

This message brings news about:

  1. Recent Neurolaw Publications

  2. New Neurolaw Firm

  3. CLBB NeuroLaw Library

  4. Need a Volunteer Worker?

  1. Recent Neurolaw Publications

  1. Elizabeth Cauffman et. al., Adolescent Contact, Lasting Impact? Lessons Learned From Two Longitudinal Studies Spanning 20 Years of Developmental Science Research With Justice-System-Involved Youths, 24 Psychological Science in the Public Interest 133 (2024).

  2. Marc D. Rudolph et. al., At Risk of Being Risky: The Relationship Between “Brain Age” Under Emotional States and Risk Preference, 24 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 93 (2017).

  3. José M. Muñoz and José Ángel Marinaro, “You Shall Have the Thought”: Habeas Cogitationem as a New Legal Remedy to Enforce Freedom of Thinking and Neurorights, 17 Neuroethics (2024).

  4. Elisabetta Sirgiovanni et. al., A Recap on Italian Nerolaw: Epistemological and Ethical Issues, 16 Mind & Society 17 (2017).

  5. Francis X. Shen et. al., Ethical, Legal and Policy Challenges in Field-Based Neuroimaging Research Using Emerging Portable MRI Technologies: Guidance for Investigators and for Oversight, 11 J.L. & Biosciences 1 (2024).

  6. Mason Marks, Cognitive Content Moderation: Freedom of Thought and the First Amendment Right to Receive Subconscious Information, 76 Fla. L. Rev. 469 (2024).

  7. Wei Dou, et al., Neural Signatures of Evidence Accumulation Encode Subjective Perceptual Confidence Independent of Performance, Psychological Science (2024).

  8. Allan McCay et al., Brain-Computer Interfaces, Venture Capital, and the Many Challenges in Law, LSJ Online (2024).

  1. New Neurolaw Firm

  1. The Institute of Neurotechnology and Law (INL) is a pioneering research and advocacy center dedicated to exploring the intersection of neuroscience and legal standards. The organization is the first of its kind and was created in response to the swift advancements in neurotechnology and the emerging concerns over human rights and privacy. With the vision to foster a deeper understanding of how technological advancements in neuroscience can inform and transform legal practices, INL strives to bridge the gap between these two critical fields and create a future where neurotechnology not only advances human capabilities but does so within a framework that respects and enhances human rights and dignity. For more information, please visit the INL website at https://www.neurotechlaw.com.

  1. CLBB NeuroLaw Library

  1. The Center for Law, Brain & Behavior is launching the CLBB NeuroLaw Library, a one-of-a-kind information resource for people involved in the juvenile and adult criminal justice system. It provides free, open access to accurate and applicable neuroscience in order to bring about fairer, more effective and science-informed judicial outcomes. The NeuroLaw Library can be used across the legal-judicial spectrum – by defense attorneys and prosecutors, judges, probation and parole officers, advocates and incarcerated persons and their families and friends. A curated reservoir of journal articles, amicus briefs, and affidavits make up the core of the NeuroLaw Library. Other features include educational videos, a neurolaw dictionary, and toolkits for attorneys and incarcerated persons. For more information, please visit https://clbbneurolawlibrary.com

  1. Need a Volunteer Worker?

  1. My name is Derin Mirza, and I am a Turkish second-year law student at Durham University in the UK. I aspire to become a barrister in the UK. However, I have a great interest in human biology's impact on criminal activity. The intersection of neuroscience and law prompts me to consider whether insights into human nature should influence legal principles and practices. Therefore, I'm willing to contribute to any kind of project that explores these areas of law. I did two internships in significant law firms in Istanbul and will be starting my mini-pupillage in Whitestone Chambers in London this September. I can send my detailed CV, which also includes my publications, to whoever is interested. As for availability, I can voluntarily work online at the hours that are suitable for all parties involved. I highly appreciate any opportunity. Thank you. I can be reached at Derin Mirza <derinmirza@gmail.com>

Neurolaw News
is produced by The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience, headquartered at Vanderbilt Law School, 131 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203, under the directorship of Owen D. Jones.

Further Information

Generally: http://www.lawneuro.org/

Neurolaw Bibliography: http://www.lawneuro.org/bibliography.php

Neurolaw News Archives: http://www.lawneuro.org/listserv.php#archives

Neurolaw Video Channel: http://www.lawneuro.org/videos.php
