
#32 人気観光地金閣寺へ


Here we are at Kinkakuji Temple. In the 14th century, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate built Kinkakuji. This temple was officially named Rokuonji. It was called this after his posthumous Buddhist name. In Japan, a Buddhist gets a new Buddhist name after death. Getting it means that one has become a disciple of the Buddha. 


At midnight on New Year's Eve, Buddhist temples in Japan ring their bells a total of 108 times. In Buddhism, the number 108 symbolizes the number of human’s worldly desires. By listening to the bell ringing, people can  be cleansed the vices and be ready to welcome the coming year. 


This garden is a stroll-style garden and borrowed landscape garden. You can see Mt. Kinugasa in the background. The Golden Pavillion consists of three different types of architecture. And you can see the bronze phoenix on the top, which is the symbol of eternal life. 


The first floor was built in the style of  an aristocrat's mansion and houses statues of Shakyamuni Buddha and Yoshimitsu. The second floor was modeled the style of a simple samurai warriors' house and displays images of Iwaya Kannon and the Four Deva Kings. The third floor is in the Zen style and its interior walls and ceiling are coated with gold leaf and there is a container of sacred relics of the Buddha. 


The original pavilion was destroyed by arson in 1950,  but was rebuilt five years later. And that was renovated at a cost of 740 million yen in 1987. 10 cm squares of gold leaf were applied to the surface, weighing 20 kg. 


This is called " Rikushu Pine". 
Yoshimitsu said to have planted a bonsai tree. Bonsai are miniature potted trees. It has grown bigger. The pine has been trained in the shape of a sailing boat. It's facing west. It is said that there is western paradise of the Pure Land and sails toward the Buddhist paradise. 


This is "Gingasen", which means "Silver River Spring". It is said that Yoshimitsu used this water when he made and served tea. This is " Gankasui" which means " big rock water". It is said to have used this water to purify his hands. 
In Kyoto, water is clean. Kyoto is famous for Tofu shops. They can't make tofu if there is not clean water. 


I would like to show you the "Ryumon Waterfall", which means " Dragon's Gate Waterfall. There ir a Chinese legend that a carp turns into a dragon if it ascends a waterfall. 
Parents display Koinobori, carp-shaped streamers in their garden on May 5th. They hope their children will as strong as carp climbing up a waterfall. 


This small pagoda is called " Hakuja-no-tsuka, white snake mound. The white snake is the guardian diety of water. Japan was an agricultural country, so water was a divine blessing. When you see the white snake on the roof, it is said that the family is protected by the god. 


This is " Sekkatei", beautiful teahouse in the evening. You can see the beautiful landscape at sunset in the west. It is known for using nandina wood for the main pillar of its tokonoma alcove. Nandina, nanten in Japanese sounds transforming troubles. So the tree is often planted in Kyoto to avoid evils. It tends to grow twisted so this is rare to see nandina used for a pillar. 


I would like to talk about Chado, tea ceremony. The tea ceremony is the ritual of serving powdered tea. It was originated in China and perfected by Sen-no-Rikyu. Even today, many Japanese people practice tea ceremony in order to acquire manners. Anybody can join the tea ceremony and people are equal in the tea house. 
Samurai warriors didn't know when they died because they had to go to the battlefield anytime. They needed to calm down with a cup of tea. 
