

Dr. Peter Breggin joins Mike Adams for stunning interview on VACCINES causing LOBOTOMIES as humans are targeted for psyops and destruction



Brighteon.com での今日のインタビューへようこそ。私は Brighteon の創設者、マイク・アダムスです。今日は特別ゲストとしてピーター・ブレギン博士をお迎えしています。ブレギン博士は科学者で、多くの著書を執筆しています。ブレギン博士のウェブサイトは breggin.com で、妻のジンジャーとのサブスタック ページもここにあります。そのページはピーター博士とジンジャー・ブレギン、またはジンジャー・ブレギンがサブスタック名です。ぜひご覧ください。今日は、次のパンデミックについてお話します。ブレギン博士は、ブライトン大学のドキュメンタリー シリーズでサバイバルと備えについて取り上げられる予定なので、備えとサバイバルについて話します。これについては後で詳しくお話ししますが、ピーター・ブレギン博士、番組へようこそ。ご出演いただきありがとうございます。














そうですね、それはよかったですね。また、これはファウチ博士による黒人少年に関する研究や、いわゆる医学界におけるエイズ関連の不正行為を思い起こさせるもので、これは COVID 詐欺の前兆のようなもので、ファウチ博士は 1980 年代後半からそのことに関わっていたと思います。はい。



私は公衆衛生サービスに数年間勤めましたが、とても面白かったです。一生懸命働く必要はありませんでした。あまり大声で発表しない限り、自分で良いアイデアを思いつくことができました。しかし、NIMH が製薬会社の管理下に入りつつあることに気づいたので、特に個人開業はしたくないと思い、とにかく個人開業をしようと決めました。結局、それがとても好きになりました。




ファウチと同じ道を歩まなくてよかったと思いませんか? あなたにはあなたの魂があります。ファウチの魂はもうありません。






彼らはあらゆることをするつもりだと思いますし、おそらく私たちの想像もつかないようなことを裏でやっているでしょう。私たちがおしゃべりしているときに、彼らの番組「Evil Never Sleeps」が始まったと言いましたが、確かに彼らは逃げおおせることなら何でもするでしょう。私の主な懸念の 1 つは、トランプはまだ人間がどれほど邪悪になれるかを理解しているかどうかです。




それは本当に重要な点です。そして、その発言の意味が私にはよく分かると思います。医療界から嫌われていない人は、トランプ政権に望まれない人物だと思います。ですから、例えば、彼らがどのように RFK ジュニアを攻撃しているかを見てください。私にとっては、これは本当に前向きな兆候です。それは、彼が HHS で良いことをしてくれることを示しています。私たちはすべてのことに賛成できないかもしれませんが、それで構いません。彼は汚職や詐欺、そして問題を非常によく認識しており、トランプ自身も最近、ワクチンと自閉症の関連性を調査すると発言しました。















そして実際、通常の状況では、そしてこれについては調査がありますが、1 件の災害の報告があった場合、それはおそらく報告されていない災害が 100 件ほどあることを示しています。つまり、医師は報告の仕方を知らないのです。彼らは報告したくないのです。




体内の小血管を破壊するスパイクが発生すると、これらのスパイクは脳内でも同じことを引き起こします。そのため、MRI では検出できない小さな出血が発生することがあります。そして、アレルゲン、つまり抗原脳に直接入り込むことで、脳内でアレルギー反応が発生します。




そして、次はすべてのインフルエンザ予防接種が mRNA に移行するだろうと言ったのは、ファイザー社だったと思います。それでは、ブライトン大学、または BrightU.com で開催されるイベントの宣伝をさせてください。そのイベントは、「次のパンデミック、備え、そして生き残り」というものです。










彼らの大きな目標の 1 つは、すべての人を怖がらせ、可能な限り人口を減らすことです。彼らは 1600 年代のマルサスの時代からそのことを話してきました。これはずっと昔に遡ります。






そして、我々を恐怖に陥れ、その過程で我々の多くを弱体化させ、アメリカを標的にすることよりよい方法はあるだろうか? なぜなら、我々がアメリカ合衆国として誕生して以来、どうやってそれを成し遂げてきたか? 我々はフランス帝国の助けを借りてイギリス帝国を倒さなければならなかったが、フランス帝国はすぐに崩壊した。














何が彼らのスケジュールを遅らせているのかは分かりませんが、私にはそう思えます。彼らは飢餓を遅らせているのです。明らかに、USDA の牛乳供給量検査の取り組みは、現地の牛乳供給を破壊するために計画されたものです。














































(30 分)


そうですね、本当に重要な点を指摘していただきました。ドナルド・トランプについてお聞きしたいのですが、まずは Substack のあなたのウェブサイトをもう一度宣伝させてください。Dr. Peter と Ginger Bregin の BREGGIN です。フォローしたい Substack のチャンネルで、ユーザー名は... すべて無料です。Ginger Bregin。

はい、すべて無料です。そして、そうですね、Substack でたくさん公開していますね。素晴らしいですね。

それに、私もツイート中心のコンテンツを Substack でもっと公開し始めないといけないですね。Substack は本当に素晴らしいプラットフォームになりました。素晴らしい仕事ですね。でもドナルド・トランプは Operation Warp Speed に本当に 2 倍、3 倍の力を入れています。






















