
2025.1.25(土) 「フェアリー ゴッドマザー アイズメソッド」 火地風水4元素・ 15色の才能を育てる挑戦と日記

「フェアリー ゴッドマザー アイズメソッド」
火地風水4元素・ 15色の才能を育てる挑戦と日記



「FGM愛’sM 15色の才能」人は誰でも火地風水4元素15色の才能を持っている。


  • 午前中 :動画視聴・ルーティン・ペトリキウカの練習

  • 昼間:・ウォーキングマシン・ウォーキング・ストレッチ・検品・撮影

  • 夜間:お祈り・ルーティン・ドイツ語・動画編集



  • 💖ストレッチ、立ち筋トレ、目の運動、💖ウォーキング7024歩、プール、ダイエット、栄養管理、体重測定、8時間以内の飲食、8時間睡眠、運動系YouTuberの動画視聴(ユウトレさん、マリネスさん、Ellyさん、💖Miyakoさん)、💖ウォーキングマシン、ワンダーコアツー、レッグサークル、ステッパー、サイクリング70分、腰の体操、酢を飲む、💖あすけんダイエットアプリの入力、あすけんダイエット日記の入力、💖プロテインを飲む、💖ストレッチポール、💖ストレッチボール、ダンベル、バーベル、ケトルベル、ピラティス、💖フォームローラー


  • 歌(APT)、ギター、劇、💖ダンス(APT)、パフォーマンス、読み聞かせ、芸能系YouTuberの動画視聴(昭和歌謡ヒットソング)、💖ダンスの動画視聴(APT)


  • 💖アナログ絵画(素描、水彩、水彩色鉛筆、パステル、💖アクリル、油絵)、デジタル絵画(アイビスペイント、クリップスタジオ、クリエイティブクラウド 、立体造形(紙、粘土、とうもろこし、針金、ステンドグラス)、文章(フィクション、ノンフィクション)、SUZURI、作詞.作曲、💖動画編集、💖ブログ、アナログクリエイター系YouTuberの動画 デジタルクリエイター系YouTuberの動画(うさこさんのアイビスペイントの学校、リベ大スキルアップCH、WEB職TV ,mikimiki webスクールさん、陶磁器工房器楽さん、💖petrykivkaのkryvolapacademyの動画)Instagram、ろくろで陶芸、CanvaでLINEスタンプ作り、アイフォンの写真合成機能、エッセイ、昨年のまとめの動画素材集め



  • お笑い、言葉遊び、お笑いやマジシャン系YouTuberの動画視聴、保護者様や生徒さんとLINE、LINEのグループに新月・満月のご連絡、知人とLINE、オンラインコミュニティーに問い合わせ、💖主様、レオ様とメール、💖ネットサーフィン、メールの返信、Instagramにコメント

  • Twitter1.🍀💖(🔥日々の行動や思考)、Twitter2.🍀(🖥メソッドの拡散)

  • Facebook🍀全てのシェア💖

  • YouTube(🍀FGM愛‘aメソッド、🍀才能の具体例、🍀💖15色の才能を伸ばす、🍀魔法学校、🍀宇宙人のいつき君、🍀言語ランキング上位10ヵ国分も作る)

  • noteFGM(🍀💖動画のシェア、💖🍀日記)、

  • homepage 🍀全てのシェア💖、

  • Ameba🍀動画のシェア💖、

  • blogger🍀動画のシェア💖、

  • あすけん日記🍀ダイエットの日記

  • はてなブログ🍀

  • Instagram1.💖💖💖🍀15色の才能🌻Instagram2.🍀メソッド🖥Instagram3.🍀料理🥞

  • TikTok(🍀メソッド🖥🍀クリエイト🌻)

