
JD ヴァンス CPAC スピーチ 2025 フルスピーチ


JD ヴァンス CPAC スピーチ 2025 フルスピーチ

皆さん、ありがとうございます。皆さんと一緒にいられて嬉しいです。お会いできて嬉しいです。私もお会いできて嬉しいです。皆さんはここでワールドウィンのような感じでしたね。少し時差ボケですか?いいえ、私も少し時差ボケです。フランス、ドイツ、サンディエゴの家族の結婚式、そしてワシントン DC に戻る旅行をしました。7 日間ですべて終えたので、少し時差ボケですが大丈夫です。昨夜は睡眠もとったので、今は良い状態です。よし、準備はできました。でも、今日は本当に特別な日です。皆さん、今日は 2 月 20 日です。つまり、30 日目、つまりトランプ ヴァンス政権の 1 ヶ月記念日です。とてもわくわくします。とてもわくわくしています。私たちが大統領に就任してまだ1か月しか経っていないなんて信じられません。なぜなら、バイデン大統領の4年間で1か月以上も多くのことを成し遂げてきたと思うからです。そのことを神に感謝します。しかし、ご存知のように、大統領は私たちを猛スピードで動かしています。彼はいつも、今日何をしたのか、明日は何をするのか、来週は何をするのかと尋ねます。なぜなら、彼はこれが特別な瞬間であることを理解しているからです。ところで、私たちが政権で行ってきたすべての素晴らしい仕事を可能にしてくれた皆さんに感謝します。皆さんがいなければ私たちはここにいなかったでしょうが、大統領はアメリカ国民が私たちに国を救う機会を与えてくれたことを痛感していると思います。そして、まさに私たちがやろうとしていることです。そのことを神に感謝します。過去1か月間、とても楽しかったです。皆さんがやっていることをすべて把握することすらできないと思います。実際、報道機関でさえ把握できないと思います。彼らがやっていることをすべて把握してください。つまり、彼らはショックと戦略について話しているのです。真剣に。このリストを次から次へと見ていると、何が目立ちますか。報道について言えば、私は、CNNの視聴者数よりも多くの大統領令が出ていると思います。CNNの皆さん、こんにちは。彼らの計画は、反トランプに全力を尽くし、2017年と同じようにCNNを救ってくれることを期待することだったと思います。なぜなら、2017年に大統領になるまで、誰もこのネットワークを本当に見ていなかったからです。しかし、それが、ここ数か月間、大統領がCNNの視聴率を救えなかった唯一のことだと思います。しかし、大統領がやろうとしたことは、いくつかの問題で歴史的使命があることを認識することだと思います。私たちは南の国境を守らなければなりません。彼の行動のおかげで、国境通過は90%以上減少し、私たちはただ始めに考えるべきことは、アメリカの成長のエンジンを本当に解き放ち、アメリカ国民に良い仕事と高い賃金を生み出す成長する経済に戻らなければならないということです。その多くは、トランプ大統領のリーダーシップのもと、歴史上のどの政権よりも多くのエネルギー政策を実施してきたこと、そしてそれは誇張ではありません。もちろん、私たちはさらに多くを行うつもりです。そして、彼がイーロンやdogeの素晴らしい人々の助けを借りて試みた3つ目のことは、アメリカの納税者のお金をどうしているのか、なぜそんなに多くのお金を無駄にしているのか、アメリカ国民が気づいていない、あるいはそもそも使いたくないゴミに浪費しているのか、たとえば、メルセデスが信じられないほど素晴らしいとわかったのに、なぜアフガニスタンのトイレを中心とした進歩的な現代アートプロジェクトにお金を費やしているのか、それは実際にはつい最近まで税金が使われていたのに、私たち全員が座って、この4年間、一体アメリカ国民のお金で何をしてきたのかと自問していると思います。蛇口を閉めて、アメリカ国民の税金をアメリカ国民の優先事項に使いましょう。もちろん、政権の大きな焦点は移民問題です。もっと深く掘り下げましょう。あなたは多くの犠牲者を見てきましたし、会ってきました。家族が悲劇的に殺害された人たちです。天使のような家族が犯罪者である不法移民の手に落ちたのです。これらの家族へのメッセージは何ですか。そして、世界で最も弱い人々を狙う恐ろしい麻薬カルテルや人身売買業者へのメッセージは何ですか。私たちのメッセージは、皆さんが実際に行っているすべてのことです。マスコミでさえ、彼らがやっていることをすべて把握できるとは思えません。つまり、彼らはショックと戦略について話しているのです。



「一つの議会で二つの和解法案を成立させることは非常に稀だ。だからこそ、我々は一つの大きな素晴らしい法案、つまり下院と上院で成立させる最初の和解パッケージで多くのことをしなければならないと考えている。順調に進んでいる。まだ早い段階だ。こういうものをまとめるには時間がかかる。もし記録的なPAC和解法案があれば、5月か6月には成立するだろう。我々はその軌道に乗っていると思うが、いくつか基本的なことをしなければならない。メルセデス、一つは、私が言ったように、我々はアメリカのエネルギーを解き放ち続けなければならない。これは和解法案の一部だ。我々は他国が我々を利用するのを止めなければならない。これはトランプ大統領の関税政策の大きな部分だ。我々は利用されるのを止めなければならない。ええと、もちろん我々はトランプ大統領の減税を恒久化し、将来まで延長したいと思っている。我々はチップに課税しないことを望んでいる。我々はいくつかのことをしなければならない。選挙運動中にも話しましたが、それはその一部でなければなりません。そして最後に、これは本当に重要なことですが、大統領が国境で行ったすべてのことを、1か月だけでなく今後4年間実行できるように権限を与えなければなりません。国境警備隊員をさらに雇い、トム・ホマン、スティーブン・ミラー、クリスティ・ノームに国境の安全を確保するために必要なリソースを与えなければなりません。国境に戻らないようにしなければなりませんが、多くの問題が国境に戻ってきます。なぜなら、3000万人、4000万人の不法移民を受け入れれば、メディケア詐欺、社会保障詐欺、なぜ国民の社会保障給付を不法移民に与えているのか、今日アメリカで起こっていることはわかっています。それを止めなければなりません。国境を掌握すれば、メルセデス、この国が抱える財政問題、金融問題を何よりも統制し、不法移民を国外に追い出し、アメリカの税金がアメリカ国民に確実に行き渡るようにしなければなりません。それがアメリカの財政危機を解決する方法です。ミュンヘン会議でのあなたの素晴らしいスピーチ、皆さんはご覧になりましたか? 皆さんが気に入ってくれて嬉しいです。 皆さんが気に入ってくれて嬉しいです。 皆さんが気に入ってくれて嬉しいです。 皆さんが気に入ってくれて嬉しいです。 皆さんが気に入ってくれて嬉しいです。 見れてよかったです。 ありがとう。 わかりました。 わかりました。 すでに1回分の料金で行ったスピーチにスタンディングオベーションをお願いします。 ええと、これがあなたのスピーチです。 もう一度言ってください。 ええと、でもそれはとても興味深いものでした。 なぜなら、明らかにヨーロッパの指導者の中には、少し神経質になっている人もいて、少しストレスを感じていたからです。 でも、あなたはヨーロッパの最大の脅威について話しました。 ええと、ヨーロッパの最大の脅威、そして約30日前まで米国にとって最大の脅威だったのは、西側諸国の指導者が、何百万もの未審査の外国人移民を自国に送り込むことを決定したことです。 それはヨーロッパにとって最大の脅威であり、率直に言って、米国にとって最大の脅威であり続けています。 そうです。トランプ大統領のリーダーシップは4年間続いていますが、民主党が再び政権を握れば、彼らはまた同じことをやろうとするでしょう。西洋文明を再建することはできません。何百万人もの不法移民を入国させれば、アメリカやヨーロッパを再建することはできません。これは止めなければなりません。ありがたいことに、ここで止まりましたが、ここで止まらなければなりません。そして関連する問題として、メルセデス、ただ止めることはできません。ヨーロッパの人々、そしてもちろんアメリカ国民も、この問題について問題を提起できるようにする必要があります。このことについて議論するための言論の自由を認めなければなりません。世界中の人々に対して行うことをやめなければなりません。世界中の人々に声を上げ、これ以上のくだらないことはやめろと言う機会を与えなければなりません。国境が欲しいのです。主権が欲しいのです。自分の国で自分の考えを話せるようにしたいのです。そして、もし言論の自由を認めなければ、そしてもちろんバイデン政権が、アメリカだけでなく、より多くの言論の自由を破壊したのです。アメリカの歴史上どの政権よりも、ヨーロッパでもアメリカは大きな影響力を持っています。私はヨーロッパ人を責めているわけではありません。ジョー・バイデンの先導に従って検閲や大量移民を進め、ドナルド・J・トランプの先導に従ってください。それが言論の自由、国境、主権であり、それが私たちの共通の文明の未来です。CPACで起こっている本当に注目すべきことをお話ししましょう。昨日は2回目のCPAC国際サミットがありました。今日はヨーロッパの保守的な指導者たちが大勢参加しており、私たちは団結しています。彼らにはヨーロッパを再び偉大にし、アジアを再び偉大にし、ラテンアメリカを再び偉大にする機会があるからです。つまり、あなたのメッセージは世界中の保守的な指導者たちに非常によく受け入れられたと思います。しかし、これはアメリカにとって何を意味するのでしょうか。