そして私は、それはスペクトルだと言いました。中には、他人の良いところを認識できない人もいますよね? 彼らはすべての人を悪い人として見ています。



それが私たちの願望であることは理解できます。実際、AI システムとロボット システムの台頭についてお聞きしたいのですが。イーロン マスクは、ヒューマノイド ロボットの新しいアップデートと新しいビデオをいくつか公開したばかりです。

しかし、中国ははるかに先を行っています。また、軍事関連の米国のロボット工学企業は、イーロン・マスクが発表したものよりはるかに先を行っています。また、NVIDIA はデジタル世界シミュレーター システムを運用しており、ロボットが仮想シミュレーター内で殺人スキルなどのスキルを仮想的に練習することができます。

そして、それを実際のロボットにアップロードすることができます。この世界では、ヒューマノイド ロボットは手術をしたり、イチゴを摘んだり、倉庫に商品を補充したり、Amazon のフルフィルメントを行ったり、トラックを運転したり、タクシーを運転したり、何でもできます。飛行機を操縦したり、兵士になったりすることもできます。







いいえ、信じてください。AI システムは私たちの外見を真似するのです。AI システムにとって難しいのは、私たちの考え方を真似ることだと思います。なぜなら、ピーター、あなたや私のような人間は、とても独創的で自発的な思考をするからです。自動化されたシステムにとっては難しいことです。






















しかし、AI やその他の最新技術を使って人間の能力を高めることができれば、普通の人間は今よりはるかに生産的になれるでしょう。つまり、配管工もロボットを使えるようになるのです。あなたの家の裏庭で働いている人たちもロボットを使えるようになるでしょうか?






NIH は、私としては、その活動は廃止されるべきです。また、科学研究に資金をどうやって提供するのでしょうか? どうなると思いますか?

研究に資金を提供する非営利団体や大学、商業団体など、さまざまな団体があります。そして、分散化されます。1 つの服従テストではなく、さまざまな視点を持つことになります。






そして私は、すべての精神病院は本質的に強制的であるという論文を書きました。そしてそれは実際に AMA のジャーナル、AMA Journal of Psychiatry に掲載されました。今日、私は全国の医学部でそのような講演をすることはできません。




Bregan.com も、人々があなたの作品を見つけて、あらゆるものへのリンクを入手できる場所です。BREGGIN.com、Bregan.com です。そして、Bregan 博士は、この次のコースで紹介されます。12 月 21 日からストリーミングが始まります。そうです。マイクとヘザーの 2 つのプレゼンテーションがあります。


もちろんです。Brightyou.com で登録できます。次のパンデミック、備え、生存について取り上げ、ブレガン博士や現代のトップ思想家が多数出演します。視聴は無料です。こちらで登録してください。希望する場合はオプションで購入することもできます。



























Substack のウェブサイトは、Dr. Peter と Ginger Bergen です。ユーザー名は Ginger Bergen です。皆さん、ぜひ Substack に参加してください。



本日はご視聴いただきありがとうございました。BrightU.com の今後のストリームに 2 回登場する Peter Bergen 博士との素晴らしい対談です。ぜひご登録ください。

この番組は 12 月 21 日から無料でストリーミング配信されます。本日はご視聴いただきありがとうございました。Brighton.comMike Adams です。

気をつけてください。このウェブサイト RangerDeals.com に、割引コードを提供しているサードパーティ パートナーを多数集めました。ぜひこのウェブサイトをチェックしてください。

パンデミックや経済崩壊に備えるために準備しておく必要のあるものについて、かなりの節約になります。そのいくつかについて説明しましょう。たとえば、ここにある PetMectin (ペット用ラベルの付いたイベルメクチン) が 10% オフの割引コード Ranger です。



下にスクロールすると、二酸化塩素もどこかにあるのがわかります。どこに行ったのでしょう? ここにあります。Safrax、二酸化塩素 10% オフです。

二酸化塩素の供給がない場合は、ぜひこれを入手して、その詳細を学んでください。ボタンはここにあります。さらに、今後起こることに対して経済的に備えるために、rangerdeals.com には金と銀の 3 つの異なる供給源があります。

そのうちの 1 つは Prepper Bars と呼ばれています。10% 割引になります。ここにあるのが、分離可能な銀色のピースのような商品です。



これには 1000 分の 1 オンスの金が含まれています。実際に見ているのは金です。ただ平らになっているだけです。

当然ですが、1000分の1オンスと非常に薄いです。しかし、もっと高額の紙幣もあります。rangerdeals.com でそのリンクを見つけることができます。

あるいは、銀貨や 1 オンス フォーマットの金貨など、主流のものが欲しいという場合は、rangerdeals.com の金と銀のサプライヤーから探すこともできます。また、Gerald Cilenti の Trends Journal も 10% オフで購入できます。こちらです。

Above Phone では、Google を削除した携帯電話が 50 ドル引きです。RNC サプリメントが 10% 引きです。これは G が特集しているビタミン B-17 ラエトリルです。

エドワード・グリフィンは著書「がんのない世界」でこう述べています。伝統種子で節約できます。衛星電話ストア SAT123.com で衛星電話を節約できます。

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1791 ガンレザーのホルスターが 10% オフ。Hoplite のボディアーマーが 10% オフ。Patriot Green 製品、つまりコンポスト製品がお得です。


他にもたくさんあります。常に追加していますが、rangerdeals.com にアクセスして、現在の特別セールや、備えに役立つものをお得に購入できる割引コードをご覧ください。これらは当店では販売していない商品です。

