「叱らないで!その短所、お子さんの才能の芽です」【1−5 火地風水4元素15色の才能の芽にあげる2つのプレゼント】(校正・改善提案:Chat GPT)
【1−5 火地風水4元素15色の才能にあげる2つのプレゼント】
🔥 赤色:情熱の才能
🌞 オレンジ色:自己表現の才能
🌻 黄色:創造力の才能
🐴 茶色:癒しの才能
🌲 緑色:友愛の才能
🐦 水色:冒険の才能
🔮 紫色:奇抜の才能
才能の芽「奇抜」にグッドプレゼントを贈ると→ 自己肯定感が高まる→ 直感力が発揮される→ 革新的な作品を創造できる→ 独自の世界観を持つ芸術家や宗教家、占星術師として社会に貢献→ 人々に影響を与え、人生が豊かになる
才能の芽「奇抜」にバッドプレゼントを贈ると→ 天邪鬼になり自己否定感が強まる→ 信じたものを盲信し過ぎる→ 自分を傷つける結果を招く→ 自己喪失に至り、極端な思想や依存的な行動に走る→ 他人や社会に混乱を招くことがある
🌸 ピンク色:愛の才能
才能の芽「甘えん坊」にグッドプレゼントを贈ると→ 自己肯定感が育まれる→ 自分の美しさを大切にし、魅力を引き出す→ 自己を愛し、内外の美しさを磨く→ 充実した人生を歩むことができる→ 自己受容すると、モデルやアイドル、メイクアップアーティスト、トリマーとして社会に貢献する道が開かれる
才能の芽「甘えん坊」にバッドプレゼントを贈ると→ 打算的になり、自己否定感が深まる→ 自分を過度に甘やかす→ 性的なメディアへの依存や自己破壊的な行動に陥る→ セックス依存やストーカー行為に発展→ 他人や社会に迷惑をかける危険性がある
❄️白色: 博愛の才能
「1-5 火地風水4元素15色の才能に贈る2つのプレゼント」は以上です。最後までお読みいただき、ありがとうございました。
自分の人生は自分のもの。人にも社会にも支配されず、人のせいにも社会のせいにもしない、自分との一本勝負です。過去を悔やまず、未来を恐れず。この先が明日までかもしれないし、60年以上続くかもしれない。そんな人生のために今日1日に集中して楽しく生きます。いまわの際まで希望を持ち続けます。この世界はすべて自分の魂の成長のためにあるのだから。私は幸せです。私は嬉しいです。私は最高に運がいいです。私は抱えきれないほどの豊かさを引き寄せています。常に穏やかにマイペースで人生を楽しんでいます。ありがとうございます。感謝します。お陰様です。今日も最高の1日をありがとうございました!神様と皆様に感謝します! 愛💖アプリシエイト!
"Don't Scold! That Flaw is the Bud of Your Child's Talent"
[1-5 Two Gifts for the Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, and 15 Colors of Talent]
To summarize the content so far, we can outline the following four points:
Parenting troubles often stem from behaviors and actions of the child that parents did not anticipate.
There are no "well-behaved children" or "poorly behaved children" in this world; all children possess the buds of the 15 colors of talent. The difference lies in whether these buds bloom with good presents or wilt with bad presents.
Visual explanations correlating talents with ancient Greek philosophy of Fire, Earth, Wind, Water and the ancient Chinese philosophy of Yin-Yang.
Visual explanations correlating talents with ancient Babylonian Western astrology and ancient Indian chakras.
In the previous section, to clearly convey the "15 Colors of Talent that Everyone Has," we introduced a correlation between each talent and the 12 zodiac signs and 10 celestial bodies from ancient Babylonian Western astrology, along with the chakras from ancient India.
This time, we will present a table summarizing how the clearly defined buds of the 15 colors of talent can grow into self-affirmation when receiving good presents, leading to monetization and social contribution, or can grow into self-denial when receiving bad presents, resulting in wilting, self-loss, and dependency behavior.
(Figure 8)
Fire Element: [Passion, Self-esteem, Imagination, Action]
🔥 Red: Talent for Passion
Positive Growth:
When a good present is given to the bud of talent "intense," it → transforms energy into strength and becomes self-affirming. → As self-affirmation increases, they engage in self-training and may succeed as an athlete or martial artist. → Ultimately, as self-acceptance progresses, they contribute to society by saving lives as a firefighter or paramedic or inspiring many as an athlete.
