Donald Trump 翻訳#4 (90-120 min) Oct 2024 The Joe Rogan podcast
Donald Trump 翻訳#4 (90-120 min) Oct 2024 The Joe Rogan podcast
The Joe Rogan Experience podCast
翻訳#4 (90-120 min)
私は言いました、「どうして5年もかかるのか? 我々は最新の戦闘機を持っている。我々は最高の飛行機、最高の武器、最高の銃、最高の爆弾を持っている。」
どうしてそんなに時間がかかるのでしょうか? そして私は午前3時に飛び立ち、誰も私が行くことを知りませんでした。私はエアフォースワンに乗り、飛行を始めました。
ご存知のとおり、エアフォースワンを操縦するには、空軍、米国空軍から最も優秀なパイロットが選ばれます。私はそこに着いて、手探りで上へ向かいました。階段を上っていくと、747 のように上へ向かいますが、私はなんとなく上への道を知っていました。
つまり、この人たちを映画に出演させても、あまりに格好良すぎるので誰も信じないだろう、という感じでした。それで私は、「調子はどうですか、キャプテン? 10分後に着陸します」と言いました。
何もない、ただの砂漠です。それで私は言いました、「わかりました、機長、いいですよ。でも、今見ています」。さて、私たちは、1,000 フィートというコンピューター サインがある飛行機に何度も乗ったことがありますが、1,900 フィート、800 フィートと進んでいきます。コンピューターの音声ですが、信じられないような音声です。
それで私は言いました、「他に何かすることはあるの? ゆっくりしてリラックスして、ビーチに行ったらどう? 美しいビーチ、素敵なビーチフロントの土地、冗談だよ。いつも原子力発電所を作っているんだから、リラックスして」と。
しかし、我々には内部からの敵がいます。我々には、この国を失敗に導きたいと思っている本当に悪い人たちがいるのです。ジョー、我々の国境で何が起きているかを見れば、他国が殺人犯を収容する刑務所を我が国に空けることを許可しているのに、人々が入国してくると、過去 3 年間で 13,099 人の殺人犯が我が国に投獄されたのです。
その戦略は何だと思いますか? ご存知のように、彼らが言っていることの一つは、あなたが法案の可決を阻止したということです。 しかし、その法案には、すでにここに住んでいる人々への恩赦も含まれていたのではないですか?
しかし、私たちは人々に戦略が何であるかを伝えるべきです。非常に明らかなことの 1 つは、不法に国境を越えてやってくる移民の大部分を激戦州に移動させたということです。これはオハイオ州スプリングフィールドで起こっていることですよね?
これはブランコではありません。正確にはオハイオ州スプリングフィールドという町です。オハイオ州スプリングフィールドは人口 52,000 人のとても素敵なコミュニティで、そこに言語を話さない 32,000 人の移民が流入したばかりです。
みんなそうしようとしています。コロラド州オーロラには、おそらく最悪のギャングがいます。MS-13 は、ご存知のとおり、最悪のギャング 2 つかもしれません。
知るのは難しいですね。この番組がうまくいっている理由の 1 つは、私がさまざまなことに関わっているからだと思います。スタンドアップ コメディ、UFC、そしてポッドキャストにつながる私の興味すべてです。
いつもやりたいことは、まず第一に、UFC が大好きだということです。
ちょっと話を中断させてください。彼らは敷地を確保できませんでした。あまりにも危険だったし、皆が反対したので、ライセンスも取得できませんでした。それで私は彼に最初の 2、3 か所の敷地を与えたのです。
UFC のように物議を醸す団体の舵を取るには最適な人物だ。
ダナが関わっているなら、きっとうまくいくでしょう。でも、格闘技の世界では驚くべきことに、UFC ファイターはこれまで誰一人として死んだことがないそうです。それにボクシングよりもずっと暴力的みたいです。
多くのボクサーが亡くなっています。興味深いと思いませんか? ダナは、ボクサーが顔面に何度もパンチを受けているからだと教えてくれました。
そうです。そして、自分を守るために、自分を守るために、他に選択肢はありません。ですから、UFC の試合で攻撃を受けたら、クリンチすることができます。グラウンドでの戦いを試みることができます。
また、選手の減量の問題もあります。これは UFC でも問題になっています。しかし、ボクシングでの減量は、ボクシングでの死亡者数を見ると、ヘビー級ではほとんど死亡者が出ていません。ボクシングでの死亡者のほとんどはライト級です。なぜなら、選手が体重を減らすために、あるいは増やすために脱水症状を起こすと、最後に水分補給されるのは脳だからです。
つまり、消耗戦なのです。ご存知のとおり、UFC の試合は 5 ラウンドのようですが、UFC は 5 分間のラウンドです。
最も偉大な UFC ファイターは誰ですか? 言ってもいいですか? あなた自身の意見としては、こう言うのは難しいと思いますが、最も偉大なファイターは誰だと思いますか?