当然ですが、当社はイベルメクチンや金や銀などの商品、銃器は販売しておりません。これらは当社が提供していない、または提供できない商品を提供するサードパーティ パートナーです。当社はお客様のためにこれらの割引を交渉しました。

ぜひ rangerdeals.com でそのすべてを活用してください。準備を整えてください。これから先は間違いなく面白い時代が来ます。


Speaker 2

Welcome to today's interview here on Brighteon.com. I'm Mike Adams, the founder of Brighteon, and today we have a very special returning guest, Dr. Peter Breggin, who is a published scientist, author of many books. He's got his website, breggin.com, and also a sub-stack page here with his wife, Ginger, and it's Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin, or Ginger Breggin is the sub-stack name. You can check that out, and today we are talking about the next pandemic. We're talking about preparedness and survival because Dr. Breggin has been featured in an upcoming Brighton University docu-series about survival and preparedness, and I'll tell you more about that later, but welcome to the show, Dr. Peter Breggin. Great to have you on.

Speaker 1

Well, it's a delight to be here. You know, I have been talking together on and off for decades. We go back quite a ways.

I think you were helping me to a degree in my campaigns against, I'm a psychiatrist, folks, my campaigns against psychiatric drugs and electroshock, and I think I somewhere probably on your sub-stack have stuff from a couple decades ago.

Speaker 2

Yeah, that's true, and it's worth noting, just reminding our audience that you were the leading voice opposing electroshock therapy, and you really helped blow the whistle and expose that. Back in the day when it was considered a conspiracy theory to even propose that that was going on.

Speaker 1


Speaker 2

My, how times have changed, huh?

Speaker 1

I organized a conspiracy of my own to actually shut down most of the lobotomies that were going on. Wow. Mutilating the front of the brain, boring holes in it, squishing instruments around in your brain and doing terrible things, and in those days you could work with Congress, you could work with the Senate.

I actually wrote legislation for various people on the left and the right, then a coalition to stop these operations on mostly women and some children, and there was an egregious project going on against black American children. University of Mississippi and Jackson putting electrodes in their heads, and that's basically how I got started. When the profession started to push lobotomy again, I said I'm getting off my chair.

Speaker 2

Yeah, well good for you, and it also sort of harkens back to the Fauci research on young black boys in particular, and some of the AIDS-related shenanigans, shall we say, in medicine, which was kind of a precursor to the COVID fraud, and Fauci has had his hands in that since, what, the late 1980s, I believe? Yes.

Speaker 1

Fauci and I almost passed. We're about the same age. I was a lieutenant commander or captain at the National Institute of Mental Health.

I was in the public health service for a couple of years, and it was pretty interesting. You didn't have to work hard. You could have good ideas on your own as long as you didn't announce them too loud, but I realized that NIMH was really coming under the control of the drug companies, so I decided I didn't want to go into private practice particularly, but I thought I'd just go into private practice, which I turned out to love.

That was God's hand, and Fauci, I'm sure, saw the same thing. He was about one year earlier than me, I think, and he saw the same thing, and he said, Drug companies taking over. Wow, this is great.

I'm going to work with the drug companies, and I think that that was like the two turning points of two people trained in a somewhat similar environment at a similar time. Absolutely.

Speaker 2

Aren't you glad now you didn't go down the path of Fauci? I mean, you have your soul. Fauci's soul is gone.

Speaker 1

It's gone. It's a dreadful sellout of himself.

Speaker 2

And a sellout of the nation. It's going to be interesting to see. Do you think that Joe Biden will give Fauci a pardon before Biden leaves office?

Speaker 1

I think they're going to do everything they can, and they're probably doing things underneath we can't even imagine. I said to you as we were chatting, their show started, Evil Never Sleeps, and, yes, they will do anything they can get away with. One of my main concerns is, does Trump yet understand how evil people can be?

Because I'm a bit concerned that he is putting in some people who look pretty good, have some admiration from, but they're from Stanford, once from Johns Hopkins. I don't think he understands that those are dens of actual evil, so that you might be able to come and impose a little bit of this or that or make this or that good statement to the public, sign a good petition, but if they don't throw you out of Stanford and throw you out of Hopkins, something very strange is going on because the good people get extruded real early. I mean, we saw that with really most of our leaders who were in an establishment position, lost their positions.

So I'm still a little concerned that he doesn't get just how much the institutions have permeated with immorality, really.

Speaker 2

That's a really important point, and I think I know exactly what you mean in that statement. I think that if you aren't hated by the medical establishment, you're not somebody that we want in the Trump administration. So, for example, look at how they're attacking RFK Jr., which to me is a really positive sign. That shows me that he's going to do some good at HHS. We may not agree with every single thing, but that's okay. He's very much aware of the corruption and the fraud and the problems, and even Trump recently just said he's going to look into the link between vaccines and autism.

You and I have known for decades that, of course, vaccines cause autism.

Speaker 1

Well, you know, I have a slightly different take on it. I don't want to go into it in depth, but I think the real issue is the vaccines cause generalized brain damage of every kind you can imagine. There you go.

And I'd rather be saying that than it causes autism, which is kind of a unique, exotic situation. The drug companies almost like that idea in some ways because then they can say, oh, we have no evidence for autism. The evidence for just every sort of brain injury, I mean, you get the shot, you get a fever, you get seizures, you get a headache.

