







  • なりたい思いがあればいいじゃないか

    1. なりたいという思いがあること自体は悪くありません。むしろ、ポジティブになりたいと考えることは前向きなステップです。

  • なりたい自分をイメージすることは悪くない

    1. 自分がなりたい姿を具体的にイメージすることは、目標設定やモチベーション維持に非常に有効です。これを思わないよりは、考える方がとても良いと思います。



  • 行動の重要性

    1. なりたいイメージや思いは大切ですが、それに繋げる行動が非常に重要です。具体的な行動を起こすことで、初めてそのイメージが現実となります。



  • 小さなステップから始める

    1. 大きな変化を一度に求めず、まずは小さなステップから始めることで、徐々に自分を変えていくことが可能です。




#ポジティブ #思いだけではダメ #行動


  1. 思いと行動の連携

    1. 思いと行動は切り離せない関係にあります。思いを行動に移すことで、初めて具体的な変化が生まれます。

  2. 自己成長のプロセス

    1. 自己成長は一朝一夕には達成できません。継続的な努力と忍耐が必要です。小さな成功体験を積み重ねることで、自信とモチベーションが高まります。

  3. サポートシステムの活用

    1. 周囲のサポートやコミュニティの力を借りることで、行動を継続しやすくなります。共に目標に向かう仲間がいることで、励まし合いながら進むことができます。

  4. ポジティブ思考の習慣化

    1. 日常生活の中でポジティブな思考を習慣化することが、行動を支える基盤となります。感謝の気持ちを持つことや、前向きな言葉を使うことなど、意識的にポジティブな要素を取り入れましょう。



To You Who Want to Become Positive

To you who are reading this right now,

Are you even slightly thinking, "I want to become positive," "I want to change to a positive mindset," or "I want to do something about my negativity"?

To Get Straight to the Point

If you are just thinking, "I want to be positive," you probably won't become positive. This is because merely having the desire to "become" is not enough.

The Importance of Desire and Visualization

  • Having the Desire to Become is Not a Bad Thing

    1. Having the desire to become something is not bad in itself. On the contrary, thinking about wanting to become positive is a proactive step.

  • Visualizing Your Desired Self is Not Bad

    1. Specifically visualizing the person you want to become is highly effective for setting goals and maintaining motivation. I believe that thinking about it is much better than not thinking about it at all.

Why Thinking Alone is Insufficient

Simply thinking about becoming positive is not enough. It is important to translate those imagined positive images into actual actions.

  • The Importance of Action

    1. While having images and desires of becoming positive is important, the actions that connect to those desires are extremely important. By taking concrete actions, those images can become a reality.

The Reality of Taking Action and Challenging Yourself

Taking action and challenging yourself might seem somewhat difficult. However, it is not something extremely hard; if you take slightly challenging actions, actions that are a bit more difficult than easy ones, you will surely change.

  • Starting with Small Steps

    1. Instead of seeking significant changes all at once, starting with small steps allows you to gradually transform yourself.

A Message to Your Future Self

Please show me the changed you someday. I look forward to meeting you again then.

Thank you for reading today as well.

#Positive #ThinkingIsNotEnough #Action

Additional Reflections

  1. The Connection Between Thought and Action

    1. Thoughts and actions are inseparable. By translating your thoughts into actions, concrete changes are born.

  2. The Process of Personal Growth

    1. Personal growth cannot be achieved overnight. It requires continuous effort and patience. By accumulating small successes, your confidence and motivation will increase.

  3. Utilizing Support Systems

    1. By leveraging the support of those around you and the power of community, it becomes easier to continue taking action. Having companions who share your goals allows you to encourage and support each other as you progress.

  4. Habitualizing Positive Thinking

    1. Incorporating positive thinking into your daily life forms the foundation that supports your actions. Consciously integrating positive elements, such as maintaining a sense of gratitude and using encouraging words, helps sustain your positive mindset.


The desire to become positive is a wonderful starting point. However, to realize this, specific actions are indispensable—not just thoughts alone. By taking even small steps and continuously challenging yourself towards your goals, you will undoubtedly experience change. I sincerely hope that your future becomes filled with positivity and fulfillment.

#Positive #ThinkingIsNotEnough #Action


川村康弘(Yasuhiro Kawamura、Ted)@クラウド屋
おもしろきこともなき世を面白く 議論メシ4期生http://gironmeshi.net/ メンタリストDaiGo弟子 強みほがらかさと発散思考 外資系企業でインフラエンジニア