2nd EP『特大夢』紹介文 / "Tokudaimu" Discription
2023.06.21 Release
EP二部作の第二弾となる『特大夢』EPは、前作『曖昧夢』の世界から一段階暗い雰囲気を纏った、鬱要素の強い作品となっている。各曲でアベシュンスケ (aoihr) やライブサポートとして活躍する大串 (Catt) 、バンド結成当初のGt. 橋本をサポートギターに迎え、全楽曲でDr. 三浦 (50 pears)、Ba. 坪田 (hardnuts) がサポートとして参加した。Rec/Mix/Masteringは折坂悠太や宇宙ネコ子などを手がける中村公輔が担当。今ある現実は本当は大きくて最悪で絶望的な夢ではないか?取り返しのつかない状況と、鋭くひりついたサウンドに不似合いな歌声が映える。
Discription (English ver.)
The second in a two-part EP series, the "Tokudaimu" EP is a depressive work with a darker atmosphere than the previous "Aimaimu" EP. “Tokudaimu” means an Extra Large Dream or Hallucination.
Each song features Shunsuke Abe (aoihr), Ogushi (Catt) who also serves as live support, and Hashimoto, the band's founding guitarist on the support guitar. Drs. Miura (50 pears) and Ba. Tsubota (hardnuts) supported on all songs.
Recording/Mixing/Mastering was done by Kosuke Nakamura, who also works with Orisaka Yuta and Uchu Nekoko. Isn't reality really a big, bad, and hopeless dream? The irretrievable situation and the sharply tinged sound are complemented by an ill-fitting singing voice.
M1 延滞 / Entai
サポートギターにaoihrのアベシュンスケを迎えた、2nd EP『特大夢』の先行配信曲。ミニマルで淡々としたドラムと力強いベースラインの繰り返しが象徴的な、前作とは雰囲気を一変させた楽曲。轟音ですべてを解決。
This is an advance track from the 2nd EP "Tokudaimu" featuring Shunsuke Abe (aoihr) on support guitar. The song is a complete change of atmosphere from the previous album, symbolized by the repetition of minimal, unaffected drums and a strong bass line. A big noise solves everything.
This song features Ryushiro Ogushi from Catt on the support guitar. Repeated acceleration and stagnation, a confusing piece that gets caught in a whirlpool of paranoia with loud loud noises.
M3 Reason
This is the only song among the released tracks in which tana also plays lead guitar. Starting with an already dissonant riff, both the layered phrases and the concentration-draining accents are unsettling. We may seek rationality, but our head knows it all.
M4 特大夢 / Extra Large Dream
ソロプロジェクト以前、バンド結成当初のギタリストである橋本がギターを担当した楽曲であり、2nd EPの表題曲。同じメロディが二度と返ってこないプログレ的なアプローチが魅力。
This is the title track of the 2nd EP, and is the song on which Hashimoto, the guitarist of the band when it was first formed before the solo project, played the guitar. The progressive approach is appealing, with the same melody never returning twice.
If what we thought was a painful reality was a big dream, if there was a deeper and worse reality underneath it, if we had known that long ago, we would still have to accept the hard, hard things that we have caused and continue as we are. Worst.