
ビルダーバーグ - 映画 2017 ダニエル・エストゥリン 英語文字起こし翻訳

BILDERBERG - THE MOVIE 2017 by Daniel Estulin


ビルダーバーグ - 映画 2017 ダニエル・エストゥリン制作
「ナチス世界秩序 - NWO - 秘密結社、イルミナティ、グレート・リセット」

1 年前12.4KB ビルダーバーグビルダーバーグ グループ
NWO WEF新世界秩序ナチス世界秩序 ダニエル・エストゥリン
今日の世界で最もエリート主義的で秘密主義的な組織の 1 つである
ビルダーバーグ グループの起源、発展、拡大に関するドキュメンタリー。
年に 1 回、地球上で最も権力のある人々が非公開で会合します。
グループはヨーロッパの首相、アメリカの大統領、世界で最も裕福な CEO で構成され、
「世界の出来事は偶然に起こるものではない。国家問題であれ商業であれ、起こるべくして起こるのであり、そのほとんどは財布の紐を握っている人々によって演出され、管理されている。」あるいは、元英国首相ベンジャミン・ディズレーリの言葉を引用すると、「世界は、舞台裏にいない人々が想像するものとはまったく異なる人物によって統治されている。」 「1993 年に私は軍の対諜報部に入隊し、10 年以上勤務した後、ヒーリーとディズレーリに完全に同意できると言えます。企業メディアで私たちの周囲の世界の機能について語られることのほとんどが現実と関係がありません。実際、真実はその逆です。
「かつては完全な謎と絶対的なセキュリティに包まれていた世界を掘り下げた『ビルダーバーグ ザ ムービー』は、世界で最も権力のある人々、ビルダーバーグ グループの年次総会の興味深い記録を提供します。



- こちらもご覧ください


ミッションステートメント: SaveOurChildren と人類を救うことが私たちの主なミッションです - 暴露された邪悪な NWO 計画は 1 つ減ります #SaveOurChildren
TELEGRAM パートナー チャンネル
>>>> http://tiny.cc/NWO
>>>> http://tiny.cc/TheBilderberg

オリジナルは、上記の Rumble ですが、

下記の YouTube にあげられたものもあります。

Bilderberg: The Movie (Documentary 2014)

書き起こしは YouTubeの自動英語生成の書き起こしも得られますが


皆さん、ようこそいらっしゃいました。私が話し始める前に一言申し上げたいと思います。それは翻訳です。ボタン 2 はフランス語、ボタン 3 は英語です。なぜ私が皆さんにここに来るようにお願いしたのか不思議に思われるかもしれません。





私は長年にわたり蓄積してきた多くの情報があることに気付き、その情報の一部を公表するのはよい方法だと思いました。一般の人々の関心を引くだろうと考えた主題の 1 つは、ビルダーバーグ グループと名乗る、秘密ではないが極秘の組織です。1992 年に入隊する前、私はトロントのセゴビアというスペイン料理レストランで、KGB に勤務していた友人とステーキとポテトの昼食を食べていました。ウラジミールという名の男が、カナダは国民投票によって英語圏とフランス語圏に分割される予定であり、その国民投票は、非常に権力のあるとされる人物らによって舞台裏で計画される予定だと言いました。彼がこれが起こると言った理由は、米国を運営する権力者たちが予算の均衡を図る必要があったからです。 1995年がやって来て、それは3年後の未来です。突然、私が聞いたことのないすべての人物、すべての人々、すべての政治家がテレビ画面の正面中央に現れ始め、3年前にこの男性が私に話していたすべてのことが起こりました。

1995 年、私たちは最前線に立っていましたが、大統領や首相が政治体制自体に対して、ある方向に事態を前進させることに対して無力であり、単に役を演じているだけの脇役であるのなら、一体誰が世界を動かしているのだろうか、と疑問に思うのです。大統領、首相、国際銀行家、将軍たちが肩を並べて歩き、戦争、市場、政府を動かしている人々が公の場では決して言わないことを言うプライベート クラブを想像してみてください。


それは 1989 年まで続きますが、1954 年はまだ非常に未熟で、非常に不確実で、始まりに過ぎません。したがって、国連はすでに活動を開始しており、NATO を守る必要性はすでに明らかです。一方、ヨーロッパでは、ヨーロッパの君主国は、内政上、自らの利益、社会的地位の利益、経済的利益、そして外の世界に対する防衛の利益を守る必要性を感じています。



CIA がビルダーバーグ会議に干渉した本当の理由は、実は当時起こりつつあった冷戦でした。彼らは、ヨーロッパ、そして実際には彼らが影響力を持つ世界の他の国々の世論を誘導するために、彼らがアクセスできるすべての機関を利用しようとしました。ビルダーバーグもその 1 つでした。それが、彼らが最初のビルダーバーグ会議に資金を提供した理由です。すべてではありませんが、少なくとも大部分は資金を提供しました。







ビルダーバーグ会議に実際に出席する人々は、これらの社会の課題を前進させることができる人々です。国際通貨基金総裁、世界銀行総裁、欧州中央銀行総裁、連邦準備制度理事会総裁、主要な大統領や首相、そして政治レベル、帝国レベル、メディアレベルのすべての個人がいて、彼らはすべて軍の人々と協力し、銀行カルテルの代表者と協力します。また、企業であれば、社内の全員を管理する必要はなく、企業全体の方針を管理する 1 人の人物を管理するだけで済みます。国についても同じことが言えます。








