なぜAZITOをやるのか? Why AZITO?
ブログネタをchatGPTに出してもらった。誰得な記事になりそうやけど、テーマには永遠に困らなさそう。そして考えさせられる質問もあって毎日ちゃんと考えて文章つくっていくと思考力の訓練になりそう pic.twitter.com/E6BSu9xNbZ
— taka🌏 / AZITO (@takashi_fukano) February 27, 2023
今回は記事にCover imageをつけてみる。ちょっとずつこのブログも良くしていきたい。ただ、このmirrorは、独自でインプレッションやエンゲージメントの計測結果が見れず、Googleアナリティクスのトラッキングコードを埋め込む必要がある。ただ、埋め込んでもGoogleアナリティクスに反映されずパフォーマンスを見れない。GA4のコードにはまだ対応していないぽい?誰か詳しい方教えてください。
Monday has begun. I'm working hard because I have an event this week that will make a big difference in my life in the future, and I'm fired up.
So this is the second day of daily blogging. I've managed to keep going.
Even if I have trouble with the theme, I can ask AI to give me as many ideas as I want as shown in the following tweet.
This time, I'm going to add a cover image to the article. I want to improve this blog little by little. However, this mirror cannot see the measurement results of impressions and engagement on its own, and you need to embed the tracking code of Google Analytics. I'm not sure if it is compatible with GA4 code yet? Anyone who knows more about this, please let me know.
Today, I want to rethink why we do AZTIO? I often talk about this subject to people. It is a topic I often talk to people about, and once I write it down in writing, I will be able to convey it verbally in a better way.
First of all, the ideal world I have in mind is one in which everyone can live according to the voice of their heart.
If you want to paint, you can keep painting; if you like to design clothes, you can keep thinking about it; if you want to build a castle, you can build a Ferrari. If you want to build a castle, or if you want a Ferrari, you can work hard.
The voice of the heart does not have to have social significance or be something to be proud of.
I call it the "social significance trap. What are your dreams? What are your goals? I feel that when we say, "What do you want to do?", there is an unconscious assumption that what we want to do is socially meaningful, pleasing to others, valuable, or cool.
I think that's why there are so many people who hesitate to answer, or answer something like, "Not really.
But you want to play games, drink alcohol, go to a sauna, and build a castle in the sky, right? That's fine.
I think this is a matter of whether the desire is inward or outward, but if the desire is not satisfied within, it is difficult to look outward. If this is the case, then we should focus thoroughly on the inside, and I believe that eventually people get tired of satisfying the inside and naturally begin to look outward.
For example, when I was a child, I had many things I wanted to do.
I wanted to start a psychic institute and observe ghosts.
I wanted to make movies and star in them.
I want to see the end of the universe with my own eyes.
I want to make a major debut as a member of a band.
I want to start a theater company and release my emotions.
I want to be the best in the world at the "King of Games
I'm excited to see them now, and I want to do all of them. Let's do something together.
But as I get older, I get ridiculed and laughed at more and more because of the feasibility and social significance.
Eventually, we give up on pursuing the voice of the heart and wonder if it has become the norm to define ourselves based on the demands of those around us and society.
This is scary, and the more we continue to ignore the voice of the heart, the less we hear it. Maybe it is correct to say that I stop hearing it or that my heart stops moving.
I find this situation frustrating and lonely.
I believe that a world in which everyone is able to pursue what they genuinely want to do, regardless of its social significance or feasibility, would be much more exciting than the current one, where all kinds of innovations would be born and it would lead to great progress for humankind.
I would like to make AZITO a place where people can leave behind all the ties of reality, act according to the voice of their hearts in a new world, and meet and co-create with others who resonate with their new selves.
This is going to be a long post, so I'll leave it at that for today.