  • FGMの質問に回答


  • ガーデニング、リサイクルステーション、地球環境に良いこと、観葉植物のせわ、野菜の世話と収穫、ガーデニング系YouTuberの動画視聴、道の清掃と草取り、枝の誘引、枝切り、落ち葉掃き、川底のごみとり、枝のシュレッダー、リユース、親戚と電話、友達とLINE、親戚とメッセ、草刈り、草取り、💖枯れ草集め、来客、コンポスト、電動ノコギリ、苗を植える、剪定鋏、蔦払い、花を切る、電動草刈機、生垣の剪定、防鳥ネット、石運び、お届け物、資源物の分別、食事会、お茶会、畑の見回り、人工芝の敷き直し、支柱立て、雨避けネット、施肥、畑仕舞い、種取り、親戚と立ち話、お返しを送る、ガーデンクリーナー、Zoomミーティング、近所の方とご挨拶


  • 移動、初めての挑戦、旅の計画とご連絡、散策、冒険、夢を語る、お花見、散歩、遺跡巡り、陶芸ブースの計画、異国の文化の勉強、旅や景色・空の写真、旅系YouTuberの動画視聴、時間割り、準備、諏訪教室ご案内、レイアウト、神社巡り、引越しの荷物作り、荷物を運ぶ、諏訪教室創り、💖見回り、ドライブ、ネットサーフィン、冬支度、紅葉を観る、アイディアを形にする、計画を立てる、一泊の旅行、年間の予定を書く、日帰り旅行、お城、公園、小鳥と小動物の森、サイクリング、仕事の荷物の積み込み、下見、花火を見にいく、送迎

💖暗記、💖暗誦、知識、他言語訳、他言語の勉強、学習系YouTuberの動画視聴、ボードゲーム、カードゲーム、元素記号の暗記、 英訳、💖💖言語学習Duolingo



  • 💖占い(💖ルーン、💖タロットカード、オラクルカード、九星気学)、占星術、直感(メソッドの画像)、芸術、写真撮影、パワーウィッシュ、年間リーディング、スピリチュアル系YouTuberの動画視聴…占いラボさん、keikoさんの動画とメルマガ、お星見、お月見、しいたけさんの上半期&週間占い、💖石井ゆかりさんのデイリー占い、石井ゆかりさんの週間占い、美術館、展覧会鑑賞、💖アシェットの占いの世界、スピな暮らし・魔理沙と霊夢さんのゆっくりチャンネル()、夜空さんのリーディング、五十六謀星もっちぃ先生の動画、シュガーさんの週間占い、💖石原そらさんのnote、💖kiwa先生(占い館タリム)のタロットカード、浅見帆帆子さんの引き寄せの法則の動画、植物と風と水のある暮らしさんの動画視聴、占いのオンライン講習会、占いの勉強


  • 💖メイク、💖ファッション、💖アクセサリー、ウィッグ、ネイル、ハイヒール、美容系YouTuberの動画視聴、ヘアカット、ヘアマニキュア、日焼け止め、💖フェイスマスク、アイクリーム、ネッククリーム、起床後身だしなみを整えた、💖誰かを褒め感謝を捧げた、💖自分を愛して褒めた、スイーツ作り、家族団欒、アクセサリー作り、アクセサリー系の動画視聴(アクセサリー作家さんの動画 )、スイーツを食べる、スチーマー、イオンエフェクター、フェイスエクササイズ、💖リンクルケア、フラワーアレンジメント、ファッションコーディネート、ヘアアイロン、ayamarさんのヘアアイロンの使い方の動画視聴、ヘアクレンズ、お見舞い


  • 料理、皿洗い、💖洗濯、💖整理、スクラブ、💖ボディメンテナンス、薬、サプリ、サプリを買う、お悩み相談、面接、カウンセリング、寝る前の整理整頓、手芸(刺繍)、料理と手芸系YouTuberの動画視聴()、病院、薬局、リネン類の洗濯、お客様をお迎えする準備、💖ベッドメイキング、洗濯物を畳む、冷蔵庫の中の整理、マッサージ、衣替え、体調が悪いので休んでいた、コインランドリー、特定健診の結果を読む、病気予防YouTuberの動画視聴(Dr.マンデリンさん)、部屋の模様替え