確かに、それには説得力のある議論があります。ジョルジュ・サンピエールについても議論があります。私はいつも全盛期の BJ ペン、全盛期のアンデウソン・シウバを残します。ご存知のとおり、マイティ・マウスです。残念ながら彼は小柄なため、人々はマイティ・マウスのことを忘れています。彼は 125 ポンドのフライ級チャンピオンです。
彼は誰と戦ったのか? ジェームズ・トニー。
そう思いますか? ええ。でも、決して忘れませんでした。
これがあります - そして、あなたは今、かなり良いものをいくつか持っています。
そうですね、本物でなければなりません。つまり、私が MMA 解説をする唯一の理由は、本当にそれにとても興味があるからです。作り出す必要はありません。
時々、鼻が広げられていることがあります。それが少し気になるのですか? いいえ、気になりません。
これを RFK ジュニアに送ります。これは、そうですね、今日 RFK と話していたのですが、若い男性の 70% 以上が健康上の理由で軍隊に入隊できないと聞きました。
しかし、RFK は、とても、素晴らしい人だと思います。
(90-120 min)
Speaker 1
It's got tremendous acreage around it, tremendous. It's a very big, it was built many years ago, and part of the reason you wouldn't have taken that is because it goes to China. One hour from where China makes its nuclear missiles, you should have never left Bagram.
Number one, they should have left from Bagram. They should have left last. They should have got, you know, we have Americans that are still there.
They should have taken all their equipment out, everything, every plane, every screw should have been taken out, every tent. And I said that, that's when I realized that Milley was a dummy. I said, we're leaving, but I want to get everything out.
Sir, it's cheaper to leave it. I said, what do you mean leave it?
Speaker 2
It's cheaper to leave it.
Speaker 1
Yeah, he said it's cheaper to leave it. That was his.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
Cheaper, he said it's cheaper. Sir. Not more dangerous.
He just said cheaper. I said, I want every plane, I want every tank, I want the goggles, they have night goggles, they have all this stuff that these guys now have. He said, sir, it's cheaper to get out and leave it.
I said, see, you think it's cheaper to leave $150 million brand new airplane in there than it is to fly it out with a tank of jet fuel and put it in Pakistan or just fly it directly back. It's cheaper to leave. I said, this guy's nuts, I'm telling you.
He was so stupid. He was so unwise. He was like an unwise man.
And there were a number of them. But I defeated ISIS with the greatest generals. I had a guy who was so great.
I flew to Iraq and I met the real generals, not these idiots that we deal with. And we knocked out, you know, I defeated 100% of the ISIS caliphate. They said it would take five years.
I did it in a matter of a few, literally a few weeks. And we hit them hard. And he said, sir, we're gonna hit them here, we're gonna hit them there, we're gonna hit them here, there.
And I said, this guy's great, I like this guy. I was told it would take five years. That's why I went.
I said, how could it take five years? We have brand new fighters. We have the best planes, the best weapons, the best guns, the best bombs.
How could it possibly take that long? And I flew to, I flew and left at three o'clock in the morning, nobody knew I was going. I got on Air Force One and we started flying.
And when we reached about half an hour away from Iraq, that was where the airport was, big airport, about a half an hour away, they said, sir, I'm sorry, you'll have to turn off all your lights. Why? We're getting close to our site, our land.
I said, you mean we spent $8 trillion and we can't leave the lights on? Think of this, 20 years, $8 trillion and we can't leave the lights on in a plane. I said, that's okay, turn the lights on.
I'm not gonna fight them, that's what they are.
Speaker 2
And this is because it's too dangerous?
Speaker 1
Yeah, too dangerous, because they see the light up in the air and they'll shoot at you. So I said, turn the lights off. Then they said, sir, we're gonna also pull your shades if that's okay, I said that's okay.
The plane was pitch black, all the lights outside, you know the blinking, they go in the blinking reds, they were all turned off. And I like to sit with pilots a lot of times and these guys are specimens. I always say, they're better looking than Tom Cruise.
Okay, and they're even taller. Like perfect specimens. These guys, like for a fighter, you know, you have some guys that are perfect specimens.
