「叱らないで!その短所、お子さんの才能の芽です」【2−9 私の生い立ち・私が娘に贈ったバッドプレゼント】(校正・改善提案:Chat GPT)
「叱らないで!その短所、お子さんの才能の芽です」【2−9 私の生い立ち・私が娘に贈ったバッドプレゼント】(校正・改善提案:Chat GPT)
【2−9 私の生い立ち・私が娘に贈ったバッドプレゼント】
才能の芽にグッドプレゼントを贈ると → 自己肯定感 → 自己受容 → 社会貢献。
才能の芽にバッドプレゼントを贈ると → 自己否定感 → 自己喪失 → 社会依存。グッドプレゼントとバッドプレゼントの影響
*イメージ:動 / エレメント:火
(あ) 叱る:「もっと注意しなさい」「それは駄目でしょう」
(い) 怒る:「こら」「ふざけるな」「いい加減にして」「何度言えばわかるんだ?」「やめなさい!」「下手くそ」
(う) 怒鳴る:「馬鹿か!お前は」「おい!何をやっているんだ」「こっちにこい!」「ちゃんと謝れ、馬鹿野郎」
(え) 暴言・恫喝:「殺すぞ」「死ね」「捨ててくるよ」「生まれてこなければ良かった」「生きている価値がない」
(お) 無視:返事をしない、反応を示さない、話しかけられても無言で睨む、手や顔の動きで指図をする。
(か) 大きな音を出して怯えさせる:何かを叩いたり、鳴らしたり、強く閉めたり。
(き) 暴力:叩く、蹴る、つねる、髪の毛を掴む、強く押さえつけるなど。
(く) 虐待:謝っても許さず、気がすむまで身体的・精神的に攻撃し続ける。
(け) 馬鹿にする・人格否定:「だからお前は駄目だ」「本当に頑固で嫌な子だ」「嫌いだよ」
(こ) 自信喪失:「何をやっても続かないんだ」「結局モノにならないんだろう」
(さ) からかう:「ほらほら」「覚える頭がないんだろ?」「またやると思った」
(し) 責める:「またできなかったのか」「あんたのせいで不幸になった」「どれだけ迷惑をかければ気が済むんだ」
(す) 支配:「さっさとやれ」「今すぐ言うことを聞け」「私の言う通りにしていれば良いのよ」
(せ) 挑発:「その顔はなんだ。気に入らないならかかってこい」「意気地なしが」「死ぬ気でやってみろ」
(そ) 決めつけ:「どうせお前がやったんだろう」「そんな言い訳は通用しない」「お前が悪い」
*イメージ:制 / エレメント:地
(た) 罰:「言うことを聞かないと食事抜き」「遊びに連れて行かない」「約束を破ったから買ってあげない」
(ち) ペナルティ:「テストの点が悪かったらゲーム禁止」「守れなかったらお小遣いを減らす」
(つ) 繰り返し:「どうして何度言ってもわからないの?」「いつまで同じことを言わせるの?」
(て) 強制:「これはこうだから、こうしなきゃいけない。そうするものなんだ」
(と) 矯正:「その癖は直さないといけない」「間違っているから、これからこうしようね」
(な) 要求:「あなたは立派な人間にならなくちゃ」「世の中ではこういうことが必要だから」
(に) 頑張らせる:「世の中は甘くないのよ」「頑張らなきゃ駄目」「努力しなさい」
(ぬ) やる気のなさを責める:「いつになったら本気になるの?」「ゴロゴロしてばかりで本当にダメね」
(ね) だらしなさを咎める:「どうして普通にできないの?」「誰でもできることだよ」
(の) はみ出すことを許さない:「そんなことじゃ社会じゃ通用しない」「何をしても無駄だよ」
*イメージ:迷 / エレメント:風
(は) 比較:「あの子はこんなにできるのに、あなたはどうして」「同じ年の子はみんな知っているのに」
(ひ) 知識獲得の強制:「そんなこともできないの?できるようになるまでやるよ」
(ふ) 差別:「〇〇だからそれは無理だ」「まだ無理」「お前にはできない」
(へ) 嫌味:「そんなことも知らないの?」「それがわからないの?」「だから駄目なんだよ」
(ほ) 不安:「今やらないと全て失敗する」「失敗は許されない」「できるわけがないでしょ?」
(ま) 焦り:「今頑張らなかったらいつ頑張るの?今しかないんだよ」
(み) 否定:「兄弟に比べてあなたはわがままだ」「何も知らないのに」「そんな能力ないでしょ」
(む) 落胆:「そんな子じゃないと思っていたのにがっかりした」「あーあ、やっちゃったね」
(め) 性格攻撃:「お前みたいな子は私の子じゃない」「どうしてそんな性格なの?」
(も) 誘導:「この選択が一番良いに決まっている」「言う通りにしていれば、恥をかかないよ」
*イメージ:恩 / エレメント:水
(や) 過保護:「一人じゃ何もできないのね」「お母さんがやってあげる」
(ゆ) 過干渉:「どうしてそうなの?なぜそんなことをするの?」「全部きちんと報告してね」
(よ) 物で釣る:「言う通りにできたらご褒美にゲームを買ってあげる」「百点取れたらお小遣いをあげる」
(ら) 価値観をすり替える:「あなたの言う通りにしてうまくいったら、苦労しないのよ」