私たちは、神は目的を持って男性と女性を作ったと考えており、皆さんが若い男性、若い女性として繁栄することを望んでいます。私たちは、公共政策でそれを可能にするよう支援します。ところで、私は、メルセデス、これがトランプ大統領がメディアが彼を激しく追及した理由だと思います。私が考えているのは、男らしさの本質とは何かということです。これにはさまざまな方法で答えることができますが、私と男性の友人について考えると、私たちはお互いに冗談を言い合うのが大好きです。私たちは笑うのが好きです。本当に人気のある映画を思い浮かべると、あなたはかなり面白いと言うでしょう。私は大丈夫、トランプ大統領、誰がもっと面白いのか、誰がもっと面白いのか、トランプ大統領、そうです、正直に言って、彼が最高です、彼は最高のセンスを持っていますアメリカの政治家の中ではユーモアのセンスがないと思いますが、特に若い男性がトランプ大統領にとても感銘を受けているのは、メディアが彼にジョークを言うなとか、独自の考えを持つなとか言うことを許さないからだと思います。トランプ大統領は頭に浮かんだことをそのまま言います。これはとても良いことであり、アメリカ文化の若い男性にとって良い手本です。私はいつも5人の娘にこう言っています。息子はいませんが、マットと私には5人の美しい娘がいます。そしていつもこう言っています。人生で最も重要な決断は誰と結婚するかです。そうです、いつも誰と結婚するかです。あなたはウーシャと結婚するという非常に重要な決断をしました。私はそうしました。私は結婚しました。彼女は美しい2番目の女性です。ウーシャがあなたにくれた最高のアドバイスは何か知りたいです。とても楽しいですね。これは非常に個人的な話になりますが、彼女が1週間ほど前にくれたアドバイスは、ソーシャルメディアでもっと優しくすべきだということでした。そのアドバイスを受け入れるかどうかはわかりません。いくつかのアドバイスは良いものですが、常に受け入れる必要はありません。あなたは私の夫のように聞こえます。ウシャが私にくれた最高のアドバイスは、つまり彼女は私にたくさんの良い人生のアドバイス、つまりアドバイスをくれたのですが、政治に関しては、彼らにフィルターをかけさせないことです。政治の世界にはコンサルタントやメディアの専門家、世論調査員がいて、何を言うべきか、どのように振る舞うべきか、何をすべきかを教えようとする人がたくさんいます。そしてウシャは、自分らしく、本物で、外に出て、本当に思っていることを言いなさいと言いました。時々少し優しくなるかもしれませんが、私はそれが彼女が私にくれた最高のアドバイスだと思います。だから私たちは子供たちをどこにでも連れて行きます。だから私はソーシャルメディアで冗談を言うことを恐れません。たとえそれが父親のジョークであっても。私が嫌いな人全員を許します。親父のジョークは好きじゃないけど、自分らしくいればいい。それがトランプ大統領のアメリカ政治におけるスーパーパワーだと思うし、政治に関してはおそらく今まで私にくれた最高のアドバイスだと思う。さて、最後の質問。毎日あなたを奮い立たせるものは何ですか? そうですね、まずは家族です。7歳、5歳、3歳の子供がいて、彼らの目を通して国を見ずにはいられません。特に選挙活動中は、子供たちを連れてどこか新しい場所に着陸しようとすると、子供たちはみんな飛行機の窓に駆け寄ってきて、外を見て「お父さん、ここはすごく素敵だね」と言うんです。アリゾナのサボテンや砂漠の美しさをね。テキサスで募金活動をしていると、「なんてことだ、この広い空間を見て」と言うんです。ノースカロライナにいて、「グリーン マウンテンの美しさを見て」と言うんです。ノースカロライナアパラチア山脈の美しい緑の山々、私たちはノースカロライナが大好きです。そして、子供の目を通してこの国を見ると、希望と活力と楽観性を感じずにはいられないということが、私にインスピレーションを与えているのだと思います。ですから、その視点を決して失わないでほしいと思います。なぜなら、それは毎日私を刺激してくれるからです。副大統領、あなたは毎日私たちにインスピレーションを与えてくれます。私たちはあなたのために祈っています。あなたのご家族のためにも祈っています。もちろん、ドナルド・トランプ大統領のためにも、この素晴らしい政権のために祈っています。あなたが CPAC ファミリーと一緒にここにいてくれて光栄です。私もここにいられて光栄です。ありがとうございます。本当にありがとうございます。皆さん、ありがとうございます。皆さんを愛しています。ありがとう。[音楽]

#アパラチア山脈 #アパラチア #ノースカロライナ

JD Vance CPAC Speech 2025 FULL SPEECH

thank you all thank you it's great to be with you it's good to see you it is great to see you too I mean you've been like on a worldwin here yeah are you a
little Jack jet lagged or no you know yes I am a little jet lagged so we we did a trip where we went to France and
then to Germany and then we went to San Diego for a family wedding and then back in DC and we did all that in like seven
days so a little jet lag but that's okay I brought I I I I I'm I'm in a good place right now I'm I got some sleep
last night okay good then we're ready we're ready but it's a real special day today you know what today is guys it's
February 20th that means our 30 first 30 days the happy one month
anniversary of the Trump Vance Administration I mean how exciting is
that is uh it's very exciting it's hard to believe we've only been in office for
a month because I think we've done more than a month than Biden in in about 4 years and thank God for that but you
know the the the the president Keeps Us on a pretty Breakneck Pace he always asks what have we done today what are we
going to do tomorrow what are we going to do next week because I I think he realizes this is a special moment in
time uh and by the way thank you thanks to all of you for making it possible for us to do all the great work we've been
doing in the administration I know we wouldn't have been here without you but I think the president is acutely aware
that the American people gave us a window to save the country and that's exactly what we're going to do and thank God for that cuz it's been a hell of a
lot of fun the past month okay so I don't even think we can keep track of all the things you all are doing in fact
I don't even think the Press can keep track of all they're doing I mean they talk about the shock and a strategy
seriously so when you're looking at this list after list after list what stands out to you well speaking of the press I
I do think that we've had maybe more executive orders than CNN has viewers each night so hello to our friends at
CNN I think I actually think that their plan was they were going to go all in on
anti-trump yeah and hope that he could save CNN in the same way that he did
frankly in 2017 because nobody really watched the network until until he became president in 2017 but that's
maybe the one thing I think the president has been unable to do unable to save the CNN's ratings over the last
over the last few few months but look I I I I I I think that what the president
has tried to do is recognize that we have a historical mandate on a few issues we have to secure the southern
border and thanks to his actions border crossings are down well over 90% and we're just getting
started think recognize is that we have to really unlock the engine of American
growth we've got to get back to having a growing economy that creates good jobs and high wages for the American people
and a lot of that goes back to drill baby drill we've done more on energy
under President Trump's leadership than I think any Administration in history and that's that's not an exaggeration
and of course we're going to do more and then I think the third thing that he's tried to do of course with the help of