Negative Growth:
When a bad present is given to the bud of talent "intense," it → becomes violent and self-denying. → With increased self-denial, tendencies to harm oneself through binge eating or self-injury may arise. → Eventually, they may become dependent on organizations such as gangs or delinquent groups, leading to behaviors that trouble others and society.
🌞 Orange: Talent for Self-expression
Positive Growth:
When a good present is given to the bud of talent "self-centered," it → grows into self-expression, fostering self-affirmation. → With strong self-affirmation, they can express themselves through performances such as singing, playing music, dancing, and acting. → Furthermore, when they accept themselves, they gain the ability to inspire others as an actor, singer, performer, or talent, contributing to society.
Negative Growth:
When a bad present is given to the bud of talent "self-centered," it → manifests as meanness, strengthening self-denying feelings. → Continued self-denial may lead to actions that harm themselves, such as meaningless pride or extreme shyness. → Ultimately, losing self can develop into behaviors that trouble others and society, such as bullying, gossip, harsh criticism, or social climbing.
🌻 Yellow: Talent for Creativity
Positive Growth:
When a good present is given to the bud of talent "lack of concentration," it → transforms into creativity, leading to self-affirmation. → As self-affirmation develops, they engage in creative activities like drawing or creating. → With increased self-acceptance, they inspire others and contribute to society as a painter, writer, creator, or designer.
Negative Growth:
When a bad present is given to the bud of talent "lack of concentration," it → leads to self-escape, fostering self-denial. → With budding self-denial, they may struggle to distinguish between delusions and reality, resulting in self-harm. → As self-loss progresses, they may fall into paranoia or other self-destructive behaviors that trouble others and society.
Earth Element: [Stability, Foundation, Sociability, Economy]
💰 Ochre: Talent for Economic Power
Positive Growth:
When a good present is given to the bud of talent "greedy," it → develops into economic power and nurtures a self-affirming attitude. → As self-affirmation blossoms, they become adept at saving, investing, and resource management, enriching their lives. → As self-acceptance deepens, they can provide financial support and employment opportunities as entrepreneurs, businesspeople, or philanthropists, contributing to society.
Negative Growth:
When a bad present is given to the bud of talent "greedy," it → strengthens hoarding tendencies and engenders self-denying thoughts. → When self-denial forms, they may fall into shopping addiction or debt, leading to self-harm. → If self-loss progresses, they may engage in behaviors that trouble others and society, such as fraudulent businesses or gambling addiction.
🐴 Brown: Talent for Healing
Positive Growth:
When a good present is given to the bud of talent "lazy," it → fosters empathy → generates self-affirmation → allows for a peaceful existence → leads to forgiveness and happiness → contributing to society as a traditional craftsman or archaeologist.
Negative Growth:
When a bad present is given to the bud of talent "lazy," it → produces self-denial → leads to untidiness and repeated lateness → progresses into a state of neglect or self-loss → potentially leading to neglect of responsibilities or living in squalor → troubling others and society.
🛠️ Gray: Talent for Diligence
Positive Growth:
When a good present is given to the bud of talent "lack of responsiveness," it → nurtures sincerity → enhances self-affirmation → cultivates steady accumulation and perseverance → enriches life → contributing to society as an office worker or engineer.
Negative Growth:
When a bad present is given to the bud of talent "lack of responsiveness," it → becomes introverted and self-denying → leading to communication disorders → potentially resulting in withdrawal and self-loss → being swept away by silent majorities or totalitarianism → troubling others and society.
Wind Element: [Intelligence, Communication, Logic]
🌲 Green: Talent for Friendship
Positive Growth:
When a good present is given to the bud of talent "indecisive," it → becomes friendly and self-affirming → as self-affirmation develops, they make many friends, love nature, and enjoy gardening and camping, enriching their lives → through self-acceptance, they contribute to society through environmental protection, international exchange, and humanitarian assistance.
Negative Growth:
When a bad present is given to the bud of talent "indecisive," it → leads to irresponsibility and self-denial → with self-denial, they may avoid making decisions and become overly dependent on others, harming themselves → self-loss may result in troublesome behaviors towards others and society, such as food fraud, shoddy construction, or neglect of inspections.
🌿 Light Green: Talent for Strategy
Positive Growth:
When a good present is given to the bud of talent "liar," it → nurtures quick thinking and self-affirmation → enhancing conversation and reasoning skills, enriching their lives → contributing to society as a merchant, magician, or comedian.