  • 面接、買物、仕事、仕事のための買い物、倹約、貯金、自己投資、投資、寄付、お賽銭、家計簿付け、家計管理の話し合い、銀行、郵便局、ネット銀行の振り込み、金融系YouTuberの動画視聴、💖💖両学長の家計管理ライブ、両学長の動画、マネーフォワードの勉強、外食、資金計画、工事の打ち合わせ、簿記の勉強(TACの本、簿記チャンネル桜田さん)、登川雄太さんのCPAラーニング、灯油の支払い、Temuの支払い、Amazonの注文、南伸一さんの簿記の本、リベシティの宿題、公認会計士たぬ吉の資格塾[簿記・会計]、ブックオフで本を売る、サブスク申し込み(Mindmeister)、アイリスオーヤマで商品を注文、買い物の下見、海外のオンラインショップで買い物、就活、くじ引き、海外の個人のサイトで初のお買い物、家計簿アプリの説明会セミナーを視聴、宅急便を送る、税理士河南さんの動画、Taxnapの勉強


  • ぼーっとする、💖居眠り、寝坊、昼寝、テレビ、💖💖マンガ、映画()、甘酒作り、生姜塩麹作り、生姜大根おろし、マクロビ、地産地消、農業.菌活系YouTuberの動画、カフェに行く、玉ねぎの皮茶作り、温泉、自家製のレモン酒を飲む、近所の方に畑の作り方を質問、陶芸、早寝、アニメを見る、畑の土づくり、果樹を植える、スペシャルティコーヒーの飲み比べ()発酵調味料を使った料理作り、Googleミュージックで音楽を聴く、YouTubeで海亀のヒーリングミュージックの動画を視聴


  • 読書(自宅でできるライザップ)、手続き、分解、修理の準備()、予約、ログイン、組み立て、技術を覚える、事務仕事、サイズを測る・統合、💖検品、読書又は職人系YouTuberの動画視聴、イベントの資料を作る、打ち合わせ、立ち会い、💖宅急便の受け取り、見積もりの依頼、Voicy()ガソリンスタンド、選挙、梱包を解く、アプリのインストールと設定、メールの返信、照明器具の選択と注文、古物を売りに行く、講習会の参加、支払い、メルカリのレビュー、カスタマーサービスへの問い合わせ、登録、年金手続き、電池の入れ替え、受験、設定動画、車の点検、タイヤに空気、面談の準備、面談の片付け、ミニ耕運機、水汲み、振込み、洗車スタンド、Zoomの設定、部品の交換、ホームセンターで買い物、授業の準備と片付け、印刷、アップルサポートに電話、お問い合わせ対応、アンケートの回答、レビュー、データの移行、手入れ、給油、設置、インスタントセメントの確認、資料のダウンロード、申し込み


  • 💖好奇心を満たす実験をする(ストレッチボールを使う)、FGM愛メソッドの原稿を書く、科学.プログラミング系YouTuberの動画視聴()、真実の目さんの動画 、chatGPTの動画(動画)プログラミングの勉強、ホリエモンさんの未来予想の動画、💖Google翻訳に英訳をしてもらう、マインドマイスターを使ってメソッドの体系立てをする、ChatGPTに校正と英訳と検証と改善をしてもらう、ChatGPTとおしゃべり、💖パープレキシティAIで調べ物


  • 掃除、💖換気、💖浄化、断捨離、💖祝詞、💖お経、💖六方拝、💖ポジティブワードの音読、💖お香、アロマオイル、💖ご先祖様にお祈り、💖家の神様にお祈り、お掃除又はお祈り系YouTuberの動画視聴、ゴミ捨て、清掃工場、keikoさんのパワーハウスの作り方、お墓の掃除、お彼岸のお参り、お墓参り、棚経のお迎え、お寺、カビ取り、廃棄物の工場、斎藤一人さんの動画、神社でお参り、イルミネーションを見る、雪掃き、蜘蛛の巣はらい、送り火、御斎、小正月のお参り




[Google translation]
"Fairy Godmother Eyes Method"

Challenge and diary to cultivate the talent of 15 colors of the 4 elements of fire, earth, wind, and water


Ai💖Appreciate! I am Otama-chan's treasure talent advisor.