Elon and all the great Folks at doge is ask what are we doing with all of the
American taxpayers money and why are we wasting so much of it on garbage that the American people either aren't aware
that we're spending it on or don't want to be spending it on in the first place like for example the stuff that we've
figured out Mercedes is unbelievable why are we spending money on Progressive
modern art projects centered around toilets in Afghanistan that's actually
something that your tax dollars were funding until very recently and I think all of us are sitting around and asking
what the hell are we been doing with the American people's money for the last four years let's turn off the spigot and
spend the American people's tax money on the American people's priority and that's of course been a big focus in the
administration let's dig deeper into the immigration
issue sure you've seen and you've met many of the victims people who have
family members who have died been tragically tragically murdered those
angel families uh in the hands of these criminal illegal aliens sure what's your
message to these families what is and then what is your message to these horrific drug cartels and human
traffickers who have prayed on the most vulnerable in the world well our message
to the drug traffickers is get the hell out of our country your free ride is over because president Trump is back in
the Oval Office that that is you're you're you're not welcome you
were never welcome according to the American people but unfortunately you had President Joe Biden who allows you
to run free over the United States of America and Donald Trump has said your
terrorist organizations we're going to go after you we're going to wage war on you and certainly we want you out of the
United States of America and that's an important message of course but our our our message and you know this Mercedes
our message to the families is President Trump cares about you he thinks that
it's disgraceful what your own government let happen to your children to your grandchildren and it's got to
stop and of course we we we mourn with people we pray for people but we're also
asking as their government why did this happen to your child in the first place and the answer is that under
Joe Biden your government didn't do its job under Donald Trump it is thank God for
that on the economy and I'm getting this question all the time you know it's this question of affordability right there's
a lot of stress on our families something that I think uh Joe Biden could not manage in terms of of really
helping lower that cost of living and making things just simply more affordable sure uh we talked about
energy Independence being a critical component of this of ensuring that we unleash this economic Prosperity what
more needs to be done yeah so one of the first interviews I did it was I I think
six or seven days after the inauguration and somebody asked me well it's been six days what have you guys done to fix the
inflation crisis created by Joe B Biden I'm like well first of all it's been six days we've done a lot in six days but
it's going to take some time to fix what Joe Biden broke over four years and and
we know it it is it is easy unfortunately to burn the house down it
takes a little bit of time to build it back up and here's here's what we we have to do because look the the the
fundamental goal of our immigration policy of our border policy of Doge
saving taxpayer money the fundamental goal is we want your children and
grandchildren to be able to raise a family in security and comfort in the country that we all love that is the
whole goal of President Trump's agenda like safety and prosperity right
it's it's pretty Common Sense stuff and we know that to do that we have to first of all unleash American Energy now why
is that so important because look if you know we all know grocery prices got too
high under Joe Biden's leadership well one of the main drivers of groceries is energy because the farmers are paying
more for energy then we're all paying more for what the farmers grow and if the truck drivers who are delivering the
groceries are are paying more for fuel then we're all paying more for what the truck drivers are delivering to the
grocery store if we unleash American Energy that will do more than anything to drive down the cost for the American
people the second thing Mercedes is we have got to stop spending the American people's money on garbage every dollar
every dollar that we take in and spend you have to pay for either through taxes
or through inflation and if we spend the American people's money more wisely if