And you know, they pick the best pilots in the Air Force, United States Air Force, to fly Air Force One. And I get up there and I'm feeling my way up. You know, it's up like a 747 as you go through the stairs, but I sort of knew my way up.
There wasn't a light in the plane, I'm saying, can you imagine, we spent trillions of dollars and we're trying to fly in blind. But I got into the plane, the cockpit's dark black, little tiny light, you could see the pilot. A perfect looking human being, his co-pilot, everybody was perfect, they were all like movie stars.
You know, it's like, I could have cast a movie with these guys and nobody would believe it because they were too good looking. So I said, how are we doing Captain? Sir, we'll be landing in 10 minutes.
And I look outside, there's not a light. And I'm saying, you know, I've landed a lot of planes. And you see like little lights at least.
There's nothing, it's just pure desert. And I said, okay Captain, good, but I'm looking. Now we're, you've been in many planes where it has the computer sign saying 1,000 feet, goes 1,900, 800, it's a computer voice, but it sounds like, but it's an incredible voice.
700, I say, Captain, are we okay? I'm looking, are we okay, Captain? There's no lights.
And I'm looking, you know, normally when you land a plane, because I sit in the class a lot, I think it's great. I think it's a great profession, everything. It's incredible, they're incredible.
These machines are incredible. He said, sir, we're fine, no problem, sir. I said, you know, I'm going, I don't see the lights up there, Captain.
Shoot, we're okay, you know. So, I mean, I'm exaggerating a little bit. You know, problem with exaggerating, it'll tell the story.
They'll say, Trump was a coward. So, I'm sitting with him, he goes, 500, and I'm telling you, there wasn't a light on the runway, nothing, and we're going in. You okay, Captain, everything good?
Yes, sir, no problem. We'll be down in about one minute, sir. And I'm telling you, Joe, you know, there's always a light.
There's not a little pin, and all of a sudden, psh, and you hear, wah, wah, perfect landing like glass. That's how good, I mean, these guys, between the equipment and the, it's genius, it's pure. It was so dark, you couldn't see a thing.
There was no runway. You wouldn't know where the hell you are. You're in the middle of a desert.
And then I got out of the plane. I said, thank you, Captain, it's a great job. And then I get out of the plane, and I'm going down, and I see a general and another general, and I see a staff sergeant, a drill sergeant, and various guys, all central casting.
Central casting. They said, sir, would you like to rest? I said, I don't want to rest.
I want to figure out what the hell are we doing with ISIS. I'm hearing we can't, it's gonna take years. No, sir, we can do it very quickly, sir.
Anyway, we go into the room, we go, I mean, Biden would have taken a nap for four days and then left without a meeting. So we go into the room, and they have these guys. I say, how long can you do it, how long?
We can do it in a couple of weeks, sir. I said, wait a minute, they told me five years. We can do it in, I don't know, he gave me a number, like, whoa, like just, like in no time.
I said, why haven't you done it? Because the orders came in from Washington, sir, and they would come here and tell us what to do. Don't you challenge us?
We're not allowed to do that, sir, that's not the military way. They tell us what to do, and we have to respect them.
Speaker 2
So do you think that it was incompetence, why they didn't go after ISIS?
Speaker 1
I think it's a bad system. You know, when Mattis goes there, or when Millie goes there, who's stupid, and they tell these guys that are actually smart what to do, and the guys that are smart are saying, we don't like what they're doing, but they're not allowed to sort of counteract. Plus, the guys that went there are arrogant, you know, they're arrogant fools, they're like stupid fools.
The way they pulled out of, you know, the way they, as an example, the way they pulled out of Afghanistan with the people falling off the planes, it was so, it was worse than Vietnam with the helicopters falling, it was so bad, there was no reason for it. Anyway, so we knocked them out, and I mean, we have great military, we have great people, but not the television guys. And I rebuilt the military, and then they gave a chunk of it.
I have to tell you, as much as it is, it's a tiny little piece, believe it or not. We have an unbelievable, I rebuilt the military, I rebuilt our nuclear, and in a way, I hated to redo it, but I got to realize how powerful that nuclear is. Joe, one bomb, Israel is gone, but forget.
One bomb could take out the entire East Coast. It's so bad. And I watched these poor fools talking about, our oceans will rise 1 1⁄8 of an inch over the next 500 years.
I mean, we have people, we have countries, right now you have five countries, and don't underestimate North, North, if you take a look at North Korea, their nuke, I was there. I mean, I was with Kim Jong, I had a great, I got along great with him. You know, the press says, he got along great.