1973 年 5 月、ビルダーバーグ グループはスウェーデンのサルストバーデンにある高級リゾートで会合を開きました。ビルダーバーグ会議の議題の主要点は 1973 年の石油ショックでした。近い将来、OPEC の石油価格が 400% 上昇するという目標でした。







IMF を見てください。ワシントンでは独立しているはずの IMF は事実上、欧州委員会の支局になっています。私は長年にわたり、ファン・ロンパイ氏、シュルツ氏、バローゾ氏、ユンケル氏、ティメルマン氏らと知り合いましたが、彼らが国民国家をひとつの単位として破壊したいのは明らかです。数年前、ギリシャの首相は「国民投票を実施します」と言いました。









1968 年、ジョージ・ボールとビルダーバーガーは会合を開き、世界全体を企業という形で再構築する必要があると決意しました。彼らは、国民国家という概念は時代遅れで、古風で、自分たちの邪魔になっていると判断し、企業アイデンティティという概念に基づいた世界企業を創設したいと考えました。









つまり、この世界のゴールドマン・サックスや JP モルガンなどの企業はすべて、世界中のすべての主要機関の重要人物であり、権力基盤は彼らを通じて機能するという考え方です。つまり、これは 1 つの世界政府ではなく、1 つの世界企業、地球上のどの政府よりも大きな力を持つ有限企業です。実際、これは 1968 年のビルダーバーグ会議で議論されました。そこで、JFK とジョンソンの経済担当次官を務めたジョージ・ボールは、次のように述べました。「政府に実際に命令できる企業をどうやって作ることができるか」。













リスボン条約 リスボン条約により、ヨーロッパ諸国はほぼすべての主権を失い、国民国家成立以前の状態、つまり封建制に戻ってしまいました。








全体像 それは資本主義の考え方ではありません。結局のところ、これらの人々が持っているもの、または彼らが何であるかによって、彼らはすでに地球の 90% を支配しているからです。社会のあらゆる側面、あなたが食べるもの、見るもの、触れるもの、そのほとんどが今日これらの億万長者の私的な手にあります。しかし、ここでも、ご存知のように、世界の脱工業化という全体的な考え方は、段階的なプロセスです。

武力衝突でそれを行うこともできますが、コストがかかり、危険でもあります。なぜなら、彼らとあなた自身を同時にチェス盤からすべて取り除くことができるからです。しかし、ポイントは、それを徐々に行うことができれば、さまざまなサービス産業、社会のさまざまな部門を解体し始めることができるということです。そうすれば、すぐにデトロイトのような状況になり、すぐにギリシャのような状況になり、すぐにスペインのような状況になります。スペインでは、ご存知のように、人口の 70% が 30 歳以下の若者で失業しています。これが現実であり、これがやり方なのです。

これは、産業空洞化、需要破壊、ゼロ成長の段階的なプロセスです。ゼロ成長について言えば、その概念自体は、ローマクラブが 1972 年にまとめた研究から生まれました。


1970 年代のローマクラブの役割は、資源が限られているため人類は発展し続けることができないという大きな嘘を広めることだった。そして彼らは、マルサスとアリストテレスの古い議論を現代風にアレンジした馬鹿げた理論を使って、数式に基づいて資源が枯渇すると単純に主張した。それから 40 年が経ち、今日私たちがどうなっているか見てみよう。


私たちにはデトロイトがあります。そして、さらに 40 年後の未来には、世界全体がデトロイトのようになるでしょう。そして、デトロイトは楽園のように見えるでしょう。


バンク・オブ・アメリカ ええ、そうですね、別の理由もありました。






そして、何千年もの間、秘密結社や非常にプライベートな組織だけが入手できたこのすべての情報が、祖父から父、ひ孫など、地下で非常に小規模で緊密に結びついたグループ内で世代から世代へと受け継がれてきました。今日では、その情報の 99% が Google を通じて入手できます。そして、アマゾンの熱帯雨林の真ん中に座って、コンピューター、ラップトップ、インターネット接続を持っている人なら誰でも、何千年もの間秘密結社が私たちから保護または隠そうとしてきた情報に、ほとんど同じようにアクセスできるのです。












Google、Apple、Microsoft、IBM を見てください。これらのビルダーバーグ関連の巨大企業は、米国の安全保障機構の不可欠な部分を構成しています。これらのテクノロジーの背後には、莫大な資本の流れが費やされており、さらに重要なことに、舞台裏で投資されています。






そして現実には、EU はその帝国の大陸の下位組織に過ぎません。













私たちは大変な状況にあります。なぜなら、あなた方と 6,200 万人のアメリカ人が今私の話を聞いているからです。あなた方の 3% 未満しか本を読んでいないからです。あなた方の 15% 未満しか新聞を読んでいないからです。
























ロンドン北部の緑豊かなエリアにあるグローブ ホテルでは、今日は厳重な警備が敷かれていた。イギリスの田舎で極秘かつ非公開で開催される会議に出席するため、世界的エリート 140 名がここに到着した。しかし、ゲスト リストとしてはこんなものだろうか?













