

1. 質問の背景を理解するためのリサーチ

  • 過去の議論やプロジェクト履歴を確認:質問が出た際に、過去の同様の問題や関連する議論、これまでのプロジェクト履歴を振り返ることで、質問の背景をより深く理解することができます。

2. 積極的に質問を返す

    • 「この質問の目的は、プロジェクトの進捗状況に関する確認でしょうか、それともリソースの割り当てについての見直しでしょうか?」

    • 「〇〇に関する詳細な情報をお求めですか? それとも、より全体的な視点からの分析をお考えでしょうか?」

3. アクティブリスニングの実践

  • 実践方法:相手が質問を終えた際に、「つまり、この部分が課題として挙がっているという理解で正しいでしょうか?」と確認し、共通認識を形成します。

4. 質問の意図を深掘りするフレームワークを使う

  • 5 Whys(5つのなぜ):質問の背後にある根本的な問題を見つけるために「なぜ」を繰り返し、意図を深掘りしていく方法です。

  • PACE(Purpose, Audience, Context, Expectations):質問の目的(Purpose)、質問者の立場(Audience)、その場の状況(Context)、期待される成果(Expectations)を整理して考えるフレームワークです。これを使うと、より明確な回答が可能になります。

5. 相手の視点に立つ

  • :「上位層はこのプロジェクト全体の進捗をどのように把握し、どの点で懸念を抱いているのか?」といった視点から考えることで、より適切な回答ができるようになります。

6. 視覚化やドキュメント化を活用する

  • :プロジェクトの進捗状況や課題点を簡単な図にまとめて、上位層に提示しながら説明することで、質問の意図を確実に把握しやすくなります。


Improving Communication and Information Gathering Skills to Deepen Understanding of Questions: Concrete Suggestions

  1. Research to Understand the Background of the Question
    When higher-ups ask questions, there are often specific concerns or expectations behind them. By researching related projects, industry trends, and past situations beforehand, you can more accurately grasp the intent of the question.

  • Review past discussions and project history: When a question arises, reviewing similar past issues, related discussions, and the project's history can help you gain a deeper understanding of the question's background.

  1. Proactively Ask Clarifying Questions
    If the intent behind a question is unclear, proactively ask clarifying questions to better understand it. However, it's essential to keep your questions specific and simple.

  • Examples:

    • "Is the purpose of this question to confirm the project's progress, or is it to review resource allocation?"

    • "Are you looking for detailed information about [specific topic], or are you seeking a more comprehensive analysis?"

  1. Practice Active Listening
    When a question is asked, instead of just listening, practice "active listening" by summarizing and repeating what the other person said to confirm the intent. This ensures you fully understand the key points the questioner is seeking.

  • How to practice: After the person finishes asking their question, confirm your understanding by saying, "So, if I understand correctly, this part is the issue that has been raised, is that right?" This helps establish mutual understanding.

  1. Use Frameworks to Delve Deeper into the Question's Intent
    To explore the intent behind a question more deeply, you can use frameworks like the following:

  • 5 Whys: This technique involves asking "Why" repeatedly to uncover the root cause behind the question. For example, "Why is a progress check necessary at this time?" → "Why is the progress so important?" This approach helps identify the real needs behind the question.

  • PACE (Purpose, Audience, Context, Expectations): By organizing the question's Purpose, the Audience asking the question, the Context of the situation, and the Expectations for the outcome, you can provide a clearer answer.

  1. Put Yourself in the Other Person’s Shoes
    It’s important to consider what the questioner wants to know by putting yourself in their shoes. Understanding what decisions they need to make and their situation will allow you to respond more effectively to their needs.

  • Example: "How does upper management view the overall progress of this project, and what are their concerns?" Thinking from this perspective helps you give more appropriate answers.

  1. Leverage Visualization and Documentation
    Understanding the question’s intent is important, but sharing it effectively also matters. Using visual elements and documentation like charts or flowcharts can help confirm and organize the content of the question, making it easier to visualize and agree on the understanding.

  • Example: Summarizing the project's progress and challenges in a simple diagram and presenting it while explaining to higher-ups will make it easier to ensure you fully grasp the question's intent.

By applying these suggestions, you will be able to understand the intent behind questions more deeply and respond more appropriately and accurately.


川村康弘(Yasuhiro Kawamura、Ted)@クラウド屋
おもしろきこともなき世を面白く 議論メシ4期生http://gironmeshi.net/ メンタリストDaiGo弟子 強みほがらかさと発散思考 外資系企業でインフラエンジニア