



1997年 東京都青梅市で誕生
2007年 母親の大学院留学を理由にアメリカ合衆国カンザス州に移転
2009年 またもや母親の大学院(博士課程)を理由にウィスコンシン州に移転
2014年 大学受験を理由に日本帰国。神奈川総合高校という公立高校に高校2年生で編入。
2016年 慶應義塾大学 経済学部入学
2018年 持病のぶどう膜炎の影響で緑内障、白内障診断。
2020年 慶應義塾大学 経済学部卒業
2021年ー2024年 アマゾンジャパン勤務
2024年 シンガポールの大学院(修士課程)進学と現地企業で5ヶ月間勤務







Hello! A quick introduction about myself and regarding my upcoming articles. 

My name is E.T. I am currently a postgrad student studying masters in Singapore. I also worked here for several months before, and currently an aspiring entreprneur as well.. 

Before we get started, here is a quick timeline about myself

1997 Born in Ome, Tokyo 
2007 Relocate to Lawrence, Kansas due to my mother pursuing her masters degree there 
2009 Relocate again to Milwaukee, Wisconsin due to my mother pursuing her PhD degree there 
2014 Return back to Japan to attend public highschool for 1.6 years 
2016 Enters Keio University
2018 Childhood Uveitis turns into Glaucoma and Cataracts, go through Glaucoma surgery however ends up losing around 10% of field of vision 
2020 Graduated Keio University with Bachelors in Economics 
2021-2024  Works at Amazon in Japan 
2024 Makes a move to Singapore

I have listed several of my key life events above, so please let me know if there are any topics you would want to know or read about. 
The reason I started this note account is to share my experiences so that it would benefit at least one of my readers. I am hoping I can build a community here and that my experiences and content can be helpful to some of you going through Japanese college entrance, job-hunting, job-hunting in Singapore or overall to learn more about life in Singapore. 

I am also hoping I can help and build community of people with similar medical conditions and help eachother out and build awareness for eye conditions that even young people can struggle with today. 

Thank you for reading all the way till the end !Please comment any topics you would want to see from me. 

