私の夢シリーズ。 #空手道場編 😸💪🍚
昨日は「GLORY 89」を観ました。キックボクシングです。最近は格闘技にハマっています。😎
今日もアメージングな一日をお過ごしください♪ 😄😽🍚
Good morning.
Yesterday, I watched "GLORY 89", a kickboxing event. I’m keen on martial arts these days. 😎
Watching these fights makes me dream of having my own dojo. To make it environmentally friendly, I would like to build a dojo with solar panels. I believe that the electricity generated can offset my operational costs. 🔋
My target customers would be athletes who want to become professionals or amateurs who want to learn self-defense. 🥋
With the growing interest in fitness, I plan to teach my diet techniques to gym-goers who are health-conscious. 🍞
However, I need to be realistic and grounded. I hope my solar power generation goes well despite the recent lack of sunny days. Yesterday, it snowed in Iwate, and it was cold. Please take care of yourself. ⛄️
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