Four Key Aspects in Tennis #1: Consistency
Consistency in tennis is all about returning the ball to your opponent's side of the court. Can you imagine the frustration when the opponent's shot isn't particularly challenging, yet you commit an avoidable and foolish error? This is a lack of consistency in your gameplay.

When to be consistent?
Certain situations call for a focus on maintaining consistency rather than attempting high-risk shots. One such circumstance arises in the early stages of a match. These initial games are crucial because they afford you the opportunity to understand your opponent's playing style and characteristics. It's extremely important not to miss this chance by making unforced errors. Additionally, prioritizing consistency helps you establish a good feel with your body, the ball, and the court, all of which are critical elements in your performance. Given the potential nervousness that may accompany you at the start of a match, avoiding unnecessary risks is also advisable.

Next Level: Hitting Deep
Once you are confident in getting the rally going, your next focus should be hitting the ball deep into the opponent's court to prevent the opponent from launching an offense. Deep shots naturally make it troublesome for the opponent to hit balls at acute angles and take away their time to hit comfortably. Moreover, deep shots that land close to the baseline push the opponent further back into the court, giving you the opportunity to take over the rally.

Defensive Techniques
Lastly, consistency encompasses defensive techniques, because proficient defending abilities enable recovery from vulnerable situations and ultimately keep the rally going. In my personal belief, mastering defense should be a priority over mastering offense. This is because defense involves various footwork and shot selections that can seamlessly transition into offensive maneuvers. Two shots I particularly enjoy playing are the defensive slice shot and the topspin loop ball, both of which prove effective in altering rally pace and facilitating the shift from a defensive stance to a neutral one, ultimately leading to offense.

Next Blog on Offense!
Today, we have covered a rather fundamental aspect of tennis. Nonetheless, consistency is a key to easy victory, especially at lower levels of the ladder. As you progress, offense becomes crucial, dictating points by controlling the rally, which is the topic of the next blog. Until next time!