




The ICC Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu Is Also an Indictment of US Policy and Complicity
JEFFREY D. SACHS Nov 21, 2024

Ultimately, this is the story of how the Israel lobby undermined America, wrecked the Middle East, and set a series of international crimes against humanity in motion.
公式発表があった。 アメリカの最も親密な同盟であるイスラエルのネタニヤフ首相は、ほんの数カ月前に議会で50回以上のスタンディングオベーションを受けたが、人道に対する罪と戦争犯罪の容疑で国際刑事裁判所に起訴された。 アメリカは注意しなければならない。アメリカ政府はネタニヤフの戦争犯罪に加担しており、ネタニヤフの中東全域にわたる暴力的な暴挙に全面的に協力してきた。

It’s official now. America’s closest ally, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the one accorded more than 50 standing ovations in Congress just months ago, is under indictment by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity and war crimes. America must take note: the U.S. Government is complicit in Netanyahu’s war crimes and has fully partnered in Netanyahu’s violent rampage across the Middle East.
For 30 years the Israel Lobby has induced the U.S. to fight wars on Israel’s behalf designed to prevent the emergence of a Palestinian State. Netanyahu, who first came to power in 1996, and has been prime minister for 17 years since then, has been the main cheerleader for U.S.-backed wars in the Middle East. The result has been a disaster for the U.S. and a bloody catastrophe not only for the Palestinian people but for the entire Middle East.

これらはイスラエルを守るための戦争ではなく、イスラエルによるパレスチナ人弾圧に反対する政府を倒すための戦争である。 イスラエルは、国際法、アラブ平和イニシアティブ、G20、BRICS、OIC、国連総会が求める2国家解決策に激しく反対している。 イスラエルの横暴とパレスチナ人民への残忍な弾圧は、占領開始以来、いくつかの過激な抵抗運動を生み出してきた。 これらの運動は、この地域のいくつかの国によって支援されている。


These have not been wars to defend Israel, but rather wars to topple governments that oppose Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people. Israel viciously opposes the two-state solution called for by international law, the Arab Peace Initiative, the G20, the BRICS, the OIC, and the UN General Assembly. Israel’s intransigence, and its brutal suppression of the Palestinian people, has given rise to several militant resistance movements since the beginning of the occupation. These movements are backed by several countries in the region.
The obvious solution to the Israel-Palestine crisis is to implement the two-state solution and to demilitarize the militant groups as part of the implementation process.
Israel’s approach, especially under Netanyahu, is to overthrow foreign governments that oppose Israel’s domination, and recreate the map of a “New Middle East” without a Palestinian State.



Rather than making peace, Netanyahu makes endless war.

What is shocking is that Washington has turned the U.S. military and federal budget over to Netanyahu for his disastrous wars. The history of the Israel lobby’s complete takeover of Washington can be found in the remarkable new book by Ilan Pappé, Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic (2024).
Rather than making peace, Netanyahu makes endless war.
Netanyahu repeatedly told the American people that they would be the beneficiaries of his policies. In fact, Netanyahu has been an unmitigated disaster for the American people, bleeding the U.S. Treasury of trillions of dollars, squandering America’s standing in the world, making the U.S. complicit in his genocidal policies, and bringing the world closer to World War III.


イスラエルロビーは議会の票を牛耳っているだけでなく、イスラエルの強硬な支持者を国家安全保障の要職に就けている。 マドレーン・オルブライト(クリントン国務長官)、ルイス・リビー(チェイニー副大統領首席補佐官)、ビクトリア・ヌーランド(チェイニー副国家安全保障顧問、ブッシュ・ジュニアのNATO大使、オバマの国務次官補、バイデンの国務次官)、ポール・ウォルフォウィッツ(ブッシュ・シニアの国防次官、 ブッシュ・ジュニアの国防副長官)、ダグラス・ファイス(ブッシュJr.の国防副長官)、アブラム・シュルスキー(ブッシュJr.の国防省特別計画局長)、エリオット・アブラズム(ブッシュJr.の国家安全保障副顧問)、リチャード・パール(ブッシュJr.の国防国家政策委員会委員長)、エイモス・ホッホスタイン(バイデンの国務長官上級顧問)、アントニー・ブリンケン(バイデンの国務長官)。


