かう勇気のある大統領、軍産複合体、ブラックロック、ビル・ゲイツ、国営企業、ヴァンガード、ウォール街、大手企業、製薬企業、食品企業に立ち向かえる大統領、アメリカを再び健全にする大統領、ドナルド・トランプに投票する人、皆さんに神のご加護がありますように。アメリカに神のご加護がありますように。ありがとう
thank you thank
you thank you
USA you know I
was I was driving down here today from
Atlanta and I read an article that from
the New York New York
Times that Bill Gates had just donated
$50 million to con Harris's
campaign and the
article said that it was the first
donation that he's made in 20
years that he stayed out of politics and
he's been
bipartisan it was a dark money
donation he didn't intend for it to be
public he routed the donation through a
501c4 which was an organization that was
set up that conceal large money
donations to the Harris
campaign he he said when the times and
he said he had donated
zero in the 2020
campaign when President Biden was
running against President
and he said this campaign is different
than any
other and so he felt the need to do this
now do you think Bill Gates made that
donation out of a patriotic impulse
do you think he made it out of a
impulse do you think he made it because
he wants Global
health or because he wants to make
America healthy
again well there was something else
another article about Bill
Gates that came out today that said he's
just been indicted
he's been indicted in the
Netherlands for lying to the public
about the covid
vaccine and he's going to have to go to
you think that he wants to go to trial
here in the United States of
America you think maybe that's one of
the reasons he chose to give $50 million
to K
oh I want to point out somebody who's in
the audience
tonight she's at a woman named Sherry
and Sherry are you here will you stand
up if I can point you
out okay so Sherry
peoples is an African-American
woman who has a daughter Shaina a
straight A
student or she missed 60 days of
school because she was in a
hospital because she had sickle
cademia and her mom Sher filled out all
the forms the federal and the state
forms explaining why she was missing her
school she did her schoolwork every day
she got straight A as I
said but carel Harris was the Attorney
General of
California and K Harris learned that the
was losing $1.3 billion a
year because of
truancy and she said I want that
money so I'm going to start putting
parents in
jail whose children skipped too much
school oh she arrested Sherry
peoples in her
home the police came in and handcuffed
her and when she said why am I being
handcuffed the police said to her talk
to comma Harris they didn't want to be
doing it
either she lost her
job she lost her
home and she still raised an
extraordinary child
don't you want a president of the United
States who's going to end chronic
disease rather than putting parents in
jail don't you want an America president
who's going to make our country healthy
I saw another posting while I was
driving down here today that shocked me
actually one was of President
Obama saying that he didn't
understand and he didn't understand
where all the division was coming from
and the polarization in this
country and
then there was another other posting by
Harris standing outside of the Naval
Observatory which is the official
residence of the Vice President of
United States standing behind the
presidential seal for our
country and comparing Donald Trump to
Hitler and saying that he was a fascist
and she based this ACC this
extraordinary irresponsible
accusation on a story by John
King who was the director of uh
Department of Homeland Security under
Donald Trump and is a former Marine
General and is deep into the deep state
and to the intelligence apparatus in
country or John F Kelly I'm sorry and
Kelly told another
story that Donald Trump had during his
presidency Donald Trump learned that
there was a Mexican American
soldier who had been murdered at Fort
Hood and that the Pentagon was
refusing to pay her medical expenses her
expenses and Donald Trump said if they
won't do it then I'm going to do it
myself and he paid her expenses out of
his own
pocket and in order to
discredit this extraordinary gesture of
love and generosity by the American
president a soldier who he had never met
before John Kelly invented a story that
he had made an insensitive remark about
Mexicans unfortunately for Kelly there
were three people in the room at that
time who all said that Kelly was lying
and it was an outright
so we need to wonder when Kelly invents
this story
says that where he said that President
Trump wanted generals around him who
were like Hitler's generals which of
course he didn't
say we already know that Kelly is a
and and that Kelly invented other
stories that were derogatory about the
president and these are the kind of
stories you're
seeing from all the generals and the
intelligence agents who do not want to
see Donald Trump in in office
again and we have now somebody who's
running for the presidency of the United
States a vice
president who is repeating these
stories and to me that alone
disqualifies her for the
presidency you all know that when you
know when we were most Americans when
we're growing up of my age at
least we were asked about this moral
quandry about whether we would if we
could go back in time and kill a young
Hitler should we do that and half the
people say yeah half maybe say
no but it's something that we all think
about and you think about how many
unstable people there are in this
country and when you compare an American
president Hitler you're pressing a
button in those
people make them act on those violent
aspirations and
impulses and it's AB worse well don't
you want a
president who's going to bring America
again he's going to end the polarization
and the division in our country
country you know I left the Democratic
party because the Democratic party left
me the Democratic party that I grew up
with was the party of Peace it was the
party of constitutional rights including
Speech it was the party of women's
rights and women's sports my uncle Ted
Kennedy wrote Title 9 to make sure that
women could play sports with other
women it was the party of cops and
