
ウクライナ戦争~RFK Jr.が語る真実とトランプ大統領を支持する理由 - 2024年1月,9月- (日本語字幕)FABVOX @YouTubeより

ウクライナ戦争~RFK Jr.が語る真実とトランプ大統領を支持する理由 - 2024年1月,9月- (日本語字幕)FABVOX @YouTubeより

The war in Ukraine
RFK Jr. speaks the truth -The Biggest Reason for Endorsing Trump- 2024
RFKジュニアが真実を語る -トランプ氏を支持する最大の理由- 2024

How The U.S. Provoked The Ukraine War

I don't know how we actually openly go and defy this idea that we don't give Putin the fact that he is in control of the nuclear arsenal, that we want to sort of pick that fight and battle that's been going on for a long time there and I just wondered as president how you manage that?

You know, Putin every day says I'm gonna settle the war, let's negotiate and Zelensky has said we're not gonna negotiate but Zelensky didn't start that way. I don't want to, you know, belabor the history but Russia was invaded three times through Ukraine. The last time Hitler killed one out of every seven Russians.

They don't want to have Ukraine join NATO. So when the wall came down in the Soviet Union, Europe, Gorbachev destroyed himself politically by doing something that was very, very courageous. He went to Bush and he said I'm going to allow you to reunify Germany under a NATO army.

I'm gonna remove 450,000 Soviet troops but I want your commitment. After that, you will not move NATO one inch to the east and we solemnly swore we wouldn't do it. Well then in 97, Brzezinski was the first of the neocons said we're gonna move NATO a thousand miles to the east and take 15 countries into it and surround the Soviet Union.
その後、1997年に、スビグニュー・ブレジンスキー Zbigniew Brzezinski はネオコンの一番手でしたが、「NATOを1000マイル東に動かし、15カ国をNATOに加盟させてソ連を包囲する」と言い出しました。(1:43)

So then we not only move it into 14 new nations but we unilaterally walk away from our two nuclear weapons treaties with the Russians and we put Aegis missile systems in Romania and Poland 12 minutes from Moscow. When the Russians did that to Cuba in 62, we came this close to nuclear war until they removed them. So the Russians don't want nukes 400 miles from Moscow.

We then overthrow the Ukraine government. In 2014, they're elected government and put in a Western sympathetic government. Russia then has to go into Crimea because they have a port because they're only warm water port and they know the new government that we just installed is going to invite the US Navy into their port.

So Russia then went into Crimea without firing a shot as the people of Crimea are Russian. Then the new Ukrainian government we installed started killing ethnic Russians in Donbass and Lugansk and they voted to leave and join Russia. Putin said I don't want them.

Let's give them protection and give them semi-autonomy and make an agreement to keep NATO out of Ukraine. That treaty was written by Germany, France, Russia, and England. The Minsk Accords.

And the Ukrainian parliament, which is controlled by ultra-rightists, and that's a nice way of talking about them, refused to sign it. Zelensky runs in 2019. He's an actor.

Why did he get elected? With 70 percent of the vote? Because he promised to sign the Minsk Accords. He promised peace. He gets in there and he pivots.

Nobody can explain why, but we know why. Because he was threatened with death by ultra-rightists in his government and a withdrawal of support by the United States by Victoria Nuland, who's the leading neocon in the State Department. We told him he could not sign it.

So then the Russians go in. They don't send a big army. They only send 40,000 people.
そこでロシア軍が侵攻しました。彼らは大軍を派遣しませんでした。たった 4 万人の兵士を送りました。

It's a nation of 44 million people. They clearly do not intend to conquer Ukraine, but they want us back at the negotiating table. We won't allow Zelensky to go back.

So he goes to Israel and Turkey and says, will you please help me negotiate a treaty? The Russians just want a guarantee that Ukraine won't join NATO. Zelensky signs the treaty. Putin's people signed the treaty.

And Putin starts withdrawing the Russian troops in good faith. And what happens? Joe Biden sends Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister, over to Ukraine in April and forces him to tear up the treaty. And since then 450,000 kids have died who none of them should have died.

Every one Russian that dies, five to eight Ukrainians die, and they don't have any men left. You know, we're giving them all these weapons, but they don't have men left. It's a catastrophe, and we look kind of like the aggressor.

[ Who Really Profits from The Ukraine War ]
[ ウクライナ戦争で本当に利益を得るのは誰か ]

That's the way the rest of the world sees us. This is a war that should have never happened. It's a war the Russians tried repeatedly to settle on terms that were very, very beneficial to Ukraine and us.

The major thing they wanted was for us to keep NATO out of the Ukraine. The big military contractors want to add new countries to NATO all the time. Why? Because then that country has to conform its military purchases to NATO weapon specifications, which means certain companies, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, and Lockheed get a trapped market.
彼らが最も望んでいたのは、我々がウクライナにNATOを介入させないことだった。大手軍事請負業者は、常にNATOに新しい国を加えたがっている。なぜか? なぜなら、その国はNATOの兵器仕様に軍事購入を従わせなければならなくなり、ノースロップ・グラマン、レイセオン、ジェネラル・ダイナミクス、ボーイング、ロッキードなどの特定の企業が市場を閉じ込められることになるからだ。

In March of 2022, we committed $113 billion. Just to give you an example, you could have built a home for almost every homeless person in this country. We then committed another $24 billion since then, two months ago, and now President Biden is asking for another $60 billion.