"FGM Ai'sM 15 colors of talent" Everyone has the talent of 15 colors of the 4 elements of fire, earth, wind, and water.

This is a digest of Saturday, January 25th.

Morning: Watching videos, routine, practicing Petrykivka

Daytime: Walking machine, walking, stretching, inspection, filming

Night: Prayer, routine, German, video editing

🎁Training and studying to develop the talents of 15 colors, heart marks on the colors that were acted upon

[Fire element talent]

🔥Actions of red passion talent

💖Stretching, standing muscle training, eye exercises, 💖Walking 7024 steps, swimming pool, dieting, nutritional management, weighing, eating and drinking within 8 hours, sleeping 8 hours, watching videos of exercise-related YouTubers (Yuu-Tre, Marines, Elly, 💖Miyako), 💖Walking machine, Wonder Core 2, leg circle, stepper, cycling for 70 minutes, waist exercises, drinking vinegar, 💖Entering information on the Asuken diet app, entering information on the Asuken diet diary, 💖Drinking protein, 💖Stretch pole, 💖Stretch ball, dumbbells, Barbells, kettlebells, pilates, 💖foam roller

🍊Orange self-expression talent actions
Singing (APT), guitar, drama, 💖dance (APT), performance, reading aloud, watching videos of entertainment YouTubers (Showa era pop hit songs), 💖watching dance videos (APT)

🌻Yellow creative talent actions
💖Analog painting (drawing, watercolor, watercolor pencil, pastel, 💖acrylic, oil painting), digital painting (ibisPaint, Clip Studio, Creative Cloud, 3D modeling (paper, clay, corn, wire, stained glass), writing (fiction, non-fiction), SUZURI, songwriting, 💖video editing, 💖blog, analog creator YouTuber videos, digital creator YouTuber videos (Usako's ibisPaint School, Liber University Skill Up CH, WEB Job TV, mikimiki Web school, Pottery studio Kiraku, 💖petrykivka's kryvolapacademy videos) Instagram, pottery on the wheel, making LINE stamps with Canva, iPhone photo composition function, essays, collecting video materials from last year's summary

[Air element talent]

🌿 Actions of yellow-green diffusion talent
Comedy, word play, watching videos of comedy and magician YouTubers, LINE with parents and students, informing LINE groups about new moons and full moons, LINE with acquaintances, online comics Contacting the unity, 💖 emailing the master and Leo, 💖 surfing the net, replying to emails, commenting on Instagram
Twitter1.🍀💖 (🔥 daily actions and thoughts), Twitter2.🍀 (🖥 spreading the method)
Facebook🍀 all shares💖
YouTube (🍀 FGM Ai ‘a Method, 🍀 specific examples of talent, 🍀💖 developing 15 different talents, 🍀 magic school, 🍀 alien Itsuki-kun, 🍀 creating a language ranking for the top 10 countries)
noteFGM (🍀💖 sharing videos, 💖🍀 diary),
homepage 🍀All shares💖,
Ameba🍀Video shares💖,
blogger🍀Video shares💖,
Asuken diary🍀Diet diary
Hatena blog🍀
Instagram1.💖💖💖🍀15 colors of talent🌻Instagram2.🍀Method🖥Instagram3.🍀Cooking🥞
TikTok (🍀Method🖥🍀Create🌻)
Answering questions about FGM

