LinguaLive Lv.1 20200623 Bees
Vocabulary for bees
buzz v. ブンブンと飛ぶ
A bee is buzzing around.
honey n. 蜂蜜
sweet as honey 蜂のように甘い
sting v. 刺す
Bees don't want to sting you because they die.
produce v. 生産する
A Queen Bee can produce 2,000 eggs a day.
cell n. 蜂の巣の穴
The cell is full of honey.
hive n. 蜂の巣
Hive is a honeybee nest.
larva n. 幼虫
larva of a mosquito 蚊の幼虫
pollen n. 花粉
Honey bees collect pollen.
pollinate v. 受粉する
Honey bees pollinate a wide variety of plants.
Facts about bees
Fun facts about bees
- All worker bees are female.
- Bees travel 200 kilometers in their short life.
- A Queen Bee can produce 2,000 eggs a day.
- To get more bees in your garden, grow more colour.
- Bees don't want to sting you because they die.
- There are over 20,000 different species of bee.
- Male bees have bigger eyes to help them find the Queen Bee.
- Bees love blue and love plants like lavender and rosemary.
- A bee produces a teaspoon of honey (about 5 grams) in her lifetime.
10 facts about Honey bees!
Life without language
Have you ever thought of your life without language? Do other living things have a language?
Here is an interesting report about bees from a man who studied the science of nature. He was a college professor. He was very interested in bees. He often said to himself. “How are bees able to find nectar? And how are they able to go back after they have got the nectar?”
The professor studied bees for many years. From his observation he noticed that some bees worked as guides. He thought, “The bees will find the place of the nectar. They will bring a report back to other bees. The other bees will learn where to go to get the nectar.”
The professor discovered a lot of things about bees. Bees have something like language. The guide bees send some signs to the meaning. The dance tells the worker bees two things――― “Which is the direction of the place? And how far is the place?” When the worker bees have learned ①these two things, they can go to the nectar and bring it back.
We must know “Direction” and “How far” when we go to a strange place. The dance of bees tells very important things. It works well as language.(福井県)
A. The professor wanted to know a lot about ( ).
1. bee’s food 2. bees’ quarrel 3. bee’s home 4. bee’ life
B. The professor is talking about two kinds of bees. One is a ( ) bee and the other is a ( ) bee.
1. guide 2. king 3. worker 4. speech
C. When some bees do their ( ), other bees learn something important from it.
1. report 2. dance 3. observation 4. work
問2. 太字①は具体的に何を示していますか。1から4の中から選びなさい。(各1点)
1. 案内蜂と信号
2. 蜜のある場所の方向と距離
3. 蜂のダンスとその意味
4. 働き蜂とダンス
問3. 本文の内容と一致するものを3つ選びなさい。(各2点)
1. 蜂はダンスによって、仲間を蜜のある場所へ導く。
2. 蜂は道に迷うと、ダンスをして仲間に助けを求める。
3. 蜂のダンスは、言語としての機能を果たしている。
4. 蜂は蜜を見つけると、蜂以外の動物にもその場所を教える。
5. 蜂の中には案内役をする蜂もいる。
6. 我々は、未知の場所へ行くと時、その場所の言語を知らなければならない。
問4. 次の英文は、ある生徒の感想文の一部です。( )に当てはまる最も適当なものを選べ。(各2点)
Bees learn what to do from other bees doing a dance as a kind of language. We also use signs as a kind of language. We sometimes give some ideas to each other by moving our ( ) without using words.
1. languages 2. reports 3. hands 4. Guides