Maybe you'll collapse some of the kids. Then you get encephalitis, you get an inflammation of the brain, and then you get encephalopathy. These are the words in the literature that I researched, interestingly enough, just before COVID.

My research was published in 2021, but I finished it just before COVID. And encephalopathy is a term used to describe almost any kind of serious injury to the brain. So I think the really big thing to be looking at is that any of these things that are crossing the blood-brain barrier or otherwise getting near our brains indirectly or directly have potential harm to harm everything from IQ on up to giving you symptoms of autism.

So I prefer to look at just how broadly deadly these things are.

Speaker 2

I think you're right. It's a nuance. I'm really glad for you to offer that clarification, that reframing, because I think you're absolutely right.

And it's especially relevant since you came out of the era of blowing the whistle on lobotomies done through electronics, essentially, or physical means. But now lobotomies are done through vaccinations. I mean, not exactly the same thing.

Speaker 1

You know, it really is right. I mean, this is what I'm actually thinking about, and it goes to the heart. The vaccines harm the brain in general ways.

They are, I mean, first of all, they kill people. Let's start with that. I did an assessment of the reports on the vaccines that came into the CDC and FDA's recording system.

And within the first three years, we had 20,000 reports of deaths. While the CDC and FDA found no reports of death, they had in their own website 20,000 reports of deaths initially. We were the only country to report no deaths.

And the fact is that under ordinary circumstances, and we have research on this, if you get a report of one disaster, it probably indicates about 100 that didn't get reported. So docs don't know how to report. They don't want to report.

They don't want to get in trouble. So if you just start with that one in 100, the 20,000 is 2 million deaths. But that's not enough, because for the first time in history, doctors were told not to report anything.

American doctors were told if they even said something to their patients in California, they might get thrown out of the medical society, out of the medical community. So people were terrified, especially health care providers, to say a word to anybody. Yet 20,000 in the first two years, two and a half years, reported deaths.

We have had a plague of deaths from the vaccines, the size of which I think we can't really grasp as yet. So we should start out with that. And at the same time, when you're affecting the heart and inflaming the heart, inflaming other organs, you're going to be inflaming the brain, too.

And when you get spikes producing destruction of small blood vessels in the body, these spikes are doing it in the brain as well. So you're going to get small hemorrhages that you might not even pick up on an MRI. And then you're going to be getting the allergic reactions inside the brain by putting the allergens into the brain, the antigens that go right in the brain.

It's just, I smile because it's so bizarre. I mean, to talk about it adequately is enraging.

Speaker 2

It's such a concerted effort to harm and to kill people. And good estimates now from people like Ed Dowd and his group estimate that at least 1.5 million Americans were killed following the vaccines and many millions more were maimed. And at the same time, it looks like the establishment is gearing up for another pandemic or plandemic and that they will push people into another wave of new vaccines.

And we have the head of, I think it was Pfizer, who said that all the flu shots are going to go into mRNA next. So let me just let me plug the event that's coming up here at Brighton University or BrightU.com. It's called The Next Pandemic, Preparedness and Survival.

And it features Dr. Peter Bragg and many other top guests like Dr. Lee Merritt and so on were featured in this. It begins streaming on December 21st. It's free to watch.

You can also optionally purchase the entire download of the course, which helps support the filmmakers and this platform so we can, you know, keep the lights on here. But that's coming up. You don't want to miss that.

Dr. Bragg is interviewed separately for that program. But just here, Dr. Bragg, I know you watch the news and you see that they're starting to push. Well, like the USDA is saying we have to test bird flu and all the milk now across America.

That seems crazy knowing, you know, the PCR test fallibility. But we're starting to see scary stories out of Africa now about new new pandemics. And it just it just seems like this is a repeat of what we saw in late 2019 or early 2020.

What are your thoughts about the hyping up of the next pandemic?

Speaker 1

Well, the vaccines have been the cutting edge of oppression now ever since 2020 in the world. I mean, this was a weapon of destruction and the U.S. got hit the hardest. We had what we're saying, no deaths.

Officially, we have had, you know, I believe more than I believe merits fabulous. I my estimates considerably higher than theirs because I think it's two million with absolute certainty has to be that. But it's probably a few million more.

It's being used as a weapon of terror and of harm. One of the things, Mike, that you'd asked me about 10 years ago, I would have not said that's ridiculous. But part of the globalist energies now, the attempt to run the whole globe, which we can talk about if we have a little more time.

One of their big goals is to scare everybody and to depopulate as much as possible. They've been talking about that since Malthus in the 1600s. This goes way back.

And it's always been a global goal of those who seek power and get power that they want fewer people to deal with. Every emperor has murdered millions of their own citizens along the way. You know, Hitler didn't just murder Jews.

I'm Jewish. He murdered six million of us. He murdered about 20 million people who were not combatants, who were just civilians.

And Stalin, probably more than Hitler. Mao, up to 100 million people of his own murdered. So people who want power and get power.

It's no different with Xi Jinping. It's no different with Bill Gates. It's no different with Klaus Schwab.

All these characters who want to be in charge actually hate human beings. They want fewer of us. They want us more under control.

And what better way than to scare the heck out of us and along the way weaken many of us and make America the target? Because ever since we came to life as the United States of America, how did we do it? We had to defeat the British Empire with the help of the French Empire, which soon dissolved.