Negative Growth:
When a bad present is given to the bud of talent "liar," it → leads to cleverness and self-denial → may result in deceiving others or self-deception → potentially leading to academic fraud or scams → troubling others and society.
🐦 Light Blue: Talent for Adventure
Positive Growth:
When a good present is given to the bud of talent "coward," it → nurtures courage and generates self-affirmation → as their spirit of challenge grows, they become unafraid to take risks → contributing to society as adventurers or tour conductors.
Negative Growth:
When a bad present is given to the bud of talent "coward," it → leads to extreme fear and self-denial → becoming overly focused on safety and harming themselves → avoiding challenges and resulting in self-loss → potentially leading to stubborn behavior that troubles others and society.
🐟 Blue: Talent for Knowledge
Positive Growth:
When a good present is given to the bud of talent "fussy," it → leads to logical and thoughtful individuals and fosters self-affirmation. → As self-affirmation strengthens, they organize knowledge logically, deepen their learning, and discover the joys of board games and studying, leading to a fulfilling life. → Furthermore, through self-acceptance, they can share their knowledge and contribute to society as teachers, scholars, shogi players, tax accountants, etc.
Negative Growth:
When a bad present is given to the bud of talent "fussy," it → may lead to strong stubbornness and engender self-denial. → As self-denial intensifies, they may become overthinkers and stress themselves. → If they lose themselves, they may become complainers or develop an erudite attitude...
Water Element: [Sensitivity, Empathy, Emotion, Spirituality]
🔮 Purple: Outrageous Talent
Positive Growth
When a "unique" talent bud receives a good present → Self-esteem increases → Intuitive abilities are demonstrated → Innovative works can be created → Contributes to society as an artist, religious figure, or astrologer with a unique worldview → Influences people, enriching their lives.
Negative Growth
When a "unique" talent bud receives a bad present → Becomes contrary and self-denying → Blindly believes in what they trust → Leads to self-harming consequences → Results in self-loss, leading to extreme thoughts or dependent behaviors → May cause confusion for others and society.
🌸 Pink: Talent of Love
Positive Growth
When a "spoiled" talent bud receives a good present → Self-esteem is nurtured → Values one’s own beauty and brings out charm → Loves oneself and cultivates inner and outer beauty → Lives a fulfilling life → By accepting oneself, paths open to contribute to society as a model, idol, makeup artist, or groomer.
Negative Growth
When a "spoiled" talent bud receives a bad present → Becomes calculating and deepens self-denial → Overindulges oneself → Falls into dependence on sexual media or self-destructive behaviors → May develop into sex addiction or stalking behavior → Poses a danger of causing trouble to others and society.
🥞 Light Orange: Talent of Empathy
Positive Growth
When an "inner timid" talent bud receives a good present → Becomes skilled in empathy and self-affirmative → With self-esteem, can organize and manage household chores and childcare effectively, enriching life → Accepting oneself enables healing of both self and others' feelings, contributing to society as a counselor, cooking researcher, psychologist, advisor, or therapist.
Negative Growth
When an "inner timid" talent bud receives a bad present → Becomes overly empathetic and self-denying → With self-denial, becomes overly concerned about others, harming oneself → With self-loss, becomes overly fixated on trivial matters, resulting in troublesome dependent behaviors toward others and society.
Yin and Yang Talents [Spirituality and Materiality]
💻 Black: Talent of Science
Positive Growth
When a "cruel experiment" talent bud receives a good present → Becomes a person with scientific interest and self-affirmative → With high self-esteem, engages in experiments with curiosity, enriching life → Accepting oneself allows for research and experimentation in humanities or natural sciences, contributing to society as a scientist, doctor, lawyer, or chef.
Negative Growth
When a "cruel experiment" talent bud receives a bad present → Becomes cruel and self-denying → With strong self-denial, repeatedly conducts dangerous experiments that disregard the value of life, harming oneself → Falls into self-loss, becomes dependent on cruel acts, engaging in behaviors that cause great trouble to others and society, such as wars, weapon use for life control, or abuse at school or home.
❄️ White: Talent of Philanthropy
Positive Growth
When a "narrow-minded" talent bud receives a good present → Becomes a person with a spirit of philanthropy and self-affirmative → With self-esteem, develops the ability to engage in volunteer work, cleaning activities, and organize daily routines, leading a kind and orderly life for oneself and others → Accepting oneself opens paths to contribute to society as a clergyman, philosopher, cleaner, or nurse.