🌲Green fraternity talent actions
Gardening, recycled stationery , doing things that are good for the environment, tending to ornamental plants, looking after and harvesting vegetables, watching videos of gardening YouTubers, cleaning and weeding the roads, guiding branches, pruning branches, sweeping up fallen leaves, removing trash from the riverbed, shredding branches, reusing, calling relatives, LINE with friends, messaging with relatives, mowing the grass, weeding, collecting dead grass, visitors, composting, electric saws, planting seedlings, pruning shears, removing ivy, cutting flowers, electric lawn mower, pruning hedges, bird netting , carrying stones, deliveries, separating resources, dinner parties, tea parties, field patrols, re-laying artificial turf, setting up posts, rain nets, fertilizing, field tidying, collecting seeds, chatting with relatives, sending gifts in return, garden cleaners, Zoom meetings, greetings with neighbors
🕊Light blue adventure talent actions
Movement, first attempt, planning and contacting a trip, strolling, adventure, talking about dreams, cherry blossom viewing, walking, visiting ruins, planning a pottery booth, studying foreign cultures, photos of travel, scenery and the sky, watching videos of travel YouTubers, timetables, preparations, Suwa classroom guidance, layout, visiting shrines, packing for moving, carrying luggage, creating Suwa classroom, 💖patrols, driving, surfing the net, preparing for winter, watching autumn leaves, putting ideas into shape, making plans, overnight trips, writing annual schedules, day trips, castles, parks, forests of small birds and small animals, cycling, loading work luggage, scouting, going to see fireworks, sending Welcome

📘 Blue knowledge talent actions
💖Memorization, 💖Recitation, knowledge, translation into other languages, studying other languages, watching videos of educational YouTubers, board games, card games, memorizing element symbols, English translation, 💖💖Language learning Duolingo

[Water element talent]

🔮 Purple intuition talent actions
💖Fortune telling (💖Runes, 💖Tarot cards, oracle cards, Nine Star Kigaku), astrology, intuition (method images), art, photography, power wishes, annual readings, watching videos of spiritual YouTubers... Fortune Telling Lab, keiko's videos and e-mail newsletters, stargazing, moon viewing, Shiitake's first half of the year and weekly fortune telling, 💖Ishii Yukari's daily fortune telling, Ishii Yukari's weekly fortune telling, art museums, exhibition viewing, 💖The world of fortune telling by Hachette, Spiral Life - Marisa and Reimu's Yukkuri Channel (), Yozora's reading, Isorokubousei Mochii Sensei videos, Sugar's weekly fortune-telling, 💖Sora Ishihara's note, 💖kiwa-sensei (Talim fortune-telling hall) tarot cards, Hohoko Asami's law of attraction videos, watching videos by Living with Plants, Wind and Water, online fortune-telling seminars, studying fortune-telling

🌸Actions of the talent for pink love
💖Makeup, 💖Fashion, 💖Accessories, wigs, nails, high heels, watching videos by beauty YouTubers, haircuts, hair manicures, sunscreen, 💖Face masks, eye cream, neck cream, getting groomed after waking up, 💖praising and thanking someone, 💖loving and praising myself, making sweets, family get-togethers, making accessories, watching videos about accessories (videos by accessory artists), eating sweets, steamers, ion effectors, face exercises, 💖wrinkle care, flower arrangements, fashion Coordination, hair iron, watching ayamar's video on how to use a hair iron, hair cleanse, visiting someone in the hospital
🥞Light orange empathy talent actions
Cooking, washing dishes, 💖laundry, 💖organizing, scrubbing, 💖body maintenance, medicine, supplements, buying supplements, problem consultation, interview, counseling, tidying up before going to bed, handicrafts (embroidery), watching cooking and handicraft YouTuber videos (), hospital, pharmacy, washing linens, preparing to welcome guests, 💖making the bed, folding laundry, organizing the refrigerator, massage, changing clothes, taking a rest because I was not feeling well, laundromat, reading the results of a specific health check, watching a video of a disease prevention YouTuber (Dr. Mandheling), redecorating the room

[Talents of the Earth Element]

💰Ochre economic talent actions
Interview, shopping, work, shopping for work, thrift, saving, self-investment, investment, donation, offering money, household finances Bookkeeping, discussions about household management, banks, post offices, online bank transfers, watching videos of financial YouTubers, 💖💖Ryo Gakucho's household management live, videos of Ryo Gakucho, studying Money Forward, eating out, financial planning, construction meetings, studying bookkeeping (TAC books, Sakurada-san's bookkeeping channel), Yuta Noborigawa's CPA learning, paying for kerosene, paying for Temu, ordering from Amazon, Shinichi Minami's bookkeeping book, homework from Libercity, certified public accountant Tanukichi's qualification school [bookkeeping/accounting], selling books at Book Off, applying for subscriptions (Mindmeister), ordering products from Iris Ohyama, shopping previews, shopping at overseas online shops, job hunting, lottery, first purchase on an overseas personal website, watching a seminar on a household accounting app, sending a parcel, tax accountant Kawanami's video, studying Taxnap

