Printable May 2023 Calendar - 123calendars.com
May is a lovely month for both hemispheres. In the North, spring is slowly blooming into summer, whereas the South rejoices the lovely colors of autumn as well as its harvest. Late May symbolizes the beginning of the warm vacation season in most parts of the globe. That indicates any symbol which speaks of celebrations can be related to this month.

PDF: https://www.123calendars.com/images/May/2023/may-2023-calendar.pdf
Like other months in the Gregorian calendar, May 2023 was named by ancient cultures, The Greeks called it May after their goddess Maia, who was known in Roman culture as Bona Dea. Jubilees and celebrations dedicated to this goddess were held during this month. Just browse the April 2023 calendar templates and download it.
Further, another Roman interpretation of etymology can be associated to the poet Ovid. He recommends that the name was coined from the Latin mores that means elders. May 2023 calendar will be saved in your computer.
Infrequently, the Christian holiday of Easter falls during this month. That brings a whole symbolic meaning for the month. For Christians, Easter is very holy as it’s symbolic of Christ’s rise and return to the Earth. That’s a joyous celebration that signifies the end of the traditional forty-day fast. Browse our June 2023 calendar templates and save them to your computer.
These days, Eastern isn’t a religion anymore, but more frolic and fun. Kids hunt for Easter baskets that are loaded with chocolates and gifts.
Baskets are also a symbol of the month when Easter falls in May. These are related to generous harvests and are symbolic of abundance and prosperity. The last of the Easter symbols, which is the egg signifies new life.
People who are born in May can claim the stunning green emerald as their birthstone. The semi-precious stone is symbolic of wealth, success, and love. Think of the color of money in most nations of the globe. When it comes to flowers, May has two special flowers connected with it: Mayflower and Lily of the Valley.
Get this May calendar today with us. We feel you can literally use this May 2023 calendar for everything, whether it be for goal setting or planning lessons for school.
Source image: https://www.123calendars.com/images/May/2023/May-2023-Calendar.jpg
Source 123calendars: https://www.123calendars.com/may-calendar.html