It was dissolved by another revolution. All the world, since we became the United States of America, was run by totalitarians. And they've been trying to destroy us ever since.

And we've made some inroads. We spread some democracies. And then before we know it, they get into a little too much.

But before we even knew it, our presidents were becoming globalists desiring to run the world. They disobeyed Washington saying no foreign entanglements. Take care of ourselves.

He was the most America first president we ever had until Donald Trump was George Washington. His farewell speech is all up. You can just Google farewell speech or look at one of my recent columns about this.

So all of our leaders started getting in on this, not just Obama, but the Bushes, you know, Bubba before him and his wife. And they all wanted this powerful interactions with the world. And less and less were they defending America.

And so while they wanted to kind of run the world, it was really the world and not America. That morphed into we really need to destroy America to really open up the globe. And so you finally have people like Obama apologizing for America.

You get people finally, you know, these shamirical half-human beings, Joe and Kamala, and the country so undermined. They actually vote in two highly not functioning people to represent the globalists. And they want to run the world, but they hate America.

And that's amazing. So we have a nation now which was kind of moving toward being the Rome of the world, the new global nation. And then they really they said, no, that's not what we want, America.

We don't want a strong America. We want to be strong as global governance.

Speaker 2

Well, if you're a globalist and you're trying to achieve depopulation and to weaken or destroy the United States of America as it exists. Yes, a pandemic and scaring people into being injected with basically a vaccine euthanasia. That that's one method.

Right. But since Covid, a lot of people have awakened to this scam. Not everybody.

There's still plenty of people who line up and take the jabs, even people that still wear masks to this day, which is completely insane. But, Peter, it seems like. They're going to use other vectors on top of vaccines because now they seems to me like there's a sense of desperation among the globalists for whatever reason.

I don't know what's pushing their timeline, but it seems to me like they could. They're pushing famine. Clearly, this USDA effort to test the milk supply is designed to destroy the milk supply there.

They're pushing war all over the globe. Lots of wars. Some of them could result in Russia retaliation against America.

Nuclear weapons, nuclear false flag, cyber attacks from North Korea or Iran or China taken down the power grid. You know, whatever the case may be, financial systems collapse. These things would also result in a very high fatality rate in the United States and it would destabilize America.

And I do have a question for you, but it seems to me like they're just waiting for Trump to be sworn in to then unleash mass destabilization. So in your experience and view, which is exceptional, you have a big picture view. What do you think the globalists will have in store for us and for Trump in 2025?

Speaker 1

I think one of the things that's being overlooked. Not by you, but by most people, is that the world, the U.N., United Nations managed a couple of months ago to set up the General Assembly to pass by not negating. That is, there were no objections.

They got intimidated to pass now a global legalized form of governance. The U.N. has created pacts with every nation because no nation objected. It was consensus and it was very cleverly done to make it very easy for the countries to just do it and not really even have to vote much, except no objection verbally from the court.

It was quite bizarre. So now we have international law that says there is a world governance. So those of you who think what I'm saying is really way out and really beyond conspiracy theory, the pacts that have been signed, you can just Google the pacts or again, look at our website and search it, you'll find them.

And these pacts specify that in any threat, any shock, any potential threat or shock that would affect more than one nation or might affect more than one nation, the United Nations must take over and be in charge.

Speaker 2

Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's crazy. That that has just been adopted by all the members.

Speaker 1

Yeah. Oh, my gosh. A few months ago, I wouldn't have caught you.

We all have so many things to do. I happen to be looking at the United Nations. You see, it started with, you know, that they were going to have us all sign treaties.

Right, I remember that. Giving them more power to the World Health Organization. Exactly.

And then it turned out, well, we weren't just going to do treaties, we were going to modify their rules so that they would have more power under their rules. But what they did undercover was to at the last convention, which I think was September. It's quite recent, October, September.

They finally came out with another whole line. They'd be involved in which we were also writing about, which was never mind the who, the U.N. The whole U.N. needs to move in the blue hats, the army. Let's get the whole thing going.

The World Bank, everybody else affiliated with U.N. Let's get them involved and step beyond the who. And so Gutierrez, who is a communist thug, just like the head of the who is a communist thug, working with communist China. They created the idea that the U.N. should have an emergency platform whereby it could marshal and organize and control and even go into business with all the world in order to properly handle any shock. And in these write ups, Gutierrez even even used the popular term, the Black Swan event. That is an event you can't possibly predict. So any event it became.

And it was written up like that. It moved through a few stages. And then what they gave to the U.N. was even different than that when it got together for the annual meeting of the General Assembly was a pact with the U.N. based on this emergency platform whereby the U.N. would be the key through and they use the word several times global governance to manage these events.

Speaker 2

Well, I let me add, I mean, that's terrifying. But any entity that is granted special powers during an emergency will always find a way to keep creating emergencies. And that's I mean, they they created covid.

They they pushed it. It was a fabricated pandemic in many ways. I'm not implying that, you know, didn't die or whatever.

But what I'm saying is it was engineered. It was scripted. Right.

Yes. They can script emergency events. They can create crises.

They do it all the time. Now they have carte blanche under the new.

Speaker 1

That's right. By the way, you know, Alex Newman real well, I imagine. And he I want to give him credit because I'm talking like I did this all by myself.

Actually, Alex Newman went to the meetings. He's been at their meetings around the world. He was at that recent meeting in New York City and the General Assembly.