That's a good thing, it's not a bad thing, it's a great thing. Obama thought we were gonna go to war with North Korea. When I met with Obama just prior to the takeover, you know, you meet, you have a sort of a ceremonial meeting, but it lasted a long time, a lot longer than it was supposed to last.
I said, what's the biggest problem, he said, North Korea. By the time I finished, I was, we had no problem with North Korea. We were really, it was a little tough at the beginning, remember?
He said, I have a red button on my desk. I said, I have a red button also, but mine's bigger than yours and mine works.
Speaker 2
I liked how you called him Little Rocket Man.
Speaker 1
I said, yeah, Little Rocket Man, you're gonna burn in hell, and it was a rough, oh, so rough that people were worried, this is crazy. And then one day, I got a call, sort of like a fight, I got a call. You know, you ever see that pounding, then all of a sudden, but I got a call, and it was from him, meaning his people.
They wanted to meet. They wouldn't meet Obama. He tried to meet, they wouldn't even talk to him about it.
And I think he expected to go to war. I actually do, I believe he expected to go. And we checked their nuclear stockpile.
It is substantial, I mean, it's, I said, do you do anything? I got to know him very well. I got to know him better than anybody, anybody.
And I said, do you ever do anything else? Why don't you go take it easy and relax, go to the beach, your beautiful beach, nice beachfront property, you know, kiddingly. I said, you're always building nuclear, just relax.
You don't have to do it. Let's build some condos on your shoreline. They actually have gorgeous stuff.
And he said, I just have to do it because I need it for my safety, et cetera. I got to know him very well. We had no problem with him.
If you have a smart problem, if you have a smart, really the right president, the smart president, you're not going to have a problem. And I say it to people, we have a bigger problem, in my opinion, with the enemy from within. And it drives them crazy when I use that term.
But we have an enemy from within. We have people that are really bad people that I really think want to make this country unsuccessful. When you look at what's happening at our border, Joe, when you have people coming in that, when other countries are allowed to empty their prisons into our country with murderers, we had 13,099 murderers dropped in our country over the last three years.
Speaker 2
And 15,000 rapists convicted. Rapists. Yeah.
Speaker 1
Drug dealers, drug lords. And that's just the ones that have been accounted for.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
Correct. People from mental institutions. What do you think this strategy is?
Hundreds of thousands of major criminals, tougher and worse than anybody we have.
Speaker 2
Well, and we're seeing the consequences of it in San Antonio. They've taken over apartment buildings. In Aurora, Colorado, they've taken over apartment buildings.
These Venezuelan gangs.
Speaker 1
Just the beginning.
Speaker 2
What do you think the strategy is? You know, one of the things that they've said is that you stopped a bill from being passed. But didn't that bill also include amnesty for the people that are already here?
Speaker 1
Joe, this is years after the fact. The damage was already done. But what was the bill?
Speaker 2
And what was the problem with the bill?
Speaker 1
It allowed two million people in. They were going to get amnesty. It was a horrible bill.
It didn't protect us at all.
Speaker 2
But we should just tell people what the strategy is. So one of the things that's been very clear is that they've moved a large percentage of these migrants that are coming across the border illegally, they've moved them to swing states. This is what's going on with Springfield, Ohio, right?
Speaker 1
They're in swing states. Well, that's not a swing state. I'm going to win Ohio by a lot.
So that's not a swing. But it's called Springfield, Ohio, to be exact. And Springfield, Ohio is this very nice community of 52,000 people that just had 32,000 migrants that don't speak the language dropped into their community.
You can't get into a hospital. You can't get into a school. It's gone from a beautiful little place to a horror show.
And the mayor is a nice guy. And the mayor says, we're looking for interpreters. I said, no, you've got to remove them and bring them back to their country.
Mostly Haitians in this case. But they speak no language. They speak no English.
Speaker 2
No English, man.
Speaker 1
In fact, even the language they do speak, I mean, they can't get interpreters. They can't do anything. And the mayor's trying to be politically correct.
They're all trying to be. In Aurora, Colorado, you have the worst, probably the worst gang. MS-13 might even be, you know, those two are the worst gangs.
These are Venezuelan gangs. They have taken over apartment complexes, and they're going to want to take over the whole thing. And you have a weak governor, a pathetic governor, who's a radical left Democrat.
He doesn't know what the hell to do. But you have it in many other communities, but they don't like to talk about it because it's, you know, it's bad for the community to talk about it. These people have been let in here by this imbecile.
She's, and I mean it, she's a low IQ person, low IQ.