これはビルダーバーガーが長らく議論してきた重要な問題のひとつで、インターネットの制御と化学兵器の脅威に関係しています。現在の経済問題では、世界は地獄に落ちつつあります。これは彼が私に送ってくれた情報で、私はアメリカに関するすべてのものをダウンロードしているところですが、この抜粋の最初の 2 ページ、7 ページの抜粋で、5 回目くらいに目にすることになりますが、永続的な戦争、複数世代にわたる脅威です。他に何があるのか​​確認するために少し時間をください。

さて、永続的な戦争について一つ言えることは、永続的な戦争には永続的な資金が必要であり、終わりのない戦争には終わりのない資金が必要であり、それはつまり、特定の状況に好きなだけ資金を投入するということです。ご存知のとおり、対テロ戦争はどれくらい続くのでしょうか? 私たちにはわかりません。永遠に。





人類は何度も自滅の危機に瀕してきました。黄金ルネサンスの直前には新たな暗黒時代があり、黒死病がありました。この時代、ヨーロッパの人口の約半分が腺ペストという病気によって死んだだけでなく、人間が問題を解決できないと確信していたために死にました。しかし、幸いなことに、新しいパラダイムが生まれ、ルネサンスが起こりました。イタリアのレオナルド ダ ヴィンチ、スペインのミゲル デ セルバンテス、ロンドンのシェークスピアによる黄金ルネサンスです。このルネサンスは人間の概念を発展させ、人間の道徳、創造性、自由意志の概念に基づいて人間としてのビジネスを組織するという新しいパラダイムを生み出しました。



21 世紀の 10 年がほぼ半分を過ぎた頃、私は自分自身に何度も何度も問いかけ、自分たちに何が起きているのか、国家として、世界として、私たちはどこへ向かっているのか、ビルダーバーグ グループとその仲間が最終的に勝利したら、私たちに何が起こるのか、人類の運命とは何か、不死とはどういう意味なのかを理解しようと努めてきました。




10年ほど前、ヴィリベル グループから、実際に金銭を差し出されて、活動を停止するよう言われたことがあります。そのことは、私の著書の 1 つに書いています。私はそこに座って、この男性が小切手を切るのを見ながら、自分に言い聞かせました。そして、助けてください、人の自由の価値はゼロで何桁かと言いました。彼は立ち止まり、一息ついて、私を見て、小切手をくれました。私は記念にその小切手を持っています。そして、エストリンさん、良い一日をお過ごしください、と言いました。つまり、たとえ彼らが私を一度殺したとしても、私はこの地球上で自分の役割を果たしたと思います。私は不死の一定のレベルに達し、バトンを未来の世代に渡す役割を果たしました。彼らがそれを引き継いで行くのが仕事です。なぜなら、人類は 1 つであり、社会としてこの不死を達成するために全力を尽くさなければならないからです。私にとって不死とは、すべての種の生存を保証することです。私たちがこれを実現するために、私たちは物事の一般的なレベルでのより高い理想が、お金や個人の安全よりも優先されるようにしなければならない






Speaker 8

Gentlemen, may I bid you all welcome here and say one word before I start speaking, if I am starting speaking, and that is the translation. Button number two is French and number three is English. You may wonder why I have asked you to come here.

I have in mind a completely frank and open exchange of views, and this is insured to you, and it is essential for our success. There is no verbatim quotation of anybody, and there is no press, so you are quite free to let yourselves go if I may say so.

Speaker 1

My name is Daniel Aschelin. I'm an investigative journalist. I spent 12 years, beginning in the mid-1990s until about the year 2002, 2003, in military counterintelligence.

Then I got burnt out. It's what basically happens to all of us. We are all burnt out.

I realized I had a lot of information that I have accumulated over the years, and I thought it would be a good way of getting some of this information out, and one of the subjects that I thought would be of interest to the general population would be this very secretive, not secret, but secretive organization calling themselves the Bilderberg Group. Even before I joined the service in 1992, I'm in Toronto in a Spanish restaurant called Segovia with a friend of mine who was in the service in the KGB, and over steak and potato lunch, this man, let's just call him Vladimir, and according to him, Canada was going to be split up into English and French-speaking Canada through a referendum which was going to be put together from behind the scenes by these allegedly very powerful people. Now, the reason he said that this was going to happen is that the powerful people who ran the United States needed to balance their budget. 1995 comes around, that's three years into the future, and suddenly all these characters, all these people, all these politicians that I've never heard of begin to appear front and center in front of television screens, and all the things that this man told me about three years earlier.

In 1995, we're front and center, and then I suddenly realized that if the presidents and the prime ministers were powerless about the body politic itself, about moving the events forward into a certain direction, if they were just bit actors playing their part, then my question is, who the hell runs the world? Imagine a private club where presidents, prime ministers, international bankers and generals walk shoulders, and where the people running the wars, the markets, and governments say what they never say in public.

Speaker 10

It will last until 1989, but in 1954, that's still very raw, very uncertain, and it's only the beginning. So the United Nations has already started to run, and the need to defend the NATO is already visible. On the other hand, in Europe, the European monarchies feel, endogamically, the need to defend their own interests, interests of social status, economic interests, and also interests of defense towards the outside world.

The United States assumes that common position, but takes the lead.

