
2021年の決済トレンドは何かーWhat Are the 5 Popular Payment Trends of 2021?


The trends of the payment ecosystem have changed rapidly in the last few decades. From cash payment to check payment, now we are on the brink of digital payment systems. The alternative payment industry is gradually accelerating its growth and e-wallets, such as Apple Pay, and other alternative payment mechanisms are going to represent the future of the payment ecosystem in 2021.

決済処理に対するエコシステム(連携による事で強化される収益構造)化、このトレンドは過去数十年で急速に変化しました。 現金決済から小切手決済まで、デジタル決済システムによる代頭危機に瀕しています。 代替決済業界は徐々に成長を加速しており、Apple Payなどの電子財布やその他の代替決済メカニズムは、2021年の決済エコシステム化の未来を代表するものになるでしょう

Have a look at the 5 payment trends which are going to revolutionize the payment industry in 2021:



1.クラウド化による影響ー1. Cloud is going to influence the 2021 payment industry

Cloud technology is going to have a positive impact on payment trends. Maybe cloud technology is going to solve the problem of late payments that was the constant problem in the business sector.


Cloud technology runs on a network of remote servers. High security, automatic systems, faster and flexible cash flow are some of the benefits of cloud computing systems.

クラウドテクノロジーは、リモートサーバーのネットワーク上で実行されます。 高いセキュリティ、自動システム、より高速で柔軟なキャッシュフローは、クラウドコンピューティングシステムの利点の一部です。



2. キャッシュレス決済は2021年の決済市場を支配ーCashless payments will dominate the payment market of 2021

The coronavirus pandemic has turned people dependent on the cashless payment system. Various businesses too have gained profit from the cashless payment system as there is no need for an intermediary in the cashless payment system.


The mobile payment or e-wallet has dominated the market during the corona period. Service-focused companies like restaurants and online-based companies have hugely benefited and are going to earn benefits from the mobile payment and e-wallet system in the next few years. So, like 2020, the cashless payment system will continue to dominate the payment market in 2021.

コロナ期間中、モバイル決済または電子財布が市場を支配してきました。 レストランやオンラインベースの企業のようなサービス中心の企業は大きな恩恵を受けており、今後数年間でモバイル決済と電子財布システムから利益を得るであろうと考えられ、また2020年に続き2021年以降もこのトレンドは続くと思われます。


3.リアルタイム決済の浸透The real-time payment system is gaining popularity among the customers

Consumers are gradually falling in love with the real-time payment system due to its speed, accuracy, and security. A real-time payment system has services like e-invoicing, bill payment, claim settlement to support the business firms.

消費者は、リアルタイムの支払いシステムを好ましいものだと考えており、その背景にはスピード、正確さ、およびセキュリティなどがあげられます。 リアルタイム決済システムとは、電子請求、請求書支払い、請求決済などのサービスがあげられ、それらは企業をサポートします。

A real-time payment system gives real-time notification for every transaction. For example, you will receive messages like invoices with payments, confirmation messages, requests for payments, and other attractive features. The real-time payment system is a simple operating system and you can remain assured of transparency at the time of transaction with the other party.

リアルタイムの支払いシステムは、リアルタイムの通知の提供が可能です。 たとえば、支払いを含む請求書、確認メッセージ、支払い要求、他でも他の魅力的なメッセージを通したコミュニケーションが可能です。 リアルタイム決済システムはシンプルなオペレーティングであり、取引における透明性を確保できます。

The real-time payment system obeys the rule set up by the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) to ensure a faster payment process for the consumers. So, in 2021 you can depend on the real-time payment system as a faithful alternative payment method.



4.企業間決済(B2B)は、操作が簡単な決済システムを備えた決済トレンドThe Business to Business Payment (B2B) system is the future of payment trends with an easy-to-operate payment system

For the last few years, customers are getting used to a quick and easy-to-operate payment system. The B2B payment system is the perfect example of an easy-to-operate payment system.

過去数年間、顧客は迅速で操作が簡単な支払いシステムに慣れてきました。 B2B決済システムは、決済システムの操作が簡単な完璧な例だと考えられます。

The Business to Business Payment system (B2B) is fulfilling the demands of corporate clients of a personalized, customized, and quick payment system.


The B2B payment system will provide you facilities like integrating digital payments, digitizing payment scheduling, invoicing, etc. The B2B or Business to Business Payment system is a transparent system on which you can depend to serve your consumers. That is why the B2B payment system is going to be one of the dependable payment trends of 2021.



5. ユニファイドコマースは2021年の革新的な支払いトレンドへーUnified commerce is going to be the innovative payment trend in 2021-5.

Unified commerce can build a unified communication system between various platforms. You will get a centralized database system that will help you to reduce the errors. With unified commerce, you will get an uninterrupted e-commerce payment system as well. So, you can enhance your operability with the unified commerce system.

ユニファイドコマース(Eコマースにおける情報統合、活用の最適化)は、さまざまなプラットフォーム間でのコミュニケーションシステムを構築できます。 一元化されたデータベースシステムはエラーを減らすのに役立ちます。また、中断のないeコマース決済システムにも利用できます。 つまりユニファイドコマースシステムを利用する事で操作性を向上させることができます。

There are reasons that you are going to be impressed by the effectiveness of unified commerce. You will get features like financial management system, point-of-sale (POS) capabilities, order fulfillment, inventory and catalog management, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), etc. With so many attractive features, the unified commerce system is already popular and going to be more popular in 2021.

ユニファイドコマースにより、 財務管理、POS機能、注文処理、在庫およびカタログ管理、CRMなどの顧客との関係性管理など、有効性による恩恵を受ける項目は多岐にわたります。このシステムは既に人気があり、2021年にはさらに人気が高まるであろうと考えられます。