Speaker 2
Right, but it's also, it's obviously not just her. There's a strategy that's involved in letting these people in.
Speaker 1
Well, she was in charge of the border.
Speaker 2
Well, she's in charge of the border, but they also, they utilize that app, the app that used to be used. It used to be used, I think, essentially, wasn't it for shipping? Wasn't it when people were in this country?
Speaker 1
It was used for shipping, and now it's used to, deal with the cartels. The cartel, heads of the cartel, rich people, by the way. These are loaded.
These people have so much money. They would call up, think of this. They call up the app, and the app tells them where they should take their load of illegal migrants from the Congo.
You know, we have a lot from the Congo, prisons in the Congo. I made a little bit of a sarcastic joke. A man named Dana White, who you love, who I love, I assume you love him.
Speaker 2
I love that dude.
Speaker 1
I think he's in a class by him.
Speaker 2
He's probably the reason why you're here. I don't know, maybe. He's one of the big ones.
Speaker 1
He is the greatest guy.
Speaker 2
I love him too.
Speaker 1
You know, I always say, nobody's indispensable. You know, everybody can be replaced. Maybe you can't be.
You might not be, but Dana White, truly, I don't think, you know, he sold it for four billion. I said, what a, who the hell is gonna pay four billion? And they made like a great deal.
Speaker 2
I mean, because of him. Take him out. I think it's a whole different.
No, he's the best promoter of all time.
Speaker 1
And he's also the greatest guy. He spoke at the whole thing with, you know, I had just been shot and he got up and he spoke so better than anybody. I mean, who would be better to introduce you?
I asked of all the people, and I know there's biggest people in the world and they all would have loved to have done it. I said, Dana, would you do it? You know, it was interesting, he was away.
And he said to the people that, you know, one of my guys called, he said, I won't be able to do it. I'm, gee, I just left with my wife and family, I won't. I said, he said, no, yeah, I was a little surprised, even though I knew he was very far away.
He was in some place, you know, and he deserved it with his family and all that. And then I said, all right, let's, and I said, we'll look at who we're gonna get. And all of a sudden, she comes in.
Sir, Dana White just said he's going to do it and he's coming back in tonight. He's taking it, but you know, the guy is just an incredible guy and he's like a tough champion, but loyal. Yeah, he's gotta be one of your favorite people.
Speaker 2
He's one of my favorite people. I love him to death. I've been friends with him for 23 years.
Speaker 1
I love him to death. So would you have, because what you're doing here is incredible. I mean, everybody tells me, all I know is today, I'm going, you know, you're on Joe Rogan today.
People are telling me, like, I said, I say, how the hell do you know that? But it's sort of, what you've done here is amazing. Where would you be if you didn't do the UFC stuff?
Would you have this show, do you think?
Speaker 2
Yeah, I would still be doing it, for sure. Yeah.
Speaker 1
Would it be at the same level? I don't know. But you would have the show.
Speaker 2
It's hard to know. I think, you know, one of the things that works for this show, I guess, is that I'm involved in so many different things. You know, stand-up comedy, UFC, and all the interests that I have that lead to the podcast.
Speaker 1
Will you always want to do, first of all, you love UFC.
Speaker 2
I love it, yeah.
Speaker 1
You love the fights. I mean, I watch you, you are loving it. They could pay you nothing, it'd be very easy.
Speaker 2
They didn't pay me anything for the first, like, 13 shows. I did it for free, because they were hemorrhaging money. And I became friends with Dana, and my position was, you're gonna give me the best seat in the house.
I get to sit cage-side for the fights. I was like, I'll do it, and I wanted to help. I was like, I think these are the guys that we had always hoped for.
In the early days of the sport, I started working for the company in 1997. I was the, before the UFC was purchased by Zufa, which Dana worked for. So I was a part of the previous owners.
And I only did it for a couple years. It was just too much, and I was losing money. And it was banned from cable, because of Budweiser and John McCain, and you could only get it on DirecTV.
Speaker 1
And so, then. And then I came along, and I gave him the sites.
Speaker 2
You did, and he loves you for that. And he never forgot it. He loves you for that.
He talks about it all the time.
Speaker 1
Just to interrupt you for one second. So, they couldn't get a site, because it was too dangerous, and everybody was against it, and they couldn't get a license. And I gave him the first two or three sites.
And they were great. And by the way, I went to the first fight. I said, I never saw anything like this.
It was crazy. It was so good. Take the best fight you've ever seen.
It was like that fight, right? It was so good, that I gave it to him again and again. And all of a sudden, he caught on.