Speaker 12

The real reason for the interference of the CIA with Bilderberg was actually the Cold War that was coming up at that time, and they tried to use all the institutes they could get to, well, to steer the public opinion in Europe, and actually also in the rest of the world where they had influence, and Bilderberg was one of them, and that was the reason that they financed Bilderberg, the first meeting. Not totally, but for a great part, anyway.

Speaker 1

What today is called the Bilderberg Group, you could take it way, way, way back to about the period just after the Fourth Crusade, 1200, 1204, and what today is called the Bilderberg Group, or Bilderberg Society, back then already existed, and it was called the Venetian Black Nobility.

Speaker 2

They're absolutely a continuation of Venice, because basically you had a migration of the Venetian system of oligarchical power over Europe into the Low Countries, in fact, into the Netherlands, where Bilderberg was really founded, and it's an absolute continuity of the Venetian system of power, and in fact, if you do some tracing of some of the family lineages, you'll find in many instances the Tornentoxus family, for example, migrated from Venice into Northern Europe, and still remain a mainstay of the Bilderberg oligarchical structures.

You have a Bilderberg meeting taking place once a year, beginning in 1954. The first meeting took place at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands, and the host of that conference was Prince Bernhard, the Dutch royal consort, who was a card-carrying member of the Nazi apparatus during the Second World War period.

Speaker 1

The people who actually come to Bilderberg meetings, they're the people who can move forward the agenda of these societies. So you have president of the International Monetary Fund, president of the World Bank, president of the European Central Bank, of the Federal Reserve Board, you have key presidents and prime ministers and all these individuals on the political level, also on the empresarial level, and also in the media, and they all work together with people in the military, they all work together with representatives of the banking cartels, and again, if you're a corporation, you don't need to control every person in the company, you just need to control one person who controls the policy of the entire corporation. You can say the same thing about countries.

You don't need to control the entire country, you just need to control enough key decision makers, be it president, be it prime minister, be it key senators and congressmen, people in the Federal Reserve, people in the European Central Bank, people in the European Commission, you control them, and through them you control the rest.

Speaker 2

Every year Bilderberg has a gathering, they'll bring together one to two hundred people, many of whom make up the core of the transatlantic financial and political oligarchy, and they'll bring together a core group of powerful individuals, government people, the media, finance, and prospective young recruits, people in the political realm who are up and coming and who are going to be seduced and controlled by these oligarchical interests.

And very often these meetings serve as a kind of a testing ground for whether or not certain people will be advanced in their political careers, including a number of individuals who've been elected president of the United States, have been put through this kind of Bilderberg finishing school process.

Speaker 7

The Bilderberg conference comprises about 130 of the world's, or Western world's, top decision makers from the banks, the multinational companies, the EU Commission. I'm coming to the politicians also from WTO, IMF, World Bank, and of course leading politicians from the US, Canada, Eurozone, and the UK. And I think, though they were clearly discussing some of the biggest issues confronting the Western economies at this time, why have we had no statement either from the Prime Minister or from the Chancellor or indeed from the Minister without Portfolio, all of whom attended in an official capacity, why did they offer no statement, even though such decisions may well have a significant effect on UK government policy or the livelihood of future UK citizens?

Speaker 1

In May 1973, Bilderberg Group met at an exclusive resort at Salstobaden, Sweden. The key point on the Bilderberg meeting agenda was the oil shock of 1973. The 400% targeted increase in the price of OPEC oil in the near future.

Speaker 2

The oil shock, the hoax, it was in fact the hoax of 1973 continuing into the late 1970s, and the whole point of the oil shock was to create a nominal flow of money into the hands of the Saudis and other Persian Gulf wealthy nations. The oil hoax ultimately created an enormous volume of wealth transfer nominally into the OPEC countries, the so-called petrodollars, but all of that money went right to London and Wall Street to be managed. So the financial oligarchy in its major centers used the oil hoax to establish an absolute domination over world credit to make sure that it no longer went for any development.

Speaker 4

You have the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk, and the question that I want to ask, the question that I want to ask, that we're all going to ask is, who are you? I'd never heard of you. Nobody in Europe had ever heard of you.

I would like to ask you, President, who voted for you? And what mechanism? Oh, I know democracy is not popular with you lot.

And what mechanism did the peoples of Europe have to remove you? Is this European democracy? Well, I've tried very hard not to believe in conspiracy theories, but I've been here now for over 15 years and I can see there is a move towards supranationals.

Just look at the IMF. In Washington, supposed to be independent, effectively it's become a branch office of the European Commission, and I've got to know over the years the Van Rompuy's, the Schultz's, you know, the Barroso's, even the Juncker's, the Timmermans, and it's completely clear they actually want to destroy the nation state as a unit. They, a few years ago, the Greek Prime Minister said, I'll give you a referendum.

He was removed and replaced by a former Goldman Sachs director. And whenever the project goes wrong, whether it's the euro has a crisis, or the asylum crisis with the borders, every single time, there is for these guys an opportunity. It's known as the beneficial crisis.

Speaker 5

The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it, the facts they deserve to know.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published.

Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

Speaker 1

As in a television soap opera, there are actually secret spin-off organizations similar to the Bilderberg Group who play a vital role in the New World Order's scheme to use wealth, concentrated in the hands of the few, to exert world control.