firefighters and working
people and it was the party that stood
up to Wall Street the big Banks big AEG
big Pharma big food and all of the
other vested interests that have gained
ownership of our govern government and
have captured our agencies and made them
predatory against the American
public and the Democratic party today is
the party of
War it is the party
of surveillance of
censorship you listen
to president
Harris Ed about the people who are
supporting her with flock now to the
Democratic party people like John Kelly
people like Dick
Cheney do you want Dick Cheney back in
the White
House and people like John
Bolton these are the people who wrote
The Patriot
Act the act that launched the
surveillance state that launched the
National Security State that introduced
and introduced surveillance and they and
allowed the CIA to spy on the American
public for the first time in our
history they are the people who gave us
the Iraq War who lied to us in order to
get us into the Iraq war that war was
the worst foreign policy plunder in
history that War caused 4.3 trillion
dollar and we killed more Iraqis than
Hussein we created
Isis we
drove 4 million refugees into Europe and
destabilized every democracy in Europe
Generations brexit is a direct result of
that war all the riots we're seeing now
in European cities are a result of that
war the raise of totalitarianism across
Europe the end of free speech across
Europe is a result of that
war and don't you think we should have
learned a lesson from that
war you think the Democratic party
learned that
lesson do you think Dick Cheney has
changed his opinion about the Patriot
Act no he's changed parties because he
thinks the Democratic party is now the
party of the neocons
is the party of surveillance of
censorship of
war and it's the party that is a
cheerleader for big a for big
Pharma for the people who are poisoning
children the most existential threat
that our country faces today is this
chronic disease
when and I
Uncle when my uncle was President I was
a 10-year-old
boy 6% of Americans had chronic
disease 3% were
obese we spent 0o doar every year
treating chronic disease
zero today 60% of Americans have chronic
disease about 70% are obese or
overweight do you know how many people
are obese and overweight in
represent same as here in
1963 we have
70% 77% of American Kids cannot qualify
for military
service the diabetes rates in our
country have gone from virtually zero
when I was a kid the average
pediatrician saw one case of diabetes in
his entire 50-year
career they ate one out of every three
children who walk through his office
door is diabetic or
pre-diabetic when I was a kid and today
in 70y Old Men One in 10,000 people had
autism today one in every 34 of our
children of autism one in every 22
boys this is existential for our country
we're spending $4.3 trillion on chronic
disease at five five times our military
budget this is going to destroy our
country unless we have a president who's
going to end it
forever and that's why I am fighting
every waking moment for the next 15 days
to make sure that Donald Trump is
elected president United
now when I was a
kid the Republicans controlled all the
money in this country 70% of the wealth
in our country was owned by Republicans
about 30% by
democrats today 70% of the wealth is
owned by democrats and 30% by
Republicans there's been a total
inversion of policy and of the
constituencies of both these
parties the Republican party has been
the party become the party of working
people in this
country about a month ago I I was with
Charlie Kirk let's give a big hand for
Kirk and he said to me
he said Donald Trump ran all the
billionaires out of the Republican
party like Bill
and today yesterday it was
announced that kamla Harris has raised
$2 for every $1 dollar that has been
raised by Donald
Trump that's because it's all coming
from people like Bill Gates
and they have all the money
now oh we have all the
people do you do you think that K Harris
could put together a crowd like
this no no
way we are going to win this by a
USA don't you want a president of the
United States that is going to defend
our constitution
I say one other
thing president Harris said today in her
post in Her speech he said that
President Trump was going to turn the US
military against the American public and
use the
public to promote his agenda how many of
you think that is
true well what's interesting to
me is that that Biden Harris
Administration has done something two
weeks ago that has never been done in
history which is to
send exactly lethal Force to send a
directive to the
Pentagon changing the law to make it
legal for the US military to be used to
use lethal Force against American
citizens on American soil
technically now it's
legal the US military under this
directive it will become legal for the
US military to shoot and kill Americans
who engage in political protests because
they disagree with policies in the white
house I'm not making this up any of you
can look it
up this is a democratic initiative this
did not come during the Trump
Administration this did not come from
Trump it came from the Democratic party
and that's why I left the Democratic
Party Don't You Want a President of the
States who is going to protect our
oh you want a president who's going to
end all the foreign forever
Wars oh you want a president who's going
to stand up for free
speech oh you want a president who's
going to stand up for the Bill of
Rights and don't you want a
president who is going to stand up for
the Constitution of the United States in
way and don't you want a president
who has the guts to stand up to the
CIA and don't you don't you want a
president who is able to stand up to the
military industrial
complex and to Black
Rock and to Bill
Gates and to State
Street and Vanguard
and Wall
Street and big
a and big
Pharma and big
food and don't you want a a president
who's going to make America healthy
again and vote for Donald Trump God
bless you all God Bless
America thank