But the big, big expenses are going to come after the war, when we have to rebuild all the things that we destroyed. Mitch McConnell was asked, can we really afford to spend $113 billion in Ukraine? He said, don't worry. It's not really going to Ukraine.

-- It's going to American defense manufacturers. (Mitch McConnell)
-- アメリカの防衛メーカーに渡るのです。 (ミッチ・マコーネル)

So he just admitted it's a money laundering scheme. And who do you think owns every one of those companies? BlackRock.

So Tim Scott, during the Republican debate, said, don't worry. It's not a gift to Ukraine. It's a loan.

Raise your hand if you think that that loan is ever getting paid back. Yeah, of course it's not. So why do they call it a loan? Because if they call it a loan, they can impose loan conditions.

And what are the loan conditions that we impose on? Number one, an extreme austerity program, so that if you're poor in Ukraine, you're going to be poor forever. Number two, most important, Ukraine has to put all of its government-owned assets up for sale to multinational corporations, including all of its agricultural land, the biggest single asset in Europe. In Ukraine, there's been a thousand years of war fought over that land.

It's the richest farmland in the world. It's the breadbasket of Europe. 500,000 kids, almost, Ukrainian kids have died to keep that land as part of Ukraine.

They almost certainly didn't know about this loan condition. They've already sold 30% of it. The buyers were DuPont, Cargill, and Monsanto.
彼らはこの融資条件についてほとんど知らなかったはずです。彼らはすでに 30% を売却しています。買い手はデュポン、カーギル、モンサントです。

Who do you think owns all of those companies? Yeah, BlackRock. And then, in December, President Biden gave out the contract to rebuild Ukraine. And who do you think got that contract? BlackRock.
これらすべての会社の所有者は誰だと思いますか? そうです、ブラックロックです。そして 12 月に、バイデン大統領はウクライナ再建の契約を交付しました。その契約を獲得したのは誰だと思いますか? ブラックロックです。

So, they're doing this right in front of us. They don't even care that we know anymore, because they know that they can get away with it. And how do they know that? Because they have a strategy.
つまり、彼らは私たちの目の前でこれを行っています。彼らは私たちが知っていることなど気にしていません。なぜなら、彼らは逃げおおせることを知っているからです。そして、なぜそれを知っているのでしょうか? 彼らには戦略があるからです。

And that strategy is an old, old strategy, which is they keep us at war with each other. They keep us hating on each other. They keep the Republicans and Democrats fighting each other, black against white, and all these divisions that they sow.

[ End the War Machine ]

I want to share with you the biggest reason that I stepped out of the presidential race to endorse Donald Trump. It's an issue so big that many people don't even want to look at it. And I'm talking about the slide toward nuclear war.

You might remember, back in the day, when Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz and all those other guys were pushing, pushing, pushing for war in Iraq, war in Syria, war in Libya, war in Iran, and full-spectrum U.S. military domination across the globe. These people were known as the neocons, and they have now taken over the Democratic Party. Right now, they're the ones who are pushing for maximum confrontation with Russia.

You have any idea how dangerous that is? Russia is the world's largest nuclear power. Right now, our country is providing weapons trainings and targeting information for Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory with both infantry and with missiles. How would our country react if, say, Russia had bases on the Mexican border and was aiding Mexican armed forces to strike oil refineries and towns and nuclear power plants in Texas? If Russia gets desperate, they will use nuclear weapons, and Vladimir Putin has made this clear.
それがどれほど危険かお分かりですか? ロシアは世界最大の核保有国です。現在、我が国はウクライナに武器訓練と標的情報を提供し、歩兵とミサイルの両方でロシア領土の奥深くを攻撃しています。例えば、ロシアがメキシコ国境に基地を持ち、メキシコ軍がテキサスの石油精製所や町、原子力発電所を攻撃するのを支援していたら、我が国はどのように反応するだろうか。ロシアが窮地に陥れば核兵器を使用するだろうし、ウラジミール・プーチン大統領もそのことを明確にしている。

That's the game that President Biden and the foreign policy establishment have been playing. They're gambling the future of our planet, and for what? For nothing. The endless wars of the neocons are bankrupting our nation.

They're making us less safe at home and less safe abroad. It used to be that the Republicans were even more belligerent than the Democrats. Some of them still are, but not Donald Trump.

I've had extensive conversations with him and his team. He understands the danger. He sees through the neocons now.

He's gonna deescalate with Russia, and he's gonna cancel the neocons' plans for wars with China and Iran, too. I take him at his word, and I'm also gonna keep him to his word. I need your support to help me do that.

I need you to vote Donald Trump into the White House. Let's get him elected, and let's put an end to the war machine. Thank you.