Speaker 3

In 1968, George Ball and the Bilderbergers met and determined that they had to restructure the entire world along the lines of a corporation. They decided that the idea of the nation-state was outmoded, it was archaic, it was standing in their way, and that therefore they wanted to have what they called a world company based upon the idea of a corporate identity.

Speaker 9

Don't just talk about it, be about it, hungry for the money as soon as I see a dollar. Money green in my collar, I'm fresh like that. Yeah, I write the checks, put the checks right back, straight to the account.

Your honey wanna holla, only thing to separate me from my money is a comma. Big bills, big papers, it gets real. Big hate test, what it be?

Speaker 3

Understand how I said it, man. Well, what this is actually is part of what's called globalization. You had in the 60s and then continuing in an expanding form in the 70s and 80s a rash of mergers which corporations merged, agricultural corporations merged, the financial institutions merged, and you had a general takeover of the world economy by these huge mega firms.

The corporate banking mergers tended to control the corporate industrial mergers and the agricultural mergers, so you had basically a world run by these massive financial institutions.

Speaker 1

The concept is one world, company limited. Corporations that have a hell of a lot more power than any government on the planet. And you're seeing it right now that governments don't govern, presidents don't do anything other than do what people who put them in power tell them to do.

And so the idea is that all of these corporations, the Goldman Sachs of this world, the J.P. Morgans, etc., they are the key people in all key institutions around the world and it's through them that the power bases exercise. So again, it's not one world government, it's one world company, limited corporations with a lot more power than any government on the planet. In fact, this was discussed at the Bilderberg Conference in 1968 where George Ball, Undersecretary for Economic Affairs with JFK and Johnson, he said, and I quote, loosely quote, how can we create corporations that can actually give orders to governments?

And this is what you have today.

Speaker 6

They probably got together to give the directives to the directives that will then be presented to the European Parliament that they can only examine. I also heard this morning President Barroso invite him to bring help to his Greek friends. I don't want the help to go to his friend, Spiro Lazis.

There is an evident conflict of interests for Mr. Barroso and he should give an explanation.

Speaker 14

Europe today is under the control of powerful powers and unfortunately also of hidden powers.

Speaker 6

The European Union with the Euro and the European Central Bank has expropriated our peoples of a precious asset, monetary sovereignty. We are no longer masters of our currency and therefore of our future. And this is very serious because we believe instead in the Europe of peoples and regions and therefore of freedom.

Hidden powers that hide behind figures of characters that are imposed with their decisions on the skin of peoples and on the heads of our peoples. And they are always bankers.

Speaker 4

It is about the building of an empire and the paradox of this project, of this supranational European project is the least popular it becomes with the people. The bigger mess it creates, the more power they get at the center.

Speaker 13

The Lisbon Treaty Well, with the Lisbon Treaty European nations have lost almost their entire sovereignty and we are now back to a pre-nation state condition, meaning feudalism.

Speaker 1

You know, we are living on a very small planet with limited natural resources and never growing population. If you extrapolate that into the near future, in one generation we are going to go to about 10 billion people. Then we are going to go to 14, 18, 21.

It is going to get to a point where we are always going to have enough space because 7 billion people space wise is not a lot. But we are running out of food and we are running out of water and we are running out of natural resources. So for the elitists, for the Rockefellers of this world to survive, and I say Rockefeller not because he is important, but because he is well known, he is popular, which is not the same as being important.

For the Rockefellers of this world to survive, most of us have to die.

Speaker 2

It was an absolutely willful act on the part of precisely this Bilderberg apparatus.

Speaker 1

The Bigger Picture It is not really the idea of capitalism because in the end what these people have or are, they already control 90% of the planet. Every aspect of society, everything you eat, everything you look at, everything you touch, which mostly is in the private hands of these billionaires today. But the idea is again, you know, the whole idea of deindustrializing the world, it's a gradual process.

You can do it, you know, via armed conflict, but it's costly and it's also dangerous because you can take everything off the chessboard, them and you at the same time. But the point is, if you can do it gradually, start dismantling, you know, the different service industries, different sectors of society, before long you have a Detroit, and before long you have a Greece, before long you have Spain, which is, you know, 70% population or unemployment for kids under 30. And this is reality, and this is how it's done.

It's a gradual process of deindustrialization, demand destruction and zero growth. And if you talk about zero growth, the whole concept itself came out of the 1972 study put together by the Club of Rome.

Speaker 11

The role of the Club of Rome back in the 1970s was to try to popularize the big lie that man could not continue to develop because resources were supposedly limited. And they used a ridiculous modernized version of the old argument of Malthus and Aristotle to simply state that based on mathematical equations we would exhaust the resources. Fast forward 40 years and look what we have today.

Speaker 1

We have a Detroit. And another 40 years into the future we have the entire world, which is going to look like Detroit. And Detroit is going to look like paradise.

Speaker 9

The Bank of America Well, yes, there was another reason.

Speaker 3

And that is that the bailout was a scam, a fraud. It was under the guise of saving banking institutions, which they saved temporarily. They were effectively taking unpayable debt, huge quantities of unpayable debt, and transferring it from private corporations to governments.