But you know, when I wasn't in Vogue, you know, I've had time. You probably never had a time, but I had times when I wasn't exactly in Vogue. Dana, they called him.
He said, he's the greatest guy. There's nobody like him. He said, I'll never say anything bad about that guy, because when I needed, because they were having a hard time at the beginning.
They almost pulled the plug a couple of times, right? He said, he stood up and he gave us stuff that nobody else gave us, and nobody wanted anything to do. And he said, I will never.
And there was a time where it would have been very popular for him to say bad stuff about me. He said, the greatest stuff about me. He said, you're gonna try and get me to say bad stuff about Trump?
I'm never doing it.
Speaker 2
He's an unusual guy. Very unusual guy.
Speaker 1
He's a fantastic guy.
Speaker 2
A perfect guy to be at the helm of something so controversial as the UFC.
Speaker 1
Less controversial now.
Speaker 2
Well, now it's huge. Yeah, well, this was always the thing that I would hope that it would be. I always knew that it was unbelievably entertaining, but I just didn't know if maybe I was crazy.
Maybe I loved it because I've had this long history of being involved in martial arts, and maybe like other people who just think it's too violent. Can boxing make it? Yeah, boxing's still a great sport.
I love boxing.
Speaker 1
But it seems to be so unimportant now by comparison to UFC, don't you think?
Speaker 2
I think, well, Dana is working with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They're gonna start promoting boxing now. And with Dana at the helm of it, I think boxing could return.
Because the thing is, they wanna make fights that maybe promoters don't wanna make because they wanna protect their fighter. Controversial fights where it's dangerous. Like, you don't know, this guy could lose.
And so the Saudis, they're smart. They just offer a tremendous amount of money, and they're putting together fights that no one else can put together. They're doing that in boxing.
Speaker 1
If Dana's involved, he'll probably make it good. You know the amazing thing, though, in fighting, no UFC fighter, they say, has ever died. And it looks to be much more violent than boxing.
Many boxers have died. Isn't it interesting? And Dana tells me because they take so many shots to the face.
Speaker 2
Yes, and there's also no other options to preserve yourself, to protect yourself. So if you get hit in a UFC fight, you can clinch. You can try to take the fight to the ground.
Speaker 1
You have options.
Speaker 2
Also, you don't get allowed to get knocked down and then get back up. When you get knocked down, you're concussed. And generally, if a guy's really hurt, they can be finished on the ground and the fight's over.
If it's boxing, you have 10 seconds to get up. You get up, your head kinda clears, but you're still in real bad trouble. And you can kinda run away and survive until the bell rings.
They're only three-minute rounds. And then you start again. So you're getting repeated punishment to the head.
And then there's also the issue of guys' weight cutting, which is a problem with the UFC as well. But weight cutting in boxing has led to, if you look at deaths in boxing, there's very few of them in the heavyweight division. Most of the deaths in boxing are the lightweight divisions because when guys dehydrate themselves to lose weight, to make weight, their brain is the last thing that gets rehydrated.
It's very difficult to completely rehydrate your brain quickly. And you only have 24 hours between the weigh-in and the fight. And it used to be the weigh-ins were the day of the fight.
Like when Bumbu Mancini had a fight with Dukku Kim and killed him in the ring, which is one of the last ones on television that we've seen. That was a crazy event for people and heartbreaking. And it led to a bunch of different changes.
One of them is day before weigh-ins to allow people to rehydrate better. And the other one is they dropped it from 15 rounds down to 12.
Speaker 1
Which, look, they should do that again. You know, I'm not the fighter, but those 15-round fights were unbelievable.
Speaker 2
They were unbelievable, unbelievable. Yeah, you go back to the golden age.
Speaker 1
Yeah, in terms of entertainment.
Speaker 2
Oh yeah.
Speaker 1
Those were the championship rounds. Those were the greatest fights ever.
Speaker 2
Those last three rounds were crazy.
Speaker 1
That was brutal.
Speaker 2
I mean, it's such a war of attrition. You know, a lot of people think even like a five-round UFC fight. UFC is five-minute rounds.
It's so much energy you're burning out. And those last couple of rounds, those five-round fights, the fourth and the fifth round, unbelievably brutal.
Speaker 1
Who's the greatest UFC fighter? Are you allowed to say? In your opinion, it's tough for you to say because you do this, but who do you think is the greatest of the fighters?
Speaker 2
There's a lot of arguments for who's the greatest of all time. You know, Jon Jones, most people would say is the greatest of all time. Never lost.
