
2018年東大入試問題・英語4(B) 解答・解説・添削


4(B) 次の英文を読み,下線部(ア),(イ),(ウ)を和訳せよ。なお,文章中のmammalという単語は「哺乳動物」を意味する。

 As a class, birds have been around for more than 100 million years. They are one of nature’s great success stories, inventing new strategies for survival, using their own distinctive brands of intelligence, which, in some respects at least, seem to far exceed our own.
 Somewhere in the mists of deep time lived the common ancestor of all birds. Now there are some 10,400 different bird species ― more than double the number of mammal species. In the late 1990s, scientists estimated the total number of wild birds on the planet. They came up with 200 to 400 billion individual birds. (ア)That’s roughly 30 to 60 live birds per person. To say that humans are more successful or advanced really depends on how you define those terms. After all, evolution isn’t about advancement; it’s about survival. It’s about learning to solve the problems of your environment, something birds have done surprisingly well for a long, long time. (イ)This, to my mind, makes it all the more surprising that many of us have found it hard to swallow the idea that birds may be bright in ways we can’t imagine.
 Birds learn. They solve new problems and invent novel solutions to old ones. They make and use tools. They count. They copy behaviors from one another. They remember where they put things. (ウ)Even when their mental powers don’t quite match or mirror our own complex thinking, they often contain the seeds of it ― insight, for instance, which has been defined as the sudden emergence of a complete solution without trial-and-error learning.


class 【名詞】(生物分類上の)綱(こう)、部類
distinctive 【形容詞】独自の、独特な
brand 【名詞】種類,タイプ
in the mists of deep time 【副詞】遥か昔
find it hard to V Vするのは難しいと思う
swallow 【動詞】飲み込む,納得して受け入れる
bright 【形容詞】賢い
mental powers 【名詞】知能
seed 【名詞】種,元,根源
insight 【名詞】洞察力
match 【動詞】匹敵する,対等する
mirror 【動詞】似ている
trial-and-error 【名詞】試行錯誤


In the late 1990s, scientists estimated the total number of wild birds on the planet. They came up with 200 to 400 billion individual birds. (ア)That’s roughly 30 to 60 live birds per person.

Thatの指示対象は、(there were) 200 to 400 billion individual birds (on the planet)である。つまり、「地球上に存在する2000億から4000億もの鳥」を指し、その総数を人間一人当たりで言うと何羽になるかを表しているだけなので、訳出に関してはそれほど難しくはないだろう。

roughly 【副詞】「およそ、大体」
per 【前置詞】「~につき、~ごとに」
live 【形容詞】「生きた、生きている」




評価A 講評


5,397字 / 4画像

¥ 200