This didn't make the debt any more payable. They basically absorbed huge quantities of worthless paper, speculative derivative paper, which could not be paid off in any period of time anyway, i.e. the governments became bankrupt. Now you see this in Europe over the last years where each country is being forced to do the same thing that was done in the U.S., take on the massive debts of these banks and effectively leaving them bankrupt. What you have is the growth of corporate dictatorships under the banking institutions that run the governments. Corporate fascism. And in fact, you see the world increasingly coming under the control of corporate fascist governments under the control of the banking institutions.

Speaker 1

You know, if you kind of go back in history 6,000 years or so, and you look at who controlled society 6,000 years ago in ancient Egypt, this were the pharaohs, the high priests, who basically gave us knowledge one little droplet at a time, just enough knowledge for us to survive and get by as we do today, just enough for us to get by day to day to day to day with what meager salaries we earn. Now, so on the one hand, what you had back then, you had the high priests giving us these droplets of knowledge. But on the other hand, in the last 6,000 years, especially now, with technological revolution, with information revolution and information technology, people have computers and have access to Internet.

And suddenly all this information, which for thousands of years, which was only available to secret societies and very private organizations, who passed it on from generation to generation in very small, tightly knit groups behind the scenes, you know, underground, grandfather to father, to great-grandson, etc. Today, 99% of that information is available through Google. And anybody sitting in the middle of an Amazon rainforest, you know, with computer, a laptop, an Internet connection, almost has the same access to the information, which the secret societies have tried to protect or hide from us for thousands of years.

So the dilemma for them is, what do we do? Because we must have the upper hand. So on the one hand, what you're seeing right now is...

(30 min.)

Speaker 1

They're destroying the world's economy on purpose, because, again, progress and development is directly proportional to population density. So if you have technology, you have more. If you don't have technology, you can destroy technology on purpose.

If you can go to zero growth, deindustrialization, demand destruction, there's gonna get a point in the development of society where you're not gonna have enough technology to support this rapid population growth, and the base of population is gonna collapse.

Speaker 3

The primary goal is to defend the status of a unipolar world, even if that means to prepare a preemptive global first strike. The oligarchy want to defend their privilege to be a superior species, and they want to keep the rest of the population deliberately backwards and stupid, and that is why they promote such banal entertainment, which is only aimed that people stop to think.

Speaker 12

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.

We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals. So that security and liberty may prosper together.

Speaker 1

Look at Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM. These Bilderberg-affiliated megacorporations form an integral part of the United States security apparatus. Behind these technologies, enormous streams of capital are being expended, and more importantly, invested behind the scenes.

Speaker 9

Now we're at a point where that entire system is at a breaking point where it's hopelessly bankrupt. The debt is impossible to pay. The derivatives, which are purely speculative, unregulated gambling bets on top of the debt bubble itself, is estimated at one and a half quadrillion dollars, which is a multiplier of even the most optimistic idea of global GDP that's completely off the charts.

So this entire system is doomed, and we're quite frankly at a point now where it would be no surprise if on any given day you woke up and found out that the entire transatlantic financial system had just evaporated.

Speaker 3

A lot of people think that the British Empire no longer exists, but this is an illusion. Just ask yourself, why is it that after the big financial crash of 2007-2008, there was absolutely nothing done by the G20 or anybody else to re-regulate the banking system, and they kept quantitative easing, they kept zero interest rate policy, which is really expropriating the majority of the population, and now we are in front of an even bigger crash than 2008, and there are no so-called tools anymore to do anything about it. So the reason is that the oligarchy controls what is called globalization, and globalization is really only another word, another notion for the British Empire. It is the combination of central banks, investment banks, hedge funds, private equity funds, insurance and reinsurance firms, who control what is generally called the global financial system.

And in reality, the EU is only the continental sub-entity of that empire.

Speaker 10

Well, the British Empire knows that in the long run it cannot survive in a world which is based on science and technology and development, and therefore their policy is to stop that kind of technology and development. That's why they target nation-states. That's why, for instance, that they are adamant against the BRICS and the emergence of the BRICS, which is nations which have the strength and the power and the commitment and the mission to building nations through science and technology.

That has to be stopped in their view. Therefore, their target is the idea of the nation-state itself. Destroy nation-states in order to preserve and maintain the power of the empire.

Speaker 2

There is absolutely a plan to depopulate the world, and you simply have to listen to or read the writings of people like Prince Philip of Great Britain, who has stated explicitly that we should reduce the population of the world from 7 billion people down to 1 billion. He has stated, very charmingly, that he would like to be reincarnated as a virus to try to reduce the world's population.

Speaker 1

If you kind of play with the numbers, you realize that, you know, I've had almost 7 million people read my book. Maybe another 20, 30 million people are aware of what Bilderberg is. But my question is, how many millions of people watch the Oscars?

How many millions of people watch the Super Bowl? How many hundreds of millions of people watch, you know, the finale of the Big Bang? So the point is that when you play with the numbers, you realize it's easy to sway people's attentions.

And also, because of everything we've been taught and how we've been, you know, taught to behave as people, the media, which forms part of this conspiracy, they've been able to convince the people that unless something is on the cover of the New York Times, the Washington Post, Le Monde, The Economist, Wall Street Journal, it doesn't exist. Which is why so many times people say to me, what you say is true and it is shocking. Why is it not on the cover of the New York Times?

Because, again, the New York Times is of this world. They form part of the Bilderberg organization. They form part of all these other societies.