(り) 押し付け:「絶対にこっちの方が良い」「おまえのためにこれが一番」
(る) 恩着せ:「あなたのためにどれだけ苦労していると思うの?」「具合が悪いのにあなたのために」
(れ) 操縦:「私の言う通りにしていれば間違いない」「あなたのことを一番理解しているのは私」
(ろ) 説得:「これだけ理由を挙げたから納得して」
(わ) おだて:「親の言うことを素直に聞けて偉いね」「さすが私の子どもだ」
(を) 経済的泣き落とし:「これ以上わがまま言ったら、家計が大変だよ」
(ん) 将来を決める「こんなによくしてあげたんだから、年を取ったら面倒を見てね」「近くに住んでね」
神様と皆様に感謝します! 愛💖アプリシエイト!
"Don't Scold! That Weakness Is Your Child's Budding Talent"
[Chapter 2-9: My Upbringing and the Bad Gifts I Gave to My Daughter]
(Proofreading and Improvement Suggestions by Chat GPT)
"Don't Scold! That Weakness Is Your Child's Budding Talent"
[Chapter 2-9: My Upbringing and the Bad Gifts I Gave to My Daughter]
To summarize the content so far, it can be broken down into the following 14 key points:
Causes of Parenting Problems
The cause often lies in the child's behavior or words, which the parents hadn't anticipated.
There Are No "Good" or "Bad" Children
All children possess budding talents corresponding to the 15 colors of the 4 elements. These talents either bloom through "Good Gifts" or wither through "Bad Gifts."
Interpreting Talents Through Ancient Philosophy
An illustrated explanation relating talents to the ancient Greek elements (fire, earth, air, and water) and the ancient Chinese concept of yin and yang.
Relationship with Astrology and Chakras
An illustrated explanation relating talents to ancient Babylonian Western astrology and ancient Indian chakras.
The Impact of Self-Esteem and Self-Denial
Giving Good Gifts to a child’s budding talents → Self-esteem → Self-acceptance → Contribution to society.
Giving Bad Gifts to a child’s budding talents → Self-denial → Self-loss → Dependence on society.
Effects of Good and Bad Gifts
A simplified explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship mentioned in point 5.
Nice to Meet You, I'm Otama-chan, Your Hidden Talent Advisor
Introduction of the author's own budding talents, initially seen as weaknesses.
My Upbringing – Childhood
An introduction to the author's childhood, dealing with hyperactivity, truancy, and the parenting style of their own parents.
