











The Importance of Listening

I consider myself someone who has few likes and dislikes when it comes to food and people. Meeting new dishes and new people brings me great joy. The more encounters I have, the higher the chance of finding foods and people that suit me.

However, there are some people I just can't get along with. Those are the people who don't listen to others.

One day, while chatting with a friend at a café, I felt this strongly. In the middle of my speaking, he interrupted me and began to rattle off his own opinions. Without listening to my story until the end, he just pushed his own thoughts onto me. At that moment, the rhythm of our conversation broke, and I felt a small thorn prick my heart.

We sometimes become emotional and end up arguing. It's a very unpleasant experience.

But then I realized: am I not doing the same thing?

When I feel like I can predict what the other person is going to say, I tend to jump ahead and want to respond quickly. However, a prediction is just a prediction; unless I listen to the end, I won't understand their true intentions.

That's why it's important to properly listen to the other person's story until the end.

By lending an ear, we can understand the other person's true feelings and thoughts. And then, deeper communication can emerge.

From now on, I will strive to listen carefully to others. Perhaps then, the number of people I struggle with will gradually decrease.

듣는 것의 중요성

(Deut-neun geos-ui jung-yo-seong)

저는 음식도 사람도 좋아하고 싫어하는 것이 적은 편이라고 생각합니다. 새로운 요리나 사람들을 만나는 것은 저에게 큰 기쁨입니다. 많은 만남이 있으면 자신에게 맞는 음식이나 사람을 만날 가능성도 높아집니다.

하지만 도저히 어려운 사람이 있습니다. 그것은 바로 남의 말을 듣지 않는 사람입니다.

어느 날 친구와 카페에서 대화를 나누던 중, 그 감정을 강하게 느꼈습니다. 제가 이야기하는 도중에 그는 제 말을 가로막고 자기 의견을 쏟아내기 시작했습니다. 제 말을 끝까지 듣지 않고 자신의 생각만을 강요하는 것이었습니다. 그 순간 대화의 리듬이 깨지고 마음에 작은 가시가 박힌 듯한 기분이 들었습니다.

서로 감정적이 되어 말다툼이 되는 경우도 있습니다. 그것은 정말로 싫은 일입니다.

하지만 문득 깨달았습니다. 저 자신도 같은 일을 하고 있는 것이 아닌가 하고요.

상대의 말이 예상된다고 느낄 때, 저는 자꾸 앞질러서 빨리 답하고 싶어집니다. 하지만 예상은 어디까지나 예상일 뿐, 끝까지 듣지 않으면 진짜 의도를 알 수 없습니다.

그렇기 때문에 상대의 말을 정확히 끝까지 듣는 것이 중요합니다.

귀를 기울임으로써 상대의 진짜 마음이나 생각을 이해할 수 있습니다. 그리고 깊은 소통이 생겨납니다.

앞으로는 저 자신도 상대의 말을 정성스럽게 듣도록 노력하겠습니다. 그렇게 하면 어려운 사람도 조금씩 줄어들지 모릅니다.


(Qīngtīng de zhòngyào xìng)










Die Wichtigkeit des Zuhörens

Ich denke von mir selbst, dass ich wenig Vorlieben oder Abneigungen gegenüber Essen und Menschen habe. Neue Gerichte und Menschen kennenzulernen, bereitet mir große Freude. Je mehr Begegnungen ich habe, desto höher ist die Chance, Essen und Menschen zu finden, die zu mir passen.

Dennoch gibt es Menschen, mit denen ich einfach nicht zurechtkomme. Das sind diejenigen, die nicht zuhören.

Eines Tages, als ich mit einem Freund in einem Café plauderte, fühlte ich dies besonders stark. Mitten in meinem Gespräch unterbrach er mich und begann, seine eigenen Meinungen herunterzurattern. Ohne meine Worte bis zum Ende zu hören, drängte er mir nur seine eigenen Gedanken auf. In diesem Moment brach der Rhythmus unseres Gesprächs, und ich fühlte einen kleinen Stachel in meinem Herzen.

Manchmal werden wir beide emotional und es endet in einem Streit. Das ist wirklich unangenehm.

Aber dann wurde mir klar: Mache ich nicht dasselbe?

Wenn ich das Gefühl habe, vorhersagen zu können, was der andere sagen wird, neige ich dazu, vorzugreifen und schnell antworten zu wollen. Doch eine Vorhersage ist nur eine Vorhersage; wenn ich nicht bis zum Ende zuhöre, kann ich die wahren Absichten nicht verstehen.

Deshalb ist es wichtig, dem Gegenüber aufmerksam bis zum Schluss zuzuhören.

Indem wir zuhören, können wir die wahren Gefühle und Gedanken des anderen verstehen. Und dann entsteht eine tiefere Kommunikation.

Von nun an werde ich mich bemühen, auch selbst sorgfältig zuzuhören. Vielleicht werden dann die Menschen, mit denen ich Schwierigkeiten habe, allmählich weniger.



  1. 明確なテーマと自己反省:聴くことの大切さをテーマに、自身の経験を通じて学んだ教訓を効果的に伝えています。

  2. 感情の描写が共感を呼ぶ:友人との会話で感じた不快感や、自己反省に至る心の動きが丁寧に描かれており、読者も共感しやすいです。

  3. 前向きな結論:最後に自分自身の行動を改める決意を述べており、ポジティブなメッセージで文章を締めくくっています。


  1. 具体的なエピソードの不足:友人との会話の詳細や、具体的な状況が描かれていないため、情景がやや曖昧です。

  2. 文章のリズムが単調:同じような文構造や文の長さが続くことで、読み手の興味を持続させる工夫が必要です。

  3. 他者の視点が欠けている:友人がなぜ話を遮ったのか、その背景や理由について触れると、より深い理解が得られます。


  1. 具体的な会話や状況を描写する:エピソードに具体性を持たせることで、読者が情景をイメージしやすくなります。

  2. 文章表現に変化をつける:短文と長文をバランスよく組み合わせたり、比喩や感覚的な表現を用いることで、文章にリズムと彩りを加えてみてください。

  3. 多面的な視点を取り入れる:相手の立場や背景を考慮し、他者理解の深さを示すことで、エッセイに厚みが出ます。

K (Keep: Positive Aspects)

  1. Clear theme and self-reflection: The essay effectively conveys the importance of listening through personal experiences and lessons learned.

  2. Emotive descriptions that evoke empathy: The detailed portrayal of the discomfort felt during the conversation with a friend and the ensuing self-reflection makes it easy for readers to relate.

  3. Positive conclusion: Ending with a resolution to change one's own behavior leaves the reader with a constructive message.

P (Problem: Areas for Improvement)

  1. Lack of specific anecdotes: The absence of detailed descriptions of the conversation with the friend makes the scene somewhat vague.

  2. Monotonous sentence rhythm: Similar sentence structures and lengths throughout the essay may require variation to maintain reader interest.

  3. Missing the perspective of others: Exploring why the friend interrupted could provide deeper understanding and add depth to the essay.

T (Try: Suggestions for Next Time)

  1. Include specific dialogues and situations: Adding details to the episode will help readers visualize the scene more vividly.

  2. Introduce variety in sentence structure: Balancing short and long sentences, and using metaphors or sensory expressions can add rhythm and color to your writing.

  3. Incorporate multiple perspectives: Considering the other person's standpoint and background can show deeper understanding and enrich the essay.


1. 頻出単語

2. 頻出熟語

3. 頻出構文