So I want to just say here's another great resource on this.

Speaker 2

OK, yeah, absolutely. Alex Newman does does great work. And we have a lot of really outspoken people now that are that are waking up to.

So like you and I even couldn't have had this conversation five years ago without being, you know, practically arrested. Right. I mean, things things are changing dramatically.

So there seems to be a mad rush by the globalists to achieve their goals before this is awakened. And I think that's probably right. Yeah.

And this this awakening is accelerating and no longer do the people have trust in these institutions of control. So Western, quote, democracy is based on people trusting health authorities, trusting the science, trusting the media, trusting elections, trusting the justice system. All of that trust has been shattered.

It's gone among most people. So that means that this this system of governance cannot function sustainably without some way to restore public faith or tearing it down and replacing it with something different or maybe tearing it down and replacing it with a decentralized system, which might be even better. But are we at the verge of some historic moment, some historic recalibration of how human societies are going to be structured?

Speaker 1

I think there's absolutely no doubt about it. If you go back into ancient times, you can see the roots of it, because as soon as we became civilized and started living in villages and towns, local bullies began setting up tribes and they were setting up nations. And then they set up monarchies, kingdoms, empires.

And that's what I like to point out. It's that's what we were doing in the World War Two fighting, fighting several empires. That's what we were doing when we were got our freedom from Great Britain fighting empires.

But now the empires have technology. In the past, they wanted to rule the world. Great Britain wanted to rule where they had a worldwide orders from God, as far as they were concerned, to run the world.

They tried their best. Now we have technologies where the known world is entirely known. So it's not like, oh, boy, I can't see over the horizon anymore or my ships will run out of food if I send them send them off.

Now we we have ways to organize delivery of goods and weapons worldwide. In matters of hours and days, we have banking systems that are interlocking, associated with the U.N., associated with our Fed or very interlocking banking system. We have instantaneous communications.

We have international, global organizations of all kinds and health in every area you can imagine is organized on a global level in some way or another. And then we have in this country, we have the deep state, which is very global in its orientation. It comes out of progressivism and communism and all the years they've been working to take over the government, the deep state and deep state yearns to be a leader of globalism.

It's really what the D.O.D. wanted to do. People don't know much, Mike, but the D.O.D. was in charge of the entire use of the vaccines. Yes, that's right.

Operation Warp Speed. It didn't come out on the stationery. Donald Trump talks like it was on his stationeries and, you know, it was put out on D.O.D. stationery.

Speaker 2


(30 min)

Speaker 1

Yeah, well, and you bring up a really important point. Let me ask you about Donald Trump, but first let me plug your website one more time at Substack. It's the Dr. Peter and Ginger Bregin, B-R-E-G-G-I-N. That's the Substack channel that you want to follow, and the username there is just at... Everything's free. Ginger Bregin.

Yeah, it's all free. And yes, you're publishing a lot on Substack. Great stuff.

And you know, I, gosh, I need to start publishing more of the sort of tweet-oriented content on Substack too. It's become a really great platform, so great job there. But Donald Trump has really doubled down or tripled down on Operation Warp Speed.

Now, it's interesting because he's saying... He's noticed that.

Speaker 2

I don't think that many people have noticed that, yes.

Speaker 1

No, I've been calling him out on that for years, but he's also willing... I mean, he's supported RFK Jr. for HHS. That's really positive, he's talked about publicly investigating links between vaccines and autism.

That's a start. But then he says, well, Operation Warp Speed saved millions of lives, and it was the greatest thing ever. So it's like, how do you reconcile this in Trump's mind?

Speaker 2

Yeah, he said this. I was shocked when I saw this. What you just said, I remember he said that when he was in that moment to be the Surgeon General, who was a bad pick, I guess she's gone.

And he said just that, folks, in his introduction of her. He said he'd saved millions of lives with Warp Speed. First of all, he had almost nothing to do with Warp Speed.

Warp Speed began to be invented and developed a decade earlier when Bill Gates announced the decade of the vaccine. He announced the decade of the vaccine. He announced it at the WEF.

He had involved the largest philanthropic organization supporting him. He had the future King of England supporting him, I think. That whole development took place.

In our book, COVID-19 and Global Predators, we show the master plan that Gates developed. He delivered it to the WHO via a PowerPoint presentation. I happened to stumble on it at the middle of the night in the archives of the WHO.

And then we found the actual business plan. It's all in the book, in our book, which Bobby Kennedy, by the way, says is the deepest dive into the Global Predators. He was very generous in saying that when his own great book, Real Anthony Fauci, came out.

We had laid out the whole plan that was being evolved by billionaires supported by the communist Chinese as well, and working through WHO and working through the UN, working through the banks, anybody they can get their hands on. By the time that the virus was released, I think it was purposely released from the Wuhan Institute, by the time they did that in order to destroy, if they could, the Trump. They had to do that the very time they did it because they had to get into the Trump administration to really screw the nation up.

And they completely confused Trump. But he had all these people around him who were globalists. Some of the good people near him couldn't get to see him.

A lot of people have talked about that. And Trump got this. He was just hyped up.

He's not a scientist. He couldn't know instantly, apparently, that anybody who said, I am science is a dictator, not a scientist like Fauci. I guess he didn't have the sophistication or he couldn't see the depth of evil.