My Upbringing – Adolescence
An introduction to the author’s teenage years, from adolescence to marriage, while still managing hyperactivity and truancy.
My Upbringing – As a Working Adult
An introduction to the author’s journey through adulthood, managing hyperactivity and truancy, leading up to marriage.
My Upbringing – As a Parent
A reflection on the author’s behavior as a parent, unaware of how to properly run a household.
My Upbringing – As the Parent of an Elementary School Child
An introduction to the author’s behavior as a parent who pushed their child too hard, draining their energy.
My Upbringing – Continued as the Parent of an Elementary School Child
A reflection on how the author, as a foolish parent, mistook their child’s illness for a bad mood and became angry.
My Upbringing – As the Parent of a Middle and High School Student
A reflection on the author as an immature parent who clung to their child and struggled with letting go, becoming dependent on their role as a parent.
In the previous section, I discussed my behavior as an immature parent who was overly dependent on raising my child and wouldn’t let go, even when they wanted independence.
In this section [Chapter 2-9: My Upbringing and the Bad Gifts I Gave to My Daughter], I want to share how I, believing it was discipline, showered my daughter with harsh words and actions, thinking it was for her own good, but in reality, I was giving her bad gifts.
Chapter 2-9: [My Background and the Bad Gifts I Gave to My Daughter]
The 18 years from when my daughter was born until she left the nest. No, to be more precise, until I fully understood the content of the method I created and could communicate with my daughter with the respect she deserved as an individual. It took me over a quarter of a century—just recently, in fact. My daughter is now over 30 years old. The 47 bad gifts in the Fairy Godmother Ai's Method stem from my own immaturity. For details, please check the respective videos and blog posts, but here, I will list the bad gifts I gave to my daughter.
'Anger and Aggression from Emotions' Bad Gifts
Image: Movement / Element: Fire
I would lose my temper at my child’s words or actions and vent my emotions directly at her, rather than using logic.
(a) Scolding: "Be more careful," "That’s not okay."
(b) Yelling: "Hey!" "Cut it out!" "Enough already!" "How many times do I have to tell you?" "Stop it!" "You’re useless."
(c) Shouting: "Are you stupid?!" "What are you doing?!" "Get over here!" "Apologize properly, you idiot!"
(d) Verbal Abuse and Threats: "I’ll kill you," "Die," "I’ll abandon you," "I wish you were never born," "You’re worthless."
(e) Ignoring: Not responding, showing no reaction, glaring silently even when spoken to, gesturing commands with my hands or face.
(f) Frightening with loud noises: Banging things, slamming doors, or making loud noises.
(g) Violence: Hitting, kicking, pinching, grabbing hair, forcefully restraining her, etc.
(h) Abuse: Continuing to physically or mentally attack her even after an apology, until I felt satisfied.
(i) Mocking and Denial of Character: "That’s why you’re useless," "You’re so stubborn and unpleasant," "I hate you."
(j) Crushing Confidence: "You never stick with anything," "You’ll never amount to anything."
(k) Teasing: "Look at that," "I guess you don’t have a head for it," "I knew you’d mess up again."
(l) Blaming: "You failed again?" "Because of you, my life is miserable," "How much trouble are you going to cause?"
(m) Control: "Hurry up," "Listen to me right now," "Just do what I say."
(n) Provocation: "What’s with that face? If you don’t like it, go ahead and do something about it," "You coward," "Do it like your life depends on it!"
(o) Accusations: "You did it, didn’t you?" "That excuse won’t fly," "It’s your fault."
'Forcing and Correcting According to Social Norms' Bad Gifts
Image: Restraint / Element: Earth
I would impose common sense and social rules, punish behaviors that didn’t conform.
(p) Punishment: "If you don’t listen, no dinner," "I won’t take you out to play," "You broke a promise, so I won’t buy that for you."