we stop taxing and spending the American people to death that's also going to bring relief to all of the pricing
pressures that are out there we're going to make it affordable to live in this country again that's our mandate that's
our goal and you're right there's a lot more that we can do but I think we've got a pretty good start after 30 days we've got a pretty good start but we've
got this big beautiful one bill budget
reconciliation scenario how is that working what are the Dynamics that are happening right now in Congress and and
what the administration is doing to ensure uh that a lot of what the president is wanting to do in terms of
really pushing forward with economic prosperity and his tax relief
initiatives gets done these bills yeah it's it's really important so the Senate obviously has its own approach and the
president has been very clear that his preference is to put everything in one bill right and part of that is just
simple legislative strategy I think the president has learned a lot about how DC works and I actually talked to the
president about this yesterday and he said to me look it's very rare that you can get two reconciliation bills done in
one Congress which is why he thinks we've got to do a lot with that one big beautiful bill that first reconciliation
package that we're going to get through the house and the Senate it's going well it's early right this stuff takes time
to put together I think you know if you had a record paac reconciliation Bill we
would get this thing done in May or in June I think we're on track to do that but we've got to do some basic things
Mercedes one like I said we've got to continue to unleash American Energy that's part of the reconciliation Bill
we've got to make sure that other countries stop taking advantage of us that's a big part of pro president Trump's tariff policy is we got to stop
being taken advantage of um you know of course we want to make the president
Trump tax cuts permanent and extend them into the future we want no taxes on tips we got to do some of the things we
talked about during the campaign that's got to be part of it and then finally and this is really important everything
the president has done on the border we have got to empower him to do it not just for a month but for the next four
years and we've got to we got to hire more border patrol agents we got to give Tom homman and Stephen Miller and
Christy gnome the resources they need to secure the border
and just not not to return to the Border but I think so many of our issues come
back to the Border because if you you take 30 40 million illegal aliens you take Medicare fraud Social Security
fraud why are we taking the people Social Security payments and giving it to illegal aliens we know that's
happening in the United States of America today we've got to stop it if you get control of the Border Mercedes
you do more to control the fiscal problem the financial problems that we have in this country than almost
anything get illegal aliens out of our country make sure American tax dollars go to American people that is how you
solve the fiscal crisis in the United States of
America shifting to your incredible speech at the Munich conference did you
all watch that I don't
know I think they really I'm glad you guys liked it not everybody liked it you guys liked it not everybody liked it
good to see thank
you okay I okay I'll I'll I'll take a standing ovation for a speech I already
gave like for the price of one yeah I was going to say um here's your speech say it again all right uh but it was it
was fast fascinating because there was obviously some of these European leaders
that you know they were a little uptight about it it stressed them out just a little bit little bit but you talked
about the greatest threats in Europe yeah so look the greatest threat in
Europe and I'd say it was the greatest threat in in the United States until about 30 days ago is that you've had the
leaders of the West decide that they should send millions and millions of
unvetted foreign migrants into their countries that is the biggest threat to Europe and frankly it Remains by the way
the biggest threat to the United States because yes we've got four years of President Trump's leadership but I
guarantee you if the Democrats ever get power again they're going to try to do it again we cannot rebuild Western
Civilization we cannot rebuild the United States of America or Europe by
letting millions and millions of unvetted illegal migrants come into our country it has to stop thank God it
stopped here but it's got to stop there and and a related issue Mercedes is you
can't just stop it you have to allow European peoples and of course the American people too to raise issues
