
#7 奈良の都平城京をご案内します


History in Nara prefecture goes back further even than Kyoto’s. Until the 7th century the Japanese empire had no permanent capital. It was customary that as each new Emperor acceded to the throne, the capital would move to wherever the new Emperor lived. It is because choosing a new capital was considered an act of purification and renewal.
However, this practice changed under the influence of Buddhism. Nara was planned as the permanent capital, but lasted for only 74 years.


Japan established a powerful centralized government, inspired by the Chinese Capital.
There was a law stipulating that the entire land and people of Japan belonged to the Emperor.
The current Emperor of Japan is “the symbol of the State“. However, the emperor had all power in this period.


Here Heijo-kyo was modeled after Chang’an, the capital of China.
The capital city measured about 5 kilometers north to south and 6 kilometers east to west.
The city streets were constructed in a grid pattern, and the Imperial Palace was built at the north-central end of the capital.


The palace included the Imperial Residence, numerous government offices, some government workshops and gardens.
The construction of Nara Palace required an enormous amount of materials and resources such as timber, stone and tiles.
Heavy manual labor was necessary to get and transport these materials.
Tens of thousands laborers come from all across the country to work each day.


The population of the capital is estimated to have been about 100,000, and about 7,000 people worked in the palace complex. At that time in Japan, the population for the entire country was about 6 million.
The Capital city was filled with many houses and markets. High-ranking officials lived closed to the palace.
Common people live a modest life, but high-ranking officials live a rich life.