(q) Penalties: "If your test scores are bad, no video games," "If you don’t follow the rules, your allowance will be cut."
(r) Repetition: "Why don’t you understand even after all I’ve said?" "How many times do I have to repeat myself?"
(s) Forcing: "This is how it is, so you have to do it this way."
(t) Correcting: "You need to fix that bad habit," "You’re wrong, so we’ll do it this way from now on."
(u) Demanding: "You have to grow up to be a respectable person," "This is what’s required in society."
(v) Pushing hard work: "The world isn’t easy," "You have to work hard," "You must make an effort."
(w) Criticizing laziness: "When are you going to get serious?" "You just laze around all the time, it’s terrible."
(x) Scolding for sloppiness: "Why can’t you just do things normally?" "Anyone can do this."
(y) Not allowing deviation: "You won’t survive in society like that," "No matter what you do, it’s pointless."
'Pressure from Knowledge and Information' Bad Gifts
Image: Confusion / Element: Wind
I would force my ideals and information onto her, disrupting her sense of self.
(z) Comparisons: "That child can do it, why can’t you?" "All the other kids your age can do this."
(aa) Forcing Knowledge Acquisition: "You can’t even do that? You’re going to keep at it until you can."
(bb) Discrimination: "Because of [X], you can’t do that," "It’s still impossible," "You won’t be able to do it."
(cc) Sarcasm: "You don’t know that?!" "You can’t even figure that out?" "That’s why you’re hopeless."
(dd) Instilling Fear: "If you don’t act now, everything will fail," "Failure is not an option," "There’s no way you can do it."
(ee) Creating Urgency: "If you don’t give it your all now, when will you? Now’s your only chance."
(ff) Negation: "Compared to your sibling, you’re selfish," "You don’t know anything," "You don’t have that ability."
(gg) Disappointment: "I didn’t think you were this kind of child, I’m disappointed," "Oh, you did it again."
(hh) Attacking Personality: "You’re not my child if you’re like that," "Why are you like this?"
(ii) Manipulation: "This choice is obviously the best one," "If you follow my advice, you won’t be embarrassed."
'Negotiation through Favor and Emotion' Bad Gifts
Image: Favor / Element: Water
I would use my child’s good conscience to manipulate her for my convenience.
(jj) Overprotection: "You can’t do anything on your own, can you?" "Mom will do it for you."
(kk) Interference: "Why are you doing that? What’s your reasoning?" "Report everything properly."
(ll) Bribery: "If you do as you’re told, I’ll buy you a game," "If you score 100, I’ll give you some allowance."
(mm) Value Distortion: "If things go well doing what you say, you won’t have any hardships."
(nn) Imposing: "This is definitely better," "This is the best for you."
(oo) Guilt-tripping: "Do you have any idea how much I’ve sacrificed for you?" "Even though I’m feeling sick, I’m doing this for you."
(pp) Control: "If you just follow my instructions, everything will be fine," "I’m the one who understands you best."
(qq) Persuasion: "I’ve given you all these reasons, so you must agree."
(rr) Flattery: "You’re so good for listening to your parents," "You really are my child."
(ss) Financial Guilt: "If you keep being selfish, it’s going to strain our finances."
(tt) Deciding their future: "I’ve done so much for you, so when I’m old, you’ll take care of me, right?" "You’ll live nearby, won’t you?"
I showered my daughter with these bad gifts, hurting her while pretending to be a parent who was doing their best at child-rearing. When I look back, I’m shocked and disappointed at the parent I used to be, but at the time, I was simply doing the best I could.
Thank you for reading until the end.
Next Time Preview
In the next chapter, I will explain what budding talents I possessed during that time.
Thank you for reading.
Character design
by Okiso (Air) Text and illustrations by Otamachan.
Please follow and like on blogs and social media.
