Tak & Chee Newsletter! Vol.21 EN
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!
The end of this year was a very challenging time for me personally, but the year has been blessed so much so far! And we are truly grateful for your prayers and support!
Aquila Church's vision is to
"produce" and "support"
a "modern Paul"
like Aquila and Priscilla.
Precious guests from Texas
From Sozo Church in Texas, which has become our partner church, the family of the senior pastor of that church and the family of Pastor Justin Ito, who has led Sozo mission team twice, came to Aquila Church in November!
It was Thanksgiving time in the U.S., and Justin's mother, who is a missionary in Japan, came to visit us. She also brought a turkey, and we all celebrated by grilling it for the first time at our house.
Joel, Sozo Church Senior Pastor, gave a message at the Sunday Aquila Church where over 40 people gathered. It was a very gratifying time for us to hear many people say afterwards that they felt like eyes opening because of the message.
We are also very grateful that Joel's wife, Lauren, led a session on hearing God speak to us through art, and that a group of interested people were able to gather and spend some deep time with God in their own way.
For the newborn Aquila Church, the time spent with the lead pastor and his wife at Sozo Church was something of a season-changing experience.
Two families, Joel's family and Justin's family, came and spent a lot of time with everyone at Aquila Church. This made us feel like there is a strong connection between church and church.
Justin and his family is coming next summer!
Pastor Justin and his family are moving to Ueda City next summer!
It is happening that Justin and his family is moving from Texas to Ueda City!!
They are making various preparations right now. After coming to Japan this time, they went to see some properties. We haven't found a good property yet, and we are praying for them!
There is still time until summer, so there is no rush, but please pray that the expenses for their move will be paid and that all of their needs will be met, including jobs, housing, and a good environment for raising their children.
If you'd like to get their newsletter, click here. We would also be extremely grateful for any financial support you could offer.
Aquila Ministry School?
While we had guests from Texas, many things happened. One of them was that a 19-year-old girl who has been coming to Aquila Church asked us, "Isn't there an Aquila Seminary?" She was also guided in prayer to stop taking college entrance exams.
We are really happy to hear that, but at the same time, since we don't have the resources to start up a seminary, we decided to start small in the form of a "ministry school."
I heard that Sozo Church had a ministry school, so I spoke with Pastor Joel about some things. I felt like God was sending help at just the right time.
If everything goes well, we may be able to connect her to the Sozo Church ministry school in Texas. We are currently in talks with the them and creating a plan.
Either way, a small but ministry school is about to be born in Aquila Church.
Please pray that we will be given faith and wisdom and that all our needs will be met financially, physically and in terms of time. Please also pray that we will be able to meet the desire of those who want to learn!
The end of the year season in the midst of wounds
After our guests returned to Texas, there were many challenges in our home. I cannot go into detail about them because they are too sensitive to write about in detail.
We feel responsible for the things that happened to hurt everyone in Aquila Church and the people involved, and we are sorry.
We now realize that behind our well-meaning and challenging hearts, there was pride and carelessness. Through pain we have come to know our immaturity.
In the midst of all this, Takeshi was making coffee as usual when he suddenly developed a backache. Then, like dominoes falling, symptoms of a cold and a sore jaw began to appear. By the end of the year, he was forced to take a break. This year's holiday season has been a painful one.
However, everyone at Aquila Church and the pastors and missionaries in Ueda City who are always there for us encouraged and supported us, and Pastor Joel immediately called us from Texas.
It was the end of the year when we could feel both the pain and the gratitude for our family in God and the strength of our family.
It was the end of the year when we were allowed to see and taste God's grace and power in our weakness, and it was a time of pain and at the same time a time of true gratitude.
A Christmas story at a local farmers' market
This Christmas, a farmer's market was held in the Sanada town area of Ueda City. In addition, we were asked to participate in the event because Aquila Church asked us to do a Christmas songs and story.
We also had a booth as Aquila Coffee and were so grateful to be given the time to connect with the community!
Santa Claus in Sanada Town
We live in a place called Sanada town, Ueda City, and there is a kindergarten there. Santa Claus came again this year on Christmas Day with presents.