about it right you have to allow free speech to debate this stuff you have to stop doing things to the populations of
the world you've got to give the populations of the world the opportunity to speak up and say no more of this BS
we want borders we want sovereignty we want to be able to speak our own mind in our own country and I I guarantee you I
I if we don't allow free speech and of course the Biden Administration I made this point Mercedes the Biden
Administration did more to destroy Free Speech not just in the United States but also in Europe than any Administration
in American history I'm not even blaming the Europeans I'm actually saying you follow the lead of Joe Biden into
censorship and mass migration follow the lead of Donald J Trump and that's free
speech borders and sovereignty that is the future for our shared
civilization and I will tell you something that is really truly remarkable that's happening at CPAC is
and we had our second CPAC International Summit yesterday and we have many of these European conservative European
leaders with us today where we stand in solidarity because they have an
opportunity to basically make Europe great again make Asia great again make
Latin America great again and so in essence I think uh your message was very
well received by many of those conservative leaders across uh the globe uh but what does this mean with the US
now that you know in giving giving that speech what does this mean with the US's relationship with Europe well look
obviously we're going to continue to have important alliances with Europe but I really do think the strength of those
alliances is going to depend on whether we take our Societies in the right
direction think about this Germany's entire defense is subsidized by the
American taxpayer there are thousands upon thousands of American troops in Germany today do you think that the
American Tax is going to stand for that if you get thrown in jail in Germany for posting a mean tweet of course they're
not right so so so the point that I try to make to our European friends and I I think that there are friends I believe
that I know president Trump does is that friendship is based on shared values you
do not have shared values if you're jailing people for saying we should close down our border you don't have
shared values if you cancel elections because you don't like the result and
that happened in Romania you don't have you do not have shared values if you're
so afraid of your own people that you silence them and shut them up so let's
have shared values let's defend def democracy let's have free expression not
just in the United States but all over the Western world that is the path to strong alliances in
Europe we had Ambassador Rick Rell with us yesterday he'll be on uh the CPAC
stage uh during these conferences he has like three jobs or four or five but um
let me ask you this where are we on our and basically the status of the Russia Ukraine uh moving forward in terms of
these negotiations in bringing peace to this endless war you know it's it's it's early and I think what president Trump
what makes him such an effective negotiator I've seen this in private is that he doesn't take anything off the
table when he walks into negotiation he says everything is on the table and of course that makes the heads explode in
the American Media because they say why are you talking to Russia well how are you going to end the war unless you're
talking to Russia you've got to talk to everybody involved in the fighting if you actually want to bring the conflict
to a close and I know the president does but I I'll tell you the goals that
animate president Trump's policy it's really simple he wants the killing to stop he wants to bring lasting peace to
Europe he doesn't just want to stop at now and have the war restart a month from now he wants to bring lasting peace
to Europe because the president believes this and he's absolutely right peace is in the interest of Russia it's in the
interest of Ukraine it's in the interest of Europe but most importantly peace is in the interest of the American people
and he's going to fight for it for the remainder of his administration wherever War breaks out he's going to be the
president of peace now he of course is a a very good negotiator a very good
businessman he recognizes that a lot of these issues are tough it's going to take a smart Statesman to figure this
stuff out but we've got that in the white house and I I really believe that we're in the cusp of Peace in Europe for
the first time in three years because we have leadership from the Oval Office and we haven't had it in four years in this
