
ビットコインではなく、PAYPALやSquareを購入するーForget Bitcoin, Buy PayPal and Square Instead

In 2009, an individual known only by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto created what has become the world's largest cryptocurrency: Bitcoin (CRYPTO:BTC). Since that time, Bitcoin prices have skyrocketed and plunged repeatedly in a dizzying display of volatility. But those frenetic price swings are just one of the reasons Bitcoin can be a risky place to invest your money.


If concerns about this digital currency have led you to avoid betting directly on an asset class that has no clear investment thesis (or on a digital currency that's relatively difficult to spend in the real world), both PayPal (NASDAQ:PYPL) and Square (NYSE:SQ) are companies that now offer some Bitcoin exposure without the same level of risk.

もし、現実の世界で使うのが比較的難しい、明確な投資テーマとしてのファンダメンタル価値が見えないデジタル通貨だということを懸念し、この商材に対する直接投資を避けているようであれば、PayPal (NASDAQ:PYPL)やSquare (NYSE:SQ)をチェックしても良いのではないかと思います。それらはともに、リスクの少ない、ビットコインの流通の要になっています。

Here's what investors should know.


ビットコインの重要性ーThe importance of Bitcoin

In May 2018, Square started allowing Cash App users to buy and sell Bitcoin. PayPal followed suit with its digital wallet in 2020, and it plans to add the feature to Venmo in the summer of 2021. 


What's more, a report by Pantera Capital indicates that both fintech companies are aggressively buying the digital currency. 

Pantera Capital(2013年からあるアメリカのビットコインに対する投資会社)は、両方のフィンテック企業が積極的にデジタル通貨を購入していると表明しています。

New Bitcoins are created according to a fixed formula and the amount of new coins created will eventually stop when it reaches 21 million. According to Pantera Capital, Square and PayPal together are buying more than 100% of newly mined Bitcoins currently out there. In other words, they are purchasing every new token created as well as some already in circulation.

ビットコインは決まった公式に従い発掘され、発掘できる新しいコインの量は、2100万に達すると最終的に停止するようになっています。Pantera Capitalによると、SquareとPayPalは、現在新しく採掘されているビットコインの100%以上を購入しているとの事です。言い換えれば、彼らは作成されたすべての新しいトークンと、すでに流通しているトークンを購入しているという事です。

During PayPal's recent earnings call, CEO Dan Schulman indicated that users responded with overwhelming enthusiasm to the company's Bitcoin launch. Even more exciting, Schulman reiterated the company's plan to enable Bitcoin as a payment method at any of PayPal's 29 million merchants later this quarter.

PayPalの最近の決算発表にてCEOのDan Schulmanは、PayPalユーザーは同社のビットコインの立ち上げに圧倒的な熱意を持って反応したことを示しました。さらにエキサイティングなことに、Schulmanは、今四半期後半にPayPalの2,900万の加盟店のいずれかでビットコインを支払い方法として有効にするという同社の計画を繰り返し発信しました。

While PayPal just started offering this service and has yet to provide specific financial details, Bitcoin has become a major contributor to Square's top line. 

In fact, Bitcoin sales have risen from $34 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2018 to $1.6 billion in the third quarter of fiscal 2020 -- that's a 4,600% increase in less than three years.


However, Bitcoin revenue comes with incredibly low margins -- in the most recent quarter, Square's gross margin on Bitcoin was just 2%. In other words, despite accounting for the majority of Square's revenue, Bitcoin's contribution to the bottom line is negligible. 


So what's the point?


For both PayPal and Square, Bitcoin is a way of engaging users. It's one more feature that enhances their mobile app ecosystems. And as these fintech companies add new users, it becomes more likely that those users will engage in other profit-generating activities.


For example, Square's Cash App also allows users to send peer-to-peer transfers, instantly transfer funds to bank accounts, receive direct deposits, buy and sell stocks, and make purchases using the Square Cash Card. And users who adopt two or more of those services transact three to four times more frequently and generate three to four times more gross profit than other users. 

たとえば、SquareのCash Appについて確認します。ユーザーはpeer-to-peer(コンピュータ間)送金の送信、銀行口座への即時送金、直接預金の受け取り、株式の売買、Square CashCardを使用した購入を行うことができるようになりますが、これらのサービスを2つ以上採用するユーザーは、他のユーザーよりも3〜4倍の頻度で取引を行い、結果3〜4倍の粗利益を同社に対してもたらします。

Additionally, in the third quarter of fiscal 2020, 23% of Cash App consumers were daily users compared to 15% in the third quarter of fiscal 2018. In other words, Square's strategy is working, and PayPal will likely see similar benefits.

補足情報として、2018年度の第3四半期には毎日Cash Appを利用するユーザーは15%でしたが、2020年度の第3四半期には23%まで増加していました。つまり、Squareのビットコイン対応、システム利便性を強化する戦略は、利益率向上に対して機能していると考えられ、これはPayPalにも同様の狙いがある可能性も高いのでは、と考えらえます。


スクウェアとPAYPALのメリットーThe benefits of Square and PayPal

Compared to purchasing Bitcoin outright -- which is a risky investment for a number of reasons -- Square and PayPal both have thriving businesses outside of cryptocurrency.


These fintech companies have developed highly engaging product ecosystems that empower both sellers and consumers. Whether it's the ability to accept digital payments, invest in cryptocurrency, or transfer money to friends or family, both PayPal and Square provide truly valuable services. 


Moreover, both have built sizable networks protected by strong moats, creating a barrier to entry (something Bitcoin lacks). And that has translated into tangible wealth and significant revenue growth.


Finally, digital payments and e-commerce are only becoming more prevalent around the world. And in the years ahead, the tailwinds from those trends should help PayPal and Square continue to create value for all stakeholders, even if Bitcoin's value evaporates.



