赤色の短所: 人を助ける子は、幼少期に乱暴な振る舞いをします。
オレンジ色の短所: 自己表現する子は、幼少期に他者の批判や意地悪をします。
黄色の短所: 創造性がある子は、幼少期に忘れ物が多いです。
黄緑色の短所: 人を楽しませる子は、幼少期に嘘をついたり、いい加減な行動をします。
緑色の短所: 責任感が強い子は、幼少期に優柔不断です。
水色の短所: 遠くまで旅する子は、幼少期に臆病です。
紫色の短所: 直感力に優れる子は、奇異な言動をします。
ピンク色の短所: 人を愛する子は、幼少期に甘えん坊です。
黄土色の短所: 経済力がある子は、幼少期に欲張りです。
茶色の短所: 包容力がある子は、怠け者です。
黒色の短所: 科学の才能がある子は、変な実験を繰り返します。
白色の短所: 博愛の才能がある子は、幼少期に心が狭いです。
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最後の言葉 自分の人生は自分のもの。人にも社会にも支配されず、人のせいにも社会のせいにもしない、自分との一本勝負です。過去を悔やまず、未来を恐れず。この先が明日までかもしれないし、60年以上続くかもしれない。そんな人生のために今日1日に集中して楽しく生きます。
神様と皆様に感謝します! 愛💖アプリシエイト!
Question 3: “Please tell me effective methods for disciplining children to become good kids.”
In conclusion, the key to effective discipline is timing. Parents who are diligent about discipline often place a strong emphasis on social skills. As parents, there is a common belief that raising children to be exemplary individuals is both a mission and a way to ensure their happiness.
What is crucial here is that children genuinely feel that their parents are on their side. For instance, if parents quickly set the course for their children's lives by deciding things like “Let’s get into this school,” “Let’s pursue this career,” or “Let’s join this company,” children may feel a disconnect from their own “true purpose in life,” which can widen the emotional gap and lead to a relationship where they don't listen to their parents during important moments.
Let’s consider the types of discipline.
Rules of Daily Life Discipline involves teaching children to follow rules for smooth household management. For example, adhering to "bedtime," "mealtime," and "curfew" rules.
Safety Discipline Discipline involves ensuring that children can live safely by avoiding dangerous environments and behaviors. For instance, "Don’t wield knives in public" and "Don’t run into busy roads."
Family Communication Discipline involves fostering smooth family communication and building a trusting and enjoyable relationship. For example, valuing family time and helping children see family conversations as enjoyable.
Social Rules Discipline involves teaching children to follow social norms and avoid inconveniencing others. For instance, "Don’t put your feet on public transport seats" and "Don’t make loud noises at night."
Benefits of Discipline The benefits of discipline include raising children who become confident members of society by following rules. For example, teaching skills like "proper greetings," "expressing gratitude," "avoiding lies," and "not behaving aggressively" helps develop social skills.
However, there are also drawbacks to discipline. Children with outstanding talents might move away from their inherent abilities due to strict discipline and may lose sight of what they truly want to do. For instance, scolding a child for not meeting parental expectations might suppress their talents. Therefore, it’s important for parents to minimize interference and observe quietly.
Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind Elements of 15 colors Talents
Talents often manifest as shortcomings in early childhood. Here’s an explanation of the 15 talents of the Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind Elements.
[Fire Element Talents]
Red Shortcoming: Children who help others might exhibit rough behavior in early childhood.
Orange Shortcoming: Children who express themselves may criticize or be mean to others in early childhood.
Yellow Shortcoming: Creative children might frequently forget things in early childhood.
[Wind Element Talents]
Yellow-Green Shortcoming: Children who entertain others might lie or act carelessly in early childhood.
Green Shortcoming: Responsible children might be indecisive in early childhood.
Light Blue Shortcoming: Children who travel far might be timid in early childhood.
Blue Shortcoming: Logical children are argumentative at an early age
[Water Element Talents]
Purple Shortcoming: Children with strong intuition might display strange behavior.
Pink Shortcoming: Loving children might be overly dependent in early childhood.
Light Orange Shortcoming: Children with strong empathy tend to be shy.
[Earth Element Talents]
Beige Shortcoming: Children with economic skills might be greedy in early childhood.
Brown Shortcoming: Children with nurturing abilities might be lazy.
Grey Shortcoming: Social children are introverts
[Yin-Yang Talents]
Black Shortcoming: Children with scientific talents might repeatedly conduct strange experiments.
White Shortcoming: Children with humanitarian talents might have a narrow mind in early childhood.
The Importance of Observing Talents Children’s shortcomings often appear as early signs of their talents during their growth. For example, children with red talents might help others but show rough behavior in early childhood. This may arise from the process of adjusting their strength and experimentation. Scolding them at the wrong time might lead to violent behavior as adults. Similarly, a child with blue talents may argue as they are developing logical thinking. Understanding and observing these early signs of talent is crucial for parents.
Conclusion It is important to love children as they are, recognize the timing for discipline, and maintain a stance of always being on their side.
That’s the end of the report. Please subscribe to the channel, give high ratings, and follow and like the blog and SNS.
Video Credits
Music: OSHIM
Illustration: OKISO
Text and Narration: Otama-chan
Final Words
My life is my own. It’s a one-on-one challenge with myself, free from control by others or society, and without blaming others or society. I do not regret the past nor fear the future. The future may end by tomorrow or continue for over 60 years. For such a life, I focus on living today with joy and fun.
I will continue to hold onto hope until the very end. This world exists solely for the growth of my soul.
I am happy. I am delighted. I am incredibly lucky. I am attracting an abundance beyond my capacity. I always enjoy life calmly and at my own pace. Thank you. I am grateful. Thanks to you.
Thank you for another wonderful day today!
Gratitude to God and everyone! Love 💖 Appreciate!
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