
(サンプル版)将軍 Anh Hào の哲学: 敵の妻から学ぶビジネスと人生の教訓

Bilinguals: Japanese, English
English title: The Philosophy of Commander Anh Hào: Lessons for Business and Life from the Enemy's Wife















  • 核ミサイルの発射を引き起こす人間が現れるとき。

  • または、人と人をつなぐITシステムが侵入されるとき。







The Philosophy of Commander Anh Hào: Lessons for Business and Life from the Enemy's Wife

(M Version)
"In this world, all beauties are ordinary to me, except for the wife of my enemy—she alone fascinates me."
(It is said that Cao Cao once spoke these words.)

(L Version)
I’m not much of a book reader, but I love historical manga about China and Japan. Unfortunately, Vietnam doesn’t yet have many historical manga, so my knowledge of Vietnamese history is limited.

Reading stories about Cao Cao, I find the above quote entirely plausible. The records describe him as someone infatuated with women, especially the wives of his enemies.

In one campaign, after defeating a rival, Cao Cao fell in love with the enemy’s wife. While spending time with her in the very mansion of the defeated foe, the enemy’s retainers plotted to assassinate him. Fortunately, Cao Cao survived, but he lost a trusted bodyguard and his horse. After this incident, he learned his lesson and ensured "safety" by bringing the enemy’s wives back to his own residence!

At first glance, this story might seem like a tale of indulgence. But from another perspective, it offers profound lessons for business and life.

The simple takeaway is this:
By observing the wife of his enemy, Cao Cao uncovered the enemy’s weaknesses.
Whether to exploit those weaknesses or help the enemy overcome them—well, that was his choice.

Enemies and Business

From this perspective, who would still want to remain your enemy?

This philosophy isn’t just for business; it applies to life as well.
Truthfully, no one wants to become your enemy at the outset. They become one only when you label them as such.

Never imagine yourself as a superhero who can impose your thoughts on others. That’s simply unrealistic.

Even if your thoughts are logical, compassionate, and financially sound, people will still choose their own paths. That’s human nature. Deep down, everyone desires freedom, their own sky, and the happiness they believe is enough for them.

The Era of Trust and Risk

The large-scale efforts of connecting "Emotion" and "Logic" that I’m working on now are only possible when trust among people is shaken, and humanity faces existential threats such as:

  • Someone who launches nuclear missiles.

  • Someone who hacks IT systems connecting people to one another.

If people recognize these dangers and restore trust themselves, there will be no need for me to act.

Of course, as a businessman, I account for all risks and set clear timelines. I am patient, but my patience is not without limits. When the time comes, I will act.

The Power of Two Homelands

Vietnam, the land of my birth, has given me infinite love.
Japan, the land where I grew up, has taught me the infinite value of patience ("NHẪN").

The combination of love and patience is the strength to overcome all challenges.

Best regards,
Nguyen Hai Ha (Mr.) 福沢八一
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