They're part of the elite. Their job is not to tell the truth, but to sell a particular vision of reality which the elitists need to move their agenda forward.

Speaker 11

We're in a lot of trouble because you people and 62 million other Americans are listening to me right now. Because less than 3% of you people read books. Because less than 15% of you read newspapers.

Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. Right now, there is a whole, an entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube. This tube is the gospel, the ultimate revelation.

This tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers. This tube is the most awesome goddamn force in the whole godless world.

Speaker 4

No, that freedom doesn't exist. It would be innocently stupid to believe that a journalist is free to write what he knows is true in a newspaper, in a radio, in a television, which are not his. The newspaper, or the media, is not even the director.

The newspaper is a group of businessmen. And these businessmen, in turn, depend on a political framework, an economic framework, to have paper, to have advertising, to avoid censorship problems, to have freedom. There is no such freedom.

Speaker 1

During George W. Bush's administration, there was a quote from Karl Rove, who was Bush's major political advisor. Rove said that the White House can create its own reality, and if they don't like the reality they have created, in 30 minutes they can change it, because the White House has total influence over the way the media reports the news.

Speaker 8

There is a conspiracy of silence. They don't want to let the public know who really commands the strong powers, in their meetings, the Bilderberg, the lateral and lateral meetings, which are held behind closed doors, without anyone being able to hear, no outsider, and above all, to refer to the people what has been decided on their future. Well, we fight this dictatorship of the occult powers, and we believe that the power should be given to our people.

This is democracy. Therefore, when one of us manages to make the public know these truths, we try to discredit him, to call him a conspirator.

Speaker 5

Mr. Speaker, this is a first occasion for me, as I've never previously answered a question in the House of Commons, on behalf of a private organisation, for which the government has no responsibility. The Bilderberg organisation exists for the purpose of holding meetings, once a year, in various countries. It exists for no other purpose, and this year the meeting was held at a large hotel near Watford, in Hertfordshire.

I didn't receive adequate notice of this question as it happened, as I wasn't found in time, to put to hand the list of those who participated, and the agenda which we discussed, but we always circulate those before the meeting, and they're readily available, and I can certainly put any honourable member in touch with a source of the list of those who took part. Each year we invite something over 100 people, it was about 140 this year, drawn from both sides of the Atlantic, from Europe, including Turkey, and from the United States and Canada. The people who attend are drawn from the worlds of government, politics, academia, defence, journalism.

We all attend. The people who attend change slightly each year. There's a core of those who regularly attend, different people come.

Well I'm trying to guess at what on earth people are asking a parliamentary question about before, and what they're interested in.

Speaker 13

Well some chosen journalists are admitted to the Bilderberg conference, but they are not allowed to write about it, what they hear and what they say, and it's actually completely forbidden, and they don't swear an oath, but they just promise that they are not allowed to, and that's why actually you never see in the papers, even in the big newspapers, good articles about the Bilderberg meetings and what is happening there, because journalists who are allowed to enter, they are forbidden to write about it.

Speaker 4

They are forbidden to write about the present or the immediate future, and not to report on it in the classical sense of the word, news, headlines, reports, interviews. But, it has to be said, they report subliminally, indicating, directing what needs to be said from those media, creating the fashion of opinion. They, we could say, attend like stone guests, but then from there they will direct the public opinion towards the interests that have been established in those debates.

Speaker 14

Do my best. Do my best. You can come and hold my hand.

We'll be the best of us. Oh, the best.

Speaker 7

Security was tight today at the Grove Hotel in this leafy area north of London. 140 members of the global elite arrived here for a top secret, hush-hush, off-the-record conference in the English countryside. But, how's this for a guest list?

The head of the International Monetary Fund, former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, the heads of Amazon.com, Google, and BP Oil, former General and CIA Director David Petraeus, and what's a top secret cabal of puppet masters without Henry Kissinger? All of them came here today for the Bilderberg Conference. That's Bilderberg, not Build-a-Bear.

Participants are tight-lipped about discussions, other than to say topics will range from the economy to jobs to U.S. foreign policy, what the organizers call mega-trends and the major issues facing the world. Reporters and outsiders are not allowed in and everything is off the record. Organizers say that's so participants can take time to listen, reflect, and gather insight.

Speaker 1

I got in early October from someone in the Austrian Ministry of the Interior an official document which was handed out to all the personnel in the Ministry of the Interior as well as special forces and the police departments basically canceling holidays for the first two weeks of June as a result of the Bilderberg Conference which is being held right now in a hotel half an hour from here.

Speaker 4

A group of power, a group of powerful people who don't belong to any national government but are part of a supranational government, a global government. They don't make executive decisions but they pre-figure and pre-decide what has to happen. They design the future, the future conveniences in an economic, political, and defensive scenario.

Speaker 1

which are being discussed as we speak. Daniel, I'm pasting for you some of the key discussion points which shall be taken up at this year's meeting. As you know, the world is in dire shape and the financial system can blow out at any moment.

There are a lot of very worried or should I say freaked out people who will be attending this year's conference. Their only saving grace is that most of the planet is completely oblivious to what is going on around them. Good luck to you and as always put this information to good use.

Instead of going to the hotel and you can't get anywhere near the hotel there's a 5km security perimeter and actually from what we're hearing it's actually gone over to almost 8km. So when you're 8km away you can't get anywhere near the hotel so as I get the information anyway because my sources are inside the conference. From what we're seeing it's absolutely impossible to get anywhere near the hotel and I hope somebody does but I don't think so.