If Trump wants to make America great again, the first thing he should do is to make America sovereign again, by ending Washington’s subservience to the Israel Lobby.
The Israel Lobby not only controls the votes in Congress but places hardline backers of Israel into key national security posts. These have included Madeleine Albright (Secretary of State for Clinton), Lewis Libby (Chief of Staff of Vice President Cheney), Victoria Nuland (Deputy National Security Advisor of Cheney, NATO Ambassador of Bush Jr., Assistant Secretary of State for Obama, Under-Secretary of State for Biden), Paul Wolfowitz (Under-Secretary of Defense for Bush Sr., Deputy Secretary of Defense for Bush Jr.), Douglas Feith (Under-Secretary of Defense for Bush Jr.), Abram Shulsky (Director of the Office of Special Plans, Department of Defense for Bush Jr.), Elliott Abrams (Deputy National Security Advisor for Bush Jr.), Richard Perle (Chairman of the Defense National Policy Board for Bush Jr.), Amos Hochstein (Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State for Biden), and Antony Blinken (Secretary of State for Biden).
Netanyahu has been an unmitigated disaster for the American people, bleeding the U.S. Treasury of trillions of dollars, squandering America’s standing in the world, making the U.S. complicit in his genocidal policies, and bringing the world closer to World War III.

In 1995, Netanyahu described his plan of action in his book Fighting Terrorism. To control terrorists (Netanyahu’s characterization of militant groups fighting Israel’s illegal rule over the Palestinians), it’s not enough to fight the terrorists. Instead, it’s necessary to fight the “terrorist regimes” that support such groups. And the U.S. must be the one to lead:

The cessation of terrorism must therefore be a clear-cut demand, backed up by sanctions and with no prizes attached. As with all international efforts, the vigorous application of sanctions to terrorist states must be led by the United States, whose leaders must choose the correct sequence, timing, and circumstances for these actions.

ネタニヤフは2001年にアメリカ国民に語った(『テロとの闘い』の2001年の序文として転載されている):まず、理解すべき最も重要なことはこれだと。《主権国家の支援なくして国際テロリズムは存在しない。 国際テロは、それを支援・幇助する体制なしには、長く維持することはできない......このような国家の支援をすべて取り除けば、国際テロの足場全体が塵と化すだろう。国際テロ組織は、このようにイラン、イラク、シリア、アフガニスタンのタリバン、ヤセル・アラファトのパレスチナ自治政府、スーダンなど他のいくつかのアラブ政権を基盤としている》と。
As Netanyahu told the American people in 2001 (reprinted as the 2001 foreword to Fighting Terrorism):
The first and most crucial thing to understand is this:

There is no international terrorism without the support of sovereign states. International terrorism simply cannot be sustained for long without the regimes that aid and abet it… Take away all this state support, and the entire scaffolding of international terrorism will collapse into dust. The international terrorist network is thus based on regimes—Iran, Iraq, Syria, Taliban Afghanistan, Yasir Arafat’s Palestinian Authority, and several other Arab regimes, such as the Sudan.


9.11の後、ブッシュ・ジュニアのネオコン(チェイニーとラムズフェルドが主導)とブッシュ・ジュニアのイスラエルロビーインサイダー(ウォルフォウィッツとファイスが主導)は、中東(レバノン、イラン、イラク、シリア)とイスラム東アフリカ(リビア、ソマリア、スーダン)におけるネタニヤフの標的に対する一連の米国主導の戦争を通じて中東を作り直すために手を組んだ。 これらの戦争を煽動するイスラエルロビーの役割については、パッペの新著に詳しく書かれている。

ネオコンとイスラエルロビーの戦争計画は、9.11の直後に国防総省を訪れたウェスレー・クラーク将軍に示された。 ある将校が机から一枚の紙を取り出し、クラークに言った、「 イラクから始めて、シリア、レバノン、リビア、ソマリア、スーダン、そしてイランに移動するつもりだ」と。

All of this was music to the ears of the neocons in Washington, who similarly subscribed to U.S.-led regime change operations (through wars, covert subversion, U.S.-led color revolutions, violent coups, etc.) as the main way to deal with perceived U.S. adversaries.
After 9/11, the Bush Jr. neocons (led by Cheney and Rumsfeld) and the Bush Jr. insiders of the Israel Lobby (led by Wolfowitz and Feith), teamed up to remake the Middle East through a series of U.S.-led wars on Netanyahu’s targets in the Middle East (Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Syria) and Islamic East Africa (Libya, Somalia, and Sudan). The role of the Israel Lobby in stoking these wars of choice is described in detail in Pappe’s new book.
The neocon-Israel Lobby war plan was shown to General Wesley Clark on a visit to the Pentagon soon after 9/11. An officer pulled a paper from his desk and told Clark: "I just got this memo from the Secretary of Defense's office. It says we're going to attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in five years—we're going to start with Iraq, and then we're going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran."

