February 2023 Calendar - 123calendars.com
February comes from the term februa, a Latin word meaning to cleanse. This was named after februalia that was a month-long celebration of purification as well as atonement, which happened this time of the year.

PDF: https://www.123calendars.com/images/February/2023/february-2023-calendar.pdf
This is the only month in the calendar that has less than 300 days. Though it is normally 28 days, February 2023 Calendar is twenty-nine days long in a leap year like 2020 and 2024. The first month and the second of the calendar were the last two months included in the Roman calendar in 713 BC, and winter was regarded as a month less time. Initially, February 2023 Calendar was made the last month of the year, but eventually, it was transferred to the second month. Browse through and download the January 2023 calendar templates.
February Calendar
The 2nd of February is Groundhog day- a time you discover if winter will last 6 more weeks. The twelfth of the month is the birth date of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th US President that was born in a log cabin with a dirty floor. The same date is the celebration of the Chinese New Year. 14th of February 2023 is hearts day or Valentine’s Day. The holiday is observed with flowers, love as well as chocolate. The 15th of February is a very special day for Susan Anthony, a renowned women’s rights leader, and the same date is the commemoration of the National Flag of Canada Day. 15th of February is also a President’s Day, a federal holiday also called Washington’s Birthday, which is observed on the 3rd Monday in the month of February. 16th of February is Mardi Grass or Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday that is the last feasting day prior to the Christian tradition of lend starts. March 2023 calendar templates in your preferred format.
This is also a time where African-American History Month is celebrated. National Gallery of Art, National Archives and Records Administration, National Park Service, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as well as Smithsonian Institution join together to pay tribute to the African American generations who struggled with adversity to obtain full citizenship in the US.
Source 123Calendars: https://www.123calendars.com/february-calendar.html
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