Club officer phobia?
Why do members try to refuse to serve as club officer even though they've made a pledge to "serve my club as an officer when called upon to do so" when they join the club? The most common reason cited is the lack of time. Do they think the current officers have plenty of time? We all are "busy" in our own ways. Nobdy has too much free time.
Serving as a club officer, in my opinion, is in itself a blessing. It gives you opportuniteis to practice your leadership skills. The most common misunderstanding is that an officer needs to do whatever falls under their jurisdiction no matter what. It's quite contrary. You have to learn how to get other members involved. First of all, Toastmaters clubs are to be run by its members. Everyone should be involved in running the club. The club officers are there to coordinate members' efforts. They shouldn't be left alone to do everything themselves. Yet, it is not always easy to seek help from rank-and-file members because they are "busy." I'm full aware of that. I've been there myself, many times. Yet, trying this and that to solicit support, if small at the beginning, is what you can do as a club officer, and that is how you can learn how to delegate tasks to your members. In other words, serving as a club officer gives you extra opportunities to learn more for the same membership dues.
We should be taking advantage of the opportunity that our club officer positions bring us.
その一つがdelegation。多忙を理由に断る人を見ると、役員のことを「全部作業を引き受けないといけない人」だとでも勘違いしているんやないかと不思議でならないんやけど、役員はみんながクラブ運営に少しずつ貢献できる環境を作るのが役目だと思うんだよね。役員も会員を払って学ぶためにクラブに参加している。役員にもスピーチをする権利があるし自分の弱い部分を強化できるようなロールを練習する権利がある。で、スピーチやロールをこなそうとすると役員としての役割を十分に果たすのが難しい瞬間がある。だからこそ一般の会員に役員の役目の一部を少しずつ負担してもらいながら、一緒に進んでいく必要があるわけ。で、このdelegationの仕方を練習できるのも、役員になるメリットなんだよね。会社で昇進して部下ができたら人を使って仕事を勧めないといけないわけでしょ? 部下の様子を観察してフィードバックして、必要なら改善案を提案したり自ら考えるよう促したりして、チームとして結果を出していかないといけない。仕事以外の場面でも人が集まればリーダーシップを発揮しないといけない場面はいたるところに転がってる。その時に備えてToastmastersで練習できるんなら、同じ会費を払ってたくさん学べる役員なんて、超お得だと思うんだよね。やらにゃ損やで。