And there's some very, very heavy points. Artificial intelligence. That's the future of humanity.

Transhumanism. From humanity to transhumanity to post-humanity. Cyber security.

That's one of the key issues which the Bilderbergers have been talking about for a very long time and that has to do with controlling the internet obviously chemical weapons threats. Current economic issues which is the world is going to hell in a hand basket. This is the information which he sent me and I'm just downloading all the stuff on the subject of America and in the first two pages of this extract 7-page extract I'm seeing this like the 5th time I'm seeing perpetual war multi-generational threat Give me a second just to see what else is there.

Now, one of the things about perpetual wars perpetual wars require perpetual funding non-ending war, non-ending funding which means that you throw as much money as you want into a particular situation which is this you know, war on terror how long? We don't know. Forever.

How much money? As much as you need. So the idea is again you control both sides of the equation you control the left and the right you control the dialogues through the media and then you push the idea of perpetual war.

Speaker 3

Immediately after the terrorist attack against Charlie Hebdo at the beginning of this year the former US Senator Bob Graham said that if the famous 28 pages of the original September 11 report would have been published this attack would not have happened. Now, what this means is that the original September 11 Commission of the Congress published a report and 28 pages are classified to the present day but we more or less know what's in it it pertains to the role of Saudi Arabia financing terrorism and Wahhabi Salafist attacks around the world. Now, this has another dimension and that is that the Anglo-Americans have instrumentalized radical Islam since Brzezinski in 1975.

Speaker 2

Humanity has almost destroyed itself a number of times. Immediately before the Golden Renaissance there was the New Dark Age there was the Black Death where about half of the population of Europe was destroyed not only by a disease the bubonic plague but destroyed by the fact that men were convinced that they could not solve the problem. But fortunately there was a new paradigm then there was a renaissance it was the Golden Renaissance of Leonardo da Vinci in Italy of Miguel de Cervantes in Spain of Shakespeare in London which developed the concept of man a new paradigm in which we organized our business as human beings based on the concept of man's morality creativity and free will.

We cannot have a situation where as in Greece 60% of the youth have no jobs that is killing the future of society or Spain where it is almost at 60% that is killing the future if youth don't have a mission and a purpose to fulfill.

Speaker 1

Almost halfway through the second decade of the 21st century I asked myself something over and over again making an attempt to understand what is happening to us where are we going as nations as a world what will happen to us if the Bilderberg group and their cohorts finally win what is the destiny of the human race what does it mean to be immortal.

Speaker 6

That's a very interesting question because there are two ways of talking about immortality we all die no one so far has discovered a method by which we can live eternally in our biological form so therefore the meaning of the human mind and the human body may not be quite the same thing for example people like Einstein for example who over a century ago defined matter and antimatter progress which we are now going into today so some people are immortal because of the consequences of their having existed and the best we can do as human beings which no other animal can do is we can continue to be immortal in our participation in the development of humanity and the development of our solar system so immortality means one thing it means either the consequences of your having lived the benefits for mankind of your having lived one way or the other as a poet or as a scientist or whatever you contributed something to the wealth of humanity and you are in that sense immortal or you can be a poor slug who doesn't think who has no consequence no reason to exist who just lives and dies and that's the choice

Speaker 1

I have had certain attempts on the part of the Viliber group back about 10 years back where I was actually offered money to cease and desist go away and I describe it in one of my books and as I sat there watching this man write a check I said to myself and I said to him help me out please how many zeros is one's freedom worth he stopped, paused, looked at me gave me the check which I have check as a memento and he said Mr. Estulin, you have a nice day so the point is that even if they do kill me once I think I've done my bit on this planet Earth and I've reached a certain level of immortality and I've done my part to pass off the baton to the future generations and it's their job to pick it up and go with it because again, humanity is one and we have to do everything in our power to make sure that we as society, achieve this immortality and for me immortality is assuring the survival of the species all of the species and for us to happen, for this to happen we've got to make sure that higher ideals on a general level of things take precedence over money and even one's personal safety

Speaker 2

yes, we can win this war but the first step necessary for actually winning is to know what the war is the war is not against merely financial interests or military powers or even groups as powerful as the Bilderberger group it is a war against what has been called powers and principalities it's a war against a concept of man which is evil it's the concept of man that we are nothing other than animals it is an idea which says that human beings do not have the capability of a creative spark that we do not in fact have free will, that we therefore cannot act morally or immorally we just simply do whatever our desires say and it is that concept of man which finds expressions today in things like the Bilderberger group and in the global financial system which is based on speculation, usury and the destruction of populations we are at the crossroads

Speaker 1

and the roads we take now will determine whether we will live in the 21st century as nation-state republics or subjugated cold and dehumanized crop of slaves we are fighting a combined effort of some of the most brilliant people in history who scheme against us for the purposes of possessing us but the human will is immortal, tyrants have killed millions and yet people fought and eventually won their freedom freedom stirs the human heart and fear stills it amidst the deafening cacophony of patriotic silence insurgent voices command attention, immortality has its moral basis in truth and incorruptibility it deserves to be given all the support that it can get it deserves to be fought and died for


