








  1. 行動のグッドプレゼント:怒っていないことを伝え、エネルギーを発散させるために運動などを一緒に行う。

  2. 情報のグッドプレゼント:その激しさは成長につれて人を守るエネルギーに変わるから心配しなくて大丈夫だと教える。

  3. 愛のグッドプレゼント:不思議だね、どうしてそんなにイライラしちゃうんだろうね、と共感し寄り添う。

  4. 社会性のグッドプレゼント:迷惑をかけた相手に一緒に謝るよう促し、謝る勇気を持つことを伝える。


  1. 暴力のバッドプレゼント:叩いたら叩き返す、怒鳴ったら怒鳴り返す。

  2. 情報のバッドプレゼント:大きくなったら犯罪者になり、牢屋に入れられると脅す。

  3. 感情のバッドプレゼント:暴力を振るう子は自分の子ではないと否定する。

  4. 社会性のバッドプレゼント:あなたの居場所は学校や社会にはない、と存在を否定する。



報告は以上です。 動画のチャンネル登録と高評価、ブログやSNSのフォローといいねをどうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 音楽:OSHIM

  • イラスト:OKISO

  • 文とナレーション:お玉ちゃん

最後の言葉 自分の人生は自分のもの。人にも社会にも支配されず、人のせいにも社会のせいにもしない、自分との一本勝負です。過去を悔やまず、未来を恐れず。この先が明日までかもしれないし、60年以上続くかもしれない。そんな人生のために今日1日に集中して楽しく生きます。
神様と皆様に感謝します! 愛💖アプリシエイト!

Question 4: How should we deal with children when they are angry or crying?

To begin with the conclusion: "It’s a time when the 'Red Talent Bud' is growing, so please give them a good present and watch over them with warmth." This is the key point. When a child is angry or crying, it’s important to approach them with a feeling of "It’s okay, you’re safe."

About the Red Talent Bud
This bud is a talent that holds the energy of passion and reform, and it first appears as intense behavior, such as aggression, rough actions, or irritation. As the talent bud grows, giving a "Good Present" fosters self-esteem. This in turn strengthens self-discipline, and the child begins to enjoy life through activities that channel their energy and passion. Once the talent fully blooms, they may become athletes, martial artists, paramedics, or firefighters—individuals who help others, contribute to society, and inspire others with their courage.

On the other hand, giving a "Bad Present" leads to feelings of self-doubt. The child may resort to self-destructive behaviors, overeating, or even violent actions, and the talent bud withers. If this continues, the child may become dependent on others and society, causing trouble for those around them.

Examples of Good and Bad Presents
(A Good Present is a correct response that nurtures a child's talents, while a Bad Present is a wrong response that stifles their talents.)

Good Presents (Nurturing the Talent Bud)

  1. Action-Based Good Present: Let the child know you’re not angry and engage in physical activities together to help release their energy.

  2. Information-Based Good Present: Reassure them by explaining that their intense feelings will eventually transform into energy to protect others as they grow.

  3. Love-Based Good Present: Acknowledge their feelings and say, "It’s strange, isn’t it? Why do you feel so irritated?" while staying by their side.

  4. Social-Based Good Present: If they’ve troubled someone, encourage them to apologize by saying, "I’ll help you apologize. Let’s have the courage to say sorry together."

Bad Presents (Withering the Talent Bud)

  1. Violence-Based Bad Present: Hitting the child back if they hit, or yelling back if they yell.

  2. Information-Based Bad Present: Scaring them by saying, "If you keep this up, you’ll end up a criminal and get thrown in jail."

  3. Emotion-Based Bad Present: Rejecting them by saying, "A child who acts violently isn’t my child."

  4. Social-Based Bad Present: Telling them, "You have no place at school or in society," and denying their place in the world.

Children often don’t know why they are crying or angry themselves. "I don’t know why, but I just feel this way" is how they experience it. Despite this, if they are scolded or hit to force them to comply, they learn, "This is how I should handle things." This could lead them to become adults who treat friends and family in the same way, which is concerning, isn’t it?

Even though giving a "Good Present" doesn’t immediately change aggressive behavior, the process of nurturing the talent bud is not a simple one. However, it’s important to be patient, and continue approaching them with love and logic.




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