FIFAシリーズの最新作をプレーしました。 #長谷川唯 😽🌈🏟
昨日はEA Sports FC 24をプレーしました。FIFAシリーズの最新作です。😄
今作は女子サッカーの選手が様々なモードで使えるようになりました。マンチェスター・シティWomen’s Teamのファンである私にとっては嬉しいことですね。⚽️
今日もハッピーな一日をお過ごしください♪ ☺️😸👛
Good morning.
Yesterday, I played EA Sports FC 24, which is the latest version of the FIFA series. It was a lot of fun! 😄
This game now has women's soccer players available in various modes. This is great news for me as I’m a fan of the Manchester City Women's Team. ⚽️
I immediately tried using this team, and enjoyed controlling Yui Hasegawa, Kelly, Castellanos, Hemp, and others. 🌊
I noticed that you can also acquire female players in Career Mode and UT. I would love to add the above-mentioned athletes to my team. 👩🎓
One of the best parts of the FIFA series is the online matches. Yesterday, I played an online match using Atletico Madrid. 🔴⚪️
I lost the first game because I was confused with the controls and camera. But I changed the camera angle so hopefully, I’ll win next time. 📷
It's currently on sale for Xbox, and you can get it for about 50% off, so please consider purchasing it. 🎮
コンテンツの更なる改善に向けて、使わせていただきます。サポートは少額でもありがたいです。よろしくお願いいたします。m(_ _)m