


1. ヒューマンスキルの定義と構造化


  • コミュニケーション能力

    • 話す力(プレゼンテーション力)

    • 聞く力(アクティブリスニング)

    • 書く力(文書作成やEメール)

  • 対人関係スキル

    • 共感力

    • 感情管理(EQ)

    • 調整力

  • 自己管理・モチベーション

    • 自己認識

    • ストレス耐性

    • 目標設定力

  • チームスキル

    • チームワーク

    • リーダーシップ

    • フォロワーシップ

2. 具体的行動の定義


  • 共感力の高い行動例

    • 相手の話を遮らずに聞き、適切なタイミングでフィードバックを行う。

    • 感情を共有し、相手の立場に立って意見を述べる。

    • 相手の感情の変化を察知し、必要なサポートを提供する。


3. 評価基準とスキルのレベル化


  • レベル1(基礎):自分の意見を相手に伝えることができる。

  • レベル2(応用):相手の意見を理解し、適切な質問やフィードバックを行うことができる。

  • レベル3(熟達):異なる立場の人々を調整し、合意形成を行うことができる。

  • レベル4(エキスパート):組織全体の調整を行い、難しい対人関係の問題を解決できる。


Human Skills Articulation involves three primary stages:

1. Defining and Structuring Human Skills

First, it's important to clearly define what human skills are. Human skills refer to "abilities and traits in interpersonal relationships," which include communication, leadership, teamwork, empathy, problem-solving, and more. Organizing these elements into larger categories is key, as shown below:

  • Communication Skills

    • Speaking skills (presentation ability)

    • Listening skills (active listening)

    • Writing skills (document creation and email communication)

  • Interpersonal Skills

    • Empathy

    • Emotional regulation (EQ)

    • Mediation skills

  • Self-Management & Motivation

    • Self-awareness

    • Stress tolerance

    • Goal-setting ability

  • Team Skills

    • Teamwork

    • Leadership

    • Followership

2. Defining Specific Behaviors

It is crucial to translate each skill into "specific behaviors." For example, when defining "empathy," it can be articulated as follows:

  • Examples of empathetic behavior:

    • Listening to the other person without interrupting and providing feedback at the right moment.

    • Sharing emotions and offering opinions from the other person’s perspective.

    • Sensing changes in the other person’s emotions and providing the necessary support.

By doing this, human skills can be evaluated based on observable behaviors and concrete examples, rather than remaining abstract concepts.

3. Evaluation Criteria and Skill Leveling

Finally, each skill should be ranked based on clear criteria. For instance, for "communication skills," you can define levels as follows:

  • Level 1 (Basic): Able to express their own opinion to others.

  • Level 2 (Intermediate): Able to understand others' opinions and provide appropriate questions or feedback.

  • Level 3 (Advanced): Able to mediate between different perspectives and build consensus.

  • Level 4 (Expert): Able to mediate and resolve difficult interpersonal issues at the organizational level.

These steps allow for the articulation of human skills. In corporate or educational settings, this can serve as a guide to support the growth and development of employees or students through clear evaluation criteria.


川村康弘(Yasuhiro Kawamura、Ted)@クラウド屋
おもしろきこともなき世を面白く 議論メシ4期生http://gironmeshi.net/ メンタリストDaiGo弟子 強みほがらかさと発散思考 外資系企業でインフラエンジニア