Day 22 : Omusubi
Omusubi, or Onigiri, is a Japanese traditional fast food. It’s so easy to cook. Just prepare some steamed rice and ball some rice up by your hand and put something inside, whatever you want inside, meat, fish, pickles,,,. Basically you wrap with seaweed.
You can bring it with you anywhere.
In any convenience store or supermarket you could also get those. But it is originally of course homemade mother’s food, especially for lunch.
These days we are having more of the Omusubi speciality shops where you could buy some traditional ones and avant-garde ones, like this!
The photo of this link shows you an Omusubi wrapped by thin roasted beef!
And honestly I did not know we have these variety of Omusubi shops, and Husky, one of my friends is challenging to have one Omusubi from that kind of speciality store, not from convenience s and supermarkets, a day, although I heard that there is one Omusubi shop introduced by Michelin...
We are Japanese who are evolving our food culture incessantly...
Word of the day:
Incessantly (絶え間なく)
Quote of the day:
Wrap your mind around my thoughts as I wrap my soul around your heart. - Munia Khan