米国株日誌'22 - 1/26; FOMC
…Job gains have been solid in recent months, and the unemployment rate has declined substantially.
the Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent. With inflation well above 2 percent and a strong labor market, the Committee expects it will soon be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate.
利上げの前提条件であるWith inflation well above 2 percent and a strong labor marketは、既に達成されているのよね。その手前でJob gains have been solidと明言。2%以上のインフレも自明。
Reductions will occur over time in a predictable manner primarily through adjustments to reinvestments so that securities roll off our balance sheet.
As a reminder, this is what the #Fed’s balance sheet looks like. Moving to a balance sheet with primarily “treasuries” opens up questions of how the Fed can work down its MBS holdings given their long durations. pic.twitter.com/mSKJZMSYut
— Kathy Jones (@KathyJones) January 26, 2022