Negative Growth
When a "narrow-minded" talent bud receives a bad present → Becomes obsessive-compulsive and self-denying → With self-denial, becomes harsh on oneself and others, harming oneself over trivial matters → Falls into self-loss and becomes exclusive, forming groups that cannot tolerate anything different from their own rules, resulting in troublesome dependent behaviors toward others and society.
Through the explanation of this diagram (Figure 8), you can clearly see that the buds of the 15 colors of talent in the Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind are divided into paths of positive growth—becoming self-affirmative, accepting oneself, and contributing to society through good presents to the talent buds—and negative growth—becoming self-denying, falling into self-loss, and depending on others and society through bad presents.
"1-5 Two Gifts for the 15 Colors of Talent in Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind" ends here. Thank you for reading to the end.
Next Time Preview
Since the circular diagram may be difficult to read, we will introduce a simplified table (Figure 9) summarizing the important parts.
(Figure 9)
Character design by Okiso (Air).
Text and table provided by Otamachan.
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Final Words
Your life belongs to you. It’s a one-on-one battle with yourself, free from control by others or society, and without blaming others or society. Do not regret the past, nor fear the future. The future may last only until tomorrow, or it could extend for more than 60 years. For such a life, I will focus on today and live joyfully.
I will hold onto hope until the very end. This world exists for the growth of my soul.
I am happy. I am joyful. I am incredibly lucky. I attract an abundance I can barely contain. I always enjoy life at my own pace with calmness. Thank you. I am grateful. It’s all thanks to you.
Thank you for making today the best day ever!
I am grateful to God and everyone! Love 💖 Appreciate!
#fairygodmotheraismethod#フェアリーゴッドマザーアイズメソッド#15色の才能#15color talent #小鳥遊樹#itsukitakanashi#お玉ちゃんお宝才能アドバイザー#otamachantreasuretalentadvisor#お玉ちゃん#Otamachan#OSHIM#オシム#Okiso#息嘯#ひよこの森のアトリエ#日記#youtuber#悩み#生きがい#FGM愛M#才能の芽#教育制度の改革#愛#平和#マイエレメント#4元素#エレメント#火地風水#breathing#hiyokonomorinoatelier#diary#youtuber#worry#life#FGMlove#talent#EducationSystem#Love#Peace#MyElement#ELEMENT#4Element#FireEarthWindAndWater#ChatGPT#googletranslate#googledocument#火地風水4元素15色の才能
【1−1 この本の結論を先に申し上げます】(図1・2)https://note.com/takanashi_itsuki/n/ne86bfdd7a5fd
【1−2 グッドプレゼントとバッドプレゼントの詳細】(図3・4・5)https://note.com/takanashi_itsuki/n/nec89f7395249
【1−3 火地風水4元素15色の才能について】(図6)
【1−4 火地風水4元素15色の才能について(続き)】(図7)
【1−5 火地風水4元素15色の才能の芽にあげる2つのプレゼント】(図8)
1. タイトル
2. サブタイトル(キャッチフレーズ)
3. 著者紹介
4. 概要(コンセプト)
5. ターゲット読者
「3歳〜12歳の子どもを持つ親、子育てに悩んでいる保護者、教育関係者、心理カウンセラー」 特に、子どもの「短所」に対する理解や対応に悩んでいる方々を対象とします。また、教育関係者や心理カウンセラーにとっても、子ども一人ひとりの才能を引き出す視点を提供します。
6. マーケットの背景と競合
7. 本書の差別化ポイント
8. 構成案(目次)
読者が共感できる実体験や反省を共有し、子どもたちに現れる短所の重要性を伝える。フェアリーゴッドマザー愛’sメソッド 火地風水4元素15色の才能の詳細
9. 想定ページ数とスケジュール
10. 宣伝・販売戦略
11. 予想される読者からの反応
企画書は以上です。 動画のチャンネル登録、ブログやSNSのフォローといいねをどうぞよろしくお願いします。
最後の言葉 自分の人生は自分のもの。人にも社会にも支配されず、人のせいにも社会のせいにもしない、自分との一本勝負です。過去を悔やまず、未来を恐れず。この先が明日までかもしれないし、60年以上続くかもしれない。そんな人生のために今日1日に集中して楽しく生きます。
神様と皆様に感謝します! 愛💖アプリシエイト!