country Matt and I mentioned this right when we started the conference we're we're honored by the president of two
hostages that were freed after the Hamas atrocity the
tragedy that we've seen happen and we have several of the family members as well who uh still they're they're there
they where they their loved ones are still
being detained by [Applause]
Hamas what is your message to these hostage fames these survivors our message is that
President Trump loves you he hasn't forgotten your loved ones and he's going to fight every single day to bring them
home that is exactly what he's been doing and that's what he'll keep on doing I
I I I was actually talking with one of my best friends about this a couple of days can I be your best friend too yes
okay I think we all want to be your best friend right okay okay but I I I was
talking with him and he was asking asking me he was like well I don't understand why was Biden unable to do
this and then like the minute that Donald Trump won we started to make progress and bring the hostages home and
I said man it's just a question of leadership you actually need a president
who is willing to pick up the phone and say you got to bring these people home no no no no we don't we're not focused
on that crap right now we're focused on bringing hostages home and then when the negoti
hit a wall because they always do you need a president who picks up the phone and says cut this crap out we've got to
make progress and you've got to keep that pace going it it's leadership it really is and I saw it behind the scenes
and and what the and what the president did is he empowered in particular because this remember this was before we
were inaugurated this is before we had our great secretary of state Mark Rubio or any of the great people around us you
know the president sent his his dear friend and he's become my dear friend Steve witkoff as an emissary of the
president of the United States and he said Steve you speak for me get it done and if there are problems pick up the
phone and call me Steve wickoff with the president's leadership got it done and it's amazing and and of course we still
got work to do we've got to finish the process but I I really believe the president is as committed to this as any
American leader in my life time we're going to keep on fighting for it
one of the issues that's Central to the CPAC Community is the issue of pro-life of course and what is the administration
going to do to defend The Unborn to provide support for those mothers those
fathers that choose life sure well you know one one of the things of course the the president got done during the first
term and I think that it's why he is accurately called the most pro-life president in American history is he
finally made it possible for the will of the people to speak on the life issue
and that was NE that the do's decision what that did is it gave the abortion
question back to the people it took it out of the hands of unelected bureaucrats and unelected judges and
gave it back to the people and I think the most important thing that we can do and I'm as you know Mercedes I'm I'm
very pro-life I'm a devout Christian is that we have got to persuade our fellow
Americans because now we've got the power we've got the power of persu
we've got to persuade our fellow citizens that unborn life is worthy of protecting it is sacred in the eyes of
God and it should be sacred in the eyes of man too and we have to pick up the torch and fight for that every single
day and I know you guys are up for the task I am too and I and I think on the
administration side what what the president has said and it's been consistent it's going to be consistent
in the rhetoric and in the policy is we believe in the Trump Administration
that babies are good that families are good and we want to make it easier for
young moms and young dads to choose life to start families and to bring new life into the world that's the whole point of
our policy now now now some of that of course is
supporting our great crisis pregnancy centers at the moment of these important Health Care decisions encouraging young
women to choose life at that important moment of choice some of that is bringing cost down so that you know
young moms and dads don't look to the Future and a new baby and say how can I afford this and if they're able to
actually afford to raise a family maybe they'll start thinking of babies as the
blessings that we all know that they are yeah and I
think but but but I I I I think fundamentally this is going to take a lot of leadership from the president on