Final Words:
My life is my own. It’s a one-on-one match with myself, without being controlled by anyone or anything, and without blaming others or society. I don’t regret the past, nor do I fear the future. It might end tomorrow, or it might continue for over 60 years. So, for the sake of that life, I will focus on living today joyfully. I will keep my hopes until the end. This world exists for the growth of my soul.
I am happy. I am excited. I am incredibly lucky. I am attracting abundance beyond what I can carry. I always live peacefully and at my own pace, enjoying life. Thank you. I am grateful. It’s all thanks to you.
Thank you for this amazing day!
I am grateful to God and everyone!
Love 💖 Appreciate!
#fairygodmotheraismethod#フェアリーゴッドマザーアイズメソッド#15色の才能#15color talent #小鳥遊樹#itsukitakanashi#お玉ちゃんお宝才能アドバイザー#otamachantreasuretalentadvisor#お玉ちゃん#Otamachan#OSHIM#オシム#Okiso#息嘯#ひよこの森のアトリエ#日記#youtuber#悩み#生きがい#FGM愛M#才能の芽#教育制度の改革#愛#平和#マイエレメント#4元素#エレメント#火地風水#breathing#hiyokonomorinoatelier#diary#youtuber#worry#life#FGMlove#talent#EducationSystem#Love#Peace#MyElement#ELEMENT#4Element#FireEarthWindAndWater#ChatGPT#googletranslate#googledocument#火地風水4元素15色の才能
【1−1 この本の結論を先に申し上げます】(図1・2)https://note.com/takanashi_itsuki/n/ne86bfdd7a5fd
【1−2 グッドプレゼントとバッドプレゼントの詳細】(図3・4・5)https://note.com/takanashi_itsuki/n/nec89f7395249
【1−3 火地風水4元素15色の才能について】(図6)
【1−4 火地風水4元素15色の才能について(続き)】(図7)
【1−5 火地風水4元素15色の才能の芽にあげる2つのプレゼント】(図8)
【1−6 火地風水4元素15色の才能にあげる2つのプレゼントの簡易版】(図9)https://note.com/takanashi_itsuki/n/n663dbfe3be6b
【2章・はじめまして お宝才能アドバイザーお玉ちゃんです】
【2−2 私の生い立ち・幼少期】
【2−3 私の生い立ち・青年期】
[2−4 私の生い立ち・社会人として]
【2−5 私の生い立ち・親として】
【2−6 私の生い立ち・子どもが小学生の頃】
【2−7 私の生い立ち・子どもが小学生の頃の続き】
【2−8 私の生い立ち・子どもが中高校生の頃】
1. タイトル
2. サブタイトル(キャッチフレーズ)
3. 著者紹介
4. 概要(コンセプト)
5. ターゲット読者
「3歳〜12歳の子どもを持つ親、子育てに悩んでいる保護者、教育関係者、心理カウンセラー」 特に、子どもの「短所」に対する理解や対応に悩んでいる方々を対象とします。また、教育関係者や心理カウンセラーにとっても、子ども一人ひとりの才能を引き出す視点を提供します。
6. マーケットの背景と競合
7. 本書の差別化ポイント
8. 構成案(目次)
読者が共感できる実体験や反省を共有し、子どもたちに現れる短所の重要性を伝える。フェアリーゴッドマザー愛’sメソッド 火地風水4元素15色の才能の詳細
9. 想定ページ数とスケジュール
10. 宣伝・販売戦略
11. 予想される読者からの反応
企画書は以上です。 動画のチャンネル登録、ブログやSNSのフォローといいねをどうぞよろしくお願いします。
最後の言葉 自分の人生は自分のもの。人にも社会にも支配されず、人のせいにも社会のせいにもしない、自分との一本勝負です。過去を悔やまず、未来を恐れず。この先が明日までかもしれないし、60年以上続くかもしれない。そんな人生のために今日1日に集中して楽しく生きます。
神様と皆様に感謝します! 愛💖アプリシエイト!