2002年、ネタニヤフ首相はイラク戦争をアメリカ国民と議会に売り込み、こう約束した、「サダム、サダム政権を倒せば、この地域に計り知れないほどの好影響が及ぶと保証する[...] イランのすぐ隣に座っている人々、若者、その他多くの人々は、そのような政権、そのような独裁者の時代は終わったと言うだろう」と。

イラク戦争を先導したネタニヤフ首相の役割について、引退した海兵隊司令部曹長デニース・フリッツの著書『Deadly Betrayal』(2024年)には、驚くべき内部証言がある。 2002年初頭にイラクに派遣されることになったフリッツは、軍幹部になぜアメリカがイラクに派兵するのかと尋ねたが、明確な答えは得られなかった。 説明も正当化もできない戦いに兵士たちを導くよりはと、彼は軍を去った。

In 2002, Netanyahu pitched the war with Iraq to the American people and Congress by promising them that “If you take out Saddam, Saddam’s regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region[...] People sitting right next door in Iran, young people, and many others, will say the time of such regimes, of such despots is gone.”
A remarkable new insider account of Netanyahu’s role in spearheading the Iraq War also comes from retired Marine Command Chief Master Sargent Dennis Fritz, in his book Deadly Betrayal (2024). When Fritz was called to deploy to Iraq in early 2002, he asked senior military officials why the U.S. was deploying to Iraq, but he got no clear answer. Rather than lead soldiers into a battle he could not explain or justify, he left the service.



The neocon-Israel Lobby teamwork has marked one of the greatest global calamities of the 21st century.

In 2005, Fritz was invited back to the Pentagon, now as a civilian, to assist Under-Secretary Douglas Feith in the declassification of documents about the war, so that Feith could use them to write a book about the war. Fritz discovered in the process that the Iraq War had been spurred by Netanyahu in close coordination with Wolfowitz and Feith. He learned that the purported U.S. war aim, to counter Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, was a cynical public relations gimmick led by an Israel Lobby insider, Abram Shulsky, to garner U.S. public support for the war.
Iraq was to be the first of the seven wars in five years, but as Fritz explains, that follow-up wars were delayed by the anti-U.S. Iraqi insurgency. Nonetheless, the U.S. eventually went to war or backed wars against Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Lebanon. In other words, the U.S. carried out Netanyahu’s plans—except for Iran. To this day, indeed to this hour, Netanyahu works to stoke a U.S. war on Iran, one that could open World War III, either by Iran making the breakthrough to nuclear weapons, or by Iran’s ally, Russia, joining such a war on Iran’s side.

ネオコンとイスラエルロビーの連携は、21世紀最大の世界的惨事のひとつをもたらした。 イラク、レバノン、リビア、ソマリア、スーダン、シリアなど、アメリカやその代理人が攻撃した国々はすべて廃墟と化している。 その一方で、ネタニヤフ首相によるガザでのジェノサイドは今も続いている。今週もまた、米国は国連安全保障理事会の停戦決議に拒否権を発動し、(イスラエルを除く)世界の全会一致の意思に反対した。
トランプ政権が直面している真の問題は、2国家解決策に基づく和平をほぼ毎日繰り返し求める近隣諸国からイスラエルを守ることではない。 真の問題は、イスラエルロビーから米国を守ることである。
The neocon-Israel Lobby teamwork has marked one of the greatest global calamities of the 21st century. All of the countries attacked by the U.S. or its proxies—Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Syria—now lie in ruins. Meanwhile, Netanyahu’s genocide in Gaza continues apace, and yet again the U.S. has opposed the unanimous will of the world (other than Israel) this week by vetoing a UN Security Council ceasefire resolution that was backed by the other 14 members of the U.N. Security Council.
The real issue facing the Trump Administration is not defending Israel from its neighbors, who call repeatedly, almost daily, for peace based on the two-state solution. The real issue is defending the U.S. from the Israel Lobby.

この記事は、サックスの2022年7月28日付けの記事「ウクライナは最新のネオコン大災害[Ukraine is the latest neocon disaster By Jeffrey Sachs](June 28, 2022)とともに読むと、2020年代になって何が赤裸々になっているのかがいっそう鮮明化される、と私は思う。