down but from every single person in this room we've got to persuade our fellow fellow citizens to stop thinking
about babies as inconveniences to be discarded we've got to start thinking them as blessings to cherish and that's
exactly what I promise to do
so now we're going to get personal this is going be so fun um your faith y why
is it so important to you what does it mean to you tell us why when you go
every single day to work how faith is a part of who you are well I mean first is
I I believe think the fundamental tenant of the Christian faith it's not just a set of good moral principles though it
is that I think the fundamental tenant of our faith is that the Son of God
became man he died and then he raised himself from the dead that is the
fundamental tenant of the Christian faith and I think so so much flows from that and I think one one one one lesson
that flows from that is that we shouldn't fear death of course death is a very bad thing but there are much more
there are much more terrible things than just losing one's life and importantly you could lose one's soul and I think we
whether it's fighting for The Unborn or fighting for peace and security for our citizens I want us to be the kind of
society where my kids can grow up to be virtuous young people can be good young
Christians of course cuz that's what I'm I'm trying to raise them to be and that's what our public policy is trying
to do creating the space where moms and dads can raise their children in their
faith to become good young people who believe the things that I do that is
what I'm trying to create is the space for you of course to raise your children as you see fit but the space for me to
raise my kids to be the kind of young people that I think they ought to be and
and and the other thing that that I I take from it Mercedes is if you look at the long history of the Christian faith
we've been around for about 2,000 years now give or take a few years and there have been really dark times in the
history of the Christian faith there have been really good times in the history of the Christian faith and and I
just try to remind myself that we put our faith in God above we put our faith
in the grace of God and we try the best to do his will and we don't worry so
much about whether we're going to have Earthly rewards we worry about whether we're doing right by God Almighty above
that's what I try to do and that's how I try to run my life in
public you mentioned raising these children into good people and also into good citizens that can contribute to
society and to the world we had so many young people come out and support Donald
Trump and JD van this past election so what is your message and I really
what is your message to the young men you know I I guess my message to
young people generally is we're trying to make your life better and that that is this that is the simple thrust of
President Trump's policy is we want you to be able to buy a home we want you to be able to work a good job we want you
to be able to raise your kids like I said according to the values that you believe in and we want you to be able to
build a nice life in this country that all of us love that is what we're trying to do and you know you guys more than
more than anybody more than me I'm talking about people under the age of 30 in particular you guys are going to have
to deal with the consequences of good policy or of bad
policy for much longer than the rest of us and I I I I I just I want you guys to
think about the future and ask yourself do you want safe communities do you want a prosperous life do you want to be able
to work a good job or do you want that job shipped off to China or somewhere else we're fighting for you every single
day we want you to help fight for us because we've got a win not just not just the the the policy battles of the
next couple of months we've got to win the midterm elections in a couple of years we need you we recognize that we
need you and we're fighting for you every single day and and I think you know you you asked me you my my message
to young men is I I think that our culture sends a message to young men that you should suppress every masculine
urge you should you you should try to cast aside your family you should try to
suppress what makes you a young man in the first place and I think that my my message to young men is don't allow this
broken culture to send you a message that you're a bad person because you're
a man because you like to tell a joke because you like to have a beer with your friends or because you're
competitive it's
our our like our our our message the the the cultural message and I think the
