Photographer Takaaki Sano's First Step: From Shanghai to Koenji Faith
Takaaki Sano's career as a photographer has been shaped through many encounters with different places and people from 2015 to 2024. This article looks back on his journey, starting with his first solo exhibition in Shanghai, while sharing the stories behind the experiences and struggles he faced during his exhibition activities in Japan.
Second Solo Exhibition & Live Performance at Koenji Faith
In December 2015, Sano held his first solo exhibition in Shanghai, which was a success. This experience solidified his determination to pursue a career as a photographer, and in March 2016, he returned to Japan. However, after his return, he had to start anew in an environment where no one knew him as a photographer.
He sought to learn as much as possible and, while researching the activities of photographers he admired, was introduced to the photographer "Ikushun" through Kayo Ume. This led him to visit the gallery Faith in Koenji, where Ikushun's solo exhibition was being held.
Faith's layout consists of a clothing store on the first floor and a gallery in the basement. From the staircase leading to the basement, numerous photos were casually pasted on the walls. The bold display methods and the aggressive, powerful energy emanating from the works overwhelmed him. This experience prompted Sano to reflect on his own exhibition style and methods of expression.
The Encounter at Koenji Faith as a Turning Point
After viewing the exhibition, Sano had the opportunity to talk with the gallery owner, Inoue. Sano shared his desire to start a new photography career in Japan after his success in Shanghai and asked if he could hold a solo exhibition at Faith. It was then that he suddenly remembered Grimm Grimm, a London-based singer-songwriter.
Grimm Grimm had previously used one of Sano's photos for an album cover, an event that marked a significant moment for Sano as his work was first publicly recognized. He recalled that Grimm Grimm was scheduled to visit Japan, and he wondered if a collaboration between a live performance and an exhibition could be held in the basement gallery. When Sano proposed this idea to Inoue, Inoue responded enthusiastically, saying, "That's interesting! Let's do it!" Thus, the Live & Exhibition with Grimm Grimm was set.
Conflict with the School and its Resolution
As preparations for the event were underway, an unexpected problem arose. The school where Sano worked part-time as a lecturer expressed concerns about the event. The new principal was worried that Sano might be perceived as a full-time teacher, and thus, asked for the cancellation of the event.
Sano disagreed with this restriction but did not want to cause trouble for the school or his colleagues. Ultimately, after negotiating with the principal and vice-principal, he was allowed to hold the event on the condition that his name would not be publicly associated with it. This negotiation was an important learning experience for Sano, not just as a photographer, but also as a person, strengthening his resolve.
The Fusion of Live Performance and Photography Exhibition: A Challenge at Koenji Faith
In December 2016, Sano held a collaboration event, "Live & Exhibition - When the Sun Goes Down.." at Koenji Faith with Grimm Grimm. In this exhibition, Sano used the same photo panels that had been used in Shanghai, and he successfully fused the worlds of music and photography. The event attracted far more visitors than expected, and the venue was packed with energy.
During the preparation, Grimm Grimm said to Sano, "Tābō (Sano), you're really good at photography." These words still resonate deeply with Sano. They gave him the confidence that "I can do this" and became an important memory that supported his later endeavors.
After the event, Inoue told Sano that the gallery was free during the New Year's period, and they could continue the exhibition until mid-January. The live tickets sold out, and the event contributed to the gallery's sales. However, at that time, Sano still had a strong amateur mindset and did not consider his own profit much. Nonetheless, bringing joy to many visitors and taking his first step as a photographer was a great achievement.
Prelude to the Next Step
Through this success at Koenji Faith, Sano would go on to expand his photography activities across Japan. The lessons and encounters gained through this experience became essential in shaping his future career and were a crucial turning point in establishing his identity as a photographer.
Next time, we will explore the new encounters that expanded after this exhibition and how Sano continued to evolve as a photographer.