









The Art of Conversational Catch

For over a decade, I've been involved in recruitment. At times, I've conducted two or three interviews in a single day.

Recently, I realized a crucial skill for succeeding in interviews: the ability to engage in a conversational "catch."

Many companies look for compatibility with the company and logical thinking skills, but the most important is undoubtedly communication skills. Generally, communication skills are often mistaken as merely the ability to speak. However, in reality, listening skills, the ability to ask questions, and reading the room are equally important.

For example, there are surprisingly many people who, when asked a yes-or-no question, start talking about what they want to say without answering "yes" or "no." This might be acceptable in private settings, but it's problematic in a professional environment.

Communication is often compared to playing catch. First and foremost, it's essential to properly catch the ball the other person throws. Yet, many people fail to do this. Some even suddenly pull out their own ball and start throwing it.

It may seem obvious, but there are surprisingly few people who can effectively engage in conversational catch. I believe this skill is invaluable and is key to passing interviews.

Therefore, I consider the ability to engage in conversational catch as a decisive skill in interview success.

대화의 캐치볼

(Daehwa-ui kaechi-bol)

저는 십수 년 동안 채용 업무에 종사해 왔습니다. 많을 때는 하루에 두세 건의 면접을 진행하기도 했습니다.

최근에 저는 면접에 합격하기 위한 중요한 스킬을 깨달았습니다. 그것은 대화의 '캐치볼'을 할 수 있는 능력입니다.

많은 기업에서는 회사와의 친화성, 논리적 사고력 등이 요구되지만, 그중에서도 가장 중요한 것은 커뮤니케이션 스킬입니다. 일반적으로 커뮤니케이션 능력이라고 하면 말하는 스킬로 오해받기 쉽습니다. 하지만 실제로는 듣는 능력, 질문하는 능력, 분위기를 읽는 능력 등도 동시에 요구됩니다.

예를 들어, 제가 '예' 또는 '아니요'로 대답해 주었으면 하는 질문을 했는데도 불구하고, 자신의 말하고 싶은 것만 이야기하는 사람이 의외로 많습니다. 사적인 자리라면 몰라도 업무에서는 곤란합니다.

커뮤니케이션은 캐치볼에 자주 비유됩니다. 먼저 상대방이 던진 공을 제대로 잡는 것이 중요합니다. 그러나 실제로 그것이 되지 않는 사람이 많습니다. 갑자기 자기 공을 꺼내서 던지는 사람도 있습니다.

당연한 것처럼 보이지만, 대화의 캐치볼을 할 수 있는 사람은 의외로 적습니다. 그 스킬은 소중하며, 면접에 합격하기 위한 열쇠라고 느끼고 있습니다.

그래서 저는 '대화의 캐치볼 능력'이 면접에서 합격 여부를 가르는 중요한 스킬이라고 생각합니다.


(Huìhuà de tóujiēqiú)








Das Gespräch als Ballspiel

(Das Ge-spräch als Ball-spiel)

Seit über zehn Jahren bin ich in der Personalbeschaffung tätig. In Stoßzeiten führte ich täglich zwei bis drei Vorstellungsgespräche.

Kürzlich wurde mir eine entscheidende Fähigkeit bewusst, um im Vorstellungsgespräch erfolgreich zu sein: die Fähigkeit zum "Ballspiel" in der Kommunikation.

Viele Unternehmen suchen nach Kompatibilität mit der Firma und logischem Denkvermögen, aber am wichtigsten sind zweifellos Kommunikationsfähigkeiten. Allgemein wird Kommunikationsfähigkeit oft fälschlicherweise nur als Sprechfähigkeit angesehen. Tatsächlich sind jedoch auch Zuhören, Fragen stellen und das Gespür für die Situation gleichermaßen gefragt.

Zum Beispiel gibt es überraschend viele Menschen, die auf Fragen, die mit "Ja" oder "Nein" zu beantworten sind, nicht mit "Ja" oder "Nein" antworten, sondern nur das sagen, was sie selbst mitteilen möchten. Im Privatleben mag das in Ordnung sein, aber im Beruf ist das problematisch.

Kommunikation wird oft mit einem Ballspiel verglichen. Zunächst ist es wichtig, den Ball, den der andere wirft, richtig zu fangen. Doch viele Menschen können das nicht. Manche holen plötzlich ihren eigenen Ball heraus und beginnen zu werfen.

Obwohl es selbstverständlich erscheinen mag, gibt es überraschend wenige Menschen, die das Gespräch als Ballspiel beherrschen. Ich empfinde diese Fähigkeit als wertvoll und als Schlüssel zum Bestehen von Vorstellungsgesprächen.

Daher betrachte ich die Fähigkeit zum "Ballspiel im Gespräch" als entscheidende Kompetenz für den Erfolg im Vorstellungsgespräch.



  • 経験に基づいた説得力のある主張:十数年の採用業務の経験から得られた洞察が述べられており、主張に信頼性と説得力があります。

  • 「会話のキャッチボール」という比喩が効果的:コミュニケーションの重要性をわかりやすく伝える比喩であり、読者に強い印象を与えます。

  • 具体的な例が理解を助ける:質問に対して的外れな回答をする応募者の例が挙げられており、問題点が明確に伝わります。


  • 内容がやや繰り返しになっている:同じ主張が何度も強調されており、文章の展開に新鮮さが欠ける部分があります。

  • 主張の裏付けが不足している:コミュニケーションスキルが最も重要である理由や、それが合否にどう影響するかについて、具体的なデータや事例があると説得力が増します。

  • 文章のリズムが単調:短い文が続くことで、読み手がリズムをつかみにくい部分があります。


  • 新たな視点や詳細を加える:例えば、会話のキャッチボールを上達させるための具体的な方法や、成功した応募者のエピソードを紹介してみてください。

  • 主張を強化するためにデータや専門家の意見を引用する:統計情報や心理学的な見解を取り入れることで、文章に深みと信頼性が加わります。

  • 文章構成とリズムを工夫する:文の長短を調整し、接続詞や転換表現を効果的に使うことで、読みやすさと流れを向上させましょう。

K (Keep: Positive Aspects)

  • Persuasive argument based on experience: The essay draws on insights from over a decade of recruitment work, lending credibility and persuasiveness to the main points.

  • Effective metaphor of "conversational catch ball": This metaphor clearly conveys the importance of communication skills and leaves a strong impression on the reader.

  • Use of specific examples aids understanding: Providing examples of candidates who give irrelevant answers helps to clarify the issues being discussed.

P (Problem: Areas for Improvement)

  • Content is somewhat repetitive: The same points are emphasized multiple times, which may make the essay's progression feel less dynamic.

  • Lack of supporting evidence for claims: Including concrete data or case studies on why communication skills are most important and how they impact hiring decisions would enhance persuasiveness.

  • Monotonous sentence rhythm: A series of short sentences can disrupt the flow, making it harder for readers to stay engaged.

T (Try: Suggestions for Next Time)

  • Add new perspectives or details: Introduce specific methods for improving conversational skills or share anecdotes of successful candidates to enrich the content.

  • Strengthen arguments with data or expert opinions: Incorporate statistical information or insights from psychology to add depth and credibility to your essay.

  • Enhance sentence structure and rhythm: Vary sentence lengths and use conjunctions or transitional phrases effectively to improve readability and flow.


1. 頻出単語

2. 頻出熟語

3. 頻出構文