president's and mine is the exact opposite but our our cultural message is I I think that it wants to turn
everybody into whether male or female into androgynous idiots who think the
same talk the same and act the same we actually think God made male and female for a purpose and want you guys to
thrive as young men and as young women and we're going to help with our public
policy to make it possible to do that and and by the way that I I I
actually think Mercedes th this is the thing that President Trump this is why the media went after him so hard is
because you know what what I think about like what what is the essence of masculinity you could answer this in so
many different ways but when I think about me and my guy friends we really like to tell jokes to one another like
we like to laugh if you think of all the movies that were really popular saying you're pretty funny I try to be okay
president Trump who's funnier who's funnier president Trump all right there let's be honest there you go he's got
the best he's got the best sense of humor of any American political figure but but I I I think this is why young
men in particular are so you know they're they're so inspired by President Trump is because he doesn't allow the
media to tell him he can't make a joke or he can't have an original thought president Trump just says what's on his
mind that's a damn good thing and it's a good example to set for young men in
American culture you know I always tell my uh Five Daughters I don't have any
sons but we Matt and I we have five uh beautiful daughters and I always say you know the most important decision you'll
ever make is who you marry that's right always who you marry and you made a very important decision in marrying Usha I
did I did I married up I married up she is a beautiful second Lady and I want to
know what is the best advice Usha has given you well
one this is so fun okay this is going to be very personal one piece of advice she
one piece of advice she gave me like a week ago was you should be nicer on social media I don't know that I'll take that
advice some some advice is good some advice as you know you could you is can be good but you don't have to always
take it I you sound like my husband the the the
best advice Usha ever gave me when it comes I mean she gave me so many good life advices um or or pieces of advice
but the best advice she gave me when it came to politics is don't let them filter you and in politics you know you
got consultants and you got media professionals you've got pollsters you've got a lot of people who try to
tell you what to say or how to behave or you know what to do and and Usha just
said just be yourself be authentic go out out there and say what's actually on your mind maybe a little nicer from time
to time but I I think that's the best advice that she gave me and that's why we take our kids everywhere and that's
why I'm not afraid to make a joke on social media even if it's sometimes a dad joke I forgive you know forgive me
all of you who don't like don't like Dad jokes but you just got to be yourself and I think that's president Trump's
superpower in American politics and that's probably the best advice who ever gave me at least on politics okay last
question what what inspires you every day well I mean one is is my family
right I mean I'm blessed to have a seven-year-old a 5-year-old and a
three-year-old and I can't help but see the country through their eyes and when
we on the campaign in particular and we would take our kids with us all of my kids when we were about to land in some
new place you know they they'd all rush to the window of the plane and they' look out and they'd say oh Dad this
looks so cool like you know the beauty of the Arizona cactuses and Arizona deserts or you know we'd be in Texas for
a fundraiser and they'd be like oh my God like look at just all of that open space right or we we'd be in North
Carolina and say oh look how beautiful the Green Mountains right this idea of these beautiful Green Mountains of appalache North Carolina we love North
Carolina and I I guess I guess what inspires me is you can't help but be
hopeful and energetic and optimistic about this country when When You See It Through The Eyes of a child so I hope I
never lose that perspective because it does inspire me every
day well Mr Vice President you inspire us every day we are praying for you we
are praying for your family we are praying for this incredible Administration for of course president
Donald Trump and we are honored that you are here with our CPAC family and I'm honored to be here thank you thank you
so much thank you all I love you guys thank you oh

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