That's the concern. I want somebody to take Donald Trump by the elbow, who loves him and he trusts him, and to say, Donald, you know, you were never in politics. I don't think you ever got to see just how evil these people are.

We got to stay away from universities. We got to stay away from the big doctors. If a doctor is respected, we can't use him.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I'm really glad. I'm glad you pointed that out. And philosophically, I've had the same kind of discussion about the failure of people to recognize evil.

And I've said it's a spectrum. Some people fail to recognize the good in others, right? They see all people as bad.

But the far more dangerous phenomenon is to fail to see the evil to which other people are capable. Ideas of depopulation, for example, right? Extreme evil.

And at least it used to be, if you even suggested depopulation, that there are globalist entities that want to kill billions of human beings. That was considered, oh, a crazy conspiracy theory. Now, not so much.

It's understood that that is the desire, especially as we have. In fact, I want to ask you about the rise of AI systems and robotic systems. Elon Musk, humanoid robots, he just put out a new update, some new videos.

But China's way ahead. And also military linked U.S. robotics types of companies are way ahead of anything that Elon Musk has put out, by the way. And NVIDIA is running a digital world simulator system so that robots can virtually practice their skills, like their killing skills inside the virtual simulator.

And then they can upload those to the real robots. In this world where humanoid robots can do surgery, they can pick strawberries, they can restock warehouses, they can do Amazon fulfillment, they can drive trucks, they can drive taxis, whatever. They can fly planes, they can be soldiers.

The globalists don't need most humans. What are your thoughts on that?

Speaker 2

Well, I have no doubt about it. Because, you know, I'm not afraid of robots taking over the world or AI taking over the world, because they are, after all, simply code written by people. And so I would think that the people who are writing code could, at one time or another, find another way around a robot that was moving toward being a human.

You know, it starts with somebody jotting notes on a piece of paper about what his latest idea is for making a robot, maybe, and then he goes computer, and then he goes here or there. But they are representations of human thinking. But they give tremendous power over other people.

They can be organized to terrify them, they can be organized to mimic them, they can make it so we can't tell whether it's Peter Bragan talking or not on the air. Although it'd be really hard to mimic this aging face, I suppose. Maybe a fresh, younger face like yours, they can do what he's telling me.

Speaker 1

No, believe me, they will mimic what we look like. I think that the hard part for AI systems is to mimic how we think, because people like you and I, Peter, we are such original, spontaneous thinkers. That's difficult for automated systems.

Speaker 2

Yeah, I think that they can't do it. They can simulate it because they're simply working with the tools we give them, whereas we have free will. That's right.

We can actually make jumps into different places to think about things differently, or we can gain inspirations that seem to come from almost nowhere, and just continue doing it. That's right. It's a different origin.

God breathes life into us. We don't breathe life into computers. We give them our programs.

We should be able to control them and interfere with them.

Speaker 1

The transhumanists believe there is no god, and that they can merge with silicon, and that they can achieve immortality by becoming machines. That's a cult. That's some kind of delusional cult right there.

Speaker 2

I think that when you deny the existence of human beings, you enter into craziness. If you think about it, my own concepts of what is psychosis, what is it when you're trying to help somebody who is actually hallucinating and seeing things that aren't there, having thoughts which clearly don't mimic the reality in the simplest form about maybe, who are you? You're this, and you're not.

You're somebody else, and so on. Somebody who loses reality, what that is, is you lose touch with relationship to human beings. It's really going far flung, but it's all about the same big story.

The opposite of that is love. When you take joy, my idea of love is it's a joyful awareness of other human beings, or God, or your work, or nature, or your favorite dog. Love can spring up toward anything in existence, including art that people create.

When you lose touch with the joy, and the interest in being human, and knowing human creations, knowing God's creation, that's when you lose reality. It's not like people lose reality because they don't understand how to make a chair, but they lose reality when they can't tell the difference between a chair and a person in the extreme. That happens when people lose the sense of what other human beings are, and they live in a mechanical world.

Speaker 1

That's what this institute brought up. That's a really good point. Even though we research and build language models using AI technology in-house, and we recently rolled them out internally in our company.

I even publicly said we did not fire a single person. What we did is we trained our employees. We gave them online courses.

We brought them in, gave them best practices, taught them how to use these tools to amplify their intentions, their writing, their art, their research, and so on. The human side is critical. I think the only moral and ethical way to use these tools is to allow human beings to obviously continue to be the ones calling the shots, to be in charge.

Obviously, we always use technology to enhance our intentions or our productivity, but the danger zone, in my opinion, is when you start replacing. You say, we don't need people. All we need are these microchips to do all these tasks.

That's where things start getting very dangerous, and that's how you end up at Skynet.

Speaker 2

I think that's absolutely right. Really, all the concepts they have to oppress us with us don't have validity. The world, in terms of being populated, is quite empty.

Drive across the United States. Imagine driving across Russia or China. The world is anything but overpopulated.

But if we were to use AI and other modern technology to enhance the capability of human beings, ordinary human beings could be much more productive than they are. I mean, plumbers could use robots, too. Could the people working in your backyard use robots?

Human beings who do the trades now could be organizers of robots. We can grow. It's not like we have to get rid of the human beings to grow.

Instead, we give the power to all human beings to grow as much as they can, which is what hopefully we try to do now. But it can't be done on the global level because all global organizations are dangerous. All large organizations are dangerous.

We've got to stay at least as small as the nation-state. That's where America first comes.