There's certainly a really good argument for that. There's another argument for Georges St-Pierre. I always leave in B.J. Penn in his prime, Anderson Silva in his prime. You know, Mighty Mouse. People forget about Mighty Mouse because unfortunately he's a smaller guy. He's 125 pounds, flyweight champion.
He's one of the greatest expressions of mixed martial arts I've ever seen. I think to this day.
Speaker 1
And Khabib?
Speaker 2
Khabib's fantastic. But if you looked at the accomplishments in terms of championship fights, Khabib retired 29 and 0, but he didn't have as many world championship fights.
Speaker 1
And probably never lost a round.
Speaker 2
They say he- He might've lost to Gleason Tebow. He might've lost to him.
Speaker 1
A round.
Speaker 2
He might've lost a round. And that was a controversial fight where people think that Gleason Tebow could've even gotten the decision in that fight. I'd have to go back and watch it again to make a decision.
Speaker 1
But- They're great athletes.
Speaker 2
Oh, the best athletes in the world. And the most dangerous sport in terms of like, it's, I always call it high level problem solving with dire physical consequences.
Speaker 1
Yeah, it's just brutal.
Speaker 2
That's what fighting is.
Speaker 1
You know, I never forget. So there was a fighter named James Tony.
Speaker 2
Oh yeah, I love James Tony.
Speaker 1
He fought as a very light fighter and he ended up as a heavyweight. And this guy went through everything. He was almost like a lightweight.
Speaker 2
He went from middleweight all the way up to heavyweight.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
And beat Evander Holyfield as a heavyweight.
Speaker 1
And he was a real fighter.
Speaker 2
Oh yeah.
Speaker 1
So James Tony, and I think it was, say George- George St. Pierre. St. Pierre. I think it was him.
Who did he fight? James Tony.
Speaker 2
No, James Tony didn't fight George St. Pierre.
Speaker 1
He fought a UFC fighter.
Speaker 2
Yeah, Randy Couture fought James Tony.
Speaker 1
Was it Randy Couture or Randy?
Speaker 2
But that was like an easy fight. That was a very easy fight. Randy Couture just took him down and strangled him.
Speaker 1
It was the most, and he's half the size. And he just, once he got to the ankles, in fact, the announcer said, it's over.
Speaker 2
Yeah, he ankle picked him, took him down, mounted him, strangled him.
Speaker 1
It was pretty quick. And James, he was, but he was talking big because he was much bigger. He was a pretty big guy.
Speaker 2
I think James just wanted to make some money in that fight.
Speaker 1
You think so? Yeah. But I never forgot it.
Speaker 2
I don't think he knew what he was doing.
Speaker 1
It was over very quickly. He was lying sleeping on the mat and he was talking, you know, he was doing the Muhammad, all this stuff, but it didn't work out. But I remember- He sold the fight.
Yeah, that was Couture probably.
Speaker 2
Yeah, it was Couture. George never fought a boxer in an MMA fight. If he did, he would kill them.
Speaker 1
Was he one of the greatest?
Speaker 2
Yes, unquestionably. That's, the argument, there's like a handful of guys you can make the argument is the greatest of all time. People forget about Anderson Silva.
In his prime, he was unstoppable. But that's the thing is- Anderson Silva? And then there's Fedor Emelianenko, who fought in pride.
In his prime, he was unstoppable.
Speaker 1
There's this- And you have a couple now that are pretty good.
Speaker 2
Oh, we've got so many now. Alex Pereira. Correct.
There's an argument that he's the top pound for pound fighter in the world right now. He's unbelievable. But it's like fighters can only compete at that level for so many years.
And so my opinion, you have to judge them at their very peak. You can't judge them when they're hanging on and still fighting. You can't judge them when they're coming up.
You got to judge them in that championship peak. And that championship peak, there's a handful of guys that you would consider at the very top.
Speaker 1
If they stopped a little bit sooner.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
Some of them would have had, you know, I mean, there are a couple of that you just mentioned without mentioning names. And they stopped at the perfect, they were unbelievable. And then at a certain age, they start getting knocked out, right?
Speaker 2
Yes, it's unfortunate. But the thing is that same belief in themselves that lets them become a champion, makes them think that they can do it long past the time that they actually can.
Speaker 1
Well, Anderson Silva was essentially unbeatable. And then he lost a close one, then all of a sudden he had- No, he got knocked out.
Speaker 2
He got knocked out by Chris Weidman. He was kind of clowning in that fight famously. And Chris Weidman had a vicious left hook, knocked him out.