🐴Brown Relaxation Talent Actions
Dazed 💖Napping, oversleeping, napping, TV, 💖💖Manga, movies (), making sweet sake, making ginger salt koji, grated ginger radish, macrobiotics, local production for local consumption, agriculture. Videos of bacteria-related YouTubers, going to cafes, making onion skin tea, hot springs, drinking homemade lemon wine, asking neighbors how to make a field, pottery, going to bed early, watching anime, making soil for a field, planting fruit trees, comparing specialty coffees (), cooking with fermented seasonings, listening to music on Google Music, watching videos of healing music by sea turtles on YouTube

🛠Actions of the talent of gray diligence
Reading (RIZAP at home), procedures, disassembly, preparing for repairs (), making reservations, logging in, assembling, learning skills, clerical work, measuring and integrating sizes, 💖Inspection, reading or watching videos of craftsmen-related YouTubers, creating materials for an event, meetings, attendance, 💖Receiving courier deliveries, watching Request for stacking, Voicy (gas station), election, unpacking, installing and setting up apps, replying to emails, selecting and ordering lighting equipment, going to sell second-hand goods, attending seminars, making payments, Mercari reviews, contacting customer service, registration, pension procedures, replacing batteries, taking exams, setting up videos, car inspections, putting air in tires, preparing for interviews, cleaning up after interviews, mini tillers, drawing water, making transfers, car wash stands, setting up Zoom, replacing parts, shopping at home improvement stores, preparing and cleaning up for classes, printing, calling Apple Support, responding to inquiries, answering surveys, reviews, transferring data, maintenance, refueling, installation, checking instant cement, downloading materials, applying
[Yin-Yang talent]
🖥Black science talent actions
💖Doing experiments to satisfy curiosity (using a stretch ball), writing a manuscript for the FGM love method, science. Watching videos of programming YouTubers (), videos by Shinjitsu no Me, chatGPT videos (videos) Studying programming, Horiemon's video predicting the future, 💖Getting English translations done by Google Translate, Using Mind Meister to organize methods, Getting ChatGPT to proofread, translate, verify, and improve, ChatGPT, 💖Researching with Perplexity AI
☃️Actions of the talent of white purification
Cleaning, 💖ventilation, 💖purification, decluttering, 💖prayer, 💖buddhism, 💖roppongi , 💖Reading positive words aloud, 💖Incense, aroma oil, 💖Praying to ancestors, 💖Praying to the gods of the house, cleaning or watching videos of prayer-related YouTubers, throwing out the trash, cleaning plants, how to make a power house by Keiko, cleaning the grave, visiting the grave during the equinox, welcoming the dead with a shelf sutra, temples, removing mold, waste plants, videos by Hitoshi Saito, visiting shrines, watching illuminations, sweeping snow, clearing spider webs, farewell fires, Gosai, visiting shrines on the first day of the month

🍀What color talent did you focus on cultivating today? 😀?

🌻Drawing onion flowers with Petrykivka paint, writing a blog, editing a video of my diary, cultivating my talents for the fire element, yellow, and creator.

🖥Proofreading and translating my blog into English using Google Translate, studying methods, cultivating my talents for the yin of yang, black, and science.

🔥I stretched, walked, used a stretching pole, a stretching ball, a foam roller, and watched miyako610's videos to develop my talents for the fire element, the color red, and passion.



🐟デュオリンゴ ドイツ語










報告は以上です。 動画のチャンネル登録と高評価、ブログやSNSのフォローといいねをどうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 音楽:OSHIM

  • イラスト:OKISO

  • 文とナレーション:お玉ちゃん

最後の言葉 自分の人生は自分のもの。人にも社会にも支配されず、人のせいにも社会のせいにもしない、自分との一本勝負です。過去を悔やまず、未来を恐れず。この先が明日までかもしれないし、60年以上続くかもしれない。そんな人生のために今日1日に集中して楽しく生きます。
神様と皆様に感謝します! 愛💖アプリシエイト!