Missionary Andrew, a member of Aquila Church, interpreted for Santa.
His wife Kanami and Chie also went and took pictures. Somehow, Takeshi didn't seem to be there.
There are about 120 children in the kindergarten.
Santa told the children that God loves them all. Then Santa went to the next place.
The director of the kindergarten asked Santa Claus to come to the kindergarten every year. I was happy that Chie, Andrew, and Kanami were able to witness the event.
Apparently Santa Claus left with a sore back. Takeshi also said that he would like to see Santa Claus next year.
Future plans for Aquila Church
Nearly 20 people have gathered recently for Friday Aquila Church. We felt the blessing of the Friday "Shabbat Dinner" more than we could have ever imagined. We had no idea that the Shabbat that God created would be such a powerful and great blessing. We are beginning to think about spreading out Friday Aquila Church in the future, as there are sometimes more than 30 people who gather at our home at the most.
\We have a vision of gathering on Sundays at Sunday Aquila Church.
Some of our families have already started to have Shabbat dinners. There are also some families who are trying to have Shabbat dinner with two or more families. We hope to encourage and work together as the Aquila Church to build a culture that values the "family of God" in cooperation with families.
Actually, in December we were given a trial opportunity to have Friday Aquila Church at the Andrews' house.
We were also exhausted at that time, so we were really helped by the Andruw family who accepted us with faith. It was also an exciting time for us to see the people who gathered to admire them.
They also took the time to thank and honor each other before dinner and to reconcile and repair their relationship, which was also a real blessing.
We learned a lot from them, and I feel that they have given us some direction for next year.
Hopefully, Friday Aquila Church will grow and divide in a positive way next year.
Aquila Farm
Aquila Farm has always been a home vegetable garden. However, at the end of this year, we were able to register with JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperative) to sell our vegetables.
We are very encouraged by our Sen-pai farmer who is working hard to become an independent farmer as Ushiono.farm. With his wisdom and encouragement, we plan to try to sell vegetables next year.
First, we will produce one yen from the field. And we will challenge ourselves to eventually create a source of funding for the ministry.
Prayer requests
・Please pray for healing for those we have hurt through our immaturity.
・Pray that like-minded teams will be built up firmly and that God's love will flow through them to the community.
Pray for faith and wisdom for the Aquila Ministry School (pseudonym).
・To be given a large meeting place that will be able to accommodate a coffee shop.
List of "Needed" and "Likely Needed" items
Different things are needed as we move forward. Please pray that these specific needs will be given to us. Also, if anyone is willing to give any of the items on the list or sell them at a discount, please let us know.
3 pin microphones - for message recording, creating content for podcasts and online distributions.
A tractor
A meeting room that can also be used as a café
Aquila Coffee fundraise
Thank you so much for supporting our ministry by purchasing our coffee beans! If you are interested in purchasing Aquila coffee, please feel free to contact us via DM on Instagram, LINE or Email.
Brazil 200g 1300円 100g 700円
Guatemala 200g 1300円 100g 700円
Ethiopian 200g 1500円 100g 800円
Fundraising Report
Calculating the increase/decrease of those who joined and ended their support, we now have 22 monthly supporters! Thanks to all of you!
Monthly Support Amount Total 7,2000 yen and $350
Monthly Supporters Total 22perosn
November 1st - 30th 2024
One-Time Donation Support Amount Total 95,000 yen
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!
We are happy to see more and more people supporting us!
Thank you so much for being part of our church pioneering and gospel sharing!
Support partners for Aquila Church
Aquila Church's vision is to "produce" and "support" a "modern Paul," just like Aquila and Priscilla did.
Monthly support target of $2500
We are looking for financial support partners to help us move toward the mission and vision given to the church.
50$ x 50 persons = 2500$
50$/month for 50 support partners to continue to operate the church.
Credit card transfers can be made at the following URL
Starting from 10$/month, you can specify the amount and one-time support is available.
We would appreciate your prayerful consideration.
You can get to know us quickly via SNS
Instagram: @aquila_church_japan
Web: https://achurchjapan.wixsite.com/achurch
Spotify: 天倉Church Radio
Youtube:天倉Church Chunnel