And then they fought a second time and he broke his leg on Chris Weidman.
Speaker 1
Right, that's right.
Speaker 2
And after that fight, he was kind of never the same because that leg break injury, which Conor McGregor had, there's quite a few fighters- That was a bad one. Weidman actually wound up having the same injury, ironically. There's only been like four of those.
Speaker 1
You're never the same because you can't kick.
Speaker 2
Never the same. Well, you can, Weidman is still kicking with that leg. You can, but psychologically, when you throw a kick and your leg snaps in half and you're in agony for a year, right?
You have to get surgery, you have to get bolts and plates to keep your leg together. And then it takes forever for it to heal.
Speaker 1
It always amazes me how the kicker, I mean, you have those cases, but the kicker will do tremendous damage to somebody's leg, but their leg doesn't seem to get damaged. Isn't it sort of amazing?
Speaker 2
It does get damaged. It hurts. More than you think.
Yeah, but your shin gets very numb after a while. And guys that are really good kickers, they're kicking the thigh and they're kicking the calf, they're kicking soft areas. And they're slamming this hard, numb shin.
Their shin gets all these micro fractures all over the shin and it calcifies. These guys can kick baseball bats. You ever seen them break baseball bats with their shins?
It's crazy. Some guys can do two baseball bats. Someone will hold the baseball bat and they'll just kick right through them.
Speaker 1
But see, I want your enthusiasm now, right?
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
And it's like, that's why you're good. Nobody does this better. Without the enthusiasm, forget it.
Speaker 2
Well, it has to be authentic. I mean, the only reason why I do MMA commentary is because I'm very interested in it, for real. I don't have to manufacture it.
I'm very interested. So I think that's why.
Speaker 1
And you love going in there after the fight and they're sweating all over you, they're slopping all over you.
Speaker 2
You're beautiful. They bleed on me.
Speaker 1
They're bleeding.
Speaker 2
Sometimes their nose is being splayed on. Does that bother you a little bit? No, no.
Speaker 1
Yeah, like two weeks ago with the guy, I never saw him.
Speaker 2
Camille Roundstreet, yeah.
Speaker 1
More stuff came out of his nose?
Speaker 2
Yes, it was pretty nasty. But no, I'm very used to it. I just wanted him to be able to express himself.
Speaker 1
You've done a great job.
Speaker 2
Thank you. You've done a great job. So back to you and back to what are you, and first of all, I love this idea of you teaming up with Robert Kennedy.
And I love this Make America Healthy Again idea because there are chemicals and ingredients that are in our food that are illegal in other countries because they've been shown to be toxic. There's pesticides and herbicides and there's a lot of shit that's been sprayed on our food that really is unnecessary. And there's a lot of health consequences that people are suffering from a lot of these things.
Speaker 1
I've got this chart for you. Beautiful. Because I had a feeling you'd be asking me.
Thank you. Look at this chart. These are healthier countries.
Look where the United States is.
Speaker 2
I'm gonna send this to RFK Jr. So this is, well, something along the, I was actually talking to RFK today and he told me that more than 70% of young men are ineligible for the military because of their health.
Speaker 1
I could see it.
Speaker 2
That's crazy.
Speaker 1
A lot of it's obesity.
Speaker 2
So here's the life expectancy versus health expenditure.
Speaker 1
Same chart.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
Did you see that?
Speaker 2
USA, yeah.
Speaker 1
That's pretty good. Jamie's the best. He's very good.
Speaker 2
He's the best.
Speaker 1
But no, but look at that. Look at where the USA is.
Speaker 2
Not good. And that's our food. That's our diet.
That's sedentary lifestyle. That's our diet. That's the chemicals we ingest.
That's what that is.
Speaker 1
But RFK's gonna be very, you know, I think he's a great guy.
Speaker 2
I think he's great. The fact that you guys teamed up.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Are you guys, are you completely committed to have him a part of your administration?
Speaker 1
Oh, I am. But the only thing I want to be a little careful about with him is the environmental. Because, you know, he doesn't like oil.
I love oil and gas. I think, you know, I think it's. Just keep him out of that.
To fire. So I'm gonna sort of keep him out of a little. I said, focus on health.
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
You can do whatever you want. But I gotta be a little bit careful with the liquid gold, you know?
Speaker 2
I understand. But listen, there's plenty of good work that could be done if you focus on health. Here's the one that, here's the one that my all time favorite though.
Speaker 1
What is that? See the arrow right here? That's what I left.
Speaker 2
Do you have anyone that is pressuring you to not work with him?
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