Fairy Godmother ai’s Method
“Daily Actions Diary to Bloom the 15 Colors of Talent in the Four Elements of Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water”

Diary (English Translation by Google翻訳)

🌻Blog update
🐟Duolingo German
🔮Fortune telling
Good card ^^ Looks like it's going to be a great day

🌸Fashion coordination update
Video editing & sharing


🌻Analog painting
Petrykivka practice
Today, I tried to do what I learned from watching Katerina Krivolup's video yesterday without looking at it.

It's hard to draw symmetrically 😓
As I was absorbed in the process, I was drawn into the screen.
When I realized it, it was morning.

Ah, it was fun!
Thank you ^^
Thank you very much.

🐴Going to bed

🐴Waking up
🌿Surfing the internet and thinking
I woke up but couldn't get up so I continued surfing the internet.
The advertisement for an app for overseas short dramas was like Mito Komon and it was so interesting that I couldn't stop watching it. If I use this app, I'll probably watch it all the time 😅
I have to be conscious of the boundary between entertainment and addiction 💦
Before I knew it, it was 1:30.
Well, let's start the second half of today ^^

🌸Changing clothes
🌸Fashion coordination
🔮Photo shoot

🛠️Receiving and inspecting parcels


Walking machine, stretch pole, and foam roller
I can't lift my arms straight up 💦
It hurts when I try to move a little.
I'll try to be careful and tricky using a fascia peeling roller 😅

🥞Organizing and making the bed

💰&🔥Went to Seiyu for a walk
Buy cocoa and yogurt
Thank you as always.
Thank you 🙏

The sunset is beautiful
The days are getting longer.

🐦Patrolling the house and carrying luggage
Carrying it here and there
After repeating this dozens of times, the shape finally takes shape 😓

❄️Greeting the fox god and the water god
❄️Greeting the ancestors and the god of the house
❄️Norito, Heart Sutra, Roppohai, reading aloud positive words

🌸Face mask

I realized it was 10pm 💦


🔥Stretching and stretching ball while watching miyako's video
I see, this is how you make it soft!
Let's do our best ^^
Thank you.
Thank you very much 🙏

🌻Video editing
🌿Email with the master and Leo

Thank you for another wonderful day today.
Thank you very much.

That’s the end of the report. Please subscribe to the channel, give high ratings, and follow and like the blog and SNS.
Video Credits
Music: OSHIM
Illustration: OKISO
Text and Narration: Otama-chan
Final Words
My life is my own. It’s a one-on-one challenge with myself, free from control by others or society, and without blaming others or society. I do not regret the past nor fear the future. The future may end by tomorrow or continue for over 60 years. For such a life, I focus on living today with joy and fun.
I will continue to hold onto hope until the very end. This world exists solely for the growth of my soul.
I am happy. I am delighted. I am incredibly lucky. I am attracting an abundance beyond my capacity. I always enjoy life calmly and at my own pace. Thank you. I am grateful. Thanks to you.
Thank you for another wonderful day today!
Gratitude to God and everyone! Love 💖 Appreciate!

#fairygodmotheraismethod #フェアリーゴッドマザーアイズメソッド #15色の才能 #15color talent #小鳥遊樹 #itsukitakanashi #お玉ちゃんお宝才能アドバイザー #otamachantreasuretalentadvisor #お玉ちゃん #Otamachan #OSHIM #オシム #Okiso #息嘯 #ひよこの森のアトリエ #日記 #youtuber #悩み #生きがい #FGM愛M #才能の芽 #教育制度の改革 #愛 #平和 #マイエレメント #4元素 #エレメント #火地風水 #breathing #hiyokonomorinoatelier #diary #youtuber #worry #life #FGMlove #talent #EducationSystem #Love #Peace #MyElement #ELEMENT #4Element #FireEarthWindAndWater #ChatGPT #googletranslate #googledocument #火地風水4元素15色の才能