Speaker 1

Centralization of power is a grave danger to human civilization, just like you mentioned the United Nations or the WHO or even the very existence of the CDC, in my opinion, is a danger to humanity. I think the CDC should be completely gutted, all of it. I think the government should not fund scientific research because then it controls it and it pushes climate change narratives or COVID narratives.

The NIH, as far as I'm concerned, what it does should be gone. And either, well, how would scientific research be funded? Well, guess what?

There's all kinds of non-profits and universities and commercial interests that will fund research. And then it'll be decentralized. You'll have different views instead of one obedience test.

Because today's science journals, and I know you're very familiar with science journals, it's changed over the years. It used to be more open. You could have debates.

You could read debates. Today, oh, it's obedience. If you don't follow this line, you don't get published, right?

Speaker 2

I can give you so many examples of that, actually, from my own career. But my first, one of my very first publications, 1972, wow, 68, no, 1968, I think, 69, somewhere right around there. It was as I got out of medical school.

It was from things I've been thinking about. And I had worked in a mental hospital. It was supposed to be an open hospital where you didn't coerce anybody.

And I wrote a paper about all psychiatric institutions are inherently coercive. And it actually got published in an AMA journal, the AMA Journal of Psychiatry. I couldn't give a talk like that in a medical school around the country today.

The control is so incredible.

Speaker 1

Things have changed so much. And I regret that we're almost out of time, Dr. Bregan. But let me give out your website here.

Bregan.com also is another place that people can find your work and get links to everything. And that's B-R-E-G-G-I-N.com, Bregan.com. And then Dr. Bregan is featured in this upcoming course. It begins streaming December 21st. Right. I got two presentations in it, Mike, with Heather.

Oh, that's perfect. She's wonderful. Can I give her a plug?

Absolutely. Brightyou.com is where you can register for it. It's about the next pandemic, preparedness and survival, featuring Dr. Bregan and many other top thinkers of our time. And it's free to watch. Just register there. You can also optionally purchase it if you wish to.

And Dr. Bregan, gosh, I really want to ask you, we don't have much time left, but I want to ask you about the shooter or alleged shooter of the CEO of UnitedHealth, right? This alleged shooter has been arrested. And allegedly, if you believe the media, he had a manifesto and he was angry about poor health care treatment for his relatives, etc.

You have a background in psychiatry, obviously, in mental health. What's your take on it?

Speaker 2

Actually, I have a specialty in this area because of my critique of drugs. I have been an expert for cases involving Columbine, the theater shooting and also in Colorado and a number of others. So I've got a lot.

I actually have a huge resume in this kind of issue. But what strikes me is we have a poster boy for liberal education. This is what I think we may be looking at.

I mean, here's a young man. He goes to a good private school. What is that going to be like?

That will be interesting to see what its politics are. And he then goes on to the University of Pennsylvania, a very sophisticated Ivy League school. And actually, he was also a valedictorian at his high school.

And I remember the valedictorian just below me in high school became a Marxist. That's how far back. And he went to Harvard.

He went a year before me. I went to UFM. But he became a Marxist professor.

So we're looking at it and he's wealthy and he's in Maryland. Maryland is one of the most bizarrely liberal states we have, progressive states we have. And NIMH is there, NIH is there, Johns Hopkins is there, and Baltimore, of course.

So I think we may be looking at what happens to a young man who grows up in a world that hates white, where the teachers are making white boys in particular feel impotent and bad. Actually, make them feel bad, not impotent. So they want him to feel guilty.

You're bad. You're part of this horrible, oppressive system. You don't deserve what you got.

If your family's rich, you got it from slaves one way or another. You got it from a rich family. And teaching them they can't be men really like men.

They've got to be something else. What is it, a boy, a girl or whatever else it is?

Speaker 1

So you think he's a product of his liberal indoctrination?

Speaker 2

That's what I'm trying to get at. I think we're going to find that this is a horror story of what happens to young men in our country. Now, we know he's had some difficult surgeries.

He's got three spikes in his back, according to something I saw this morning provided by Ginger to me. And so he's been through some very painful surgeries. And back surgery is notoriously dangerous, notoriously so.

And you got to try everything you can before you let anybody put a knife near your back.

Speaker 1

Dr. Bergen, we need to wrap it up here. I apologize. Okay.

This has been great, Mike. Yeah, this has been great. I'd love to have you back soon because you and I really have some of the best conversations.

We've got a lot more territory to cover. But let's regroup soon, maybe before Trump gets sworn in or soon after that. I would love to.

Let's do that. And let's try to get a new take. Get in touch with us.

Ginger will arrange something with you. Give Ginger our blessings as well. And thank you, Ginger, for all that you do.

And the website on Substack is the Dr. Peter and Ginger Bergen. And that is Ginger Bergen is the username there. And folks, be sure to join that at Substack.

All the content there on his channel is free of charge. Thank you, Dr. Bergen. It's been a pleasure speaking with you today.

Thank you so, so much. All right. Take care.

And thank all of you for watching today. Just a wonderful conversation again with Dr. Peter Bergen, who is featured twice in the upcoming stream at BrightU.com. So register there.

The program begins streaming for free on December 21st. Thank you for watching today. I'm Mike Adams of Brighton.com.

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Dr. Peter Breggin joins Mike Adams for stunning interview on VACCINES causing LOBOTOMIES as humans are targeted for psyops and destruction

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