Cross Cultural Communicationっていう授業があったんだけど、その時に「I statement」を大切にしてほしいって元DELLで働いてた方がおっしゃっていたんだよね。「世間ではこうだから」「これが常識」「一般的に見たら〜」って使いがちなんだけど、結局のところなに??っていう話なんだよね。何かを主張したい時には「自分はこう思うんだけど。。」っていうことをちゃんということってすごい大事なんだなって思う。こういったことは海外の人ってすごくうまいし、それなりの割合の日本人が苦手なことだね。だからといって日本人が悪いかと言われるとそうでもない。日本人は空気感というか他人を慮るのが上手。自分の行動が他人にどのような影響があるのかっていうのはわかっている人が多い。だけど、いつも相手ばかりを考えているといつの間にか自分の心がどこかに飛んでいくような感じになるし「俺って何がしたかったんだ?」ってなる。
Reflecting on this year:
I finished submitting my graduating thesis last year, but I hadn’t relaxed for a while because I had to prepare final report meeting and preparation for the TIAS examination. However, I was very happy to join the dance concert (Thank you for spending the time with me).
I had been NEAT since this April, I should have used good time for me (studying, traveling experiencing), but it was what it was because my mental condition was not so good.
Reaching the date when I joined TIAS, I was looking forward to joining the program, on the other hand, I was nervous about whether I could get along with new classmates and keep up with the classes. Actually, I could do it thanks to everyone. However, I had some trouble and didn’t take care of myself.
I had a great lecture, “Cross-Cultural Communication”. The lecturer who worked at DELL before said you should use an “I statement”. When it comes to arguing about something, we should say “I think 〇〇〇”. I realized how important the “I statement” is. Besides, I feel that many foreigners can use the “I statement” well and Japanese cannot. But, this situation is not so bad for the Japanese. Many Japanese can take care of others and consider the atmosphere. They also think about how their behavior influent. These are Japanese strong points. I think Japanese should learn the “I statement”. Japanese should take care of themselves.
Thanks to my friends, I learned how important playing/enjoying is. These activities change my mind/values. It’s a good experience for me to spend time with my friend to go out, eat, chat, etc. I spent much of my money but it’s no problem! If spending my money for flourishing my life, it is OK. This value fits me. I’ll quote sentences from “Homo Ludens”. “The starting point of the problem is the playing mind, which is replaced by real actions in various forms of play. In other words, it must be an attitude of play, an almost childish notion of playfulness, defined by rules and away from "everyday life," and expressed in acts of rhythm, alternation, regular transformation, contrasting climaxes, harmony, and so on, that can expand man's innate desires. It is.” We should play seriously even though we understand that it is “play”. Thanks to this perspective, I can enjoy “play” and spend my time and money on it.
Here are my goals for the next year.
First, my career development. I wanna finish job hunting as soon as possible. I’ve got realized what I want to do in the future, so I should organize my thoughts and work on my research and do my internship.
Second, internship. I should go oversea to do my internship, otherwise, I cannot graduate from this program. This is my priority, so I have to prepare for it.
Third, working on my research. I should rethink the motivation of my research.
And also I’m getting better my English skill!!
At last, I’ll give gratitude to all of you who supported me this year.
Dear parents, thanks for letting me join the master’s program. Owing to you, I’m enjoying my campus life, I’ve learned new perspectives and knowledge. I will find new knowledge and contribute to our society. Moreover, I wanna say “thank you” to my brother. “Do it hard if you wanna do it,” he said. Thank you.
Dear professors in Tsukuba, thank you for supporting me with my research and preparation for the examination of TIAS. I will write a good paper, and make good my career.
Dear alumni of Tsukuba, it has been less than one year and I’m happy that everyone looks good and enjoys their life! I would like to meet you, so if you come to Tsukuba, please let me know!!!
Dear classmates of TIAS, I’ve learned a new perspective, thoughts, mindset, culture, etc. I love all of you and thank you for supporting me!
See you next year!