遠藤誉 2024/7/12
◾️中国ネット民 トランプ氏の「突き上げた拳」を熱狂絶賛――「これぞ強いリーダー!」
遠藤誉 2024/7/15
きみたちはなぜ「暴動」を起こさないんだろ、岸田政権に対して? 冗談抜きで理解に苦しむよ
◾️All Of Our Wealth Has Been Coming From You by MICHAEL HUDSON
NIMA ROSTAMI ALKHORSHID interview July 12 2024
But now that they're talking about missiles, when NATO talks about war, it's not a war of soldiers, because Ukraine doesn't have any soldiers. And how can they talk about providing weapons, all sorts of new weapons to Ukraine, when there's nobody to use them? The army is empty. It's in retreat.
So the question is, all this money that is being paid to the military industrial complex of the US, Germany, France, where are they going to be used for? Well, the implication is, well, we can use them in the China Straits.
We can use them in Asia. That's why we've invited Japan and South Korea here to try to stir things up and really make China fight, just like we've provoked Russia to fight.
So the only kind of war that America can fight is a war of destruction, not occupation, not conquest, but just bombing. And that is terrorism. And of course, the Americans back up the bombing with supporting the terrorist groups like ISIS, or like the Israeli Defense Forces, or the groups, the kind of groups that they
mobilized against the south of Russia before when they tried to spur great trouble in Chechnya, for instance, and Georgia.
This is the challenge that the SCO is facing. How is it going to cope with the fact that America is threatening to make Asian countries look like Ukraine? (…)
So I think that the Russians no longer are hesitating to fight against the United States itself, or other NATO troops.(…)
そして、軍に言うことができる。国務省やCIA、ネオコンがみんなやりたいことは、率直に言って、彼らは狂っている。本当に爆破されたいのか? なぜなら、私たちはあなたたちにこの控えめな核爆弾を使用しつつあることを見せているから。ポーランドはあまりに悪い。ルーマニアはあまりに悪い。しかし、少なくとも私たちはまだロンドンやパリ、韓国や日本の沖縄に爆弾を投下していない。
And we can tell the military, look, your State Department and the CIA and the neocons all want to work is, quite frankly, they're crazy. Do you really want to get blown up? Because we're just showing you, we're using this modest atomic bomb, too bad about Poland, too bad about Romania. But at least we didn't drop the bomb on London or Paris yet, or South Korea or Okinawa in Japan.
So I think that the West is so desperate, because the Western ideology is, if we don't destroy the SCO now, they'll destroy us. They're projecting, they really imagine that the SCO wants the West. And what you're hearing from Lavrov and Putin and Karaganov and from the Chinese counterparts are, you know, we're disgusted with the rest. We've seen the West as a failure. Don't you get it? The West has failed. We don't want to fail. We don't want to be with the West. We don't want contact with you. Or we're going our own way.
And the West can't imagine. They're saying, wait a minute, this is the end of history. We're there. We're the end of history. We are history. And you had the wonderful line of President Biden says, hey, I'm not senile. I'm controlling the whole world. I'm doing, I mean, this is, I'm not crazy. I'm running the world. This is the mentality in the United States foreign policy. All of this has been coming out in the open in the last week.
これはまさに始まりであり、一撃と連携がある。彼らは境界線を引いている。そして、それがまさに私たちが見ているものだ。そして、境界線は米国 NATO 対世界のマジョリティだけではない。それは、野蛮主義に対する社会主義、もし社会主義でないとしても混合経済だ。政府と民間企業が一緒になり、発展途上国が相互に協力することだ。つまり各国が単独で北米やヨーロッパと貿易しようとするのではないことだ。
だから、彼らは皆、境界線が引かれたことを認識していることがわかる。戦争が起こっている。これはまだウクライナを超えていない戦争であり、そこでの代理戦争だ。だがそれはほんの始まりに過ぎない。上海協力機構SCO の任務は、それがウクライナを越えて広がるのを防ぎ、ポーランドがドイツやバルト諸国と戦ったように、ウクライナを乗っ取ろうと他のヨーロッパ諸国と戦わせるのを防ぐことだ。ポーランドは、チャーチルに「ヨーロッパのハイエナ」と呼ばれていた。ポーランドが内部で戦争をし、分裂するままにさせ、東の文明人とは一切関わりを持たないようにすることだ。
This is really the opening, like there's a shot and an alignment. They're drawing the lines. And that's just what we're seeing. And the lines are really not only the U.S. NATO versus the global majority. It's really
barbarism versus, if not socialism, a mixed economy with governments and private enterprise together, developing countries mutually with each other, instead of each country by themselves trying to trade with North America and Europe.
That's the revolution we're seeing. And it's a civil, it is a civilizational revolution in the sense that it's returning to what the basis of civilization was way up until the West really took over. And you had this Christian ethic of hatred and destruction and the Catholic inquisition, which is really what neoliberalism is, the economic ideological inquisition.(…)
So you can see that they're all, they realize that the lines have been drawn. There is a war on. This is a war that has not yet gone beyond Ukraine, the proxy war there. That's just the beginning. And the job of the SCO is to try to prevent it from spreading beyond Ukraine and let Poland fight the rest of Europe to try to take it over, like it used to fight against Germany and the Baltics. You know, let there be an internal, I mean, Poland is really, it used to be called the hyena of Europe by Churchill. You know, let it go to war with itself and carve itself up, but just don't have anything to do with a civilized people to the East.
天皇の無い 蒼い空を取り戻す