One day, an ardent painter named Greg met a gregarious writer named Emily. They decided to coalesce their talents to create a unique art exhibition. However, they had to efface some of their past works to make room for their new collaboration. As they worked together, they found it hard to placate their differing opinions on art.
Greg feigned indifference, but he was actually hurt by Emily's repudiation of his ideas. As their disagreements exacerbated, they began to hold clandestine meetings with other artists, seeking validation. Eventually, they managed to find a compromise and successfully inundated the art world with their innovative creations.
1.What did Greg and Emily decide to do together?
A. Write a novel
B. Create a unique art exhibition
C. Start a new company
2.Why did they have to efface some of their past works?
A. They were ordered to by the government
B. To make room for their new collaboration
C. They lost a bet
3.How did Greg and Emily resolve their disagreements?
A. They sought validation from other artists
B. They separated and worked individually
C. They held a public debate
正解:B. ユニークなアート展示会を作る
正解:B. 新しいコラボレーションのためにスペースを作るため
正解:A. 他のアーティストからの承認を求めました
21.inundate [ɪn'ʌndeɪt] (氾濫させる、殺到する)
Synonym: flood
Antonym: drain
Mnemonic: in(中に) + undate(水) = 水が中に殺到する
Example: The heavy rain inundated the town.
日本語訳: 大雨で町は氾濫した。
22. placate ['pleɪkeɪt] (なだめる、鎮める)
Synonym: appease
Antonym: provoke
Mnemonic: place(場所) + ate(食べる) = 好きな場所で食べることでなだめる
Example: He tried to placate the angry customer with a sincere apology.
日本語訳: 彼は心からの謝罪で怒った顧客をなだめようとした。
23.ardent ['ɑ:rdənt] (熱心な、熱烈な)
Synonym: passionate
Antonym: apathetic
Mnemonic: art(芸術) + dent(歯) = 芸術にかじりつくほど熱心
Example: She is an ardent supporter of human rights.
日本語訳: 彼女は熱心な人権支持者だ。
24. efface [ɪ'feɪs] (消す、取り除く)
Synonym: erase
Antonym: create
Mnemonic: e(抜け出す) + face(顔) = 顔を消す
Example: Time had effaced the painful memories.
日本語訳: 時が経つにつれ、つらい思い出が消えていった。
25.coalesce [koʊə'les] (合体する、連合する)
Synonym: merge
Antonym: separate
Mnemonic: co(共に) + ales(成長) = 一緒に成長して合体する
Example: The two companies decided to coalesce to improve their market position.
日本語訳: 2つの会社は市場地位を向上させるために合体することにした。
26.feign [feɪn] (ふりをする、装う)
Synonym: pretend
Antonym: reveal
Mnemonic: f(偽り) + reign(支配) = 偽りの支配を装う
Example: She feigned illness to avoid going to work.
日本語訳: 彼女は仕事を避けるために病気を装った。
27.repudiate [rɪ'pjudiˌeɪt] (否定する、拒絶する)
Synonym: reject
Antonym: accept
Mnemonic: re(戻る) + pud(恥ずかしい) + iate(状態) =恥ずかしい状態に戻ることを拒絶する
Example: He repudiated the allegations against him.
日本語訳: 彼は自分に対する非難を否定した。
28. [grɪ'geəriəs] (社交的な、群れを作る)
Synonym: sociable
Antonym: introverted
Mnemonic: Greg(名前) + arius(性質) = グレッグは社交的な性格
Example: She is a gregarious person who enjoys attending parties.
日本語訳: 彼女はパーティーに出席するのが好きな社交的な人だ。
29.clandestine [klæn'destɪn] (秘密の、内密の)
Synonym: secret
Antonym: open
Mnemonic: clan(氏族) + destine(運命) = 氏族の秘密の運命
Example: They held a clandestine meeting to plan the surprise party.
日本語訳: 彼らはサプライズパーティーを計画するために秘密裏に会議を開いた。
30.exacerbate [ɪg'zæsərˌbeɪt] (悪化させる、怒らせる)
Synonym: worsen
Antonym: alleviate
Mnemonic: ex(外へ) + acerb(厳しい) + ate(する) = 外へ厳しいことをすると悪化させる
Example: His constant complaining only served to exacerbate the situation.
日本語訳: 彼の絶え間ない不平は状況を悪化させるだけだった。