
【要点英文法】比較の要点だけまとめてみた!③ 練習問題付き

1. 比較の強調表現

1.1 原級・比較級・最上級の強調語一覧

  • very: 原級◎、比較級×、最上級◎

  • much: 原級×、比較級◎、最上級○

  • far: 原級×、比較級◎、最上級○

  • even/still: 原級×、比較級◎、最上級×

  • by far: 原級×、比較級△、最上級◎

1.2 実践例

  • The building is much older than we think.

  • This is the very best book I've ever read.

2. Not More Than / Not Less Than

2.1 基本ルール

  • not more than: 多くても (上限を示す)

  • not less than: 少なくとも (下限を示す)

2.2 類似表現

  • at most: 多くても

  • at least: 少なくとも

2.3 実践例

  • He has not more than 1,000 yen.

  • She has not less than five children.

3. 同一物内の比較

3.1 more 原級(A) than 原級(B)  ※BというよりむしろA


  • She is more pretty than beautiful.

3.2 同一物内の最上級

(theがあることで限定されていた最上級表現だが、at 以下で場所が限定されているから、theがなくても最上級であることが伝わる)

  • The lake is deepest at that point.

4. 比較の慣用表現

4.1 as...as 表現

  • as good as: ~も同然

  • as busy as a bee: とても忙しい

  • as...as ever lived: 並外れて~

4.2 実践例

  • The car looked as good as new.

  • He is always as busy as a bee.


  1. 次の英文を最上級表現を使って書き換えなさい。

    • She is the most intelligent in her class.
      = She is more intelligent than ( ) student in her class.

  2. 適切な表現を選びなさい。

    • This coffee is (not more / not less) than lukewarm.

  3. 次の日本文を英訳しなさい。

    • 彼は新品同然の車を買った。

  4. 適切な強調語を入れなさい。

    • This is ( ) better than that one.


  1. any other

  2. not more

  3. He bought a car as good as new.

  4. much


  1. much older than we think

  2. none the less for

  3. as busy as a bee

  4. more kind than honest

  5. not less than five
